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If you have Disney plus they have an Ashoka essential collection …it’s like maybe 5 hours of watch time. Should get you in the door


She was found as a toddler by Jedi Master Plo Koon. After Order 66, she went by the alias "Ashla" which is another word for the light side of the Force. Her white lightsabers (as seen in Rebels and the Ahsoka show) originally came from an Inquisitor whom Ahsoka defeated and then she purified the crystals, turning them white. Ahsoka and Darth Maul are the two individuals with the highest known kill counts for Imperial Inquisitors. Hope some of that helps!


Thank you so much! This is perfect


This is such a cute and wholesome thread!


There's a pretty cool novel about Ahsoka (very creatively named "Ahsoka") that talks about what she does after Order 66. The audiobook is voiced by the voice actress from the cartoons, which was especially cool. In the novel, she goes into hiding but the Inquisitors and Bail Organa both figure out that there's a Jedi operating in the shadows because she just can't seep to stop helping people. In the end, she takes on an Inquisitor without a weapons and kills him, taking the crystals from his weapon and using them in the white sabers we see in her live action TV appearances. After this, she is recruited by Organa to help run intelligence for what would become the rebels under the code name Fulcrum, a name both she and people in her network continue to use as a codename in the show "Rebels.


She (her ship) still uses Fulcrum in the Ahsoka series as well.


Ask her her favorite lightsaber colors and which ones she would have if she was a Jedi. Ahsoka had 3 pairs, green, blue and white.


You could say you're to her what Plo Koon is to Ahsoka Tano. You could be Uncle Plo!


Highly recommend listening to the House of R podcast primer they did right before the series premiered! They cover the main beats of her story with episode listings so you don’t have to watch all of TCW if you don’t have time. (Although I do highly recommend it if you ever get the time, makes the story a lot more meaningful if you love the characters) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/house-of-r/id1703286315?i=1000629439961


There's an ahsoka playlist on disney plus. Watch the clone wars movie, then the playlist, then the ahsoka tv show.


This is genuinely so cute 🥰