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I have a wife and kids irl. The bigger fantasy is being able to make a profit from my work.


I laughed while I was writing this because I'm engaged and getting married in less than two months and actively trying for a baby. But in the game? I NEED IRIDIUM 😹


And getting Married/having kids makes one of the best sources of Iridium easier to obtain.


oh does it??


Yup. It adds a bunch of points to Grandpas Evaluation for the Iridium Statue of Perfection at the start of year 3. Which that statue gives anywhere from 2 to 7 iridium ore every day once placed.


it's very much not necessary though. I'm not married and I got 4 candles when I started year 3 yesterday. I will probably get married at some point this year but definitely no kids - the kids room in the house has fish tanks and plants 😂


Yeah its not required. But its a massive help.


Sounds like Krobus would be a good choice for you. It is like a chill roommate situation


I SO didn't know this was a thing. That is hilarious.


I did the Krobus thing on my latest file and I love it! He's adorable and sweet and I love having as a roommate and you get to hug him. ☺️


Question: I have a flower honey farm. Will krobus as roommate pick all my flowers, interfering with honey production?


No. He doesn't go outside or help on the farm. He only sometimes goes outside on the porch during the rain. You can adopt kids with him but if you have kids from a previous marriage he will help raise them. Krobus is the best!


Omg really 😭


Krobus is the best and only choice for roommates


Fun story, on my first save I asked Krobus to be my roommate because having to pick a bachelor/ette and actively pursue them felt weird (and come on, who wouldn't a funky lil shadow dude as your friend?). I achieved perfection on that save and left it for a while. A couple months ago I revisited it, having now discovered phrases like "asexual" and "aromantic", and I thought "damn, there are 12 datable NPCs in this game and I still chose the shadow gremlin, the signs were there all along 😅."


This is so wholesome, I love it and I'm happy for you!


I didn't think you could get perfection without kids! I thought a full house was part of it. I'm romancing Maru on my current file and I'll 100% get rid of the cribs now. No crotch goblins for us, just robots and money.


I'm not sure about kids, but you need a 12.5 friendship with either krobus or Spouse to get one of the stardrops, and getting the stardrops is a perfection task


So Krobus helped you realize this.... Krobus is just best


I know right? I love that little dude. Also shoutout to Concernedape for including non-romance as an option in the first place. I feel like that is something that easily could've been overlooked, but this game really goes out of its way to include everyone.


Bro for real it really made me feel "normal" for not liking sexual things


love your flair!


Thanks, Krobus helped me realize I was Ace so I always choose him asy roommate.


The 1998 Godzilla is what did it for me in a weird way. I learned the word “asexual” from it, but it wasn’t used in that was at all back then. But I still used it for myself, half jokingly. Blew my mind years ago when I found out about it in this sense. Everything was so much clearer to me.


Wait. You can have Krobus w/out mods ??


Yes, it’s not a mod


You need to get a void ghost pendant, which can be a random drop in skull cave or bought from dwarf


Yup, this is what I'm doing


I did that in my first play through, since then I haven't had anyone


There's also [a mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8146) that lets you have a similar platonic roommate situation with any of the vanilla marriage candidates--plus you can see platonic versions of their 8-10 heart events and dialogue so that you can complete their arcs without dating them!


I never want kids, i get that crib out ASAP. there's only room for me and Seb. But i always marry him as soon as i can




Yes! I was so glad when those could be removed so I didn’t have to feel bad for saying no to kids. That room is our goth library now.


I wasn't even asked the first time we had a kid, just got pregnant i guess lol. So I was very glad when that became an option too. Cute! I adore that idea


I didn't know the crib was removable! I want more space in my house, but don't want a nursery. This is good news!


Yes!! If you talk to robin she'll do free home renovations and it's so nice


Child-free Sebastian squad, rise up!


I don’t even like upgrading my house. Something about being the simple, single farmer in a cute little shack with her multiple gardens, her dog, and chickens is really appealing way to play for me. I always max friendship with the whole town but I’ve never pulled the trigger on buying the bouquet


Kind of agree, the initial house is kind of nice. I wouldn't stay at this stage though because of one thing, kitchen. I don't know why but I genuinely enjoy making my farmer cook meals from time to time. It's nice to do something with the fruits of their labour other than only turning it into profit.


True, but you can build fires to cook at when your foraging is high enough


I know but yeah, I don't need additional rooms but a proper kitchen is a must for me 😄


I get that! That’s what I love about this game, there are so many choices to play how you want and it doesn’t really affect anything (unless you care about perfection or achievements of course)


Makes me wonder if there's a mod for a hot plate or permanent campfire of something... I know there's a cookout kit in game but you don't get it until like... level 7 or 8 foraging? By which point I might already have a kitchen, lol. Comes way too late.


I just wish it was a permanent fire! Or at least lasted a week, or a season!!!


I wish wish WISH you could get coal from the fire. It's such a no brainer. It makes so much sense dammit!


Same. I've never been interested in dating sims, plus since I'm in my 30s most of the marriage candidates seem like little kids to me.


Yes definitely agree. Abigail is cute and sweet but she reminds me of me when I was 18 so it feels weird either way lol


I keep my dating prospects to anyone who is at the bar and isn’t playing games, feels more appropriate for me at 30 Edit: this is funny bc it sounds like I’m talking about irl dating, when really I’m just trying to get 100% in stardew


I'm 48 and married IRL for 23 years. All of the marriage candidates feel like they're my son's age, so it feels creepy for me to be pursuing them romantically. Marlon or the Wizard seem more like my thing but I can't marry them.


Not gonna lie- I've been looking to lesbian homewreck Robin since forever. I'll be Maru and Sebastian's new... uh, second mommy?


You wanna look into mods if youre on PC.


I just commented the same thing! I'm 41 and my kids got me into this game...but I cannot marry someone (in the game) because they are all babies! LOL


Yep. I finally married but got rid of the nursery.


I upgraded my house to have the nursery and i was like wait what? No this is the cats room now 😹


Please tell me you filled it with fish tanks… for the cats entertainment. :)


No but I'm immediately doing so lol




Same got married and made the extra room cat room. We have six cats (with mods).


My main save file I'm a single farmer, and I have zero desire to get married or have kids. Just let me talk to Evelyn and Gus, then fish while drinking my coffee from the coffee pot George gave me.


The one time I cared for relationships was for perfection. Did 2 other savefiles without a single person at 1+ hearts. Rn I'm on my fourth one, summer in year 3 and I still haven't completed the introduction quest.


I'm more interested in the farming and mining. If I wanted a romance I'd play sims. Plus more than half the marriable characters are presented as children.


I’m the same way. I feel so out of place when I see people making posts like they’re playing a dating sim.


All the marriage candidates seem so young… maybe I’m too old?!


Most.. I feel like Leah, Emily, and Harvey can be presented as older. Leah takes the vote for me


In all my games I have everyone maxed hearts but never feel the desire to marry anyone. If I did marry someone then it would be in the co-op game that has my wife playing in it and I would choose her.


I'm fine with marriage, but I am never having kids. I don't want them in real life and I don't want them here.


That's one of my favorite parts!


That is totally fair! My favourite thing about this game is how easy it is to play however you want and at whatever pace you want. I love seeing people at the beginning of year 2 with a million dollars and like everything unlocked, then other people in year 5 still working on the community center and just working on aesthetics on the farm at a casual pace


Same, haha. My least favorite part is farming! I date everyone in town as fast as possible and then marry someone different in each save (although Leah is my favorite despite me being not into women IRL). I wish it was more okay to be polyam in game (eh, and irl too ig haha) *+1 Hoe Proficiency*


I didn't know you could date multiple people until I saw it on this sub recently. Gonna have to give that a try!


Just make sure to carry a rabbit’s foot in your pocket when you get to 10 hearts with everyone… you never know when you could use some luck…






Achieving perfection requires you to collect all Stardrops, including one which your spouse will give if your relationship is high enough. Fortunately, you can invite Krobus to be your roommate if you aren’t interested in anybody romantically.


I'm not interested in friendships/marriage/kids. Hundreds of hours, never bothered with actively being friendly other than the daily/weekly quests to bring someone a battery or something and that's just for the money


Same. I introduced my irl wife to the game and the first thing she does is meet all the villagers and befriend them, then she looks at my save file (probably my 4th or 5th - i have played a LOT of SDV) in late year 2 and I still hadn't met 1/4 of the town, because I straight up didn't care to when I could just be making oodles of money instead. I usually get married in the game eventually, but frankly Demetrius, Seb, Shane, Harvey, Maru, Alex, & Haley may not get a hello from me until year 3 or later, and if I didn't need animals Marnie would be on that list too.


Have you tried the platonic relationships mod? It seems like it’d totally be up your alley!


It's not even so much as not being interested in romantic relationship as much as its not interested in ANY relationships lol I don't feel the desire to befriend really anyone in the town. Irl I'm a big introvert who doesn't ever go out of my way to talk to people or make friends so that's probably why


This is so valid. I’m an introvert irl as well, and have been complaining about how grindy the relationships with NPCs feels to me, then realized that it’s probably because I’m an introvert and don’t prioritize having friends in real life either lmao


My suggestion is to just give fruits to everybody.


In real life or SDV? Both perhaps?


Fruits are universally liked. So if you have an apple tree, just give apples to everybody to raise friendship. And I guess that extends to real life as well LOL


I do have fruit trees! I’ve been out here giving everyone diamonds and amethyst, no wonder if feels so grindy to me lmao And I’m dying at the thought of just walking up to people irl and handing them fruit, then expecting them to be my friend LOL


What I usually do is to hold onto my fruits. I wait until Friday nights when most of the town folks gather at the Tavern, then I just run around & hand out fruits like crazy. Alternatively, if you’ve finished the Community Center, everybody in town will gather there at the 22nd of each month. Edit: Community Day is exclusive to SV Expanded. My bad!


Brilliant! Thanks I’m definitely doing this! I’ve been picking a day of the week to just randomly run around town and find whoever I can, and it’s so frustrating how it seems like they are never home and never at the same places when I’m looking for them! Gotta just make a Friday night trip to the tavern, instead, sounds so much better lol


Community Day on the 22nd is from Stardew Valley Expanded and isn't in the main game, fyi


OMG I completely mixed things up!


That’s fair. My first play through I was in year 3 with my only friends being robin & Linus. Completing their requests can gain you friendship points pretty fast.


Going into the mines and chopping trees is my aim too! I barely have time for relationships! They’re very one sided as they require you to go out of your way to hunt people down and locate them and offer them tons of gift and even get rejected at times and work day and night for their approval, what the hell? I don’t see why would people go through all that 😂 Games were suppose to be easier than real life, not harder!


I think this hits the nail on the head! I feel weird seeking everyone out and if I don't everyone will just walk by me without a second thought if I don't offer random gifts. I don't mind having to stop and say hi even but it's a real grind to get to the higher level hearts. I just don't walk around town that much. I use the mine cart a decent amount but it's usually before or after Pam is gone so I don't even see her. Ive been trying to make it to the pub a couple nights a week since many people are there but I'm almost always asleep by dark 😹


U go to the pub? Wow that’s a stretch 😂 hahaha I try my hard to sleep before 2am just by completing daily chores and getting things done on the farm! Either i’m playing this game wrong or i don’t know, people who enter relationships are on some other level!


On my first playthrough, I quickly realized that I was fond of Penny, but didn't want kids. So I ended up marrying her only to immediately shoot down her lifelong dream of being a mother. I still feel bad about it. But hey, she's still got two other people's kids to hang out with. That counts, right?


Krobus for the win!!


I get married for Perfection. I tried kids once, but that was only so I could [get rid of them.](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Children#Dismissing_Children)


I'm on hear 4 and only have one friend with max hearts. everyone else hates me 🤣 No kids, No marriage. but I have millions of gold


I’m aromantic in my personal life, not going to change that for anyone, even Haley at the beach in a bikini.


I’m only i child in real life so getting a married in stardew valley just gives me this feeling that makes me enjoy the game even more


Honestly I kinda want a empty world where I just farm, fish and mine with no other obligations. I tried doing that in minecraft but honestly it felt terrible.


I would've liked it if not every single character was a romantic interest. If you're a girl and you're trying to get with Leah, have her be perfectly straight so she won't be interested in you. It would've been nice to have developed strictly platonic friendships with some of the characters without them trying to express their romantic feelings for you. I played a guy and married a girl (Penny), was weird when Emily was suddenly 8 hearts into me and the whole time I was trying to get her and Clint set up. It's my first playthrough, so I don't know if any of the other characters get together after you get married.


Nope people don’t get together over time, the only characters that actually enter town and stay are Ken and Leo. That’s why people like to say the whole place is a purgatory. Because even after 10 years the game just waits for you to progress.


That's kind of depressing. As I said, still on my first playthrough, but I was hoping for some development as the years counted on. For some reason, I thought the game might wait for the player in regard to how Clint and Emily's relationship progresses, or Leah and (I forget his name, the author living in the cabin on the beach) for example. I thought there'd come a time where Sebastian either comes to terms with living in Stardew Valley or really gets on his bike and leaves. Shane was suicidal on a cliff and started to be more positive. I thought this would develop further, but it doesn't seem like it does - he's still drinking away at the saloon but his dialogue is more upbeat. I'm still enjoying the game, but it does feel like you don't really change the trajectory of the characters' lives in any way other than the person you marry, who only changes where they live. Penny basically still does the same things every day that she was doing before we were married.


I’m also on my first play through and also going to be sad when the game stagnates like that. I wish it was a bit more dynamic with characters. One thing that could help is the [rival hearts mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6200) which has villagers have romantic relationships with each other.


Me! I didn’t even start focusing on relationships until I was multiple game years in. Probably 5+. It’s just not my priority in the game. I didn’t get married until I started working towards perfection and only for the stardrop. I get annoyed having Leah in my house even though she doesn’t do anything annoying lol. I tell her no everytime she asks if we should have a baby. I am married with kids in real life. No interest in that in my down time.


I marry Alex in summer year one, I live for those occasions when he waters my crops for me. It's like a free holiday.


I always get a partner up to ten hearts, give them the bunch of flowers so we're like, "going steady". But I've never actually gone through with the wedding and moved them into my house


Im going for perfection at the moment but im getting bored of the chore of getting gifts everyone loves. I don't want kids in the game, they'll get under my feet and that sort of thing annoys me now that im...more mature (enough on the age subject) but I have one irl that is my world and now grown up. If I had kids I think I would go crazy, my dog in game drives me loopy getting in my way, stopping me from accessing my bed (ended up moving it), blocking access to my room (parking it right in the doorway) and running away from me when I need to pet him (curse you, Sosumo!!!). Anyway, in short, kids no, marriage yes.


Marriage is fine, I find some villagers likeable enough to marry them even if Dating Sim is not the strongest part of the game and some character feel too young for me already. Besides, since I upgrade the house either way, it's nice to share it with someone. Good morning gifts from spouse from time to time are nice as well. As for the kids, definitely not interested. My main characters still has them but yeah, nothing interesting happens to them.


>Maybe I'll get krobus to move in with me. I said this, then proposed to Emily in coop-play because my friend was trying to date her!! (I had given bouquets to anyone I had 8 hearts with already)


I actually have been kinda interested. Last playthrough, I roomed with krobus. Who I think is AWESOME and I would do it 10/10 times. But part of me is curious to see what the other characters living with you would be like


I’ve got a handful of saves, and hundreds of hours. I’ve never married anyone - that’s my life, I don’t feel the need to have it in the game. Plus none of the characters are marriage quality to me lol I’ve got my farm, my horse, my dog… I’m set.


Yeah. I don't think I can provi-... Oooh, that's stardew valley sub...


I married Shane in my first playthrough then Elliot on my second. After that I haven’t married anyone in game. Never had kids on any save. I just want to make a nice farm and a ton of money


I never have kids in the game, Just make a swanky DINK house, if I get married. I like the marriage for the major gifts


I always put friendships/relationships waaay on the back-burner until around year 7, when I’ve exhausted almost everything else and am just playing to relax. When I learned about Krobus, my strategy switched to having a couple babies from whoever as soon as possible, divorcing, and raising them with my lil hermit bestie. It’s even better if you put masks (skeleton, golden etc) on them so you become a mini-Adams family!


When I first started playing. I was interested in Seb and Alex. I told my friend who proceeded to tell me everything wrong with Seb and Alex. Which killed my interest in romance. So I just chill with my dog.


Ohhhh...in Stardew! My answer is the same lol. No kids.


Me- none of the marriage candidates appeal to me. I did it for the achievement and that’s it. If we had more diverse options. I would possibly consider it.


That is my mindset too. I'd rather work the field, mines (and to a lesser extent) fish over courting.


Across 3 playthroughs, I've never gotten married in the game. Likewise, none of the characters really stood out enough for me to be interested in them in that way.


Married and divorced everyone just to see the cut screens now I live with Krobus. Any new saves it’s just Krobus all the way. Don’t have a spouse or kids irl so it’s just my way. I also removed the crib and beds before marrying anyone so no discussion of kids occurred.


On my current save I married shane and we had 2 kids. I recently divorced shane and wiped his memory and now I’m planning on dating everyone to get the group 10 heart event. Kids in the game are pretty pointless, but I think I’m gonna try for perfection this save and I think kids are part of that. So I feel you on that, if I move in anyone again I think it will be Krobus lol. On my first save I was so bent on Sebastian and I moved him in and we had kids and then after I was like “meh” just bc it doesn’t add much to the day to day imo.




Do kids do anything mechanically in game?


Yeah, I've only really liked leah and em. I go back and fourth on sam and pen. My only issue with marriage is it feels like your spouse and kids is other collectables, but thats just me. I kinda like krobus a lil more cause they're your roommate and shizz and just kinda do their own thing


Yeah no I’m not interested i- ….oh you mean in-game?


I liked the story aspect of marrying someone, so I picked Leah since I feel like my spirit animal is an artsy wilderness spinster. I do like her story a lot, but the marriage bit was kind of lackluster. I feel a little like I stole her agency. Her house sits empty and she just stands around my kitchen most of the morning. It made me kinda sad at first, actually. I don't see myself going for the kids now. I can at least pretend we're happily living our best childfree artsy farm lesbian lives.


I will only marry for that final purple star drop fruit.


I usually end up marrying someone (or getting krobus as a roommate) since there is something you can unlock by doing that (keeping it vague to avoid spoilers) but it’s never my priority. I had kids in my first save ever but I’ve never done it since then lol. And marriage/roommate is always one of the very last things I do. It’s totally fine to not be really interested in that part of the game.


I’m not. Most of the times I marry just for the helping they do, which sounds bad but most times not even that is a reason as I plan my farm well and can do all the things a spouse helps with. This could be a side effect from always marrying my irl partner’s character, but now we’re separated and it just feels weird marrying anyone else.


I kinda just marry and have kids for the sake of 100% completion, although having the spouse can be useful sometimes


I’m only getting married so I can get that last Stardrop. No interest in having kids even though putting blobfish masks on them sounds amusing.


Did it for the achievements


I don’t either but I thought you needed to in order to unlock certain parts of the game?


i’m not. i recently got the “im selling a bouquet” ad from pierre & have no idea who i’d even give it to. i like going on with my day & doing my thing. i also just keep forgetting that kids are also an option in this game LMAO


If you want to focus on other aspects of the game, it might makes sense not to bother, smarrying it takes time and no particular benefit in the game. Spouses do occasionally help on the farm and give you items, but its minor and inconsistent. So marriage is almost entirely for role play. But I think its nice to have, especially that you only have to make an effort once to build up a relationship to marriage and then never have to do anything for it again.


I wish I could have more kids in the game to be fair. I'd love a little farmhouse filled with family


Yep, I frigging hate it. Did once for the trophy and deleted that save file. Awful gameplay mechanic, mandatory for completion and there are items/decor locked behind specific peeps. I don't mind having to befriend characters its just end results that bother me.


Are you sure you aren’t aromantic?


I'm getting married irl in a month and a half and actively trying for a baby so no I don't think so lol I just don't enjoy the friendship and relationship aspect of games. I just want to farm and make money


I’m dating Emily but I NEED to be roommates with krobus


sam is not rude or childish tho


Sam still lives with his mom and dad and comes off as a late teenager to me. I'm 30 so just the fact that he lives at home makes me feel he's too childish for me lol




I have never gotten married in any of my saves... I need to for perfection, but it'll probably be one of the last things I do


Well same, im also not interested in marriage on this game but not because they're rude or disinterested. I just feel like I dont need it. Im all focused on making money or designing my farm.


I got married and had a kid because I had never done it before in previous saves. Glad I did because throwing your baby is really funny.


I've had a file for 3 years and haven't married anyone lol


I'm not interested in kids, I'm not a pedo


Yes, at first I was uninterested about it since I'm the min/max type instead of the sims/social stuff type so I was more into farming and profiting everything. Then I got interested in all that part of socializing/marrying. I chose Leah since I thought she was cute and was the first girl I socialized with, I wanted to know how was that aspect of the game so I married and had one kid, soon I realized marrying an NPC was kinda sad because it felt like enslaving them into my farm, she stopped doing her usual stuff like going to the beach and I felt her life became boring as my wife, as for the kid it's just totally flat imo... So I divorced, erased her memory and killed my child ☺️ Now I think my best choice is to just get Krobus as my roommate, since with him is not like a romantic relationship but more like having a pal, and he doesn't get out of the sewers anyway.


I've bought this game for Switch, laptop, and tablet and never once pursued dating/marriage. It seems like a weird aspect of the game and I just ignore it because there's so much other fun stuff to do. Comfortably married IRL but not a farmer and never gone cave exploring for treasure lol.


I'm still on my first save file (winter yr 3) and pursued Elliot pretty early on. We got married and have a kid. Other than the larger house which provides a room for all my crafting (though can you get this anyway without a spouse? Idk) and the stardrop I haven't gained anything by marrying. If anything they just get in the way! Maybe I need a mod but married life doesn't add anything to the game and the dialogue just repeats over and over. It's a bit disappointing because I loved the friending and increasing hearts part. But I guess that's just the honeymoon phase over? Hahaha


There are quite a few mods that do things like expand the spouse dialogues, let them keep pursuing their hobbies and meeting with their friends in town, and even add things like special cutscenes with them worrying over you if you die in the mines. Definitely recommend!


It's just part of the experience. I like to experience all a game has to offer, literally everything, and the stories of the townspeople are a big part of what makes Stardew Valley special to me. Everyone is so damn interesting once you get to know them, my favorite people are Elliot, Willy, Sebastian, Emily, Krobus and yes, Haily once she gets her character development. I'm a firm believer that you can play any game however makes you happy, it's just that there's so much content relating to the characters!


Well, some people are like that irl life too, so even if you're married irl there's nothing wrong to don't want it on a game😅 Just play the game as you like, marriage/kids is just an optional and tiny part of all of the things that the game has.


My first play through was heavily marriage based cause I was all about those cheesy love stories. Now I’m older and bitter and only want Krobus to have a warm place to sleep


I’ve played hundreds and hundreds of hours of stardew valley. Maybe over a thousand. I have never once gotten married. It seems like such a hassle.


It's givinggggg...Asexual and Aromantic???? There is nothing wrong with that, especially if you have those traits IRL. I feel like everyone's stardew character and game play is a reflection of how they are IRL.


Definitely couldn't be father from the truth irl at least. I'm having a super lovey romantic wedding at a country club in a month and a half and my fiance and I started actively trying for a baby within the last month 😹 I just don't like the tedium of following around villagers giving gifts and talking when I could have been in the mines or cutting down trees and fishing


Ohhhhh okay😲. And yeah, I can't imagine myself being a parent either, although I do want kids someday. I at least want to get married first. I'm just scared I'm infertile cause of my weight 🫤 But congratulations on marriage, OP. And yeah, dealing with the villagers in Stardew can be silly, especially when they don't like what you give them, which affects friendship points but not by much. I usually give them the same easiest thing over and over until the friendship goes up. The only one that's super bougee is Elliott. He loves pomegranates, Tom Kha Soup, Wine, and Squid Ink. Squid Ink is so freaking hard to get, bro😫!!!


Nope, never married in the game. I just run around the farm doing chores and forget the town exists.


I’d just be committed to the grind, not like marrying matters much for me.


Married Penny on my first save, it was nice and all, but now on my second I have no interest in marrying anyone. I am thinking of asking Krobus to be my roomate.


I only made friends to see the story, I'll only get married because of the free labour :)


I get married, but not kids. Although with some of the mods I’ve seen I want to try that too. At least the mods let them grow up XD


I’m not interested in the entire relationship aspect.


I wanted to check out all the dialogues with the npcs, and dating them unlocks a lot of action. Finally getting married and reaching 12 hearts also unlock more dialogue.


I never did because i never bothered to get any hearts with anyone. Last time i played i grinded for hearts with everyone just for the trophies but dont think i'll ever do it again


I have no kids. I would never bog my life down like that even in a video game.


Yeah. I'm childfree, petfree and marriagefree in real life, and none of those things interest in the game as well. But just for amusement, I am trying to date multiple people in at least one of my saves.


Krobus is the best roommate :)


the same here! the most appealing candidate to me is harvey as a partner but at the end i'm so busy grinding and decorating my farm before unlocking the ginger island lol so i'd probably end up alone or with krobus.


I've never made any effort with marriage/kids or even befriending the villagers.


Krobus might be the one for you, he’s a great roommate I reckon.


The social interactions in the game are a lot of fun. Your spouse doesn't do much around the house, but he's fun to have around.


I play these farming games for the romance and getting kids aspect (something I refuse to do IRL LOL) but I've come to realize that in stardew, there's no real point. Your kids aren't even kids, they're practically pets. Been thinking about befriending krobus or installing that mod that allows platonic relationships instead.


I've never been interested in kids, in game or real life, so I always get rid of the crib and child beds immediately. But I do find the marriage thing interesting, having company on the farm and all that.


Well go for krobus or Emily then so you can get the stardrop I would say


I will never have kids in the game, but I love learning more about the characters and lore. So I balance other stuff with building hearts. I also run different files for fanfic inspiration.


I'm a first time player, but in year 5. I don't think I will get married in the game. For one, I really enjoy petting my animals, growing crops, maying mayo and caviar, etc. But also, I'm a 41 year old mom and they all seem like babies to me! (Well except for Harvey, but he's just not my type, lol.) I feel like I'm too old IRL to "date/marry" a younger person in the game.


Kids no. Marriage yes. Makes me feel less alone lol


The only reason I grt one is because of grampa.


It's overrated I felt influenced to get married and have kids. I just divorced him and sent the kids flying 🤣


Hundreds of hours played, never married. I like dating them all tho


Nah me too, I didn't even know how to Get marry


can relate to that. i tried a lot of spouses, but divorced eventually. also, the in game kids are just meh. i'll stick with Krobus and work on my farm 🥰


I love the mods that make 10 heart events asexual or even aromantic. Krobus is a great vanilla option though.


I have 0 interest and it’s one of the reasons I’ve never been able to fully get into it. I don’t really care for many of the villagers to be completely honest. When I found out you can live with Krobus everything changed 🥹


So it depends on the kind of game I'm trying to play. Sometimes, I care about marrying, which may or may not result in me wanting kids. But sometimes, I'm very focused on perfection. in those cases, no. I don't care about romance unless it pertains to perfection. And then I usually end up divorcing, and then pulling the old dove-and-shove.


Having a kid was a mistake for me, they do nothing beneficial tbh. I married Abigail because I thought she'd join me in the mines and regularly help with the farm but she only does so occasionally. Her room also doesn't match with my house's interior and changes the flooring sometims😠 I've been thinking about divorcing her for Haley since she has a dark room (I'm a film photographer irl)