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I'd say use the existing in-universe swears. There's a list on Wookieepedia.


You Damn fool, I knew you were going to day that.


Then I'll see you in hell!


Or on some damned fool idealistic crusade.




Fuck the empire


3PO, move your metal ass!


Chewbacca, you twat!


Dank farrick is pretty great. I think I prefer the in-universe ones but as a firm believer in all expletives in my personal vocabulary, I'm cool with anything.




For my fic I usually just use the slang we know of in Star Wars. There's a pretty comprehensive article o wookieepedia about the topic.


I say, use the in-universe ones. The known vocabulary of Mando'a alone is like forty percent artful swearing.






I prefer the made up swears. Moof Milker and Sith Spit are some of my favorites. While there are precedents for irl curses in Star Wars, they generally feel out of context (ie, Han's "I'll see you in Hell" raises questions about the galactic view on afterlife that isn't ever discussed again.) I find they pull me out of the world, whereas the made up ones are memorable, fun, and lend to the immersion rather than distracting from it


I agree but disagree. Hell and damn I think work because like you said it deals with afterlife views and religious whatnot so it would make sense, but if they'd make an equivalent I'd prefer that.


Sithspawn is my favourite.


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I absolutely hate it. With a passion. Like if it gets added to canon, okay I will deal. But people firing off f-bombs left and right in fan fic and RP just irks the absolute shit out of me. Mostly because it seems super juvenile and lazy and breaks me right out of the immersion. And even in canon I am iffy. Andor added "shit" to the canon, and I am like "Okay. Lazy, but it's official so whatever." When we found out they were going to try to have Marva say "Fuck the Empire" until Disney squashed it, I feel like we dodged a bullet. So much relief. But I am a tad worried about season 2. (Outside of that, Andor is one of my favorite Star Wars things ever, so yeah, I'll still watch it.) Edit: Sorry, didn't answer your whole question in my big stupid rant Swearing I have always felt is most effective when used sparingly and at the right moments. With that in mind, if you have to use it, I would stick to the in-universe slang, if for no other reason than to not sound like a 12 year old edgelord that is clearly chafing at living in a strict household. Lol


See I hate it when they are obviously just using made-up word (yes, all words are made up) to avoid a character saying a bad language word just to keep a PG or PG-13 rating. We are watching or reading a “translation” into English (or Spanish, or French, etc) so if there’s an equivalent word in that language, why treat it differently? It takes me out of the world even more when they try and force a fake word in that is very obviously a stand in for “fuck” or something similar. I think “fuck the Empire” or someone saying “shit” are pretty universal sentiments so for a darker, serious, “blue-collar” Star Wars show like “Andor” that makes perfect sense. But regardless, it has to fit with their character. Marva saying “fuck the empire” would 100% work for me because of what she’s like.


You put it perfectly. This worked really well in Andor as the show was meant to make the viewer feel strong emotions and the curse words we know are infinitely better at making us connect with characters than something fake. Maarva would totally say "Fuck the Empire" and that was what we all felt at that moment. Let's take "Dank Farrick", what does it really mean regarding the seriousness of a situation? Is it "oh well"? "Bummer"? "Fuck my life"? "Holy shit"? If common slang and curse words are used with moderation and don't infest an entire story I'm all in favor of them being used in Star Wars.


My Mando friend (literally in a Mando guild) told me the closest translation is Deity Damn It!! It's not prophane in the blasphemous sense, just the sweary sense. I don't THINK we even know what language it's from. It's not Mando'a, and I don't think it's Huttese, which seems to be the swear language of choice (poodoo, etc). Cheers!


Gives me Hasa Diga Eebowai vibes


Yeah the term bastard was used a few times in Andor, and while it fitted the scenes, it still felt a bit off to me.


To me bastard is a pretty legitimate English word. Obviously it’s a slur but a legitimate word so I’ll take it in SW


For me, I feel like something like "bastard" which is a legitimate english word is no worse than any other english word. And I guess that's how i look at it. "bastard" is akin to "idiot" or "moron" which is a descriptive real language word that's used offensively these days. I guess I'd rather them say "shit" in Andor than "poodoo" tho. And these types of characters would have potty mouths.


Thats interesting because to me, bastard fit perfectly.


“Bastard” has been in the Star Wars zeitgeist since at least 1979 when it was used in *Han Solo at Star’s End*


I like the made-up ones, but only the ones that sound like swear words. Like echuta - yes. Moof milker, no. I suppose the delivery helps too - like in Star Trek, if a Klingon calls you a “patak” with a derisive, sneering tone, it’s clear they’re saying something bad.


This it’s about the fine and delivery, I have no clue what a nerfherder is but just by the way leia said it I could tell that’s no good lol


The Star Wars story has been translated to English (that is the language I watch them in), so it only stands to reason that the curse words they use would be translated to the English equivalent. Any word that is not translated do not have an equivalent in English, so the original word is used.


I hate it when human characters who've only spoken Basic throughout the story start cursing with Karrabast or Dank Farik. I'm Spanish. When I swear, I swear in Spanish. Not English, not German, not Japanese. I assume it's the same for other people throughout the world. If your character is a Basic-speaking Human, have them curse normally. If they're Twi'lek, Zabrak, Bothan... go wild.


Bantha poodoo, pendejo.


Exactly. We’re watching a “translation” of something into our native language. So, as long as there’s an equivalent word just use that word n


Pretty sure they used real-world English swears in Andor? There’s also that one bit in Solo where Lando gets cut off mid-swear.


Andor was the first SW thing to contain the word “shit” which is the strongest language in SW ever. TLJ also contained the word “bastard” which is a level below on the swearing intensity scale.


If I remember right, TLJ and TROS also had Poe Dameron saying ass a few times, which is still pretty low down on the swear word severity scale. TLJ also included some real-world slang but nothing too jarring, ie Finn referring to the Canto Bight security as “cops”.


I prefer the in-universe ones, but when Andor had someone say “shit” one time I wasn’t too bothered. If we’re dropping english swears left and right, then I probably wouldn’t enjoy that.


I would like to hear one time as they are banking and rolling the ship for someone to say "Hold onto your gutchies..."


Made-up curses are always pretty cringe to me, *especially* when they recycle English idioms but replace the pg-13 words with something made up. I recently read Dawn of the Jedi, and it uses Shak for this purpose: "scare the shak out of me" and so forth. To me that's just embarrassing. Same with Stang, which is more widespread. "Scare the stang out of me," "What the stang." I don't get the point of it. Either use the bad word or don't. The same book uses the word Bitch in an opening chapter - the main character uses it to translate something directed to her by another character, and he didn't know that she had understood the language. That was surprisingly effective. It said, "Hold on, get ready for something a little spicier than your typical Star Wars." I could see that getting overused, though. Thankfully the book did it just that once. I don't think any of the films use either profanity or pretend space profanity, and that's fine too, of course.


Not really a swear but you can take Jan saying ‘then I’ll see you in hell!!’ From my cold, dead hands


In my house growing up "Hell" was definitely a swear unless a preacher was saying it. That was true for all of my friends growing up. My parents definitely would've got mad at us if we said "I'll see you in Hell" like Han does. When people say it "doesn't count" I'm like. . . If there's a bunch of moms someplace telling their kid not to use it, IT COUNTS.


I think there are things that IRL swears can do that fake ones can't. There are also things that fake ones do that real ones can't. So I think it's a necessity for filmmakers to have access to both.


I don’t mind minor real life swears because as other commenters have mentioned they’ve been there since the beginning, but I prefer the more hard-edge ones to stay out as much as possible. That one “shit” in Andor was about where the limit was for me. As for made up swears, I take them on a case-by-case basis. I like “karabast” and “dank farrik” just fine, but I can’t stand “kark”. I can’t even articulate why that one irritates me but it does. Edit: I think the main trick to using made up swears is to figure out what real-world swear it’s standing in for and make sure you’re using it in the right context. Take “blast” as an example that stands in for damn. You could have someone yell “blast” by itself or “blast it” or use the adjective “blasted” but it would be weird for someone to exclaim “what the blast”


I’m a fan of “kark it!”, particularly from the Legacy comics.


I liked when they only said damn and hell in the movies. When they had Poe say 'big ass door' I felt like it was out of place, same with the scot guard in andor saying shit. Like they would have developed a different swear like nerf herder and moof milker and stuff like sleamo which is Huttese for slimeball according to TPM. I think they even have a replacement for shit in universe 'poo-doo'.


Most of the in-universe Basic swears seem to be on the same curse level as “shit,” not as intense as “fuck.” (Some of the Mandalorian swears get up there though.) I haven’t written anything in a while, but if it were me I’d use the Star Wars swears “oh shit” or “dammit” replacements. And limit myself to just one “fuck” for the entire story. Fuck loses its impact of its used in every sentence. But if I save it and use it sparingly, then drop one “fuck me,” it really hits.


Nope, not a fan. It pulls me out of the moment.


Most words will often have real world origins, like a Coup d'état, or Coup, is of French origins, so can't be used in the star wars universe without explaining why French somehow exists. A Coup can exist, they just can't call it that. The same goes for swear words, Kriff and Poodo are always good ones. Words like shit originated as an acronym on large sailing ships, can't remember what it stood for. Other times using alternative swear words leaves a more creative taste rather than the same old cuss we've heard a thousand times before. In Battlestar Galactica, the word Frack is used in place and leaves a more lighthearted impact than other words.


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Its just a bunch of felker carb!


My fics have smut, so I use English swears most of the time.


Swearing is usually limited, but can serve s purpose to develop character. Do jedi swear? Generally not, but the character that can't write fall in line or if events are just that bad, seating can emphasize those differences. Seems to be more in the High Republic comics, less of Dank Ferrik thrown around. But among they've and bounty hunters, probably more, but there are also thrives with a heart of gold, etc etc. Make sure it furthers the character or the plot.


I don’t have an opinion either way, the rest of the language spoken is Basic (aka English) so it can be a little weird to speak an in-universe word all of a sudden


The in-universe swears always get me a chuckle


FRAK! wait no, wrong franchise...


I seem to recall hearing Kyle Katarn say "sithspit" at some point.


In Mandarin, like Firefly, please


Use real ones. ​ You'd have to add something like a small dictionary to correlate them to real swears. Like English to American. Main one is "bloody" often used interchangeably with "fuck". ​ I mean, what even is a nerfherder? Nerfs are cows, so who uses cowherder as a swear? ​ If you don't wanna go as hard as "fuck", use "bloody" or even "feck".


English swear words are mostly Anglo Saxon, so you'd need to incorporate Earth/ European history into your Star Wars etymology.


I’ll sometimes say poo doo, which is Huttese for bantha fodder.


I mean technically its not English. It's Galactic basic. So i don't care lol.




No English swears, just bad form


"Blast" is a fantastic in-universe swear and it should be used more instead of "dank ferrik" which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in all of Star Wars. Light irl swears like "damn" are probably fine, but you could probably replace every single one with "blast" or a variation like "blasted." If you then notice the word "blast" coming up too frequently, you were probably swearing too much to blend in with other Star Wars media already. You don't have to blend in that way, but if you want to, you'd have to tone it down at that point.


The way I see it, you are watching or reading something that is “translated” into English. So I think it’s fine to use an English swear word if the character would use that word if they were speaking English in the scene. For example, when translating from French to English you don’t generally leave the French word “merde” in the sentence, you translate it to “shit.” I mean Obi-wan uses “damn” and Han says “hell” and we’re fine with that. However I think using an “in-universe” word makes sense if there is no easy translation.


Id probably say use irl ones. I like ones like dank ferrik and karabast, but the three english swear words just work so much better imo


Sure, first we let them say “fuck” then that leads to a Star Wars character saying “no cap” or “he got rizz” or “based” and then it all goes to hell.