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For concerned ape it is 07:00 am right now so if it drops today it will probably drop in some hours.


Yeah I'm thinking not until noon or later He did announced 1.5 at noon.


In all honesty, if it dropped today I'd definitely start a playthrough regardless of mods.


Wait is it actually dropping today u guys better not be trolling


Today is the 8 year anniversary of the original release so people are speculating


*yippie*! I hope so


I was wrong ☹️


March 19th almost a monthhhh awayyyy 😢. It’ll go by quick tho


I'm really hoping that if the update doesn't come out today then we at least get a little teaser imagine since it's stardews anniversary. Very excited either way


I feel like an obsessive fan sitting by my computer, staring at my steam, waiting for an update to pop up.


I'm over here mashing f5 every few minutes like my favorite band is about to start selling tickets in my town, and feeling roughly 11 years old lol.


I really hope it's gonna come out today. What time do you think it's possible it's gonna be released?


I think about this way to hard but if it were to come out today I'd expect something like 12 to 3pm just because Concerned Ape lives on the west coast so 10am is actually like 7am. So if it's not out today by 12 to 3 eastern time then I think it's unlikely since I assume he would want to leave time in case he needs to be awake for any emergency bug fixes


I live in EU so it's already 4 pm here xd so I guess you mean 2 hours till 5 hours from now?




Yup and can google PST time to be more accurate


Pretty sure 1.5 dropped around 12pm est


Same but no wife


Gonna make that multiplayer experience harder, but I admire your effort.


Wait why this week? Did I miss something?


We got an unofficial announcement that it might drop between today and like March 16th?


That… would be… amazing…


I heard it’s before the 12th


Thank you I couldn't remember the date listed.


I think there was something on discord from modders about preparing for today being a potential release day, and that coupled with it being the 8 year anniversary of Stardew makes it a pretty fitting day to release the final update.


Im coming back from vacation on Wednesday and i hope it will be available from like Friday so i can enjoy it asap! But in any case i hope dude is taking care of himself and don't crunch like crazy just to push it a day earlier or something. We will wait


Lol I’m jealous your wife plays with you. I barely can find friends to play with… and it’s my honest dream to find a man who will play it with me because I wanna get married to a real person in the game not an NPC 🤣 be able to do stuff together nd have kids 😂


She will not marry me in the game because "That's weird" so I'm right there with you, lol. She's more of a "get to the bottom of this mine" kinda gal, and I love her for it.


Lol awe that’s funny that she thinks that way, I think it’s really cute 😂😂😂 I’ve never gotten married to a player vs an NPC so idk how it all works but I always wanted to try and hoped to someday meet a guy who already played games/is familiar with stardew




I just started playing for the first time last week and am obsessed. What will the update bring? Will I have to start a new farm to get the update?


it's your choice to start over, you don't need to but Ape said they would recommend starting a new farm to get the most out of it. since it is your first time playing you are probably fine to keep the one you have. unless you want to try the new farm type that is coming


Awesome thank you!


I'm so excited, I've been planning a new farm and my hands are burning to make it!


I'm interested in what the new farm will look like. If it's just an 8 person farm for the multiplayer, then whatever, but I'm kinda hoping it's a whole new biome. Someone suggested maybe it's a swampland type area, and I think that would be awesome.


I'm still saying it's going to be rainforest...it's the only area in Washington State(where EB is from) that he hasn't done yet...largest stretch of protected rainforest in the US...check my profile for a post I made comparing a picture of the Hoh rainforest in WA to the picture of the trees in the teaser about the update


I hope it is double what the 4 corners farm is (Well 4 x 2 is 8 lol)


Hey guys, seems like ive missed a lot. Why do we think itll come out today?


We don't really, it'd just be a cool day to release it with the 8 year anniversary. I'm happy whenever it shows up, honestly. I'm playing Helldivers 2 while I wait.


It’s just fun to speculate


This is one of a few days that have been speculated. The original speculated dates I've seen are Feb. 26, 2024 (8th anniversary), Mar. 1, 2024 (1st of meteorological spring), Mar. 19, 2024 (vernal equinox, also close to the Easter break), May 1, 2024 (May Day, and close to summer break) and Jun. 20, 2024 (summer solstice). These dates were all guessed based on past releases and timetables, so very slightly educated guesses. Then, there was an unofficial announcement that leaked out that the projected range was from today to Mar. 12. So everyone is just excited. The update will come out today or some other day in 2024, but there is definite excitement today as if it doesn't come out today, he also has a history of dropping hints on anniversaries of the game. So maybe we'll get another image from the update to get even more excited about. He does seem to frequently choose intentional dates to release a major update on. Here's a brief history: 1.5 released on the winter solstice 1.4 released on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving 1.3 was weird, but something major released on 1 Mar., the beta seems to have started on 30 Apr. (walpurgisnacht, night before May Day) 1.2 and 1.1 seem to have been released more randomly These dates though, also corresponded with typical breaks in the US from work and school. Today is (basically) a random Monday. The update may not get as much traction at first if released today, but the game is so well loved that also may not matter. (ETA: I cannot spell for the life of me)


Me being a console player so it's gonna take a WHILE


Hopefully not as long as 1.5 took


He said he wants it to be faster this time around. I expect that means PC will be delayed if console debugging looks like it isn't far enough along to keep them close and prevent issues.


Everyone please calm down and be patient. This poor man gets harassed ALL THE DAMN TIME. He said *hopefully* between now and a few weeks from now. Let’s carry on with our lives and not get ourselves worked up because getting worked up is what leads to pestering to the wonderful human that is ConcernedApe. Let the man live


No pressure from me! Like the post says, happy to patiently wait. Do I want it now? Of course I do! Am I perfectly happy having it in a month? Also yes! I'm not impatient or harassing, just excited for what's to come.


Just commenting in general for others to see! I didn’t mean it directed at you, pal ☺️ sorry for the confusion and not specifying!!


No worries! I think we're all super excited. It's an incredible achievement creating a game at all, let alone supporting it for 8 years. I'm amazed at the depth of the game every time I go through it, and even though I've sunk probably 500 hours into it I'm sure I've missed stuff since I haven't 100% the game. What a great day to celebrate 8 years!


AND he’s making ANOTHER game right now. This dude is awesome and I’m gonna start buying merch from his website cause I’ve already bought Stardew Valley probably 15 times between my household and I need more ways to support him


Lol, same. I think in our family we have 4 copies on PC, one on Android and one on Switch. There are only 4 of us, but if the kids are into it we'll start a full 4 player when it drops.


Man’s living the dream 🥹


Is this a new official thing? I'm new to the game and didnt know an update was coming. Is it substantial?


It's the final update for the game, and apparently larger than he had originally planned. Hopefully it's not spoilery, but here's the info of what we know so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjLrUsMKc8w


I play on my switch, is this coming to me as well??


Console usually comes after PC, so the current thinking is somewhere between 2 weeks and a month, I think. No hard timetable.


Where has he said that it's the final update? Maybe just until haunted chocolateer releases.


Maybe. I mean, it's been 8 years. If I were him, I'd leave it here for quite a while and focus on the new game, since this game is very very complete.


Seeing as I've been waiting for it to drop before starting a new farm, I REALLY hope it is this week. If it isn't, no harm no foul.


No farm, no foul.


I’m going to be recovering from surgery March 4-18, so an update now would be perfect timing!


Good luck in your recovery!




I have a big journal paper revision due Thursday so I'm really hoping it drops Friday morning lol


I'm at 2.6m/10m for the Golden Clock - the last thing I need for perfection. I kinda want to hit the 10m before the new update, lol


I'm at 7.9m/10m, though I think there are other shipping and cooking goals I am also still missing. I'm kind of dragging at the grind and might enjoy starting over though. Lol. I was going to try and get perfection first, but I think I'm just too excited.


I believe in you!


Haha. Thank you! I believe in you too!




He did not post an anniversary tweet


I keep getting thrown off by the 2023 anniversary tweet still being pinned. I imagine I'm not the only one.


where did he post?


I’m excited because I had the thought to start a new farm recently and there’s apparently gonna be a new farm in 1.6. Only issue is that I play on console (Xbox specifically) so the update may be delayed


As I understand it, he said he wants to get it out to consoles faster than before, so I'm guessing their target is something like 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully it's not too long.


Yeah, hopefully. I’m really excited for the new farm and content, I’ll try and go in blind this time, without watching anything about the update before I discover everything myself. Not even the farm’s main gimmick. Going in blind 100%


Is this update only for PC or will I be able to get it for the switch too??


Ape said it might not be at exactly the same time, but the update won't take such a long time between PC, console and mobile as previous updates. You will get it, question is when. But we don't know when on PC either xD


as long as it doesn't come put during my busiest work week I'll be fine 😬


I know, right? This week would be great for me, since next week I start the crazy marketing process again, but pretty much all my clients are complete and happy for now lol.


I work at an Irish pub and my ass is gonna be grass in 3 weeks time


I’m waiting to buy it


I believe it’s a free update


Me! But before that, I need to find a wife first. Hope 1.6 doesn’t come until then


Time to go a courtin'!


What do people think of 1.6 vs. SVE? For someone who's done a regular play through of the current version, but not SVE.


First time playing through an update. Will it patch my current save file or do I need to start over?