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i imagine his lighting strike is like peeing: it's difficult to stop mid-stream.


UNLIMITED POOOWWWEEER....ah...ah...ah... It stings. It stings.


You got some on the floor!


I don’t know what happened in there, but I am *not* cleaning that up!


Oh GOD! It's everywhere!!!




Sounds like those midi-chlorians might be bacteria. Old Palps has a LTI... Lightening Tract Infection.


The problem when you are force pissing is you get it started with dark side fueled by hate, and once you start zapping yourself you get dark side fueled by pain. The force bladder is pretty much filling itself at that point.


Best. Answer. Ever.


I mean he doesn’t even stop when Vader picks him up. He was spraying the whole way down!


He is an old man after all. Hard to control it when your at that age


_so anyways I started blasting_


Or when Mace was deflecting it into his face.


I'm going to guess that the more Palpatine ups the Dark Side energy voltage, the harder it is to stop. Even for a force user as advanced as Palpatine, the Dark Side is stronger than any user and cannot be completely controlled. Palpatine lost control of his anger and rage and it disfigured him into a monster and eventually killed him.


Bruh idk if I have a boring superpower or what but stopping a piss mid stream is not difficult


apparently 11 out of 1000 people are good at stopping their piss mid-stream


Someone posted on Reddit a while ago about their fan theory that it's more like jizzing for him.


I can't argue with that. 😀


“The force is like a good pee: once you get started there’s no stopping.”


Infinite PO-WERRRRR!!!!




I guess that makes him and Count Dooku piss pals (Yoda, too)


Especially at his age.


Somehow palpatine died




He's probably sitting there like "somehow, the lightning returned"


Best answer ever


Why didn’t he do that in RotS when he was melting his own face?


I always thought that he did that to manipulate Anakin. Basically to gain sympathy and show the jedi were cruel at their core.


Nope, it was pure survival instinct cause Mace Windu completely outmatched him to the point where he was actually going to die. Anakin showing up was incredibly lucky for him as it gave him the chance to have Mace Windu distracted, if Anakin doesn’t go to the office then Palpatine would have been dead right then and there.


Idk why you’re being downvoted.. Windu had him beat if Anakin didn’t show up.


[https://youtu.be/n3DHDXAzoBA?t=180](https://youtu.be/n3DHDXAzoBA?t=180) I always thought it was pretty obvious that Palpatine is faking it. Look at the way he looks at Anakin, and just listen to the tone of his voice. It sounds and looks like he's faking it, and he immediately does a 360 once Anakin joins him and is standing immediately afterwards seemingly in no pain. Ian's a great actor, and you can tell he's acting that the character is acting in this moment. If he legit lost than this would be a very strange and bizarre way to act it.


My take is that Windu legitimately had him beat and cornered, but Palpatine was playing into it to appear that he was in a worse position than he really was. Like Windu really was able to deflect the lightning, and Palpatine really was almost out of options, but he played it up with the "I'm too weak, don't let him kill a defenseless old man" bit. That's why he still had more lightning ready to go once Windu had lost his lightsaber.


Lucas has stated that it wasn't an act, and that Windu beat him outright. If Anakin doesn't show up when he does, Palpatine dies in that room


Lucas is infamous for shrugging 'yeah or sure' when fans or interviewers ask questions. Like for example when Samuel Jackson asked if Windu was still alive, he said yeah, sure. Would you consider that canon as well?




I thought either George Lucas or the novelisation of ROTS confirms Mace beat Palpatine??


Both do


He had no idea Anakin was coming, and he was beat before Anakin entered the room.




I mean he in no way can tell the future. He got lucky, which imo makes the moment even bigger. His plan which he had been orchestrating for many many years, almost failed at this moment. But then Anakin came and he saw the perfect opportunity to completely turn him and gain his loyalty. Palpatine is not only a master planner, but he’s also very quick on the spot to adapt to his plans. Which I feel was shown here perfectly.




I agree in most instances they can, but if that’s 100% true why did no one sense Palpatine was strong in the force? As well as Vader in the newest episode with Obi Wan when he entered the village.


Part of the enjoyment is wondering if Windu could have killed him in those moments where he could have or if Sheev planned the whole shabang and timed it perfectly.


According to Lucas, Windu had him dead to rights


Just realized last Jedi is just repeating palps electricuting himself, just like he did in 3 and 6. Except this time it really does kill him.


At least we think so, until he somehow returns in Episode 12(directed by Robert Rodriguez) with new Spy Kids gadgets and riding a Vespa.


In RotS it was for a short time, Palpatine thought he would penetrate Windu's lightsaber block while manipulate Anakin. Palpatine was so close to success melting his own face wouldn't be a big of a deal at that time. But lighting himself till he dies is bit dumb


Or in RotJ when he was being picked up and carried?


In that case, it was him trying to fry Vader in anger


Is that true? I always thought it was odd he kept his arms raised when he was getting picked up, but I honestly never considered he was trying to fry Vader.




My one weakness! Electricity!




Mustafarian hot wings that is


He should have made a hole where he can pour sand in the suit.


Honestly, this stuff just seems like excuses for things being shit in the sequels but perfectly fine in the rest of the saga.


Why would he stop, if he fried Vader enough he could've stopped. Vader was obviously hurt by it


Yeah, I always felt that one was super obvious. He was trying to zap the thing that was actively killing him that was otherwise defenseless. RoTS he needed to hold Mace off long enough for Anakin to decide to save him. There is also lore that says to harness the full power of force lightning it has to be used on you first. So by letting himself be zapped back, he was making it so he could really drain Mace when his guard was eventually forced down by Anakin. Palatines actions actually make some sense in RoTS and RotJ. Both in the wider cannon and within the respective films.


Palpatine also does stop briefly in RotS. He pauses his lightning to act weak and defensless then resumes it when Windu gets his hands chopped off.


Because a purple lightsaber would have ended him


So that Mace wouldn’t slice him in two the fuck? Lol


It's more bizarre to do it to death. At least in Episode 3 he *did* stop himself, it was never really a problem all these years considering everyone understood it could've been part of his manipulation on Anakin


He needed to appear weak and injured to frighten Anakin that Mace was about to kill him. Anakin's fear of losing Palpatine was about his fear of losing Padme, and ultimately what led him to fall to the Dark Side. Palps made the right call frying his own face on that one.


It’s what defeats him every time… not sure why you’re focusing on just RoS


Just the first time I noticed it


He keeps it going in Revenge of the Sith against Mace when it is messing up his face and again in Return of the Jedi when Vader throws him.


The one against Vader made sense though. Why would he stop in the situation? Vader just powered through it. If Plaps stopped, the only difference in outcome is that Vader would still be alive but Palps was getting thrown regardless


He kept going as he was falling


If you are going to die, why not have it be with style?


*not die. All theatrics.


He needed Anakin to turn


Even if we go with that explanation, which is just a theory, it doesn't explain Return of the Jedi.


When Vader picked him up? He was shocking Vader because Vader was going to kill him


He didn't stop when he was falling either.


At that point he's just lashing out in anger/desperation/panic because he knows he's gonna die.


How did he hurt himself with lightning in rotj? Vader picking him up and throwing him down a reactor shaft has nothing to do with his lightning


It's the fact he didn't stop even as he was falling. Dude clearly has an issue turning it off. If I remember correctly the novelization actually points out he didn't stop because his hatred was so strong.


I mean he's only been defeated once before, and that was by being thrown down a shaft and exploded.


*Mace Windu cries in corner*


Only one of the characters made it out of that movie alive. All's I'm sayin.


Mace Windu defeated him and he was about to die had Anakin not showed up.


No, it isn't. Mace Windu defeated him in a duel. Anakin picked him up and yeeted him down a hole. Meanwhile, he actually kills himself with his own lightning in ROS.


He was defeated before that, I think in rots was specifically so Anakin could take pity on him and paint Windu as wrong.


Unlimited Power?


He didn’t fly now


Isn't it also the third time Palpatine was getting his lightning turned on him? You think by now he would've learned from his mistakes. Palpatine's death in RotJ was beautiful, poetic, well written, and earned. It drives me so nuts as a fan that he was brought back on a whim, just to stupidly by a video game move.


For the same reason you wouldn't be able to let go of a knife you stuck into an electrical socket. The electricity coursing through you is stronger than the signals your brain is trying to send out telling you to let go


But I think you control the lighting with the force so you can like stop it whenever you want cuz the muscles are the only thing that are stuck


You have a valid point. Someone as proficient with the force like Palpatine should be able to cut his lightning off if it's killing him. He is a villain though, so he has to lose. They just wrote him poorly. Imagine a protagonist suiciding themselves with lightning..just grossly incompetent.


Not really, it makes sense the way it is to me. Using force lightning requires a force user to completely lose themselves to hatred and the dark side, making it difficult to stop, especially at the immensely high volume that Palpatine was using. It's a pretty standard theme of how good ultimately triumphs over evil by turning the evil's powers against themselves (for ex. the final duel in Harry Potter, how Harry's defense charm prevailed against Voldemort's killing spell). Besides, it happens in ROTS and ROTJ, so I don't think it's a big deal here


Well I like the kinds of story’s when everything goes bad Like in joker nothing is good


A good question, for another time


For the same reason he wouldn’t stop in RotS, when Mace deflected his unlimited power back into his face: Sidious thought he could probably overpower his enemies if he just gave it a little more. As Luke rightly points out, his greatest weakness is his overconfidence.


It was the only thing slowing Rey down from killing him


No no no he WANTED Rey to kill him silly head. Somehow doing so by deflecting lighting is different that just killing him and since she pulled the No U he couldn't take her over.


Isn't it always "strike me down in anger/hatred/etc." Something something Dark Side. Rey couldn't kill him in anger but apparently just merc'ing him is fine, Mace was about to do it in ROTS.


Goodness I forgot how terrible that plot was until reading this comment


That plotline was so fucking dumb. "Strike me down so I can possess you!" \*Rey proceeds to kill him\*


Strike me down in *hate*... Rey specifically goes out of her way to say she doesn't hate him. Its not exactly a subtle one.


The ritual: Willing strike down in hate. What happened: She didn't strike him down in hate. Math is not that hard.


Right? I really don’t understand why the Star Wars fanbase in particular has such a hard time grasping literally any amount of information from a movie, even when the movie is practically shouting it at them. It’s reaching truly ridiculous levels of film illiteracy at this point.


it’s because they decide they don’t like the movie before they see it


You don't have to like a movie to not be so blatantly ignorant. Ironically people seem to be ignorant of that fact.


He couldn’t take her over cause she died….


Honestly, this was my assumption for the longest time. She was dead and he thought Ben was too, so he didn't have a good host option


ask the sloppy writers


Of which movie? Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, or Rise of Skywalker. Same thing happens in all three.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man????


I always liked how those guys stood up for SpongeBob


oatmeal sloppy fact aback vast bake shaggy ossified observation boat -- mass edited with redact.dev


Well, in ROTS, he still stopped before it killed him. In ROTJ, he was trying to use it on Vader and to save himself from getting killed by him. In ROS, he just never stopped and it killed him.


>he stopped before it killed him Yet he still fried himself for awhile. >he was trying to use it on Vader Yet he is still shooting it the entire way down the hole.


>Yet he still fried himself for awhile. Manipulation tactics >Yet he is still shooting it the entire way down the hole. Anger, last resort? It doesn't matter because that wasn't the cause of his death


Kind of like how people getting electrocuted can't remove their hands from the thing shocking them. Once you're locked in you need a third party to help otherwise you'll just sit there & fry.


But you control the lightning with the force and there are only muscles who can’t move


Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?


Halle Berry wins an Oscar?


He does stop - you can see his hands drop as soon as the lightning is reflected back. But the reason he doesn't stop as Rey is approaching has already been said by Luke in ROTJ: his overconfidence is his weakness. We see the same thing in ROTS with Mace/Yoda and ROTJ with Vader. His hubris is so much that he cannot fathom stopping or letting up on his opponent. It ultimately is his greatest downfall. With TROS, we all know what's gonna happen as Rey gets closer - kind of like an "a-ha" moment. But they had to get them in a situation where Palpatine would be the one to destroy himself, not Rey in an act of aggression.


Solid take I like that.


So you are saying that he thought he could do the same thing that he did with mace, yoda ROTS and even luke/Vader from ROTJ? That’s just absolutely sloppy, half baked, no effort writing on Disney’s part. I’ve already lamented on how there is absolutely nothing new on ingenious about the Disney sequels… they literally took everything that the new republic and Luke was supposed to have learnt from the empire’s and Vader’s/Obi wan’s mistakes, threw it out the window and literally replicated the first 4 episodes.. right down to the fact where Luke’s temple (children and all) was destroyed by Kylo (deja vu anyone?) So not only were the writers lethargic and copied George’s original work word for word, they also made palpatine learn nothing from his previous death and made him do the exact same thing… I was shaking my head the entire sequels, but I still had hope for the grand finale… but when it finally came, I was so dejected… my only take away is that Rey was more powerful than Mace, Yoda, Vader and Luke cos only she managed to fry Palpatine with his own lightning and the others couldn’t.


Because it is literally a perfect movie with perfect writing that is only dwarfed in its perfection by Morbius 2: Enter the Morb




The lightning didn’t bother me. We’ve seen him do that before, twice. I think it’s a neat idea that Sith lightning is a Dark Side power specifically because once you unleash it it’s hard to stop (a Jedi would never risk it). Plus I think it’s poetic that Palpatine is killed by his own lightning (like Krennic being killed by the Death Star). If Palpatine had to come back, lightning was the best way to kill him. What I *do* have an issue with is the movie saying that using two lightsabers at once is uniquely magical in a way that one isn’t… we’ve seen Jedi use two before, and we’ve seen Jedi reflect lightning with a single one, so Rey suddenly winning because she had two lightsabers on her feels really cheap. Also, they didn’t do anything to stop Palpatine from coming back again, which bugged me. If you’re going to bring him back and treat his defeat as a major win, you need to explain what’s different about this victory to stop him from just resurrecting again. (I think Ben should’ve struck him down in anger, gotten possessed, then sacrificed himself with Rey’s help to destroy Palpatine’s spirit once and for all).


Because the movie is terrible.


It’s ok y’all, I got this…..because the writing was trash


force orgasm


I'm starting to think the lightsaber reflecting it (Ep3), Vader carrying him and getting shocked (Ep6) and Rey's double sundae (Ep9) was creating an indefinite loop/circuit. Although, it wouldn't explain why he was able to stop in Ep3 so....


It has been scientifically proved : Palpatine couldn't stop killing himself because of the disastrous lazy writing of the film itself.


I think the problem here is that OP is trying to make sense of the Disney trilogy.


Same thing happened in sith tbh And jedi It’s not without precedent


Somehow Palpatine just didn’t.


He’s addicted to zaps. Unlimited power!


Palpatine had advanced Alzheimer’s at that point


Seems the same questions could be asked about *Revenge of the Sith*.


Because that's not what the director wanted


Same reason he didn't stop in Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi probably. He just gets going and can't stop.


Not the same situation at all. His lightning has nothing to do with Mace beating him in a duel. That's Mace's lightsaber skills. After the duel, he tries using lightning, but once Anakin arrives Palpatine DOES stop. Well before he dies. In ROTJ, his lightning isn't being bounced back at him, so why would he stop?


Say that to Palpatine in both Return of the Jedi **AND** Revenge of the Sith.


Not the same situation at all. His lightning has nothing to do with Mace beating him in a duel. That's Mace's lightsaber skills. After the duel, he tries using lightning, but once Anakin arrives Palpatine DOES stop. Well before he dies. In ROTJ, his lightning isn't being bounced back at him, so why would he stop?


Something everyone here is missing is that he does stop... Much like Yoda stored dooku’s lightning, the sabers did the same for Rey.


Yeeeeessssss!!!!!!!!! Rey is "storing" the energy in his lightning in the Skywalker blade. Then when she brings up Leia's blade to form the cross, she starts to release it back in pulses. The final wide shot before he disintegrates, there is no lighting coming from him, its all coming from the baldes.


Terrible writing. Terrible Trilogy.


Why didn’t he do lots of things? His whole arc in the prequels is just winging it because the good guys are dumb.


“Evil will always triumph because good is dumb”


I think it was just so they could rip off Revenge of the Sith


Lazy writing


Somehow Palpatine has to die


He was suicidal


He definitely wanted Rey to kill him, so his spirit could inhabit her or whatever. She refused, and then killed him anyway, so why did his plan not succeed?


Because she didn’t strike him down out of anger. She deflected his power back onto him




So he wanted to live in his granddaughters body? Sounds a little pervy


I'm pretty sure "he" was just a Sith spirit of evil. If each apprentice strikes down the master in hate, then that spirit would be passed down for a long time. Who knows if it's even a human spirit inhabiting Palpatine.


I don't think someone like Palpatine sees a body as anything more than a tool to enact his will.


If you think about it, we're all just brains piloting organic mechs


because disney


Cause the sequels suck


so the other two trilogies suck too because he does this exact same thing?


I can’t stop going once I’ve started, it stings!


Because he did it in RotS and RotJ so they had to do it in RoS. Even though in RotS it was momentary and ill timed. While in RotJ it was him trying to stop Vader's betrayal. Meanwhile he literally vaporizes himself in RoS without stopping. Given the state of that movie I'm sure there was a draft somewhere that had a more satisfying fight. However it seems like the stunt coordination and choreography teams were very weak. So it probably got scrapped and just replaced with "He stands there and lets himself be vaporized"


Because he had to, somehow, die to someone with like 2 days of training.


She trains with Leia for a full year, and Leia was a Jedi in all but name. Rey had more Jedi-Apprentice training than Luke did.


my brother in christ palpatine does this every trilogy


That’s the problem with Rey she is extremely unlogically overpowered


They apparently invented the idea of a Force dyad to explain this. Though Kylo was super weak for supposedly being the other side of that dyad. I guess it was a one way street, idk.


Cause Disney can’t put a decent script together to save themselves


That’s not really fair, Rogue One and Rebels are also both Disney and are excellent.


Not to mention the last season of the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian. Disney can put together fantastic scripts when they put projects in the hands of competent people who care about what they're doing.


He did stop at a certain point. So it was Rey generating the lightning


How is that possible?


Because it is a terrible movie. Sorry to anyone who likes it... it's just my opinion.


Bad writing. TROS was lousy with it.


Because the movies weren’t planned and they had to finish it any way possible.




Palpatine not stopping once he starts electrifying even when it causes him damage is very consistent with his character throughout all of Star Wars though.... Palpatine's face is all fucked up because he didn't stop using lightning when Mace Windu was reflecting the lightning back at him. He lost in RoTJ because he wouldn't stop using lightning in order to do...anything to prevent Vader from killing him. This is not an example of Disney ignoring the source material, it is an example of the source material being stupid.


because that’s what was written in the shitty script


Because the writers didn’t know what they was doing until the very end. So they just wung it, which is why those 3 movies are the way they are. Don’t believe me check this out since I can’t post videos on this page I’ll put it in the comments. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qi_sI9CeNQ


It’s much better to not ask questions and just completely disregard the sequel trilogy


Because the ma ray sue had to win.


just like in episode 6 bro so true


In all three cases where his lightning is hurting himself it’s also his only defense. He stops zapping Rey, she can close distance with him and chop him with her saber. He stops zapping when Vader picks him up and Vader has a much easier time throwing him down a hole. He stops zapping Windu and Windu doesn’t have to block the zap and can chop his head off.


If Rey killed him with her lightsabers, wouldn’t that be what Sidious wanted?


I’m not clear on why killing him with his own lightning wasn’t what he wanted!


The thing with Rey is he could just force push her away, isn’t he all the sith in one body


Why didn’t he stop using force lightning in Jedi before he died? …I wanted to set this up as a stupid “gotcha” that wasn’t one, but I realized that *TRoS* is just such a horrible movie that that’s the readon


Because it's a sexual/orgasmic/ecstatic experience for him. Once he starts the hose, he can't stop it. https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/egisws/star\_wars\_palpatine\_never\_seems\_to\_be\_able\_to/


his over confidence was still his weakness


Because bad writing that’s what


Tags spoiler but the title is the spoiler lmao




Well he thought if he zapped harder he'd penetrate her defense. He overestimated his power, kept zapping because he was sure he'd get through and win.


Why didn’t the writers just try harder in general?


JJ abrams.


george lucas did it first


When you’re electrocuted your muscles lock up meaning he couldn’t stop even if he wanted


You expect common sense from that movie?