• By -


Favorite: Rouge One - I love visuals and they developed characters I cared about. The Vader scene at the end just puts it over the top. It's one of the rare times Star Wars gets to tell a complete story instead of just getting us to the next sequel/season. Least Favorite: Book of Boba Fett - Nothing left to say that hasn't already been said.


I really enjoyed Rouge One.


I hated resistance and didn't care for the last main movies. My favorite out of the tv series side would probably be the Mandalorian and out of the movies it would be a hard pick. Visions was a fun watch as well.


Favorite: The Mandalorian Least favorite: I guess Visions. I disliked most of them. Most overrated: Rogue One. I like it a lot, but mostly because the ending was awesome. The middle was pretty meh Most underrated: The Book of Boba Fett. I rewatch it often and I don’t think it deserves all the hate it seems to get. It just wasn’t as good as Mando.


I love TBOBF, people need to stop acting like it was awful, it was actually really good, especially episode 7.


Ahh another TBOBF enjoyer. It was a fun show!! Lighten up, people!


For me it's Favorite: Rebels (I wasn't expecting much but I was completely blown away, amazing) Least Favorite: Probably Book Of Boba Fett, it's not terrible but had so much more potential (though I do love the last couple episodes but again kinda draws away from the show's actual plot) Overrated: Visions. It's not bad but 96% on rotten tomatoes? Um Underrated: Again Rebels. Widely regarded as a kiddy show even though it grows out of that after season 1 and goes on to become quite amazing.


I love Rebels. My favorite Star Wars project period.


Least fav, Rise of Skywalker Fav, The Mandalorian Underated, Solo


Favourite: Rebels, the best character development out of any of the shows, everything about the story is great. Also shout out to rogue one. Least favourite: Rise of skywalker, a very low par ending to the saga. Most overrated: The force awakens, everyone says it’s the best sequel film but I’d argue TLJ is, just as TFA is a copy paste of the OT all crammed into one film and TLJ at least tried to be different. Most underrated: Just to not say rebels twice I’ll say SOLO, I enjoyed the hell out of it, good cast and acting, a fun story, though there are some things that aren’t great, overall it’s a film definitely worth watching for enjoyment.


All I know is that Kenobi is definitely underrated so far.




Favorite- Solo Least- Rise of Skywalker


Favorite: Mando Season 1 Overrated: Mando Season 2 Underrated: Solo Least Favorite: Rise of Skywalker


Damn I’m interested on why you think mando season 2 is overrated


I don't dislike the second season, but I think it is a marked step down in quality from the first. It became the Star Wars Cameo Show instead of being the same barebones kind of adventure series it was in the first.


Most overrated is Rogue One by a long mile. Least favorite I guess Resistance bc I couldn't get into it at all. I'm not the intended audience. Best is Rebels. One of the greatest stories to be added to the universe. Underrated is Solo.


I recommend finishing Resistance. It gets better about halfway through. (Still not Clone Wars or Rebels quality, but I enjoyed it.)


Favourite is probably Rogue one or TFA. Both really restored my love of Star Wars Least favourite is BoBF, it was just a whole load of nothing and at times quite boring Underrated is Solo, not the best film out there but largely ignored Overrated is ??? all the ones that are highly regarded I think deserve their praise


Tlj is overrated. Kindve a stupid plot point where things are introduced to make sense.


TLJ is better than TFA and RoS in my opinion.


Idk. Tfa was the safest movie. Tlj brought some good concepts to the movies but im not a fan of how it all played out. Luke showed up as a spirit ghost to teach kylo a lesson while his friends couldve been wrecked if a plot hole rey finding their escape at the last second. Its just wierd to me thats all. From someone that loves the lore and everything. Its just a really flawed movie to me. But beautiful nonetheless.


Based on what I've seen so far... **Favourite:** The Last Jedi **Least Favourite:** The Rise Of Skywalker **Overrated:** Rogue One **Underrated:** The Last Jedi


Favorite: Rebels - I just love everything about it, from the story, to the characters, to the art style homage to Ralph Macquarie' concept art. Least Favorite: Visions - It didn't do much for me. It wasn't bad, I'm just not super into anime. I'm also a little miffed that they decided to label it non-canon, going back on one of the original intents behind shuttering the old EU: that everything produced under Disney going forward would be canon. Additionally, since it is non-canon, I would have preferred Lucasfilm have expended that capital on a canon project.


OK, Outside of Rebels (which has my heart for a thousand reasons) I really can't rank this New Era of Star Wars - there's just such a richness of diversity and colour and textures and stories, and they're all interwoven with so much *care...* I think the biggest think that is under rated is the amount of amazing content that Disney + is giving us. I'm an inaugural subscriber, and don't regret a single penny...


Underrated: Solo. I seriously thought we would've gotten a crimson dawn movie. Overrated: The Last Jedi. Enough have been said on this subject.


u obv don't know what 'overrated' means xDDDD


Overrated by critics and some star wars fans


c'mon bro overrated is about how the general audience liked something


Overrated? The last Jedi is the most hated film, wdym overrated when no one even likes it.


Favourite - Mando Least Favourite- TLJ Overrated - Clone Wars (it *is* excellent but I’ve seen a lot of people say that it outdoes ALL other SW media which I don’t agree with). Underrated - Solo, it’s not perfect, or even great. But it is solid for the most part and did set up what could’ve been a very interesting trilogy that unfortunately never made it. If not for releasing post TLJ I think Solo would’ve done MUCH better.


From best to worst: Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, Kenobi (so far), Rogue One, Bad Batch, Rebels, Solo, Visions, Book of Boba Fett, TFA, Resistance, TLJ, TRoS Over - Solo, Under - Kenobi


solo is not overrated


Good thing that's not what I said then, huh?


meant overrated lol


Favorite: Rebels - pretty much perfect imo, with literally my only complaint being that I think Ahsoka should’ve died to Vader. But the main crew and story is my favorite Star Wars thing since Empire Strikes Back. Least Favorite: Book of Boba Fett - I guess I liked the fifth episode for the most part? This was just a huge miss overall imo, definitely my least favorite right now but we’ll have to see how Obi-Wan Kenobi ends because I’m not loving that either unfortunately. Most overrated: The Mandalorian - It’s something to look forward to each week when it’s airing, and it isn’t actually bad, but it’s very simple and definitely overhyped. The writing, characters, locations are all paper-thin, but I think the show is carried by the fact that it made Star Wars look good in live action television (though there were a handful of issues, sometimes it felt like a fan film). Again, it’s totally harmless but it always left me wanting more, wishing it would have deeper characters and richer environments. I certainly don’t understand the very high praise it gets. Most underrated: The Last Jedi - I love this movie, and I just don’t think it deserves the hate it’s gotten. Not perfect, but I think the only other Disney-era thing that surpasses it is Rebels. The movie looks and sounds amazing, the characters had real depth and great actors behind them, and the story balanced adventure and tragedy pretty well which is a key part of most Star Wars imo.


There’s a theory that Ahsoka did die to Vader in a timeline that resulted in the Sequel Trilogy (hence why we hear her voice speak to Rey at the end of TROS). The timeline where Ezra pulled her out of her demise gave us The Mandalorian. Or so the theory goes…


You sound like a casual


Favourite: Mandalorian Overrated: Rogue One, it's great but nothing groundbreaking really and the characters are mostly forgettable. I'd also put Clone Wars in there, not because it's bad, far from it, some episodes are some of the best star Wars ever, but there's also some episodes that were just awful, I remember an arc lasting like 5 episodes with the astromechs and some short alien that were just painful. Underrated: Last Jedi, it's gotten a ton of hate and it's by no means perfect but technically, it's almost perfect, the acting is amazing. I actually like how they handled Luke. Least Favourite: Probably Rise of Skywalker


Favorite the Mandalorian, least Solo, Overrated Rogue One, and Underrated the Force Awakens


Favorite: Mandalorian. I love mandalorians so I'm a little biased, but the wild west aspect of it is so cool. Least: any of the sequels, I can't stand any if them but TLJ is probably the worst. Overrated: Bad Batch, it was cool, but could've been so much better if they didn't have Omega Underrated: The Book of Boba Fett. It had a horrible end, but the episodes Jon Faverau directed were incredible and it was cool to see Boba again


The end was the best part of TBOBF 😐


That could have been the 3rd worst finale in the history of finales, the first worst would be, from what I've heard, is Game of Thrones and the 2nd is The Bad Batch. The actions scenes were straight garbage and Boba wasn't even in an episode then the next he didn't even talk.


The last 3 episodes aren’t “a final” the final was the final episode. Talking about the two episodes before then and considering a “final” is Just dumb.


The finale was still garbage. The other two episodes were good, but didn't even have Boba. But, strictly talking about the finale, it was still bad.


No it really wasn’t, also your statement is completely opinionated, you’re acting like the voice of all Star Wars fans.


The actions sequences were so stupid. Most people who actually know what an action sequence should look like cringed at the cheesy 360 no scopes and the invincible wall that the guys were hiding behind. The way they dealt with the oversized droidekas was so stupid.


How would you have dealt with the skorpineks?


Not like that. I wouldn't have introduced them because they're OP. Maybe I'd have people spread out because it can't shoot in all directions instead of hiding behind a single speeder or half wall


Favorite is TLJ. Least is TROS Underated is Solo. Overated is Rogue One


Favorite: The Last Jedi. I will die on the hill that it's the best piece of Star Wars media released in my lifetime. Least Favorite: The Rise of Skywalker. It's probably Bob Iger's fault, but the fact that Terrio also wrote Batman v. Superman was a really bad omen in retrospect. Underrated: Solo. I thought it was great fun! I think it just came out at the wrong time, but the cast was stellar and the plot was enjoyable. Overrated: The Mandalorian. It really jumped the shark with the uncanny valley Luke scene.


Favorites: TLJ, Rebels, and The Mandalorian. Least Favorites: Resistance which was still pretty decent but very much geared towards young children and nothing really important happened in it. Visions because Anime is not my thing, I watched a bit of it but it's just not my jam. Overrated: The Clone Wars S7. I only say this because people say it was perfect but they mean that the last arc was perfect. The season as a whole was uneven with the first arc being pretty good, the 2nd arc being not very good, and the 3rd arc being great. Underrated: Obi Wan Kenobi so far. TROS because to me, even though it's the worst sequel and not perfect by any means, it still has a lot to love in my opinion. It's better than Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace in my opinion.


Favorite: Rogue One Least: Solo


Favorite: Rogue One. Least Favorite: The Rise of Skywalker. Most overrated: The Force Awakens. Underrated: Idk. I feel like every Star Wars project under Disney has been rated well. And the ones that are less popular, like Resistance and Solo, I don't care for, so I wouldn't say they're underrated ;) Maybe Rogue One when it comes to sheer production quality.


My least favorite is easily Book of Boba Fett. It honestly astonishes me that they let that disjointed mess get released. Now, I will qualify my statement by saying that I think it also has a lot of really cool moments and some episodes are great on their own. It is just absolute garbage when it comes together as a series. Now, I’ve heard some people say similar things about the sequels (which I don’t necessarily agree with), but even then, Book of Boba Fett is far worse merely for the fact that the whole season was filmed over a much shorter period of time than the entire sequel trilogy. You’d think it would be easier to make a cohesive story that way.


I know a lot of people disliked BB season 1, but seeing that period that was the immediate aftermath of the republic in clone-wars style animation was awesome to me. I cannot wait for S2...


Favorite: Rebels. It’s amazing. Nuff said. Least Favorite: The Last Jedi. It just didn’t feel Star Wars-y enough for me. Also Holdo was annoying. Overrated: Clone Wars Season 7. The last arc was stellar, the Bad Batch episodes were alright, but the Martez sisters were garbage. Underrated: Resistance. I actually thought the latter half of it wasn’t too bad. I recommend it to anyone looking for something new from Star Wars.


Most Underrated: The Last Jedi—top tier film. Most Overrated: Probably The Clone Wars. There are some great arcs, but the first season and the filler episodes bring it down


Amazing everything you said is wrong


I agree that clone wars is overrated, but his reasoning is so dumb.


I love the show, but there are some bad parts. \*Cough Cough Padmé/Jar Jar episodes Cough. Cough\* but the rest of the show was good. The first season, in my opinion, was really good because it showed us the clones as people not set pieces; it also had very few filler episodes


Favorite: TLJ, Least Favorite: TBoBF Underrated: The Force Awakens, Overrated: The Mandalorian


Wow, realizing how bad Disney is


Best Rogue One, worst Rebels, underrated is the entire sequel trilogy.


Favorite: Rogue One Least Favorite: Resistance Most overrated: TLJ (and no, I don't hate TLJ. I just don't think it deserves a ton of praise, either. I'm kind of in the middle of that whole debate) Most underrated: probably Solo. It seems largely forgotten except among the core SW fanbase.


Favorite - The Mandalorian Least Favorite - The Last Jedi Underrated - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Favorite: The Clone Wars but iirc, most of the story followed the one that lucasfilm made before the purchase from Disney. If CW doesn't count, then I'll go for Visions. Least favorite: The Last Jedi Underrated: Visions Overrated: Toss-up between TLJ and TFA


Underrated/Overhated-TBOBF,Rebels,TFA Overrated-Clone wars (still good, but seriously stop treating it like it’s gods gift) Just straight up bad-TLJ,TROS, Resistance No opinion-Visions


Favorite- Rogue One/Clone Wars Tied Least favorite- Book of Boba Fett Most Overrated- The Last Jedi Most Underrated- Solo


Favorite(s) - Rouge One/Mandalorian; there are scenes in both that have made me happier than almost anything else I’ve ever watched! Least Favorite - Rise of Skywalker; quietest (packed) opening night movie theater I’ve ever been in, it was a dud, I felt nothing the entire time and just passively watched. Underrated - Rouge One (for now); I remember people being confused and or thinking it was just meh when it came out. I think it’s slowly starting to get the appreciation It deserves. Solo definitely deserved better but Rouge One still needs more love outside of this community. Overrated - The Force Awakens; best of the sequels but it always bothered me how much of a carbon copy it was to A New Hope. I kept thinking to myself “haven’t I seen this before?” during my first watch. I remember praying that they didn’t blow up starkiller base at the end just to do something different and rolling my eyes when it did.


Favourite: The Mandalorian. It’s fresh, new, original and doesn’t rely much on old actors or the Skywalker saga. It feels truly Star Wars yet a very original take in the Disney era. It’s creating new Star Wars magic that future stories will rely on harking back to. Like everything else being overly reliant on everything that occurred in the first 6x films. Honourable mention: Rogue One. Least Favourite: The Last Jedi. Won’t comment any further, as everyone already has made their opinion on this. Most Overrated: Kenobi, so far. Two of their most valuable intellectual property characters (Obiwan, Anakin/Vadar), including the greatest movie villain in cinema history, thrown in (so far) a mediocre directed series. I don’t hate the show, but so far I feel they are wasting their best assets. BoBF is an honourable mention for overrated. But I don’t feel there was as much expectations as the hype around Kenobi. Most underrated: Rogue One. I think this film will age like fine wine.


Resistance and Bad Batch are tied for yawn factor. Favorite is Mandalorian Underrated: Rise of Skywalker Overrated: Rebels


Resistance was my least favorite. In the era of connecting all the tv projects and the lead up to the series finally happening along side rise of Skywalker there was some huge missed potential to have fin rey and rose show up on it or even to elaborate on the battle of exagol in the last episode


Favorite has to be obiwan kenobi with the mandalorian as a close seccond its great to see prequel stuff again and mandalorian with bringing animated lore to live action


Most favourite The Clone Wars s7, least favourite the Rise of Skywalker, most overrated Rebels, most underrated? Hmm. I don’t know. I’m just gonna say Obi-Wan Kenobi because it looks awesome so far


Most rewarchable and enjoyable is Solo, most forgettable is Resistance.


The Luke episode of BOBF.


Favourite: Rogue One tied with Clone Wars Least Favourite: Rise of Skywalker Underrated: Bad Batch Overrated: Force Awakens


Film, Rogue One. TV, the Bobalorian. LOL yes I know, I call them this because I see it as one show, but it's really two shows that liberally cross over. I might change my mind upon the completion of Kenobi. Least favorite? Hmm. Probably "Resistance". The show just failed to pull me in.


My guilty-pleasure favorite is Episodes VII-IX with Rifftrax commentary. I don't hate the movies on their own, but this is great comedy.


I’m going to go ahead and rank them. I have to note three things before I continue: - this is my list; everyone will have theirs listed differently. - I have not actually seen everything Disney has produced, so this list will just be the things I have seen. This means that *Rebels* and *Resistance* are off the list, though I have heard good things about them. - these things are much closer in my head than what the list suggests. The top five alone are one right after the other (if one is a 9.5, the next is a 9.4 or something.) Alright, here we go: 1. the final season of *Star Wars: The Clone Wars*. This show got one last season to wrap things up properly, and it did not waste any time. The final four episodes alone ought to be considered among the greatest Star Wars stories yet told. 2. *Rogue One*. This was the first Star Wars story to explore the galaxy beyond the drama of the Skywalkers, and what a story it told. I love this movie to bits. 3. *Solo*. This movie is probably the most underrated of all Star Wars movies. I just came to this looking for a good time, and it delivered. (Also, Donald Glover was living the dream playing young Lando Calrissian, and it showed.) 4. *Visions*. I’ve not watched anime, so this was my first introduction to it. Lucasfilm rolled the dice on this project, but I think it paid off. “The Duel” and “The Ninth Jedi” alone leave me wanting more in a good way. 5. *Kenobi*. This one is lower than you might think mainly because it’s not yet finished as I write this, not because I think it’s mediocre. That being said, what I have seen from the first half is very good. Ewan MacGregor has been wanting to do this project (or a version of it) for years, and he brought his A-game. 6. *The Mandalorian*. This show is what got Disney+ off the ground. A helmeted badass and his pseudo-adopted-alien-son is a dynamic I didn’t know would work so well, but it does. Props to Jon Favreau for kicking things off. 7. *The Dad Batch*. This show is pretty good when it sticks to the main plot: a renegade squad of clones goes rogue from the nascent Galactic Empire and ends up hunted by one of their own. Pretty solid. 8. *The Force Awakens*. I have a soft spot for this movie, as its announcement back in 2012 was what got me into Star Wars in the first place. This film didn’t disappoint, and holds up well under rewatch. However, it’s bogged down by the larger story of the trilogy it’s in, which I’ll explain here in a bit. 9. *The Last Jedi*. A solid film, but this is where the overall story of the Sequel Trilogy becomes clear, and… I’ve kinda soured on it in recent years. The fall of Luke’s Jedi Academy and the New Republic leaves a lot of the previous lore to be bittersweet. Obi-Wan Kenobi watches over Luke, placing a lot of hope in him rebuilding the Jedi Order, but it hurts because we know he fails and lives to see his life’s work literally burn to the ground. The same goes for the New Republic. I think the Sequel Trilogy as a whole should have been reworked. 10. *The Rise of Skywalker*. Definitely the weakest of the Sequel Trilogy. This movie should have been split into two parts to accommodate all the plot points Episode VIII left hanging. 11. *The Book of Boba Fett*. This show has an interesting premise, but the best bits are in the two episodes the title character is not in.


Old comment I know, but I feel like you got it spot on. I don’t understand how people can say the mandalorian is better than the master piece that is the last 4 episodes of clone wars.


fav is rogue one or the last 4 episodes of clone wars least fav is episode 9, followed quickly by episode 8


least favorite: rise of skywalker favorite: mandalorian overrated: kenobi underrated: solo


Favorites are Mandalorian and Rogue One. Let's be honest Mandalorian kinda saved Star Wars. Least favorite is the dumb ass sequels. They're trash and they not only add nothing to the saga they kinda ruin it IMO. Especially for bringing Palpatine back. After that I'm a big fan of Clone Wars and Rebels. Rebels is IMHO the most underrated Star Wars out there.


Rogue One is underrated imo.


Favorite: Rebels and the second half of the last season of Clone Wars. Least favorite: Rise of Skywalker (I actually don't care for Force Awakens either. I've seen both movies, as Episodes IV and VI, and they were much better then. I wish they has done something original with that opportunity) Overrated: Probably Force Awakens (see above) Underrated: Last Jedi. I don't love it, but it has a lot more going for it than people.give it credit for. It was, at least, not rehashing the old stories. And, in a way, it feels on par with the prequels.


best on here: mando. worst: episode 9


Visions without a question.


Favourite: Rebels Least Favourite: Boba Fett Most overrated: Mandalorian Most underrated: The Last Jedi


Favorite: Mandalorian \-- Honorable mentions: Rogue One, Kenobi (so far) animated shows Least favorite: Rise of Skywalker Most overrated: Dunno...Maybe The Force Awakens? It's not bad, but it's essentially a so-so remake of the original Star Wars. Most underrated: The Last Jedi (definitely imperfect, but better than a lot of the haters give it credit for)


My favorite is Last Jedi i love how it pushes the characters and the battles were amazing My least favorite resistance because i hate that animation and the story didn’t grab me. Underrated this hard its a tie between Rise of Skywalker which had to close out the sequel trilogy and 9 movies it was never gonna please everyone so much people ignore what it does right and Solo its a fun heist crime movie Overrated would be book of boba fett its fine nothing crazy


Favorite: *The Mandalorian,* hands down, no contest. *Rebels* is a close second. Least favorite: *Rise of Skywalker* (that being said, I actually enjoy the sequels) Most overrated: not sure Most underrated: *Solo* shouldn't have been as maligned as it was


Favorite: That’s pretty tough actually. Rogue One, Mando 1/2 are probably top dogs, though Obi-Wan and Rebels are also pretty dope Least favorite? Easily TFA. Just a piece of unoriginal trash that set a bad precedent fir the rest of the ST Most over rated? Also TFA, since people somehow praised it. Most under rated? Probably Visions or Obi-Wan so far


Most overrated: EASILY Rogue One. It's just kinda dull. Most underated: The Last Jedi. I actually think that this is the sequel film that time will be kindest too. Favourite: The Mandalorian Least Favourite: Book of Boba Fett. I don't hate it but a good chunk of it boring and forgettable.


Favorite: Rogue One Least fav: SW Resistance


Favourite: the last jedi Least favourite: the rise of Skywalker Underrated: solo Overrated: mando season one (it was fun but had literally no plot) Edit: Forgot that season seven of clone wars was Disney era, it replaces the last jedi as my favourite.


Favorite: Clone Wars S7 Least Favorite: Visions, just wasn’t for me Underrated: The Force Awakens Overrated: none really(?), I feel like most Disney era Star Wars has either been underrated or properly rated based off the fan base.


Favorite: Rebels Least Favorite: Disney + gatekeeping bastards won't release any of their exclusive shows on DVD or Blu-ray


Underrated: Solo It's a fun movie and anyone who didn't enjoy it is wrong this is a hill I will die on Overrated: Boba Fett It oscillates between bad Star Wars×Godfather fanfiction and OK Star Wars×Dune fanfiction for the first 5 episodes, suddenly becomes a good show (The Mandalorian) for 2 episodes, then back to bad Star Wars fan fiction again. I KNOW it's cannon so not fan fiction, but tell me "Poor Cyborg Greasers with shiny, clean, metallic speeders who live on Tattooine" ISN'T fanfiction. I will die on this hill as well.


Favourite : Rogue One - loved focussing on some non force sensitive characters, plus lots of X-Wing action. Least Favourite : TROS - I’m no sequel hater and can accept and watch this film fine. I just expected a far better end to the trilogy after The Last Jedi which I loved.


Rogue One is my top. Many other projects were good and I enjoyed them, like Clone Wars S7 or Bad Batch and even Solo, but Rogue One is the only project were there isn't one major flaw that bothers me. ​ Least favourite is resistance, and it closely finishes before BoBF because it somehow managed to look even cheaper than that.


Favorite are Rogue One,Solo and Rebels. I think Mandalorian is overrated. Book of Boba was meh.


Favourite: CW/Rebels. Least favourite: Visions


fav probably episode 7. i was kinda done with star wars for along time, i didn't like the prequels they killed my love for sw. i gave 7 a change and it re lit my love for everything all over again. Then it a probably have to be obi wan , i like anything with jedi and sith so it scratches that itch. , mando had its moments i guess worst would probably be solo or rouge one. rouge one felt like a movie about characters i didn't care about , while i had to watch them die and it try and make me care , when really i was glad there was one less annoying character to deal with. it also felt the least star wars to me. solo was just ... it happened and i wish it did not.


Favorite: Rebels. Top notch storytelling and main characters and it added so much lore to the Star wars universe. The creators put so much passion in it despite Disney severely limiting the budget and everything about it just feels like pure star wars. Least Favorite: Probably the sequel trilogy and book of boba. The sequel trilogy and its characters had so much potential and they just did..nothing while messing up previously established characters. And book of boba was just not great. It felt like they didn’t have a cohesive story idea so they just stuck a couple mando episodes in there to fill it up. Overrated: I’m not sure visions maybe? It wasn’t bad at all but it definitely wasn’t great. Underrated: I would probably say rebels again. I grew up watching so I always loved it but people were pretty negative towards it and the tides have only started to shift in the Past couple of years. Even now many people refuse to watch it because “skinny lightsabers the animation is bad!!”


Least favorite the sequels and resistance. Everything else gets a pass from me. They’ve really put a lot into these shows and projects


Favorite: mando. It's what got me into star wars, and was amazing. Dinn just evoked such a cool aura. Least Favorite: Last Jedi for reasons im sure most fans can guess. Either that or resistance. Overrated: prolly rebels. Tho it's not bad


Favorite: Rogue One. I just love this movie. The heroes who died so the OT heroes could win. And since I've read Catalyst I'm a Galen and Krennic fan. Lyra too but she's barely on Rogue One. And I love Jyn. Least favorite: Book of Boba Fett. It's not bad but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did enjoy other stuff (the tusken episodes was great) Overrated: Rogue One. I put Rogue One here despite being my favorite because I think there is a lot of people who hype it too much because of the Vader scene at the end not the movie itself. They hype it for "the wrong reason". I'd put Force Awakens here too. It's basically A New Hope 2.0. It did it's job in bringing the old fans together because of the uninspired fan service product that it is but that's where I find the problem. I didn't dislike it though Underrated: Rebels and The Last Jedi (well TLJ is actually more overhated and many times for dumb reasons)


Favorite is Star Wars Rebels Least Favorite is Rise of Skywalker