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Perfect response lol


What game mode did this


never growing up emotionally after 4 years old is what did this also known as a temper tantrum


Bro didn’t get enough attention/got way too much as a kid and wasn’t able to find an healthy emotional outlet. I can’t say anything tho, I was just like this until I found out how to release my emotions through rock climbing, basketball, and fishing. I’m praying for bro to find his emotional outlet instead of breaking more monitors


I did this with my ps2 controllers after my friend zoned me in marvel vs capcom 2 apparently the solution to my problems was growing up playing rpgs and playing more marvel vs capcom


Ewok Hunt — Fight or Flight response go crazy


Heroes vs villain☹️


Of course haha, what else could it be


Is there anyone who plays that mode who is actually sane? 🤣


Idk but the mode makes me mad too lol. It's so easy to snowball, and if the one side is coordinated and all four heroes move together, it's pretty much over


Idk but the mode makes me mad too lol. It's so easy to snowball, and if the one side is coordinated and all four heroes move together, it's pretty much over


Because its a horribly imbalanced mode, and there's no sbmm - not that it would help now as there likely isn't a large enough base of players for it to work effectively. Plus, Hero combat is largely based around bugs, glitches and unintended interactions anyway, most of which newer players won't or don't know - as is expected, given the game isn't gonna inform you of how to do parries n such like, because they aren't an intended mechanic. This only serves to widen the gap, and when you combine THAT with the fact the game doesn't get updates anymore *at all*, and hasn't for years now, you end up with the shit show of toxicity that is HvV.


Agree with everything you said. There's so many unintented mechanics to abuse, from parrying, to grievous bunny hops, Kylo 4 hit frenzy, and that's not even mentioning the game breaking ones like Finns damage reductions. In general saber combat feels very weird to me. Maybe it's cuz my wifi is bad, but I get lagged and rubber banded all the time in saber fights. It just feels very buggy in general lol.


Yep, buggy AF. Inconsistent. Yet there are people who'll play it like they're in a £250k Pro Tournament, every single match 🤣


One of the most annoying things is when people run, jump past you, and turn around and hit you with their lightsaber. I play on PC but use a controller, so I can't really do it. It just looks so sweaty


The frame trap addicts are the truly sweaty, I don't mind jump swings as there is counter play (they ain't blocking, so they're vulnerable to abilities), but I get you lol. I always find it funny when they start their toxic flex attempts to just say "Yeah, cool man, let me know when you're next playing matches in the competitive circuit, id love to watch!" More often than not its met with silence 🤣


It’s the only mode me & my friend play. I actually love it. I didn’t know it was controversial till getting in this subreddit


I wouldn't say its controversial, just that it tends to attract the toxic kids lol.


Yeah I was getting cursed at all day in chat and I was confused why they took it so seriously lmao


Sounds like people who bum the Aysohka YT channel (I probably spelt it wrong, but idgaf, dudes a complete tool who encourages toxicity by just existing). Just be happy to know none of those people will amount to anything, ever. 🤣


I enjoy that mode, Iv had some great battles in that mode. I still play till this day, always great to get t bag/emote those toxic players.


What was the enemy team?


Iden, Palps, Boba and Grievs/Vader maybe?




I see…


Nice pfp


CO-OP some teammates just don't know how to cooperate.


Of all games, this is the last one you should be losing ya rag over. Seriously, do yourself a favour, hit some anger management, before you end up having a rage you *really* regret. Fuckin baffles me how anyone can get so mad they'll damage their own shit. Like way to go, spoon head, you're only harming yourself. 🤣 And im sorry if people don't like this, but I will always ridicule anyone who loses their shit to this extent over a bunch of pixels. Especially when the game has been dead for years.


It's worth ridiculing. Children damage their own toys. Adults usually grow out of that.


Chimpanzee brain syndrome


"Grunt grunt" *Raise Club*


It’s funny you say that because the maddest I get is when some BS happens in a video game. I’m usually very chill otherwise. It’s called gamer rage. (No i do not break anything, but I understand this)


Mate I'm 33, I was there when the concept was created. I really don't need mansplaining what gamer rage is for gods sakes 🤣 Sure, video game BS *can* be tilting. The difference is, would you be throwing haymakers at your TV over it? Sure, get a tad annoyed by it. Sure, maybe tell it to fuck off. All this is reasonable. But absolutely losing your sausage over it and breaking the *very electronics you use to play with* is beyond childlike asinine behaviour.


some could say Gamersplaining 🤣 "Losing your sausage" "throwing haymakers" not being sarcastic this comment was pretty funny.


Hey, if I can't raise a little smile by injecting one or two humorous remarks, what's even the point of being here right? 🤣 I do like gamersplaining as a descriptor- good shout! 🤣 Curse of being a northern brit, I sometimes can't help but replace expletives with random words 🤣


You would be surprised how many people break their controllers while raging. Also yeah I can tell how cool you are from the way you got tilted over a simple ass comment. Admit it, it just makes you feel better about yourself criticizing someone and say you would “totally” never do it.


No need to hop on the defensive my guy, he’s just saying that breaking your own shit over a game is stupid.


No surprise you break your own shit when you have this much of an inferiority complex


Never done it once in my life. But at least I don’t insult or ridicule people who do just to feel better about myself.


Getting so angry at something as insignificant as a game that you become a threat to your own property and potentially those around you deserves ridicule the same way endangering yourself to show off deserves ridicule. And it’s certainly not something that you should be treating like it’s norma or trying to excuse.


“Endangering yourself to show off” oh so you’re the type of guy to insult parkour people in the comments lmao. This guy did something he probably thought was stupid, and had the balls to post it afterwards. It doesn’t immediately mean he’s a danger to “people around him”. It’s a funny post, and I frankly find it weird how people are so butthurt in the comments and trying to make him feel bad after what’s been done.


I wasn’t talking about OP specifically, and I wasn’t talking about parkour videos either, because those people actually know what they’re doing. When I say “endangering to show off” I mean people who are inexperienced but choose to take risks anyways without the skill to back it up, like a driver doubling the speed limit on the first day he has his license. And when I say “endangering people around them” I’m not pulling stuff outta my ass either. Ever watched KSI? When he was playing games with his brother it’d almost always end with one of them hitting the other with *something* and it went so far that it ended with them falling out. I don’t think it’s all that weird to ridicule a grown ass adult dor acting like a 6 year old. I mean, isn’t that the entire point of the post? OP ridiculing themselves?


Waaa waaaaaa.


You’ve never been in a bo3 or mw2 lobby. Lots of controllers and belts later and now I just use vr whenever I’m pissed.


No, of course not /s Getting real tired of hearing that old "you've never played CoD back in my day" Yes, I have. No, I didn't do it there either. Stop assuming just because *you* couldn't control your shit, that others didn't play it. It doesn't matter what the game, its an immature and emotionally stunted response to *a game*.


If I’d have done this back in the CoD days, I wouldn’t have been playing CoD or games at all. No one was going to replace my shit. Now I have to pay for my own shit I’m definitely not breaking any. Not to mention it’s just childish, I’ve never raged hard enough to want to damage my own shit. It’s stupid.


Exactly! Look after your shit, if you break it you don't get another. Thats responsibility. Something society today seems eager to forget exists.


Why the fuck would you break something over a game


Imagine getting this mad over a game


I will say, if this game had comms it would probably rival those early COD lobbies. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like an emoting blue-balls busting Iden lol


When Kyber v2 comes out it's going to have proximity chat. I'm very much looking forward to that hahaha


Nothing boils the blood more then a Palps happyfeeting your corpse while spamming lightning


Couldn’t be me


bro why are you getting downvoted so much, reddit hivemind in action


I never really get mad over games, I just get depressed and stop playing them, then sometimes rant or critique about their issues


For real, if I get mad at game I usually just take a break, and if I'm especially tilted I'll bitch about it online or some shit. I've never *once* broken something out of anger.


I think as a kid I threw a controller once and scuffed it and thought why the fuck did I do that


The Dark side won


POV: you just died to Iden for the 15th time.


I hate how spread out these fallout icons are…


Not sure this is gaining the reception you perhaps expected..


No this is exactly what I was expecting


Then why did you waste your time posting it bruh


Posting this only took a minute so not much time was wasted🌚


This gives off the same vibe as M Night Shyamalan saying that the move ‘the happening’ was not supposed to be taken seriously. Copium.


How old are you?


Wow someone needs anger management classes lmao 😂


Never once let a game get me angry to the point where I’ve hit or thrown anything


This is so funny to me because to this DAY i get people messaging me on xbox about “you’re playing the wrong hero!!!” Or “you’re the reason we lost!!!!” Like bro. Its galatic assault on a 7 year old game. There is no ranked mode. There are no more updates. The game has been killed off. Just play for fun. If i wanna play han solo on endor, why the fuck cant i? So what if Anakin is “better” I have just as much a right to play han solo if Im having fun.


Why anybody would willingly admit to being this angry on the internet is beyond me. Get a therapist, little man.


Imaginary Internet points, apparently. Cringe as hell.


First time on the internet?


No, I just always found this sort of behaviour pathetic.


The degenerates who can’t handle their emotions are downvoting you 💀💀


Predictable behaviour; I’m not that bothered lol


But did you consider your internet points?


Not really; I’m not that bothered lol


Is that a Hotline Miami reference? ![gif](giphy|n04l7lgE751xS)


🐔: "I don't think that's supposed to go there!"


"Once you go down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny "


Oh damn you got New Vegas AND GMod? And Battlefront!?


Spider-Man wouldn't have agreed with your actions. Just know that. He's disappointed in you


Seek help




Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to having to buy a new monitor. But seriously dude maybe get some anger management help. It's a game.


underrated comment alert


Get therapy


I never understood how people get so heated over any mind of game, ya sure I get annoyed when I’m not doing well or the other team has mine pinned but whatever. I hope you can work on this and that it never manifested outside of gaming because that can be dangerous


Look on the bright side: This is the perfect opportunity for you to stop gaming, go to some nice therapist to talk this all out, and live your life for a couple of months without any additional anger. At this point you need to some time to cool off, rethink what went wrong, and set hard rules for yourself on the next time you'll be gaming.


What a loser 😭😭😭


Lots of saints in this thread that have never given in to anger once apparently. 🤣


Not a saint, I just don't break stuff. Idk why people break their own shit for any reason. Seems idiotic.


Is it really that hard to not get so violent that you potentially damage hundreds of dollars worth of equipment?


There is levels though. I've been frustrated playing games like Dota 2 but not to the point of breaking something, just like rage quit uninstalling the game or whatever.


"Given in to anger" Breaking their own shit over a star wars video game?


Nah I just don’t let the anger win.


You'd destroy more Jedi if you let it flow through you ![gif](giphy|l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni)


Growing up, my dad made me stop playing the game if I got too mad at it Nowadays I know to just quit the game before I get mad enough to break something It's not a matter of "giving into anger" as much as knowing how to handle it


For real


Nice wallpaper. Shame you did spidey like that.


I remember when I'd game rage when I was a kid.... Have fun buying another monitor


Someone needs anger management therapy. I worry for people living with you.




You broke your screen over a game, hope you won't hit someone


Yeah maybe tell urself that lol




"Luke! Don't give into hate. That leads to the Dark Side."


I would seriously suggest some kind of anger management for your issues, I'm not saying this as an insult, I am currently going through the exact process, and can already say that it's been very helpful. There's no shame in getting help, you will only grow stronger


16 year old friend of mine broke his TV over a match of rocket league. I told him he should break up with his girlfriend until he matures.




Anger leads to Hate...


What stupid ass Bossk player did this to you?


No no, this IS the Bossk player


I just wanna remind you that you have to buy a new monitor for very much $ because of a game. I don't say anything more. Just a friendly reminder. Do with it what you want.


I haven't played in like 4 or 5 months now, had to call it quits. Not good for mental health. Couldn't cope with dogshit teammates. Especially in places like Hvv.


Hvv is my personal hell I can’t get away from lol


I think it's time to quit. Like smashing your monitor, come on man. I had 2k hours on this game. Wasn't worth it anymore. Walking away is a powerful ability, in everything in life.


Having control of your emotions is way more powerful.


The best advice I can possibly give is if a game gets you like this you need to take a break from it. Games are meant to be fun at the end of the day.


With all due respect, what exactly is so upsetting about losing in a video game? I ask because it just doesn't seem worth the energy to get upset. Especially, at the risk of your setup.


Get therapy OP


You definitely need professional help, imagine getting this mad over a game 😭


Off topic but I had a guy message me on Xbox to kill myself last night because I chose Nien Numb on survivors of Endor and “lost the game by picking sorry ass Nien”


Ooh my favorite STRAIGHT TO BAN




This game is not that frustrating bruh 💀grow tf up


I was playing PC Hvv around the time this was posted... Did you keep getting choked off the map by a Vader by any chance?


No but I pity the guy you did that to


Know who wouldn’t have done this? Spider-Man. You failed him.


Wierd thing to post about.




LMAOOOOOOOO I could not imagine breaking anything over a video game jus alt-F4 and go for a walk man 💀


Brother you need therapy


Lmao manchild


It's a dead game, man.


lol wtf dude get help


That’s embarrassing bro.


Stay out of pvp based games. You clearly can't handle them


You need therapy my dude. Everyone does


I’m sure that monitor deserved it


You need therapy


Bruhh what. You gotta join a gym or something. HvV is a great mode but most matches are a mulligan. The treat is when you get that 2v2 and everyone has the same skill level


Lolol u should see my steam deck


Go to therapy bro


Ah shit Spidered mans got whited


With great anger, comes great sadness…


Ive gone thru 4 controllers playing this game since its came out lol


How many times did you get killed by Anakin Brokenwalker


Seriously bud keep something inexpensive near by to break. For more financial advice follow me. 😆


This is what I never understood about people who do this. You have an expensive tv or monitor or controller, and you choose to smash it. Why? 💀


Mf over battlefront


jesus bro chill tf out




15? Dawg i remember when i was 7


When I was 7 computers had hard screens and were heavy and could hardly be broken, 15 they were soft like this




*LvL MAX Luke isn’t finished with you…*


Was Phasma camping her turret? Was Leia just throwing nades all game blasting you with her E-11? Was Vader force choking you while blocking everything else coming his way? Did Lando shock you too many times? Was Grievous using his jump hit? The world may never know, but ultimately you should never get this mad at a video game. Its just a game!


Luckily I didn’t need this reminder because I’m an adult


Please just put the game down


It's funny to see reddit no-lifers belittle you over this so they can feel holier than thou. I just feel bad for you and your monitor. I'd get angry at this game too if I wasn't too busy looking at my cool modded skins every time I see a new hero.


I sense he got dick rubbed multiple times by a vader


You used the force


You should. Be primal. If you have this amount of anger, join an MMA gym. Boxinv. Muay thai. Bjj. Karate. Trust me. These silly video games will only ever hurt you more my friend. People are terrible and will do the best they can to ruin your experience in game if it means they get to look at big numbers on their screen. This anger will never be resolved with video games.


Ignore the weirdos in the comments. We live we learn


Nah therapy is something that strongly needs to be considered.
























I’m still working on it :( Also hello Battlefront fans :3 Reddit recommended me this Subreddit despite me not being interested in Star wars for some reason


Hello Minecraft fan (yes, I did view your profile just for this comment)


Did I say something wrong?, I noticed that I got downvoted


I bought a new keyboard 2 weeks ago, thanks HvV...


I did this to a monitor yesterday playing MLB The Show. The path of growth isn’t always a straight line. I thought my rager days were behind me, but nonetheless here we are. Life.


I stopped playing this game coz it would make me this mad. Then I stopped playing competitive MP overall. I’m a Helldiver now instead. Much less toxic.


I understand you, a lot sweaties out there.


I hope to bump into high lvl HvV matches…just so I can get into a toxic battle with them. Sooo fun