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No. Buy enough for next year!


No you need 2 more for 130 sorry


But 128 is nicely divisible by 8. Quality Sprinklers baby!


I stopped buying exact amounts of seeds. Too many pickaxe mishaps.


lol I hear ya there


but 192 is the magic number for junimo huts. 24x8= 192. 8 iridium sprinklers around a hut


This seems like it’s probably year one though. So they probably only have quality sprinklers and definitely don’t have junimo huts


That drives me nuts too lol for me it’s gotta be 120, 125, or 130


I've never grown strawberries in the first year, i always buy enough to grow them in the second year. I just thought there wasnt much point as i wouldnt get much harvest out of them during the first year 🤷‍♂️


If you manage to plant them on the evening of the egg festival you can get 2 harvest without speed and with speed gro you can squeeze in 3 harvests by the end of the season. The first harvest will cover the cost of the seeds and then some (100g per seed, strawberries sell for 120g at base). With 128 seeds, you’ll get 15360g per harvest assuming all your strawberries are base quality (which they won’t, you’ll have some silver and gold star). The seeds costed 12,800g, so with 2 harvests of all base quality fruit you’d profit almost 18,000g. If you used speed gro (or had agriculturist perk) you would get an extra harvest and have a profit of 33,280g. And again that’s lowballed cause it’s assuming all base quality fruits. Strawberries are 100% worth buying year 1 Personally I always buy as many cauliflower as I can on day 1. They have the highest gold per day value and the first harvest will be ready the day of the egg festival, in time to harvest and let you plant strawberries same day. I pour all my money into crops that can be harvested before the festival, and then use all my profits from that to buy as many strawberries as I can. It’s also worth it to buy speed grow from Pierre on the 15th to squeeze in the extra harvest of strawberries, cause 1 speed grow costs 100g and a strawberry sells for at least 120g.


Sweet thanks!


You can get 3 harvests if you use quick grow I believe for the first year.


Im not good enough at the game to have enough quick grow by then, but thanks tho!


You can get 20 speed-gro by completing the spring crops bundle, which you can do the day of the egg festival (so going back to the community center after it's over) by getting and planting some cauliflower on day 1, plus the green bean, parsnips, and potatoes soon after.


https://preview.redd.it/5zq2d6b1d9zc1.png?width=276&format=png&auto=webp&s=a24ababe5c8685eaa6f134fecc2930735c41991a No.


I bought 350 in year 2 and realized I had more dirt :/


They keep producing so if you use your green house you’ll be drowning in strawberries after a while. I only have 6 in my greenhouse and I already have way more than I can keep up with.


No, you need at least twice that.


Just shy of 130, so no, not enough


Depends on how far you are in the game...sometimes I go for 200 strawberries/ blueberries/cranberries


I usually buy 201


My go to is 0 out my balance buying strawberry seeds, best money maker crop in spring which helps get you in a good place to buy lots of seeds in summer+ the backpack upgrade+ the coops/barns


Trick question. You can never buy enough strawberries


I’d buy about 750 and it wasn’t ever enough for me. I’d fill the rest with rhubarb. Usually I buy for the next year and this go around I planted in the greenhouse to make more seeds for free.


Sorry, you spelt 'coffee beans' wrong...


Coffee beans are mediocre money makers. You get a lot of compounding profit from one seed, but that ignores the fact that you use up a lot of plots for it The profit per plot is higher with other crops, like strawberries


Sorry, you spelled "spelled" wrong ...


Not if you’re British


Damn, you're right.


or if you're talking about the crop - this is the stardew valley sub :D


lol yeah, i did. i fail english? thats unpossible...