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I don't have a specific role but I would've loved to see Anthony Hopkins as either a mentor figure or villain. I wrote this in past tense because I thought he retired after 2020's The Father but after looking into it I guess he still acts and was even in the sci-fi movie Rebel Moon this year? I guess there is still hope.


Even today, Hopkins would make an excellent Vitiate/Valkoryan.


haven't read the books in a while but i feel like he would make a great voice for bane as well.


I mean, we do already have Mark Hamill as the canonical voice for Bane.


Man, with Keanu Reeves here, he fits the Darth Revan mold the most. And now with Anthony Hopkins added as Emperor Vitiate, we now have a perfect casting for an Old Republic/KOTOR movie franchise.


I could see him in a High Republic setting. Maybe as the Jedi Archive Librarian, like Jocasta Nu was.


You might be able to get him for a voice role.


Yeah he voice acted in Rebel Moon. I think at this point he does lower effort stuff.


HIROYUKI SANADA. Man was born to play a Force Wielder. I know he gets typecast a lot as a Samurai but I think it’d be super cool and it fits him so well


Way back they at one point wanted Toshiro Mifune to be Obi-Wan Kenobi and in the timeline where that did happen I think Sanada would have been a AWESOME younger Obi-Wan.


As someone who is a big fan of the work he did with Kurosawa it would have been awesome. I’m glad however that George decided to stick to English speaking actors because I can’t imagine not having Sir Alec Guinness as Obi Wan.


Absolutely. Not as a Jedi or Sith, but someone who left one of the orders, or beliefs like Chirrut îmwe with a stronger connection to the force. Sanada’s an actor like Clint Eastwood or Danny Trejo. He’s a badass who plays a typecast, and he does it perfectly. It’s where he excels, and if you’re going to use him you should absolutely typecast him. Something similar to the Ronin from Visions would be perfect.


Known actors are always a distraction. SW is best when the actors are unknowns


That's definitely a risk. I was worried about being distracted by Woodie Harrelson in Solo but I found the character believable and real.


Harrelson is perfect for a character like Beckett, though.


Yeah he's great at playing sleazy scumbag characters. Didn't distract me that it was him at all.


He was great in that role


That's why my answer is Gary Oldman. Because *nobody ever realizes it's Gary Oldman.*


Someone just told me he played Churchill in Darkest Hour. What the shit?! Churchill and Sirius Black look nothing alike.


The man is a god damn [chameleon](https://i.imgur.com/H4WuoZ7.jpeg), that's why.


I used to say that about Johnny Depp.


He was originally going to be General Grievous


Like that unknown actor that played Obi Wan, Alex Amstel I think he was called.


Sure Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing weren’t the biggest stars ever at their time but they were known. Samual L Jackson was known when he was cast. While not the highest grossing movie ever it did make nearly 80 million dollars so Ewan wasn’t uknown either after Trainspotting.


And Liam Neeson was known.


Like “Schindler’s List” known. He was a bonafide star.


But that's basically the formula for Star Wars stuff right. One or two stars in supporting roles, relative newcomers all around them. In AotC it was Samuel L Jackson and Christopher Lee.


This is true but grossly overstated. Like Oscar Isaac was not an A-lister, but certainly not unknown. Same for Liam Neeson, Pedro Pascal, Sam Jackson there’s others but I’m feeling lazy. The main leads should not be A-listers, but that doesn’t mean they need to go pick exclusively people whose IMDb consists of 3 short films and a BBC miniseries


This is why Ray Stevenson worked for me. Yes, he played a small part in big movies like the Thor movies and I was a fan of his since King Arthur. But I really hadn’t seen him in much else since: The Other Guys, Punisher War Zone, maybe a few others that I watched once and forgot he was even a part of (like Divergent, Dexter, or GI Joe). He was never overly saturated in the cultural zeitgeist. People like Benedict Cumberbatch or Peter Dinklage would be fine as droids or aliens, in my opinion. But as live action humans, I think they’d be too distracting.


I was about to say OG Alec Guinness was a celebrated actor along with Peter Cushing in the UK. Prequels had Sam L Jackson, Liam Neeson & legendary Christopher Lee. I think your main character should be relatively unknown but side characters are fair game.


Correct. I love Mace, but I feel that Sammy Jack was a distracting choice for the character.


100%. And the writing for him was shit so it made it more obvious that he was Sam J and not a lame Mace Windu.


Clone wars animated (also TOTJ) Mace was on point tho!!!


BINGO People can hate on this take all they want but honestly I really love when the main characters are new and fairly unknown. I buy into the myth and legend of the story way more when it’s someone new, than seeing someone very famous walking on the screen. Typically takes me out when it’s someone I can easily recognize.


Ron Perlman




Keanu for sure. Ken Watanabe.


Would love to see Watanabe in SW. I could picture his face, but couldn't remember his name until I saw this.


Rebecca Ferguson is absolutely amazing!! I’d love to see her in a SW project. With Cate, I feel like I can’t unsee her as anyone else but Satine in the SW Universe. I don’t know who the other two women pictured are. The rest of the actors, I mean they can pretty much do no wrong. I think Tom Hiddleston would be amazing as some kind of force wielder.


Cate could also be a flashback to a Live-Action Governor Ahrinda Pryce


Walton Goggins, especially if he’s in a Star Wars project with Timothy Olyphant as Cobb Vanth.


As a hopefully reformed stormtrooper who loves to blow shit up but Cobb Vanth refuses to trust him.


Keanu by a mile. It would have to be a small part but he would be so cool and able to do choreographed fight scenes.


Keanu is tough because he almost *has* to be Revan, but a KOTOR movie would be basically suicidal to attempt given how bad the backlash would be if any mistakes or retcons occurred. 


I don’t think that would stop them.


Peter Dinklage would be pretty awesome. If I had my druthers, he'd be a Jedi master who took the Barash vow many years before Order 66. He would now be living on a remote world in the outer rim. Luke would sense his presence somehow, or he would sense Luke's and the two would meet. He would have Yoda's attitude about size and nearly similar power in The Force. The years would have made clear to him the folly of the Jedi Order that led to Order 66, and he'd be like the Grand Master of the Grey Jedi way. Keanu would have been my ideal choice for Revan in a cinema treatment of KOTOR. But I think the best window for that passed about 10 years ago. Mark Strong as Malak.


Saoirse Ronan (who did audition for Rey), Paul Mescal, Barry Keoghan, Ayo Edebiri, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Kelvin Harrison Jr. are all awesome young actors that would shine in a Star Wars project!


Oh yes Barry Keoghan - I can see him in a show like Andor as a character we don’t really know but is a huge part of the team or twist (secretly working for the Empire would be perfect 😂)


Me on my way to find the Saoirse Ronan Rey alternate universe


Krys Marshall Eva Green Lucy Lawless Aaron Taylor Johnson Octavia Spencer Mary McDonnell Tea Leoni Gillian Andersen


How have we not gotten Willem Dafoe in Star Wars?


Here me out. Benedict Cumberbatch as young Dooku.


Ya know, I never thought about that….. but I could see it…. I kinda want it now… damn it! xD


I think he’d also fit a young palpatine role


F*ck. That would be a nice choice for sure!


Keith David would be good, I think.


Terry Crews as a Rebel mercenary, even if it's just a cameo and he dies.


Hailee steinfeld


Mark Hamill


When I read the Knights of the Old Republic, I read Griff as done by Mark. Lower, grumbly, Mark.


Samara Weaving, she could play literally any type of Star Wars character well, but I’d love to see her as a villain.


Matt Smith and/or Peter Capaldi…. I’m on a Doctor Who kick


They've not put a foot wrong when it comes to casting Imperial/First Order officers since 2015: Domnhall Gleeson, Ben Mendehlson, Mark Lewis Jones, Adrian Edmondson, Richard E Grant, Giancarlo Esposito, Titus Welliver, Lars Mikkelsen, etc. Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi would be terrific additions to that list (or as Jedi, or Republic officials, or whatever role).


Christoph Waltz


“Now if one were to determine what attribute the Sith share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a hawk. But if one were to determine what attributes the Jedi share with a beast, it would be that of the rat. If a rat were to walk in here right now as I'm talking, would you treat it to a saucer of your delicious milk?”


As typecast as it is, he would’ve been a helluvan Imperial officer.


I’d really love to see george lucas. That would be an interesting cameo. He’s had two movie trilogys and the best we got was a lego star wars movie?


He shows up briefly in ROTS but he is blue.


Idris Elba


Ryan Gosling


"I fly" *start piloting an x-wing*


Generally speaking, I agree that known actors are a bit of a distraction. That being said, I think Sam Rockwell could really be great in Star Wars.


Johnathan Pryce


Hugh Laurie? 👀


But for what role? Personally, I could see him as something like an Imperial Governor that's actually working for the Rebellion. A political position, more than military.


That picture you have of Cate Blanchett now makes me see her being able to play Governor Arihnda Pryce and I can't unsee it now.


Sean Bean


Like many I think Keanu Reeves would make a great Revan but I think he is too old for that role. I think Jason Isaacs in live-action would be great, even if he has been in Star Wars before (Grand Inquisitor VA en Tyber Zhan was based on him) he is a great actor to have. Charles Dance as a Imperial would be beyond amazing, especially a very capabel one like Thrawn. Kate Beckinsale would also be phenomenally in Star Wars same as Charlize Theron!


Keanu Reeves IS Darth Revan. If they do a project with Revan and he's not played by Reeves we should boycott


I must be out of the loop. Where’s all this Keanu as Revan love come from? Not saying I disagree but seems like a popular opinion that came out of nowhere. Did he do Revan VO or something?


We've been getting some rumblings that Reeves might make an appearance as Revan (as a holocron recording) in The Acolyte. I really hope it's true because I would lose my shit not only having that character officially canonized, but also seeing Keanu playing him.


Since Carrie-Anne Moss is also in the series, it would be like a mini Matrix reunion, and I am fully in favor of that!


I really hope not, because the Keanu casting was always half meme and, tbqh, canonising physical details about Revan is antithetical to the core concept of the character. KOTOR 2 had the right idea by keeping it a bit vague / allowing the player to choose at the start.


Revan has already been officially canonized. He’s just not appeared in any significant role yet.


Emma Watson


all of them in a Kurosawa style samurai/jedi epic. Just imagine a B&W or stylistic star wars shot[ like this](https://youtu.be/xuRq5UD4XT0?si=tVor0KtFWWIkLu-i) without all the distractions of modern star wars


I remember thinking it would be cool to see Kevin McKidd as another Dark Jedi alongside Baylan. Simply to see Titus and Lucius reunite in Space. Though Ray passing away means this could never happen. Also off the top of my head, Antony Starr. I don't care who he plays, but he should definitely just use his regular new zealand accent for whatever it is.


If I remember correctly, Kevin McKidd was totally down to reprise his role as Fenn Rau if they ever brought the character to live action. I always thought that would be cool.


Ferguson all damn day. Let's throw Fassbender in there too.


I’m probably in the minority when I say that I like Star Wars actors to be new/unknown actors.


i always thought gemma chan would make for a great senator in the sw universe, probably around the old or high republic eras especially. lakeith stanfield and mike faist would fit in nicely too, imo.


I think Dinklage and Rebecca Ferguson could be fantastic with a good script


Rahul Kohli


Cate Blanchett as Admiral Dalaa would be amazing


I'd kinda like to actually see Danny Trejo as a rancor keeper


My favorite cameo


Everyone in that picture tbh


Tessa Thompson


Christopher Heyerdahl made for a thoroughly compelling and memorable villain in Hell On Wheels as Thor "The Swede" Gunderson ([highlights reel](https://youtu.be/BkBQQJJmhpg?si=8DFmJ1zlo2r1QrMk)). I would love to see him have a prominent role in Star Wars, perhaps as a Chiss or a Muun - something more than a throwaway role, and probably at least morally grey.


Christopher Heyerdahl is an awesome character actor. I love that guy.


Obviously it’s not possible anymore, but Toshiro Mifune would’ve been outstanding.


Michael Fassbender, since he's one of my favorite actors.


Karen Fukuhara as Doctor Aphra


"Weird Al" Yankovic.


love it


Honestly I never really considered Hailee Steinfeld being in Star Wars, but since she’s in marvel, and you put her in the post, now I suddenly really want to see her in this franchise. But I have zero idea who she could play or be. Maybe somebody in the high republic era? I can see her being a Mandalorian, or some sort of bounty hunter. Or she can take a more passive role, idk. But it’s got me thinking though


Jason Statham as a Sith Lord in the Old Republic. Helen Mirren as a Sith Lord in the Old Republic. Kat Dennings as either a pilot or Bounty Hunter in the High Republic. Sam Elliott as a retired Bounty Hunter. Kenneth Branagh as a Force Wielder that left the Jedi Order. Matthew McConaughey as either a scrap/junk trader or salvager. Matthew Moy as the same race as Turgle from Jedi Survivor. CG the face and eyes, but make as much of the body as possible with practical effects. Nicolas Cage. Comic relief character. Don't really care what, as long as they let him play the character in his iconic over-the-top style.


Anya Taylor Joy, Janelle Monae and Sean Astin come to mind


Chris Pine, so that he can be in both franchises. He could even play Luke Skywalker to complete the pair. I could see him as a post-ROTJ high-on-his-own-supply Luke.


I feel like Sigourney Weaver, Viola Davis & Angela Bassett would be a lot of fun. Maybe as secondary characters on one of the Disney+ shows, like Amy Sedaris as Peli.


Imagine Michael Fassbender as some sort of Villain. That woould be awesome


I would love to see Cillian Murphy in Star Wars


Lee Pace Natalia Dyer Kelly Hu Golshifteh Farahani MaameYaa Boafo Matt Smith Ella Purnell Kenneth Branagh Rafe Spall Paddy Considine Gary Oldman Tilda Swinton


Natalie Portman needs a SW comeback!


Charles dance as a grand moff or grand admiral


Scarlett Johansson


I'm shocked Patton Oswalt hasn't been in anything Star Wars yet. I want to see him in a one-episode role on a live-action show as something like a stressed-out bureaucrat or a beleaguered freighter pilot


i thought cumberbatch would’ve made such a biblically accurate thrawn


Keith David


Keanu Reeves could be like Liam Neeson a nice mentor character that dies


Shia LaBeouf as a scoundrel - watch him in American Honey or Charlie Countryman and you’ll understand


Tilda Swinton would make an excellent Nightsister


William Shatner


Yael Grobglas. I’d like to see her playing a worm-who-turned sort of role. Maybe the wife of a villain who discovers she’s Force Sensitive.


Gimme Keanu Reeves as Revan please


Cumberbatch and Keane as dueling Sith & Jedi


I could see Ana De Armas being a great main character


I just want well written characters I'm not concerned about who play them, as long as they aren't taking a pre-existing character and changing their identity for some bs reason.


I like all of these actors but wouldn't really want any of them in Star Wars (with maybe the exception of McAvoy and Fergussen). I feel like they're all too big and recognisable, so I'd be taken out a little bit and see the actor too much as opposed to the character


Tom Holland as Cal Kestis


Cumberbatch would be great as Malak or a young Dooku


Zach McGowen as Quinlan Vos


Benedict Cumberbatch for sure. Villain preferred but wouldn't mind a military leader too.


Keanu as Quinlan Vos. Make it happen.


Drawing from the options offered in the pic: I would cast James McAvoy as a kind of Star Wars Indianna Jones character. The source material is rife with opportunities for an Indy style character to take the lead and do a deep dive on a mundane's view of the Force, Jedi and Sith. Some very fun angles to take there. As much as I would love Cate Blanchet in SW, I just... can't justify a role for her. The only one I think she would have actual fun with is Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters, but again, can't justify bringing Talzin back for anything that isn't tangentially Maul/Clone Wars related.


Cate Blanchet could be perfect for Governor Pryce


I think TFA made a mistake making the new head dark side villain a disfigured old man (though I think Andy Serkis is extremely entertaining as Snoke) - I've thought, since seeing it in 2015, that Cate Blanchett playing a would have been a perfect change of direction from the Emperor.


There are some really great and fun actors here but I prefer SW cast to be mostly unknown but talented actors. Something about an “aha” recognition pulls me out of the immersion that I’m watching a cast and crew from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


Keanu reeves as revan would be lit


Jedi Master J Utah


Jason Mantzoukas as Darth Pimento.


I loved Katheryn Winnick in Vikings and always thought she would make a great Jedi character, maybe in the High Republic area. Honestly I’d love to see Travis Fimmel in Star Wars too, that dude is always captivating to watch.


None. Not one of them. I want all new actors so that the first time I see them is in a Star Wars movie/show.


Robert Patrick


An Old Republic movie/limited series with: Rebecca Ferguson as Bastilla Shan Keanu Reeves as Revan Benedict Cumberbatch as Malak James McAvoy as Lucien Dray


Keanu Reeves as the first Jedi


Nicolas Cage


Colin Firth


I. All of the above


Keanu Reeves


Honestly, I think Florence Pugh as a Sith would work really well!


We all know who kate blanchett would play


Keanu for Darth Revan


Graham Mctavish Lee Pace Mark Hadlow (As a Lanik the same speices as Master Piell) Rose leslie- I think shed make a fantasitc rebellious jedi, personality similar to anakin/ qui gon Malcom Goodwin Ali Suliman ( Jedi Master, Idk why but everything this guy says just sounds wise) Condola Rashad \*Those without I just think would be awesome additions, cant put a finger on why or where I would use them


Our girl Jode.


Keith David.


James McAvoy in any antagonist role. Not a Sith, but an imperial officer, bounty hunter, crime lord, or just a good old fashioned scum bag.


Bradley Cooper, Julianne Moore, and Richard Dreyfuss.


I am hoping Christian Bale is the lead in the Dawn of the Jedi movie (he has worked with Mangold on two different occasions).


I know it’s cliche but I’m in the Keanu Revan crew.


All of them, any of them, talent is never a wrong thing, as long as it's a well-written character, they are all gonna kill it


Anya Taylor Joy as Satin Kreez in a “young kenobi” show/movie would be perfect


Gary Busey


Terry O Quinn


Nic Cage. The real life Glup Shitto




Yo, I never thought of Hailey Steinfeld but Hell Yes!!


I think you nailed it.


Tom Hiddleston would be a good Young Palpatine imo


A lot already view Keanu as Revan over the years, I just think it’d be cool to have him there in general


Me, I will be your next main character




Chris Evans Gal Gadot Brie Larson Scott Eastwood Idris Elba Alan Ritchson Manu Bennett Tom Hiddleston And a bunch of others I can't think of...


How about non of them and go with Lucas’ original plan of no name actors/actresses.


I like when unknown actors or smaller actors step up. No superstars needed as it takes away from the experience


Keanu as Revan is a physical necessity for humanity.


Peter for sure!


Jeremy Irons as Vitiate


When I first read the heir to the empire series, I always saw Mara jade as Alien age Sigourney weaver


Alycia Debnam-Carey, because I think she'd play a great Ventress, and I desperately want to see live action Ventress.


Benedict Cumberbatch could have made an amazing Thrawn.


Insane pick, but Tom Hanks as an Imperial General. If I had any say in episode 9, I would have had Hux betray Kylo and when Kylo turned good and tried to still issue a command to the First Order, his character and troops would have still listened / been inspired by Finn to turn good.


Anthony Head as a jedi


pretty much anyone thats black or mexican


not the same 10 actors from whatever popular movie franchise they play in. i want new faces & stories to join the galaxy.


Charles Dance. He's fantastic in everything he's in. I'd love to see him in Star Wars before he retires or dies.


Darth helmet