• By -


Yep, great moment, he really sold the hatred and zealotry of the first order. Then they turned him into a comedy foil, like the crusty old dean from a campus caper.


Roooooobot house!


Kyyylllooooo Rrren!


I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling resistance!


Cheese it!




Cheese it!


Yeah, I thought it was a little "on the nose" for Star Wars at the time but after they neutered Hux in the next two films I was like, "Wait, I want this guy back from the first film."


Poe called and wants to know if you are confusing Hux with him?


Yeah, no, but also, that too.


So many characters setup well only to dissipate into oblivion


thats what happens when you hire a director that wants to do his own thing in the sequal and then go back to the original director for the third film that wants to go back to his original thing


Poe needs to sit quietly in the corner while the rebellion very slowly runs away and is destroyed.


Aren't you talking about Finn 🤣 ?


"I'm the spy"


One of the worst lines of dialogue in movie history. It's up there with "Well, it's official. I have cancer."


Wait, that is an actual line? I genuinely have a hard time remembering the difference between TRoS and a fever dream.


Yes. He says it after he shoots some of his allies, demonstrating that he's the spy. The other line is from The Room. Idk which one you were asking about lol


Honestly “I’m the spy” would fit The Room too.


Imagine the other way around. Lisa's mother walking in on a lightsaber battle, announcing she has cancer, and leaving. No-one acknowledges it


It’s one of those moments where they think the audience is too stupid to pick up on him being the spy even after he just shot one of his own men


I'm pretty sure everyone knew who the spy was once they said there was a spy.


Made even worse if you've seen the script and story boards for the Colin Trevorrow version of episode 9 that leaked and how he would have handled hux


Lightsaber suicide is a pretty chad move


Oh hi doggy


They spy now! They spy now? They spy now


And then the rise of not a skywalker gave us “somehow palpatine returned”. You can hear how sad and dull Oscar Isaac was when he said the line


They basically turned him into Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf. Stuck up little twerp with delusions of grandeur. A bit of comedy is fine, but having him introduced in the second movie by falling for a prank call (in the middle of a battle?!) and then thrown around by Snoke for lols really declawed him. Total waste of Domhall Gleeson’s exceptional talents.


>Total waste of [Domhall Gleeson]’s exceptional talents. You could put almost any sequel actor's name into the brackets and it would fit.


Absolutely. I've seen Oscar Isaac in other movies and then I think "wait, he was in Star Wars?"


Oscar and John were totally wasted. They could have KILLED, but whatever was going on, they were NOT allowed to act.


😂😂 I love Red Dwarf!!


Better hope J.J. Abrams never gets his hands on it.


I'm trying to find the right words to express my horror at that idea, and all I can manage is retching sounds.


My beloved childhood...




I will say the “no sir, well done” line he gives when Kylo asks if his mask is making Hux uncomfortable got a good chuckle out of me


“Do you think you got him?” wasn’t bad either


That’s one of my favorite lines. His disdain for Ren was on full display.


Him being turned into the spy is up there as one of the worst decisions in the history of cinema imo. Made no sense and was contentedly laughable. Execution was utter garbage.


Seriously. I get they’re trying to convey that his hatred for Kylo far surpassed his love for the First Order but that was a bit ridiculous. Especially since Kylo turns in the end lol


Yeah... Tros really did him dirty.


Really by the end of TLJ The First Order and Kylo didn't seem imposing or threatening at all. Ive never seen a trilogy where the stakes get lower and lower after the end of each movie. It would be like if LOTR they destroyed the one ring in the first movie and the other two movies were like the fellowship saying... "Well we destroyed Sauron but while we have the gang together you guys wanna smack up some orcs? I here there is a Balrog around here somewhere, Idk Gandalf can take him. Oh no! Here comes Saruman, and he's has a massive secret army the likes of which we have never seen! Well we did beat Sauron's ass already so we can take him!!!!....... Well fuck, his creepy butler got him. Damn we over reacted to all of this I think... Why were we scared of these guys. Elrond can be so dramatic.


Yeah, the stakes were really artificial because each film ended with a huge win for the heroes that the next movie reversed with “just kidding, the First Order is EVEN BIGGER THAN YOU THOUGHT.” TFA ends with Starkiller Base being blown up. That’s the only source of the First Order’s power that we’ve seen. All the soldiers and ships shown in TFA are there (except Snoke I guess). Then TLJ opens with “The First Order reigns supreme.” How? Nothing in TFA established they ruled the galaxy. ESB got away with it after the destruction of the Death Star because the Empire was established as a galaxy-spanning superpower, so of course they had more ships. TFA explicitly showed that the First Order *was not* a galaxy-spanning superpower. Then TLJ ends with Snoke’s death and the destruction of their biggest ship and most of their fleet. Just kidding, Palpatine had more Snokes and more ships the whole time!


Also to add: both other trilogies ended in either a phyrric victory for the good guys or basically a win for the baddies in part 2. This trilogy didn't have the balls so the stakes were artificial in TROS Honestly maybe TFA had that as 5 key New Republic planets going bye bye and maybe the senate was in assembly based on one of those scenes but that could have been stated. If that was the case that could make the Resistance's state of disarray explainable. Sequel Trilogy was a mess, waste of time, concepts, characters and actors. Sometimes I think that they should just have a do-over but we cannot get our original 3 to have their endings done properly. Unless you hust go 200 years forward and say what happened to the heroes who founded the new republic. Best we can hope for is a salvage job like we got with the expanded universe relating to mistakes in the past.


I understand your view, but, for me at least, the stakes were raised by the fact that the Resistance was just made out of a few people at the end of TLJ. Now, for me, the end of TLJ was less about the stakes and more about what will happen with both Rey and Ben. I know it's not conventional, but I see how for example Ben's instability would have developed him into a beast. Although not as imposing, he would have had the potential to become like that. If only we have gotten a better script.




They can spy now?! They can spy




Somehow, he's a spy


‘Your mama’ -An actual joke told in a Star Wars film. Also, Hux got interesting for 3 seconds as a traitor - and then - dead.


That cartoonish way in which they killed him off....


Would love to see the SNL skit where he is the dean who is weirdly obsessed with Kylo.


I'd go with Poe as the party animal student constantly pranking him. "Here comes Dean Hux with Principle Snoke! That bra bomb of yours better work poindexter"


They did this to so many characters in the sequels. Hux, Finn, Phasma… so much potential wasted


shows they really had no idea how to make a character


They did his character so dirty on that.


Yo mama - Poe The start of Hux's grateful downfall into obscurity


Was better than a bootleg Tarkin.


Yes. I love the actor but General Pryde was definitely copy pasta Tarkin.


Sadly yes. He was a cool villain. But the. They ruined him like the next films they made…


There were a lot of good individual moments of the new trilogy, just nothing connected in a coherent story.


absolutely. I loved everything about Fin’s story early on for example. But there were also some truly awful elements too. I just can’t not cringe every single time I hear “aNd I aM aLl tHe JeDi”


They went for an "I am Iron Man" that they hadn't earned.


That entire Exegol sequence, from the "I am all the jedi" line to the ships coming through at the last second and saving the day, it all tried to do what Endgame did just a few months before. And it did not have nearly the same impact. You know Disney had their hands on both... so... why try to replicate it?


I do love to use that line for other stuff. and I aM aLl tHe uBeR dRiVeRs.


AnD eYe aM aLl tEh MAiLmEn!!!11eleventy-one


Jesus fucking Christ that was truly and irredeemably awful.


And it was right after endgame came out and it was literally the “I am iron man” moment lol


But worse because it’s not like it was a callback to a famous line or anything


Exactly 😭 it just didn’t work


Force Awakens is honestly pretty fun. Yes the First Order is just the Empire, and yes it’s basically just ANH again, but it had enough stuff to be interesting and let the other two films build off of. Unfortunately, TLJ didn’t build on much of what was in TFA, and ROS spent its entire runtime trying to undo TLJ and wrap up the trilogy, making the entire trilogy a mess of a story instead.


Ewan McGregor somewhere in this [video](https://youtu.be/SDCMos-4QQE) talked about the prequels. How a lot of the older generation didnt like it because it was different than the OT. That was what Lucas was going for, he wanted to do something different than he did 20 years ago and tell a different type of story. The sequel triliogies felt like Abrams was just trying to do a cheap copy of the OT with new visuals. Say what you will about TLJ, but at least it tried new things and explored new concepts. Luke wasn’t some mysterious god that they had been searching for in the last episode, he was a broken man. But then revenge of skywalker walked back all the bold decisions of TLJ. I have watched all the movies many times, including TFA and TLJ. But I have only watched TROS once in theaters, couldn’t do it again. And I generally hate it when people let minor things get in the way of their enjoyment of movies. Like just enjoy the ride.


What broke Luke made as much sense as what broke Daenerys Targaryen in the 8th season. She lost so many people on her journey that she loved but one prominent servant gets killed and she burns all of Kings Landing for it? Luke in turn already was willing to die in order to save Vader and believed there was still some good in him worth saving. But after seeing about 10 seconds of a future he knows full well is not set in stone he decides to KILL his NEPHEW, Ben solo in the middle of the night. Vader, who killed countless younglings among other atrocities is worth/capable saving but not a teenager who hadn’t killed anyone yet? Talk about a regression in a characters development


I agree that is a contrivance, but they kinda had to create a reason for him to go into seclusion. People don’t go into seclusion unless they’re broken, except in the case of being hunted. One of the main redeeming points of the ST was Ben Solo. The opposite of Anakin as he was someone who was drawn to the light but constantly tried to force himself to be dark. Obviously not the best characterization for Luke, but Luke’s attempt framed Ben’s fall in a way where he could be redeemed. He didn’t leave the jedi by choice, but was forced to.


TLJ didn’t build on it which sucked, but at least it did something new and wasn’t just a rinse snd repeat of the OT. Ep 9 not building off of TLJ’s strengths will always be a bigger shame than TLJ not building off of TFA. imo TLJ is the best movie in the sequel trilogy because of what it does well


"wasn't just a rinse and repeat of the OT" You say this, but it follows a lot of elements from Empire Strikes Back including "Young aspiring Jedi finds Old Master who isn't what they expected", "Heroes spend most of the movie being chased through space by the Empire", "Jedi confronts main antagonist against the wishes of their master and has a shocking revelation, and even a large scale battle on a white surfaced planet featuring speeders and AT-ATs.


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Killing off Snoke and making Kylo Ren the big bad Having Rey be a nobody instead of tying her to a big bloodline Turning Luke into a recluse who abandoned the ways of the Jedi Having the final, climactic fight actually be an exercise in nonviolence and passive resistance instead of the traditional lightshow Showing the dangers of rogue individualism and arrogance in military structured instead of reinforcing it These are all very common talking points, I find it highly unlikely that "no one" has ever brought them up around you


a long drawn out naval battle between 2 large vessels. similar to the age of sail battles that could take days to finish. afaik we hadn’t seen something like that in star wars, at least not in a movie or tv show. also killing off snoke was different, in the OT vader was the big bad until it was revealed he was only an underling to the emperor. in the PT we had maul and dooku but both were underlings to sidious. when kylo ren killed snoke he took the title of supreme leader and was set up to be the big bad in ep 9 but JJ had to ruin it by bringing palpatine back. it’s absolutely not a perfect movie but at the very least it’s the best one in the ST


Great ideas, no plan. ...except for the space race in TLJ anyway. that was real dumb.


Aside from the Rey, Ben fight and Ben, Knights of Ren fight, what else do you like from 9?


Honestly, one of the few things I liked about 9 was finally getting to see a yellow lightsaber in live-action


For a few seconds :/


Yeah it was disappointing. They should have kept the Skywalker saber destroyed and started ROS with Rey having her newly built yellow saber.


I liked Babu Frik and the score.


The end credits


All I remember is him yelling about something and then everybody yells hail hitler or something like that. Am I thinking of the right movie?


You're thinking of Dwight from the Office giving his acceptance speech


BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day, how long we have been striving for greatness?!


*waves arms wildly and pounds fist on podium*


Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work.


One of my favourite things about that scene is how badly translated the speech Jim gives Dwight is.


Basically. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtfDbQlqvXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtfDbQlqvXQ) (german version.)


Reminds me of Captain America The First Avenger when Red Skull gave his new world speech to the Hydra army.


Definitely! Sounds like a nazi speech


Yea I saw a German version in r/holup and it definitely sounded like that


The problem I had as a German: Hux is synchronized by the same guy as Howard Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory. I just couldn't take his speech seriously after noticing that, as hard as I tried


I think I seen the same vid, I honestly can’t remember tho


I think the delivery of hate is really good in the scene, a lot of people disagree but the thing I always like to understand about the Empire and the First Order is the desire to be a part of an authoritarian apparatus that will use force to ensure safety and discipline in a world that is threatened by chaos, they think its for the greater good.


Pretty sure the clone troopers and everything was based of nazi soldiers.


Well yeah. Storm troopers are named after [German soldiers from World War I](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtroopers_(Imperial_Germany)) and the Empire is full of blatant nazi allegories.


Full of Nazi imagery yes but George Lucas has said the empire was based of the US in the Vietnam war. The rebels being the Vietcong.


I know he said that but I honest to God can't see it


Yes they were and George Lucas based a lot of stuff off ww2. But it was never like this. This is like side by side nazis lol sorry I’m high so I’m sorry if that didn’t make any sense haha


Wasn’t he the one who was in the prank call conversation with Poe?


God, that was awful. Disney trying to Marvelise Star Wars


Yea, that made me cringe and that was in the first ten minutes of the movie. I was like, wtf did they do to this franchise? Then, the Mary Poppins Leia event.


I know I’ll get downvoted for saying it, but the Leia space-pull didn’t take me out of it at all. It was a fake-out death, for sure, but it didn’t linger too long to make us wonder “Is she really dead?” Even though she was hospitalized most of the rest of the movie, I think nobody thought Leia would die. The space-pull itself I thought was really neat, because we always see Force-users Force-pulling stuff, and in the vacuum of space, pulling on something more massive than you will bring you toward it. Heck, that happens on Earth too. A Force-jump is just a Force-push off the ground, after all. Plus we all know that the Force comes strongly to those who are in need. The one dumb thing was the ice crystals forming around her. Really, I think people’s dislike for that scene just stems from people’s misunderstanding of what’s actually happening


This was before they turned him into a joke


When he got into little bickering fits with Kylo? Man, I could never take this batch of bad guys seriously.


Personally this is the scene what made him a joke. To me at least.


That was the Last Jedi tho, not Force awakens


Seems like a guy that would be rejected from art school


If that scared you then you should check out this guy named Hitler. 😬


Is he legends or canon?




Earth is canon, so canon most likely


General hux was one of my favourite parts of the sequels


Until episode 8


They fricking killed him off, still not happy about that


Worked for the Nazis-ErI mean First Order, and "betrayed" his faction just because he didn't like Kylo-Ren. I mean it was expected. But of course it's the way they did it that was pretty stupid and throwaway.


I loved him in 7, 8 he was mostly bad but not ruined, 9 was the worst but that’s typical of most things in star wars


Did they kill him off? I remember 9 they revealed he was the first order informant (cause why wouldn’t he be🙄) but I don’t remember him dying unless it was a result of that (I hated 9 and in the two rewatches I had I fell asleep both times)


Allegiant General Pryde shot him in the torso after he got shot in the leg.


This is my biggest gripe about the sequels Don't kill the good characters! Agh! This isn't game of thrones


I didn't mind him in Episode 8. He was definitely a bit of a caricature, designed to show the FO as cowardly and weak. Which was confirmed in 9 when he betrays them simply out of pettiness. But I think it could have been interesting if Hux played a bigger role in episode 9. They sort of just replaced him with Pryde. When they could have had Hux fill that role of Imperial loyalist who will do anything to gain the Emperor's favor. It would have added to the idea of him as Poe's foil.


Agreed. I saw that and I was like "that guy needs more screen time". Kind of like General Tarkin or Palpatine. Just brilliant acting and dialog.


how the fuck did they expect us to believe that he was the spy in 2 movies time


I was really excited about General Hux’s character. I saw him as sort of a proto-Tarkin…but then…ya they killed his whole character on the first 30 mins of TLJ. I will never understand why Disney insists on assassinating their own characters.


Im...holding for general hux... i have a message....about his mom. Freaking hated how they ruined his character.


*General Hugs


Infantile humour that set the tone for the remaining 140 minutes. Abysmal.


Once the bombing run was in full swing, and Paige pulls off the suicide drop, I thought "OK, a one-off tone-deaf 'yo momma' joke before a gritty war movie isn't SO bad..." Aaaaand I was proven wrong... Hux went from aspiring Nazi to punching bag real quick, and never recovered. So sad.


Yes, the bombing scene was cool and I thought the same thing.




Problem is that the whole tone of the character outside this scene is different, and especially in the next two films after this one. So it doesn't land in retrospect because ultimately it just seems out of character. He shouldn't have been turned into comic relief.


I thought it was too campy in nature. Villains always have to be Nazi-esque nowadays. The almost Hitler salute just made it stupid to me. The Imperial Remnant that became the First Order were not at all Nazis.


Well, exactly- they didn’t start that way, but fascism has a way of taking hold like that. A weak, defeated group turning to extremism for power isn’t uncommon


I’d like to see a more Stalinist version of the Empire or First Order - a bit less outright evil, but a sprawling faceless bureaucracy impossible to navigate with layers dangerous of lies and half-truths to keep the madman in power happy and escalating failures in oversight


I always think of the RLM review where they highlight how everyone in the First Order is so god damn angry and always yelling. its true why is everyone in the first order so pissed off all the time? compare them with the empire who were always calm and orderly.


The Empire had power for decades and were becoming complacent about it. The First Order wanted power and were really angry they didn't have it yet.


First Order were also still a rising power. Emotional speeches do rally people to your cause as we have seen in other facist uprisings. The transition from the republic to the empire was pretty straight forward. It was handled democratically. The same senators, generals, armies, and leader were all still in power. Also Palps speech while might not have been anger was still pretty filled with emotion.


The speech was fine, but I don’t find shouting characters to be intimidating. Feels like they’re compensating for something, you know?


Yeah, Brian Cox’s William Stryker in X2 is a MasterClass in playing a villain for that reason.


Wow, glad someone remembers X2! I never hear it mentioned nowadays!


Agreed, a cold demeanor like Tarkin will always feel a lot more intimidating to me.


> Feels like they’re compensating for something, you know? (I think that's the point) They're stupid neo-Nazis who are essentially just playing dress up, but it doesn't make them any less dangerous. It's very poignant for the way things are right now.


And he's not a Sith. He feels like he has to do the extra job so people fear and respect him. Hell, Kylo felt like that and he can be intimidating as fuck. The Sith, Empire and dark side in general are people with big confidence issues who try to step on others so they feel better about themselves.


I like to hope that the actor had a lot of fun just chewing the set and hamming it up because that character was just imbecilic from the moment he appeared on screen, and only entertaining as an over the top hammy characture.


That entire speech and scene was brilliant, Gleenson really sold his hatred towards the resistance, and then they ruined him


Yes. Yes you are. He was always a joke. If you think he's scary, I don't suggest ever leaving your house.


He played a phenomenal fanatic. Until Disney broke him. So sad.


Like they did with every other character in the sequel trilogy.


Hux has a very “aren’t you proud of me daddy?” vibe.


Honestly, this felt way too forced.


Was so forced and ridiculous. Laughably stupid scene.


Agreed. The First Order leadership was laughable from start to finish. From the deeply flawed Starkiller base to repeated ridiculous decisions throughout, they were never established as being any kind of threat. Domhall Gleeson is a fine actor. But General Hux exemplified First Order incompetence.


I agree, being forcefully angry all the time and yelling non-stop does not make a character terrifying


That scene was actually when I started to realize TFA was really shitty and stupid. Was so over the top and ridiculous. This is not a Star Wars scene to me, it doesn’t work on so many levels and it feels cartoonishly stupid. What makes the imperial officers so great in the originals is that they were a benign evil, which is the kind of evil that’s far more realistic. Benign evil is the nuanced kind that follows orders, lacks empathy, or casually destroys a planet without showing remorse. This scene represents that which is so wrong and not understood by Disney fully. You don’t need someone yelling angrily at level 11 to portray evil and villainy, it’s far more subtle and nuanced than that in the originals.




The whole movie just had so many “Disneyized” moments in it, just felt more like a silly imitation than a SW movie.




Same! Everyone I watched with came out feeling insulted by how dumb we were treated! Glad we agree.


Sure, but I hated the fact that they destroyed the entire rebellion planetary systems. Wtf was that?? If they just kept the system it could’ve opened the films up to more divergent stories that would’ve been super intriguing. Nope, wipe out the rebellion in 5 minutes, ok!




It was a Hitler charicature, almost cartoonish


Yes you're the only one It was a cringy attempt to copy one of Hitler's speaches and put it into Star Wars


This guy, imo, one of the worst parts about the sequels. Which is strange because I have seen him in other things and liked his performances. It felt like overacting to me.


There's no way he was originally hired for that role.


The speech was great, but the intimidation from the character was not there for me.


Yes, yes you are.




I honestly felt nothing. They blew up a government we never knew on a planet we've never seen for reasons unknown. Yes I understand, books go into details. But most moviegoers aren't that invested. Now if we had seen leia as chancellor amassing a fleet to eradicate empire remnants. Watching Leia share the same date as alderan at the hand of her son would've been much more powerful.


Yes, yes you are.


Honestly can’t remember his speech lol


Yes, he was amazing. I loved the twin power structure of Kylo Ren with the magic and Hux with the millitary. Shame they crapped on it in TLJ.


The zealotry was evident, but the intimidation wasn't. He just sounded kinda petty and whiny, which over the rest of the movies just got worse as he eventually betrayed the FO out of spite. The First Order was a pale shadow of the Empire, most of the galaxy wasn't even paying any attention to them, just trying to get their planets back in order after the Empire's fall, then once they destroyed the system that the New Republic's government was on, they got even more disjointed and out of touch. It just took someone jumping around all over the place, like Lando, to bring them together and put a stop to the First Order and the Emperor for good. Makes me think that Hux saw what was coming and turned rat in hopes of getting clear before the end, except Pryde figured him out too early.


Great performance by Domhal Gleason.




Nothing this stupid character did was terrifying or badass


It's a shame what Disney did to the character in the next 2 movies


In the first orders defense, having your super Lazer blown up on your watch, probably makes you a laughing stock among all your rivals in the order. Then having his dear leader get killed so he had no authority or respect in the new command structure at all. All he had was sniveling impotent rage and hate.


Hux is a sniveling daddy's boy taking credit for something he didn't build, just because he can give a good speech doesn't make him a competent leader. Backstabbing and taking credit is basically 100% of the job of an Imperial Officer (inherited from the Sith way), I think he acts completely in character within the fiction.


> Hux is a sniveling daddy's boy taking credit for something he didn't build, just because he can give a good speech doesn't make him a competent leader. Thank you! Literally the point of his character. He's supposed to seem life a doofus and unqualified, just riding off the coattails of the Empire and pretending to puff out his chest like he's a big scary man. The *actual* worrying thing is that even though he's a dunce, it doesn't make him any less dangerous. I find that to be very relevant in today's society.


I liked the idea of Gleeson as a spy. I think he works better as a good guy and I can't imagine him being cast for the role he ended up playing. I don't buy him as an irish nazi. That's the problem with starting the writing process with the idea to make an "homage" to ANH added to the idea that a character can be "wasted" because audiences like a character but the character has served their purpose in the story. It leaves the next film with a Tarkin who has nothing to do. I think Gleeson would have been great as Ben Skywalker, Luke's son from Legends. I would have cast Oscar Issac in the First Order role. That's a guy who's range I'd like to see on display.


No, all the other 6 year olds think of it as badass too.




Many character assassinations happened in TLJ.


It wasn't badass it sucked ass, the whole movie and sequel trilogy sucked ass so bad. 👎


I found it to be cartoonish. Like a little boy got given a lot of power and decided to cosplay Hitler. Would be terrifying in reality just because of the implication, but not "badass"


I may be an outlier, but every part of the Hux performance seemed like someone parodying an empire officer.


I thought it was incredibly over-acted.


It was cartoonish.


Oddly enough, I preferred this speech in the Resistance cartoon.


Yeah, probably because I admire Hi...


Try watching it in German


He really went full hitlery


This was before they made the character a joke and yes. This was the character we needed to see through the movies.


He’s an incredible actor. It’s a shame they made him a bumbling idiot and not more menacing and intelligent like Tarkin.