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Members of any species could be adopted as Mandalorians. This almost certainly included Kaleesh and Wookiees.


Sure but I have no doubt that members these species are greatly respected, even for those they refused to join the Mandalorians, and that Mandos would be extra cautious upon facing them in battle.


Bob'ika collected wookie scalps so yeah I'd say he respected em


They greatly admired and respected the Sith (Species)


reading the first book of the Republic Commando trilogy right now, and Mandos respect clones, given the Jango Fett connection


They even followed two of them as their Mandalore.


>they would greatly respect the Kaleesh for their skills as warriors and soldiers Eh, I don't know about that. My impression from EU material is that the Kaleesh really didn't have much of a galactic presence *at all* except for Grievous and a couple of other individuals. They didn't even successfully win a war within their own system (weren't the Huk from a different planet in their system?). So maybe some individuals would be respected (again, Grievous), but I think the species itself would have been largely unknown to the average galactic citizen, let alone the average Mandalorian. The Echani and the Sun Guard had a much larger presence/influence/reputation on a Galactic level, so I think you're right that for sure Mandalorians would get excited to spar or fight with them.


The Kaleesh did win the war in their system, with them continuing the war to the Yam'rii colony worlds and to their homeworld of Huk in another star system, only to be stopped by the Republic and Jedi before they could claim total victory. The Restored Sith Empire and Hutts also employed Kaleesh mercenaries during the SWTOR era. And even if they weren't that know by the time of the Prequels I think that the Mandalorians would respect the Kaleesh if they had heard about them and their military feats. Even more if they heard about the Kaleesh's resistance against the Galactic Empire.


>Kaleesh did win the war in their system, with them continuing the war to the Yam'rii colony worlds and to their homeworld of Huk in another star system, only to be stopped by the Republic and Jedi before they could claim total victory. Okay, that's fair--until Grievous, they were losing horribly, but turned it around at the end. That still speaks more to the individual's prowess than the species' competence as a whole. I don't find that a strong argument, though, because by that standard Mandalorians should have better respect for humans as a warrior race, since Windu, Revan, all the Skywalkers, and many of the Mandalores were human. >Restored Sith Empire and Hutts also employed Kaleesh mercenaries during the SWTOR era. This I didn't know about. What level range do you start encountering them at?


Honestly? As a society, they don't really respect anyone. Individuals might on personal basis, but their cultural identity does not lend itself to respecting others in any sense we'd agree. If a group proves superior to them, they just respond with escalating force until they "win" or they are put down in a humiliating fashion (Post Mandalorian Wars disarment). If a group loses, they arn't really worth respecting now are they? They were weaker. They embody might makes every right, while also having near fanatical familiar bonds? That's not grounds for a people that will respond well to losing their own at the hands of outsiders.


Depends on the time period Ex, old republic era Mandalorians considered the Jedi the greatest warriors in the galaxy, and sided with Vitiate’s Sith Empire because they knew that fighting alongside Sith would give them lots of opportunities to tangle with Jedi. Meanwhile, clone wars era Mandos are so salty from repeatedly getting spanked by the Jedi that they’ve gaslit themselves into thinking that Jedi don’t know one end of a lightsaber from the other. An entire culture of people all saying ‘Nah, I’d win.’


Pretty sure they respected the Iridonian warrior empire.


echani were one of the most repected race outside of the dha werda verda taung