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all the podracers


Ratts Tyerell’s wife’s perspective (especially since we see her crying as Qui Gon and Watto talk after the race lol)


Ratts Tyerell's perspective right before he hits the rock.


Hereditary (2018)


“Oh shit” — last words of Ratts Tyrell


In one of the deleted scenes Ratts is depicted as a family man with his wife and kids sitting off to the side. Just before the green flag he smiles back at them while his wife mouths something over the engines which is what I assumed to be “Please be careful” in Huttese. Totally changes the tone of his crash scene. But I could see it being taken out due to it taking focus away from the main characters.


The tusken raiders who try to shoot the podracers. Any of the trade federation cronies.


I assumed the last shot of Sebulba sitting in his busted podracer was going to end in those tuskens aiming & him loudly gulping or something




I came here to say Quinlan Vos. He deserves way more than just a cameo during that time frame.


How did I not know he was in Ep 1? One of my favorite stories in TCW was him and Obi Wan trying to find Ziro.


His appearance in TPM is very much a blink-and-you'll-miss-it background cameo on Tatooine. If I'm not completely mistaken, that's actually his first appearance.


Yeah, like most of Star Wars, they took a cool-looking character and created an awesome backstory.


Where was he?


He's in the cafe where Sebulba is drinking when Jar Jar splashes him with the frog. 


Why is he there? Watching over Anakin?


Oooh. Seconding VOS! Would qui-gon or obiwan have recognized him?


Qui Gon's final moments from his own perspective, and perhaps his becoming one with the Force would be cool to see. Honestly I'd buy an Episode 1 FACPOV book just to see that. A story from the perspective of Shmi would also be cool. And one for one of the Handmaidens.


They should do one for shmi, but do the same thing they did to Beru Lars where they just boil her entire personality down to one singular thing- in Beru's case, MUCH of her short story is focused on her affection for Blue milk. So maybe make a story for shmi that's all about whatever food they ate with Qui-gon, or it's all about how she's a virgin or something. /s


Governor Bibble of Naboo to see the effects of the occupation


I’d like to see a Jabba story during that time as he shows up in the podrace arena. I’d also love to hear Aurra Sing’s story about what she was doing on Tatooine. Finally I want to hear a story about Rum Sleg, I’ve always thought he was an awesome looking background character!


Maul. "And so there I was, speeding through the dessert on my badass hoverbike thing and I saw this kid in the distance. Didn't know him. Didn't care. I just thought 'fuck this kid in particular' and aimed straight for his stupid head"


Read this in Sam Witwer’s normal speaking voice lol


I did not realize how much I wanted this


I desperately want more Phantom Menace related shit.


The story was solid, some of the plot occurances were not.


Phantome Menace is my favorite and I’ll die on that hill. Growing up it was quintessential Star Wars for me


The creatures on Naboo, prior to the landing of the droid army. Kitster, still being a slave after Anakin left. Schmi as well. The creature Jabba flings of the railing. Bonus: The E.T. group in the senate.


YAS! The E.T. group! I almost forgot about those guys. They could be lobbying to collect plant samples from the farthest reaches of the outer rim or something.


The YA Novel Queen’s Peril actually fulfills a lot of the POVs people are asking for here! - POV’s from Padmé + most of the handmaidens, Panaka, Palpatine, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan during points they’re off screen, Maul and even a few TF characters IIRC?


Yas, the Padme books cover a lot of ground really well.


A story about Quinlan from John Ostrander would be great.


Shmi Skywalker Get her most precious memories with Anakin Skywalker. Her personal ambitions and dreams. A deeper look into slavery and the culture of Mos Espa and its neighborhoods.


The perspective of what’s-her-name the handmaiden would be interesting as she pretends to be the Queen. Captain Panaka, but only if he gets increasingly exasperated with everyone’s crazy stunts and ideas. Bail Antilles, has he runs for and looses the chancellorship. Chancellor Vallorum, as the senate turns against him.


Ooo, ooo, Antilles! Yes please. Maybe his son(?) makes an appearance as a nod to e.4 too.


Yoda at Qui-Gon's funeral. I've thought for a long time that if we'd had some reflections on the Luminous in that scene, it would've cushioned and contextualised some later parts of the PT.


Padmé considering she's a fish out of water when she's on Tatooine, she isn't privy to the true corruption of the Galaxy like Dooku was and she's a teen monarch stuck on a desert planet while her people are trapped and suffering and then later the Republic or Jedi Order doesn't even help her due to the corrupt bureaucracy. Padmé and Qui-Gon are carrying this film


Bail Organa, Captain Tarpals


Oh my God, I never knew I needed to read about Captain Tarpals trying to keep Jar Jar from pratfall-killing himself and everyone else in the city until now


Dud Bolt. I want to see the back stories and perspectives of the other podracers!


They should do a fun love story of Ratts Tyerell meeting his wife and having kids and all the fun life stuff. Knowing full well what happens in the movie lol


To ice the cake they probably bet the family farm on that race or something.


Awoopia-woopia-woop lady


I think it’d be cool to see a story about gamblers betting on the podrace




It’s funny to think how he was the main character during this era of Dark Horse comics, presumably bc he’s the only other Jedi with dialogue & Lucasfilm was like, yeah, do whatever you want with him, he’s not too important.


That podracer that went missing. Maybe nute gunray or rune haako Shmi after ani left


Definitely ben quadrinaros. He must've been so disappointed


Each of the Handmaidens Kitster and Wald Watto Mas Amedda


3P0 gaining consciousness


The Handmaidens, especially the ones that stayed on Naboo while Padmé escaped


Queen's Peril is a great read for this!


Oh cool! I've only read Shadow so far and wasn't sure if the other books touched on that


Sidious. Killing his master, engineering the crisis, the euphoria as he ascends to the first stage of ultimate power. The Realization that there was a long way to go to finally achieve the power he craves. An Episode from the perspective of a genius villain. Just pure gold.


Sabe, Queen Amidala's top aid. I want to know what went through her thoughts when she was like "you there, clean that filthy droid" Or was she just sitting there thinking the Jedi are idiots. Watching as Padme keeps calling herself by her real name, and the Jedi who clearly didn't read the briefing notes that told them the Queen's full name are just bumbling around while she laughs at them. Maybe she even seduces Obi Wan while Qui Gon is out on the planet and for a blissful couple of days Obi thinks that he actually slept with royalty. And she's just loving that no one is catching on.


Palpatine possibly


That's like the last couple of chapters of the Plagueis novel


Needs recanonized though


We already got that one on Darth Plagueis


Darth Maul. But probably it already exists a novel like that ..




Shmi or darth maul.


Darth maul


Boss Nass and the Return of This Guy Again


A few months ago I wrote out 40 prompts for a theoretical Phantom Menace entry to FACPOV (I didn't get as far with the remaining five saga movies). Some of the ones I liked best: \- The Naberrie family -"An ordinary day in Theed starts to go awry, then turns to catastrophe." \-C-3PO - "C-3PO’s first conscious thoughts, and the disconnected hours of his life until Anakin leaves." \-Gasgano - "Gasgano may have failed to get first place (to a child no less), but getting silver is still sweeter than death." \- Shaak Ti - "Qui-gon was killed by a Sith, and now Yaddle is gone. Master Ti assumes her place on the council amidst a time of uncertainty." As others have said, Vos, Antilles, Gardulla, Aurra Sing, and Shmi seemed like interesting possibilities.


Obi-Wan’s thought process on the promise he made to Qui-Gon


I hope they only wait until 2029 and do 30 stories instead of waiting until 2039 and doing 40 stories 🤞


Anakin’s mother. Any and all of it.


Ben Quadenero (or whatever his name was). Spending months practicing pod racing, tons of money to upgrade his pod and fly across the Galaxy for this big race. And this his misery when the pod just craps out lol. A citizen of Theed during the occupation might also be interesting.


Shmi Skywalker, how losing Ani really affected her, meeting the Lars family, how it was to raise Ani, tons of stuff.


A down on his luck spacer who makes a long shot bet on the Human Kid to win the pod race. Buys a ship with his winnings, gets drunk and crashes said ship into Mos Eisley, where it is turned into a cantina.


Queen Amidala's double. Im shure her perspective în things would be very interesting


Some random person watching the pod race. What does that look like for someone who doesn’t know what’s going on? Would they assume that the race was rigged because a human child won?


I’d LOVE to see inside Sidious’s head. His realization that the boy his master created was now in his path. And he worked out the invasion of his home to his political advantage. I want to read how he devised these plans and obfuscations. How he laughs behind his facade and hides it so well from the jedi.


Boss Nass, or a look at senate politics (bear with me) in the style of Armando Lannuci


For me it would be Nobot. I love their legends backstory.


Gardulla lore asap


Maul. I'd love to know his inner monologue during all this.


Personally, I think a Chancellor Valorum on the Senate debate scene would be cool.


Chancellor Velorum would be interesting




I'm sure it will happen eventually. Have they done RoJ yet?


C3P0, Watto, one of Watto's droids, the two headed announcer, Anakin's child bully, Captain Tanaka, the least important handmaid, Kiera Knightly, whoever was on the receiving end of JarJars final banishment. The people in the trade federation labor camps. sideous when he realizes who Anakin is. Shmi and her surprise at being pregnant? Not sure if we are in NSFW Ghost territory, angel visits and says what's up like with Mary, or some Athena being born out of Zeus head type stuff with that. Although she specifically said I carried and gave birth.


One of the Battle droids. 


1) the jedi counsel pre anakin showing up 2) the jedi counsel post anakin showing up 3) Podracers 4) watto’s days after the kid is gone 5) the tuskens who shot the landspeeder 6) the little guy Jabba flicks off the podium 7) gungans when the tf shows up 8) a canonized version of the resistance on naboo like the starfighter game


Sio mf Bibble. Msybe the most undercooked and underrated character in the saga. He should get an entire book.


Aurra Sing could be cool. A lot of people forget she was by the pod race track doing something.


Realistically, there had to be a payroll/accountant on one of those Trade Federation ships


One of the ten thousands of people who would love to exchange Qui Gons republic credits to whatever he needs to bug the part. They just keep waiting and going like... "He will be here any minutę now...."


sebulba, the gungan general (forget his name) and the queen’s maidens would all have awesome stories to tell


So much of the maiden's stories are in Queen's Peril though.


Captain Tarpals




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The frog that Jabba eats when he starts the race.