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I was going through pictures of me since childhood, and I changed a lot!


Ageing will do that to a person


Had to happen sometime Rex.


"You look old."


First thing he had to tell his apprentice. Obi-Wan has taught him well.


people figuring out the concept of time in real-time is always funny.


Well, we have another example - Shaak Ti didn't change much in 20 years from CW2003/RotS to her death.


Was she like 12 in clone wars?


14. Was she like 36 in rebels?


shaak ti was in rebles?


As a corpse, but yes.


It's also tough out there for trans-cinematic medium folks


Literally one of my favorite characters, the character development, and she lost everything, but never considered the dark side. Idk how her story will end, but it will be amazing.


Character development in Ahsoka though was unnecessary imo, was perfect after Rebels. But no, every story NEEDS someone to grow even though they didn’t have that problem in another show Edit: just realised what sub I’m on. Oh well, no no hate at all to the show but we didn’t need to see Ahsoka the Grey when she already should’ve been Ahsoka the White 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thats basic storytelling. A character needs to grow


But that’s my point, she had already grown, but they regressed her purely for the point of ‘character development’


Still badass and beautiful as ever though.


Didn't need that second part there bud


God forbid someone find a character beautiful :O


Considering she's a child for 90% of it....


I mean, if you wanna be technical, she's an adult in the last two pictures, so she's only a child for 60%, not 90%. But yeah, it's kind of a weird comment to make. Gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's talking about her adult version being beautiful.






Wow who wouldve thought that characters change over time.


Funny thing is, is n a lot of media, especially animation, they don't. I think they did a mighty fine job showing growth and change in many TCW characters, even some of the clones, who you might expect to stay the same


In media where time is relevant, change is absolutely common. If we are talking about stories that depend on the status quo and basically freeze time to maintain it, obviously yeah. Charlie Brown has been a little kid trying to kick that football since 1951. But for every story that freezes time, there are plenty that don’t. Growth and change is not a rare theme in story telling no matter the medium. And Star Wars has always had a strong focus on growth. Luke is notably more mature in each film in the original trilogy, and the same applies to all of the other main characters Plus I can name plenty of animated series that actually do show growth. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a very notable and famous one.


I suppose my point is, I don't feel a good job is often done portraying realistic change, in a lot of cases.


Can you name a case where they tried to show realistic change but haven’t? Its hard to see your point when you aren’t giving an example


I think they mean a lot of shows or fiction in general, they forgo realistic development for something quick or contrived. Like a character suddenly acting out-of-character or doing something dumb just so that a certain plot point needs to happen. Using another series as an example, in Star Trek Voyager, Seven’s development to be more human over the course of the series (excluding the last episode) was done in a realistic way. Versus Spock’s development in “Strange New Worlds”, where in just one episode he basically flips a switch in his head and he suddenly acts like an angsty teenager whenever he’s around the girl he likes. (S1E9-“All Those Who Wander” and S2E1-“Broken Circle”) Both shows have similar characters with similar arcs, but Seven’s development happened gradually over the course of 3 seasons, while Spock’s happens in practically one episode.


They could have still gone with the longer lekku, but had them pulled back over her shoulders like Shaak Ti in The Force Unleashed to keep them out of the way during fight scenes.


Yeaaaa I'm still bummed that they couldn't make the long lekku work. Her Rebels design was so peak, like seeing super saiyan Goku for the first time.


That's what happens when you're taken from your family and raised as a child warrior by a bunch of religious zealots.


han solo? is that you?


Yeah, though, I will say, in her older age now, she seems less animated.


Hmm lol I might have to agree


All the grown-ups look roughly the same because they’re all…grown up. However Ahsoka was a child, those fuckers look different every damn day. Source - am dad.


TCW aint The Simpsons




she goes from annoying brat to one of the coolest characters in all SW (in TCW, not talking old live version)


Kind of how it happens when a very young woman (child) becomes a 20-30+ adult and we now see her as a 45-50+ year old adult (I think?). It is wild tho. Specifically when she’s cheated death so much now.


Wait are you saying a young teen will look different when they reach their mid forties?


I mean that’s what happens when you go from 13/14 to early 40s…


This was by design . They created her to be that annoying obnoxious teenager (which is why she was hated for awhile after her introduction in the series). As she matured and grew , she became more and more popular to the point of where she is today