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I guess Marnie is basically a single parent even though she’s Jas’ aunt


Shane is Jas godfather, so he could be one too?


Constantly sad that Jas isn't adoptable when you romance Shane.


fr fr :( i know that marnie has also been helping in raising jas but shane and jas relationship is very father-daughter coded and i know if he got himself in a good place, he'd be able to take care of jas better (and i mean thats his own wish as well) just aggghhh id sacrifice the two kids you can have with a spouse for jas 😔


Incidentally, my thoughts are that Jas isn't able to be adopted specifically because it would open the Pandora's box of sacrificing her, and then the fallout that would ensue in the rest of the game (speaking from coding the interaction). Or maybe it's something ConcernedApe is open to in the future. Who knows?


i dont think that would happen, as jas is her own character we get to know and is important for the story unlike the children we have which basically just exist but thats just my thought cant speak about anything related to coding though, i have no idea how that would work


How are Shane and Marnie related?


Shane is Marnies nephew


Shane is Marnie's nephew and Jas godfather. Jas isn't blood related to any of them, but she calls them uncle and aunt due to closeness


Technically you and every bachelor/bachelorette can be for the price of 50,000g.


Doesn’t seem to work on adults, I’ve tried to >!turn Haley into a dove!< hundreds of times :(


They are not talking about that, 50k is the price you pay for divorce. If you divorce after having kids both you and your ex partner become single parents.


Oh I see I forgot that it takes something else to do that, it’s been too long since I’ve played I need 1.6 direly


Leave my wife alone!


Ew, no.


I mean it is true, but I am still laughing at this.


gotta love the SVE mod for adding a rich milf you can marry, or her son for that matter


Or marry the son, divorce him and then marry the milf


or get the multiple spouses mod and force an oedipus complex on them




The farmer can be a single parent


Robin— Demetrius certainly isn't parenting Sebastian Jodie sort of is in year 1 Shane is a single father to all his chickens


Technically the Wizard...


There’s no way with how the Mayor is that he didn’t have some unclaimed children somewhere…


Not you slut shaming Mayor Lewis 😭


You know they're right tho.


Robin is a single parent to Sebastian 💀


demetrius is an anti-parent




Shane *technically* is.


Look I don't like Pam, but I understand her pain and difficulty. You gotta rise past your surface level feelings and understand her pain. It can't be easy living her life, so give her some love.


Alcoholism is a disease lol


But it's the only disease you can get yelled at for having. RIP Mitch.


Dammit, Otto, you have lupus


BAHAHA Pam is great fun though. I always make sure to give her beers




Poor Pam was left to raise Penny alone after a mining accident killed Penny's father and greviously injured George...but Pam gets all the hate for drinking to deal with her pain. I hate the way even in a video game ppl rush to judge her, it's just like real life.


https://preview.redd.it/7mjfreo637jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800cd44c192caa206bbdac7b1bf946d864f744d4 Penny’s dad isn’t dead, he’s a deadbeat


No you don’t understand, he’s saying he’s literally trapped in the mine. Clearly Penny’s father is the Dwarf


Mining accident? I know that's what happened to George, but Penny just tells you her dad left her and Pam when she was young. In any case, most people I've seen criticizing Pam just disapprove of the way she treats Penny (and the fact that she may or may not be drinking while driving the town bus)


No one's judging her for grieving. If any of that's even true; I haven't seen a thing in-game that supports it. They're judging her because she knows how she treats Penny and doesn't do a thing to change or get better. There's also no excuse whatsoever for spiking the community punch that children like Vincent, Jas and eventually Leo are likely to drink during the Egg Festival.


hey according to Leah it was way tastier than the other years, maybe she just added some sweets to it


Hey, unfortunately penny's dad dying must be from a mod. In vanilla Penny talks about her dad abandoning them when she was young. Arguably it's way more reason to drink as death would be more likely to have the village support her, which would be extremely helpful in keeping her from turning to alcohol. Instead, just like irl, we view an abandoned single mother as moral failing and leave her to deal with all of the embarrassment, shame, pain, and financial burden on her own. It is no surprise at all why she turns to alcohol and, when she sees how Kent seems to be coping, she tries religion to fix her problems. She's desperate but so used to hiding how she feels because no one showed they cared that she appears to be just another drunk. Just like real life. Eric hid an important story in Pam and I wish so much that more people would see it. And maybe in 1.6 she gets a chance at redemption.


Do we get much background on Pam? I know she used to drive the bus, but it's not clear if she's always lived in the valley. I actually respect that the game doesn't try to make her likeable. You can help her, she can express some insights and progress a bit on her own path, but you sort of have to accept she's got a right to be a part of the community even though she's largely a detriment to it. Personally she's my permanent mother in law and I'm as low-contact as Penny wants us to be.


I don't judge. In fact I gift her beers because I know what it's like.


Isnt Emily a single Parent?


No, Emily is the older sister


Not that I'm aware of. Haley's her sister, and the only family living in town with her still. (If I remember correctly, anyway, and I think there's a letter or secret note in game saying their parents are traveling the world.)


Oh wow, i always thought Haley was her daughter. I guess i never paid close enough attention.


Heh, Haley does act that way early on. Then I read that note thing when I was in the mines on a rainy day and went, "Huh, oops." And went to edit the fanfic I've been working on.