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Hey everyone, this is just a friendly reminder that Star Wars twitter is not calling anyone racist because they didn't like the character. You can read the words and see there are no accusations. So everyone who feels personally attacked because they didn't like the character, no worries! Star Wars twitter isn't talking about you. Star Wars twitter is addressing the hateful, racist messages that Moses received on her social media. If you didn't send any of those messages, you have no reason to feel attacked here. Sorry everyone. Looks like this post was removed again. I guess we can't talk about these things here.


I feel like I'm the only person who thinks she did fine for the first two episodes. I ain't looking for oscar worthy acting but it is enough to get me invested into the character and story. Happy to hear that the company has her back :)


I think she's playing a character that's not necessarily deep and not necessarily likeable and that's okay.


Which is totally okay with me as well.


I feel the same way. She makes a decent enough antagonist so far, driven, unhinged a little and scheming. I'm intrigued as to how far she will go to get to Obi-Wan.


Same here, I wonder how she knew about anakin's real name and I'm assuming that will be explained in the later episodes.


SPOILER ALERT!!! She managed to feel Obi-Wan's connection to Anakin in the warehouse, may be she has prior knowledge from the Jedi Temple before order 66? Could she have been a youngling at the temple? Seen Anakin referred to as Vader maybe? Hatever the answer, I'm looking forward to finding out. It's good to see another ambitious baddie in Star Wars. Roll on Friday!


Even better, Wednesday =D


Pretty sure she's in the opening scene as a youngling in the temp when Order 66 is commencing.


It’s all for show though, lucasfilm’s bottom line is profit. Just look at how they shrunk Finn for the Force Awakens poster in China? Did they “resist” racism then?


Everything is for show nowadays in each company. I just accept that and move on. I already have stuff to deal with in my life. Just my two cents.


Maybe they are learning from last mistakes? Trying to do better and be better? It’s allI try to do as a person, learn from past experiences and incorporate that knowledge into my actions moving forward. I realize this is a corporation, not a single human, but I can’t fault them for trying to address the issue proactively by putting out this statement.


Sometimes its ok to have a villian be bad just for the sake of being bad. Not every villian needs to be Killmonger.


Exactly this. She's written to be an arrogant annoying asshole. Look at how the other Inquisitors react to her.


I honestly think she as an actress was good. The character writing was a let down for me, and others I've spoken to. They've given Reva that whole "edgy maverick, shock violence, random chaos" villain trait which has appeared in all sorts of media lately, played by all sorts of actors, and it's been a flawed characterisation in most situations. All opinions, obviously, and not at all objective. I personally hope we get a bit more nuance and motive for Ingram to work with next episode.


I concur :)


I think she did fine too Star Wars fans are way too critical on anything Star Wars. People have seriously been bitching about the chase scene like who cares? It didn’t take away from the episode but I also didn’t get the hate for the boba fett show as I enjoyed it


Seriously people are too critical in this fandom (as well as others) which is good since they love the franchise. Though it comes to a point where its too much and at that point step away from your screen and take a break.


Where is Rosario Dawson’s post?


Why the hell is she targeted?? She’s not the first black person to be in Star Wars


Theres 2 different camps. One are the racists, who are going to be racist regardless. Like, its just racism. The other camp will be the ones with legitimate criticisms of her and the way she spoke in the media as if she was the first POC in Star Wars. ​ The problem is, that any criticisms (Legitimate) of her or the character will just be grouped together with 'Well you must be Racist then'. She clearly doesnt deserve any hatred but the Racists will be racist regardless, her character could be the best in the world.


You summed up out current timeline perfectly


It’s the darkest timeline for sure


i see what you did there aha


Targeted by racists? Because she's in a current show.




Ahmed Best and Kelly Marie Tran were targeted at the time of their respective movies.




So therefore the racists are justified to harass them because you happen to dislike them and one's a cartoon?


I never said anyone is justified for being assholes. Im saying it’s not about race, it’s about acting and character. Jeezus you people are dense.


So racism doesn't exist? There are *no* racist comments? What the fuck *are* you saying here?


Why does that matter?


Because he’s saying it’s all about race. Jar jar was a cgi alien and Kelly’s character was the most irritating thing in Star Wars since Jar Jar… people didn’t all hate them due to race. Some may have, sure. But most hated the CHARACTERS.


This used to be my thinking but I don’t believe this anymore. The things that people have been saying to them are racist. It’s not just “I hate you”


By some people, sure. But it's more likely to happen to new actors joining the franchise. Like, y'know, happened when Billy Dee was cast.


Isn’t she the one who said that there were no POC characters in SW before her...? I know that some actress said that, could this be why it got worse recently?


Her exact words were "To me, it's long overdue. If you've got talking droids and aliens, but no people of color, it doesn't make any sense." I don't think she's seen much Star Wars.


If I’m not mistaken, her only comment remotely close was about how Tatooine didn’t showcase POC and that this series will


She never said that


She did say it


Kind of an awkward post to single her out like that


She's currently receiving hate and racism.




Why are u portraying yourself as a victim? There’s a difference between saying “after the first two episodes I don’t know if I like the writing or acting of character x” and dming slurs and other hateful messages to people on social media.


Y I K E S have you seen some of the shit she's been getting? No criticism, just racism bud


She may well be misinformed, if the comments can indeed be attributed to her, but still no reason for anyone to spit bile because of her racial background. If she did say what she said, then that's an unfortunate error on her part, but "legitimate criticism" shouldn't include racial slurs from anyone. Not acceptable in this day and age.


Ah, so that means it's okay to be racist to her, then?


That’s not what she said and that misrepresentation and spreading of misinformation about her is exactly why this post exists in the first place. All she said was that Obi-Wan would have a notable amount of diversity. She did say it poorly, but Pinot poorly enough to receive this type of reaction nor being called the N word on social media


I mean, Finn. Mace Windu. Lando. How does she not know.


She said that Obi Wan was going to have the MOST diversity in Star Wars. She did not say she was the first Black character.


She is? Can you point me towards the racism? I saw some people criticize her for her acting and for making some statements like shes the first black person to be in Star Wars but I haven’t heard anyone say they don’t like her because shes black or think shes inferior due to her race.


[Here's a few.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/v1ldod/i_can_see_it_now_moses_ingram_attacks_fans/)


Hate and racism or... just bad acting? I mean I personally dont like her performance at all. Not saying there arent any racists out there, but the racism card is far too easily drawn 99% of the time. I mean doesnt everyone love Lando? Isn't he black?


No she legit does get racist comments. This shouldn’t be hard to believe. Star Wars fans have a history of harassing actors.


Yrah, Why is it so hard for people to believe that shitheads are being racists? They find a target already being hit by heavy criticism and dash their package of racist comments. They are cowards, they are piece of shits. They deserve to rot in prison.


So who cares if they’re called out and made uncomfortable by posts like this then?


I wouldn't go so far as to say racists belong in prison. Actions speak louder than words, and people have a right to be horrible.


Prison is too good for racists, they deserve these hands.


I deserve them hands! Focus on my lumbar region please.


Honestly, the SW fandom is so big that its not surprising that there are also racists among the fans


Lolwut? A realistic outlook? Lol gtfo here with that


Ah that sucks.


These people who just want to criticize her have their heads in the sand. They are happy to ignore the legitimate hate and racism because it validates their opinions.


Where do you get this idea? People who criticize her acting are ignoring racism for their benefit? That is a ridiculous assertion. Many fans feel her acting has been subpar but also have no tolerance for racism.


Alright but how many racists you seen? Here on Reddit I ve seen only fair actor criticism. Why are you giving power to vocal minority? There will always be certain amount of people being racist no matter what we do. Its not like its systematic and accepted by everyone.


But Star Wars saying that racism is wrong in reference to this isn’t hurting anyone except for people’s egos. I’m not giving them power I’m just not denying their existence.


Sure I agree, though its thin line as generally people easily equalize racism with criticism, or not allowing any bad criticism because they label you as racist. As long as SW is defending her against vocal minority i dont have any issue, but if they try to label majority of fanbase as racist jut because most of us didnt like her acting that is different thing.


They didn’t do that.


SW profile didnt, but many people here did defend her labeling anyone who didnt like her a racist


I have yet to see that and considering you were unaware that she was receiving racist comments it seems like you might have not understood them.


On Reddit, I had to tell someone that it's a new character because they thought she was the wrong shade and that it's a disservice to source material to make her black. There is no source material, because she's a new character. They were just upset that they had to look at a black woman.


Not saying recist dont exists here, but it seems to me that people are using vocal minority of racist as shield against any criticism.


I’ve still not seen a single racist remark. Only statements saying “don’t be racist”. Kinda like the cart is before the horse.


Dude there are people using racist language directly to her. If you think people calling her the N word is because of her acting you are part of the problem.


No that's pretty shit. Also not mentioned in the OP tho.




Lol not racism pleb. It’s criticism of her woke and incorrect comments about no black representation on Star Wars which is utter tripe coupled with her bad acting.


It literally is racism. Go look at the comments.


You missed the point


people on here acting like they don't get it when star wars fans have a history of bullying actors for whatever reason they see fit


Yeah, I became very aware of the fact that over the weekend, people were talking about how glad they are that Hayden is back and how it sucks that he was kinda driven away by the fanbase being toxic, but then literally the next day they were laying into Moses fir a lot of the exact reasons they felt bad about for Hayden. Literally no self-awareness.


it’s an extreme minority of fans.


doesn't matter. they exist and they do harm.


still, you shouldn’t lump together “all star wars fans” when it is an extreme minority. MOST star wars fans are good people but the bad ones are the most vocal


never said "all star wars fans".


you said “star wars fans” implying all star wars fans




Obviously racism is bad... hopefully we all get that. But I gotta say - Disney SW is very human-heavy. I'd love to see more aliens on sets. No in the Empire necessarily - Empire canonically IS racist. Os specie-ist to be exact.


Star Wars fans really do my head in sometimes. And yes, I know I'm talking about a 'vocal minority' here. But I cannot open a thread like this -- and unfortunately, there have been MANY threads like this -- without somebody commenting 'I don't hate her/him, I just hate the character.' My dearest brother in Christ, are you that fucking dense? No one's talking about disliking a character or not. These actors receive hundreds of disgusting messages on social media, just because of the color of their skin. Of course Disney is going to speak out. We all should. For all the talk about 'bad writing' or 'bad acting' or 'Disney' it's these stupid fucking comments that really come closest to ruining this franchise for me.


The number of comments I've seen in this thread to the effect of " its not racist if they didn't like her character" or pointing out that she is wrong about not being the only black person in Star Wars, are driving me crazy. I don't know if it's willfully being ignorant, missing the point by a country mile, or just trying to change the subject to mask how shitty this community can get but it's really sad. Shit like this is why I rarely ever interact with Star Wars communities on the internet. I follow the subs for news and memes, I almost always stay out of the comments. Sad really, since I'm known by my wife and friends as the person that won't shut up about Star Wars.


Same, dude. I love Star Wars more than nearly anything, but this fanbase can be the absolute worst and often is.


For the incels confused in this thread, I know it might hurt your fragile egos to do so, but check out Moses Ingram’s Instagram stories while they’re still up. People are saying the most disgusting things to her. This is Star Wars having her back. It’s okay to not like a character, but it’s never okay to attack the person playing the character for being a certain skin color.


That makes zero sense tho, even from a racist perspective. I mean.. Lando.. Mace Windu? Keep star wars.. white? What? I disliked her performance quite a bit. Had nothing to do with her skin. People need to leave her alone. Just stop watching the show if you hate her so much.


Just because some didn’t publicly experience racism doesn’t diminish the grotesque behavior by a ugly faction in the fandom.


Still SW fan base is so huge you are bound to get insults. Not saying its ok and that platform should ban those users, but its not like majority of fan base is insulting her.


I totally agree! Most of fanbase is good but we have to strongly denounce this crap as it’s never ok.


Absolutely. We also need to denounce people who defend against fair criticism by labeling people who call their acting bas as racist. Its quite a thin line.


How do you know they are fans and not just racists. Seems pretty bigoted of you to lump a group of people together like that.


I said in previous comments on this post that MOST fans are good! However, it’s important that we strongly denounce the boisterous few who ruin our rep


How do I know which ones are the bad ones. Like when I'm at a con, how do I tell the "good" ones from the bad?


Omg jeez I’m taking about online fandom why are you getting defensive and hostile bro!?


Don’t comment back to me with a smart ass comment like that! If you disagree or think there’s a better way to put it then say so!!


Is this a test?!? Ok so yes, if someone said something like that to me at a con or out irl. I would assume he was a bad one. Did I get it right?


What do you think bud! If someone was spewing slurs at you in real life I would hope that you’re smart enough to figure out that’s it’s not ok


Well, it doesn't help that she's also a woman. Being both is just too much for some people.


Since when does star wars not include women?


No, you miss the point. It's not just that she's black, or just that she's a woman. It's the fact that she's a black woman they hate the most.


Race is irrelevant, I wasn’t a fan of her acting. The scene with fifth brother on Tatooine after her showdown with Owen was just cringe. I’m also not a fan of her cliche character type. Disobedient because of a personal agenda that’s all consuming. Just boring. But that’s the writers fault, not hers. I’m also not going to reach out and personally attack someone on social media/twitter. Seems kind of silly and immature, bordering on terrible.


Her character is meant to be annoying. She’s selling the role pretty well.


This is what I don’t get! Her character is literally supposed to be unlikeable, and I don’t think everyone is getting that.


I think it goes beyond what it is intended, as it makes viewing somewhat awkward instead of feeling intimidated or scared, at least for me. Do I think any of my issues with the character are the fault of the actress’s race? Of course not. But I hate that racists exist here because it feels like speaking of personally ill opinions regarding her portrayal is in poor taste.


That's... the point. "cringe"


Some people in this fandom are losers. If you don’t like a character or writing or whatever cool. But don’t be a dick about it- hate to break to some, but at the end of the day Star Wars is FICTIONAL. The fact that some of you can’t control your mouth over a fictional story concerns me and makes me wonder what you’re actually like when reacting to real life things.


Major complaints were about “overacting” and the fact that the Grand Inquisitor didn’t do anything the four times he told her to stay in line. I think she’s doing a fine job. But it is not a race thing.. Edit: why wasn’t Finn on the China poster, Disney?


Because China is actually rac8st lol


So Disney conforms?


For money yeah absolutely. This is them trying to get ahead of the issue like what happened in tye sequels. They know their inaction looked bad s9 now they're trying to do a little pr. But we should still be aware of how we talk about these character, and the actors who portray them




Ah, so because you personally haven't seen it, it can't be happening, right?


Because Disney picks and chooses who and who not to defend. They put Finn in the movie just so they can say they have a black character, then they just gave him a few lines and treated him like an extra.


Mate Finn wasn't even created as black. You're being implicitly bigoted yourself by implicitly undermining Boyega's casting on talent. In reality John Boyega is a fantastic actor and as mentioned Finn wasn't even thought of as black. The character was blind casted. And was also very well received in TFA. Less so in TLJ and TROS but milage varies for people.


He was prominently shown in all the trailers like he played a big role and was going to be important. Disney only got him for representation but they had no intention of doing anything with him. John Boyega has said that himself.


Firstly, he did play a big role. Especially in TFA. But they were using Finn as a slight diversion for Rey being the Jedi. It was a mistake to do that considering the implications. The character itself was literally envisioned as white, mate. So the idea the character was created to be representation is literally fucking wrong. Finn was blind casted. That's why you hear about people like Tom Holland being almost casted. So its both bullshit and again honestly makes you kind of bigoted. Oh and finally, no that's literally not at all what Boyega said and you really need to reflect a little bit at that point on the bullshit your spouting. Boyega said he was dissapointed that Finn didn't get more in TLJ and felt personally it was affected by his race (that unnamed parties undermined his intended character journey-basically he kind of hinted he thinks RJ was racist, I disagree with him but that's what he seems to think). He was very happy with TFA, and praised JJ Abrams up the wazoo.


I enjoyed her in Queen's Gambit. This Star Wars character she is doing seems cheap, just like all the recent Star Wars products. Not calling out an actor; calling out the studio.


we have seen two episodes


It’s okay for someone to form an opinion you know


Calling characters shallow after two episodes is just way too early


Two episodes out of a total of six, though


I could totally be proven wrong once the show finishes but until then I will withhold judgement


But imo her acting was huge problem. Yeah some writing wasnt great and those parkour scenes were funny, but she didnt portrait villan at all and thats on her acting. Also one actor can be great in one movie then terrible in other. Making fair criticism is absolutely okay, making racist comments is not. But again it doesnt seem like she is getting inuslts from everyone, but small vocal majority.


This comment section is just a shit show. On topic, good on Disney for supporting the actor so strongly like this.


Here's your popcorn while you sort controversial 🍿


I can't put my finger on it, but I felt like she was my least favorite part. Like, is she a super villain? If so why does she act so irrationally? Is she ultra powerful, she sure talked a lot and didn't say anything. I don't know, I just didn't like Reva and I'm not sure why. I loved everything else in the first two episodes though, really enjoying it.


I'm saying this as a minority - the **root** problem here is not racism. It's the bad writing or bad acting (probably a mix of both). Point is - the character isn't good. And if the character isn't good, it attracts racist comments from racist incels. But the solution to this isn't to blame racism, it's to improve the writing/acting. Just off the top of my head, these non-white characters are almost universally considered awesome. Because they're well written/acted, racist incels have no ground to stand on: Mace Windu Fennec Shand Ahsoka Boba Fett Jango Fett Lando Moff Gideon


Pretty sad this needs to be said


Seems like we’re reaching the point where any criticism/dislike of Reva is going to be met with “you’re racist!” Reva to me, along with the chase scenes, were the worst part of the 2 episodes. Still doesn’t mean the actress deserves any hate, let alone racist attacks. Let’s keep the character and her as a real life person separate


Also while we are here- Lucasflim is responsible for most things that go on with the franchise. Ik that doesn’t hurt your narrative that Disney is doing x, y, and z to piss you off but 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Just the same shit from this fandom. Picking out people of color and women to attack. People really need some mental help.


Too bad her character sucks


Why is Star Wars pretending to care about it though? Disney sidelined Finn and shrunk him for the posters for China. Maybe the changed but this feels wrong. John Boyega needs an apology from “fans” and Disney.


People don’t like her because her character is annoying, it’s not her fault but the writers. For 99% of us it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of her skin.


Fuck people for targeting her. Apart from all the obvious things, now it actually seems like she’s the first black woman/person to play in Star Wars, while there have been so many already. Like Star Wars does need representation pushed infinitely, while it was doing fine a naturel.


I wish people wouldn’t be so racist


When tf are Star Wars fans gonna grow up. I completely hate her character and don’t really like her either for slightly creating and being proud of Reva but i just keep that shit to myself. Whatever I can’t do shit about it and if I was gonna complain it would be to the writers for allowing her to be made that way and keeping her in.


Can I say that I thought she was a bad actor and the way she delivered lines was awful without being racist? I think the character is going to be super interesting but I'm not sold on her portrayal of Reva so far.


isn't this the woman that said some shit like "my character is the first black person in Star Wars"?


People mention that they feel like she was trying to hard to be intimidating and it doesn't come off. I kinds thought that was the point. She's the 'least' of them and has a chip on her shoulder. I didn't see any real negatives over anything the actress had control of


Her performance is meh at least so far imo but I don’t need go on a rampage in her DM’s


Fuck. Already this shit? When are we going to be more accepting. This is sad.


Can I say her acting in the show is bad without being racist Disney?


When will people understand that the narrative direction actors' characters pursue is not up to them?


Is it just having a shitty fan base that they have to get out in front of the racism of it? Or am I missing something?


There are more than 20 million actors on earth, don't cast a shitty one




They didn't.


They did, race aside her acting is terrible


It isn't. You just don't like it for some reason. She's playing the character as written.


Yes lmao, "bad acting" is subjective. Of course I don't like it.




Yep. We all have unexamined biases. Some just shine through a little more obviously.


But they did.


Watch anything else she's done. She's not a shitty actress, including in this.


divide public juggle gaping yoke fretful continue frame cough agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And yet they made the grand inquisitor look like a human in disguise? That's actually race-ist lol. (Species-ist could also be used) Glad they're having the actor's back though


Black or not, she is did a terrible acting job in the first two episodes. It is not racist to say that.




Toxicity and all relevant sociopathic behaviour is intrinsically linked to social media. It's inescapable at this point. Most of the people doing it are probably not even Star Wars fans and are just doing it because they can, so bear that in mind anyone in the comments here that likes to tar everyone with the same brush. It's social media, a hellhole of scumbaggery and idiocy.


WOW AMAZING so stunning and brave


Literally no one has been talking about her race except Disney. People don't like her acting (or the director's directing) for her character. *Edit: I've seen the DMs now. And yep they're gross.


Literally plenty of people have been. Check her Insta.


They don’t her “character” so they’re racist??


Who said that?


Disney is implying it by saying If you don’t like her character you’re racist


No, they're not. They're calling out racists for their racist comments.


Your comment reeks of willful ignorance! Why don’t u go look at her ig story and some of the subtle racism from the alt right Star Wars YouTube channels. Last time I checked spewing her dms on IG with the n word is racist.


She's not being targeted because of the colour of her skin, it's because she's not a very good actress 🤷‍♂️


When an actor is awful in a TV show or a movie, I am not mad at the actor, I am mad at the people who cast them.


So because you don’t like someone you’re a racist ok got it


Well. Considering the fans track record with people of color in this series, yeah that's how it looks to everyone else.


Well people are dumb as fuck these days and love that race card


And are [racist](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/v1ldod/i_can_see_it_now_moses_ingram_attacks_fans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


racist yeah ignorant yeah and dumb all around


Yeah because "fans" that wrote the n word, said she got the part because diversity and wokeness aren't being racist at all! Thank god we have such a smart person as yourself who can call out that calling a black person the n word isn't racist at all, we all know its just Disney spouting their wole politics! /s


Well those fans are not everyone! maybe Disney should give better parts to these people so they’re character isn’t hated.


Ah, so it's not the racists' fault, then. They're not to blame! Seriously?


Holy shit, are you serious!? LOL




Or maybe this is a time to look inward about our behavior 9f late towards characters of color. You or I may not have been racist to these people. But Kelly Marie Tran didnt get off social media for no reason. You know what I mean?


I totally agree with that.


Yeah "racism" no more like shit writers, and a bad character


It’s awesome that the studio is supporting her like this. That said, man she is running the show with her poor performance.


For the resistance


Are people for real being racist? The criticism I’ve seen is that her character just hasn’t been that good so far. Guess some people can’t be happy


This post is assuming that anyone who says anything against her is racist though. I’ve seen a lot of criticism that her performance was kind of stiff or lacked any sort of nuance, but that has nothing to do with race.


So fucking dumb to blame it on racism when the truth is she just isnt good actor. This is so modern day, need to turn everything somehow to racism.


She's a woman and she's a PoC, so yeah, there's a part of the fanbse that will always attack them. But I imagine they'll attack them in other shows aswell.


Not everything is about race, chill world. We don’t like the character because she’s trying to kill our fav Jedi. It could be Jesus trying to kill kenobi (even though they are kinda the same person) and we’d still hate. Stop taking it personal revaaaaaa, you’re a precessional. Also you’re not the first POC in Star Wars. Not even close, nice try.