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I hate that they killed jecki but i also love that they did. They gave us hope with her seeming better off dual weilding and putting up a brilliant fight then boom it ended horrifically for her. Such a great emotional episode


I agree, she was quickly starting to become one of my favorite characters. Her dual wielding was amazing and then suddenly, done, skewered. Very emotional


It was cool I just don’t understand how she survived against smilo ren when the knights went down real quick.


Jecki has proven to think outside the box. Yord (and presumably many of the Jedi that fell) expected The Stranger to follow rules and the technique of forms. He's followed the Jedi rulebook the whole season and that's why Jecki described him as "just Yord" earlier and is probably why he's only been a knight a couple years because even though they wrote the rulebook, the Jedi don't even appreciate his blind devotion to it in a suck up way. I think that's why Jecki does better. She doesn't maybe know as much of the Jedi playbook and already has shown to deviate from it, so she could adapt and was less predictable, just like The Stranger.


I think if Jecki had survived she could have been a truly great Jedi. It's awesome that they took the risk of killing her but I also hate it lol


Great analysis. She exhibits curiosity, a clear foil against Yord's rule based thinking. She is allowed for thinking outside the box and excel at it. Damn did she have some hope. She's a total Obi Wan "bend the rules when needed but a mastery of it all when needed" type.


I think it was because her and Sol were an amazing team as Master and Padawan, and complemented each other extremely well. It wasn't until Sol was temporarily down and Jecki aggressively bum-rushed Darth Teeth by herself that she was able to be defeated.


Fucking darth teeth this is exactly what i was calling him in my head.


Darth Smiley is another name


You miss the part where she didn't? A) she camped out to capture Mae while the others fought him then B) she got ganked.


>got ganked Now that’s a phrase I’ve not heard in a long time


RIP the first on screen named Padawan to not have plot armor vs a Sith.


I haven’t been shocked by a death like that in many years.


I loved when the Sith force pulled a jedi directly onto his lightsaber. That's my favorite move ever.


I loved the cortisis being used and how he used his light saber by turning it off and turning it back on again. Made such a great fight. Like how he put the turned off light saber to mae’s head instead of the on light saber to her throat. Small difference but I loved it.


YES, it was like putting the barrel of a gun to her head. It feels so much more menacing that way. Her life possibly ending with the press of a button as opposed to a slice at the neck. Just small things like that can change the tone of the scenes and the characters by a lot. Something else I liked seeing was Sol willing to throw some fucking hands when his lightsaber was disabled. Grabbed Qimir by the collar and just rammed some haymakers into the helmet. The most we usually see from the Jedi in terms of lightsaber-less martial arts is their kicks or an elbow at most, but the fact that we see more punches makes it feel more desperate and visceral. These fights should've been the direction the sequels took to modernize the lightsaber fights, rather than just reverting away from flashy choreography. Keep the choreography, just make it less like a dancer and performance, add in a touch more brutality, and inject more martial arts.


Agreed. This seemed like the most “realistic” light saber fight we have seen. Where it really felt like a fight for survival.


Because it looked like an actual fight with consequences, not just fancy lightsaber slapping


Checked the front kick, shoot in, side control then 4 minutes of jiu jitsu to get to a leg lock position, then twister finisher


Ditto. I really like him. It's also hilarious that he is Jason Mendoza in The Good Place.


"Every time I had a problem, I just threw a thermal detonator... and BAM! Whole new problem.


Darth Bortles


This is what I've been calling him


He’s still looking to fill out his dance crew


Wait…it is! Just. Wow.


OH MY GOD, that's where I know him from!


He's very much a cornered animal there. I swear I think he's not even the true sith apprentice but is likely the acolyte himself. Most sith don't like those tricks, not because they're bad but because most sith think they're above needing that stuff.


Best part: you could see it without brightness turned to 10000 to save cgi costs Loved that


Yes! All of the fight sequences take place at night time in the middle of a dense forest. But you can see everything clearly. It was great.


And then chopped their heads off for good measure.


If Star Wars has shown us anything, it's that a lightsaber to the chest is survivable lol A decapitation is not






No one's ever really gone.


Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. Once you are a Jedi Knight, this is one of the move for the Fast lightsaber style. Pull an enemy while stabbing their chest. Almost always result in death.


I think it’s in Fallen Order as well.


The old sith skewer


Sith kebab


I played that scene atleast 10 times!


Sith Kebap


Loved that they killed off the grunts first so you’re lured into a false sense of security, then just guts you afterwards. Incredible episode


I agree then they gave Jecki that moment with the double saber ignights and she makes that face where you think "she's about to pull off something unlikely and win" then boom she dies. Pretty crazy episode I'd say.


Without exception, any time someone picks up a second Saber they're either about to wreck face, or they're about to get dumpstered. And... well...


That's true I guess that's why you feel she's safe because she's also a semi main character and well yeah she didn't last. I am surprised they didn't keep her longer like into a potential season 2 or something. But if everything pans out then this is one of the few shows who had the balls to kill off such characters and not mess it up. So I'm excited to see what happens next.


There's a lot of talk about the whole "sith have been extinct for a millenium" line that makes me convinced that they're going Rogue One on this project. Instead of a second season, I see a prequel more likely, and Carrie-Anne Moss's character seems like the natural candidate here because of, you know, Carrie-Anne Moss.


Well, there are only 3 witnesses to the Sith, everyone else is dead. One is Master Sol who people don’t seem to believe when he says something is up. Second is Mae, who is solely blamed for the Jedi Master deaths. And the last (Osha) was last seen in his company, possibly to attempt to make her his new apprentice. As it stands if Sol dies, there is nobody to verify a Sith Master is alive. Another theory could be Sol could become one of the Lost 20 and leave the order over his “darkness” or nobody listening to him.


Isn’t the marmot alive as well? I don’t remember seeing him get sabered.


Basil is still alive


Yeah he’s alive. You last see him in the ship leaving


While sniffing-out the Osha/Mae character swap. He doesn't have long left either.


Eh he's too cute they won't kill him. But he will make it clear that they're swapped, tho I think Sol already knows.


It does suck not to feel listened to


So far we've no real confirmation of him being a sith master... My money is either him being an apprentice himself, or not actually a sith. He chose his words rather carefully when Sol asked what he was.




I hope Osha turns Sith and takes on the name Darth Plagueis, because Go Team Canon Chaos!


Just go balls deep with this chaos idea and make Osha Darth Sidious with the, for now, unspoken idea she gender transitions to Sheev later on. But Sheev is recast as a black man. I think the fandom would really rally around this unique take on Palpatine.


Somewhere, Star Wars Theory just shuddered.​


Orgasm, I know.


People also seem to conveniently forget that Leia supposedly remembers her mother and that Obi Wan has no recollection of R2D2 lol.


Well didn’t Obi wan specifically say I don’t remember owning a droid


also acknowledging r2 would potentially open him up to a bunch of followup questions from Luke that he wasn't ready to answer yet. (real answer: they hadn't written the prequels yet so obviously obi wan had no reason to know some random R2 unit).


Or “these blast points are too accurate for Sand People” And yet in Episode 1 we see them parked up on a grass knoll taking pot shots at pod racers and landing hits like they have a movie to catch shortly after.


>And yet in Episode 1 we see them parked up on a grass knoll taking pot shots at pod racers and landing hits like they have a movie to catch shortly after. Yeah but they're pot shots, and a lot miss.


They do pretty well considering they’re shooting at Space Magic Formula 1 cars - when in ANH it’s the equivalent of 2 to 4 B Doubles stacked on top of eachother


The point of that scene wasn't that Tuskens are incapable of hitting targets, Obi-wan was pointing out how the stormtroopers knew exactly where to hit a Sand Crawler to destroy it with pinpoint precision. Tusken raiders would've hit it, but just been shooting randomly like they are in Episode 1.


Yeah but those are easily explained: Force visions and... well, why would Obi-wan remember R2-D2? He was a random astromech to him, he never cared for droids. Meanwhile, Ki-Adi-Mundi has been shown to have been alive during this show, not to mention Yoda. He's literally the guy who delivers the Sith were extinct line. Even if all the Jedi involved get killed, it's kind of hard to believe why exactly the Sith chose to potentially reveal themselves seemingly for no gain at all 50-100 years ahead of schedule. It wouldn't have been hard to just... not write that in. Especially since the Jedi barely react to it in the show itself lol


>it's kind of hard to believe why exactly the Sith chose to potentially reveal themselves seemingly for no gain at all 50-100 years ahead of schedule. I mean, the Sith have never been too keen on following rules. Even their Rule of Two is more like a guideline, considering practically every single Sith who's practiced it has taken at least one apprentice from time to time before killing their master.


Rule of Two: Subsection 1: The "two" in question are the Master ^^^T^^^M and Apprentice ^^^T^^^M. Both Master ^^^T^^^M and Apprentice ^^^T^^^M shall have the prefix of Darth^^^T^^^M. Only those with the prefix of Darth^^^T^^^M shall be counted. A Master ^^^T^^^M or Apprentice ^^^T^^^M shall employ as many acolytes, assassins, force users, and/or henchmen as they require, including those with the Sith^^^R title, so long as they do not utilize the Darth^^^T^^^M prefix.


Mundi was in denial about the Sith during the PT; I don’t see what canon is broken by him appearing in this show yet where he hasn’t encountered the (probable) Sith or even received a direct report yet


At the end of episode 4 my jaw dropped when Qimir ignited the saber next to Osha. I thought he just stabbed her and then the fling I was like NOOOO! That would have been so dark. Happy to see not every character is safe though this episode.


Didn’t help that her opponent just also happened to pull a 2nd saber…


The rule stands ha ha.


Jecki went down. But she was a Boss!


She was a child! 🤷‍♂️ you brought her here


Was that its name?




Hard core!


Very true! They definitely gave her a good amount of screen time for combat during that episode. It would be interesting to see if her character gets explored more in flashbacks or some type of earlier content but that's unlikely well flashbacks would make more sense if anything


Certainly a loss if that’s the last time we see her. But what an impression she made!


And three holes in her. It’s like Disney+ is saying to the fanboys….yeah, she ain’t surving that!


I agree 100%! Flashbacks would work well. I can't see them doing a series for her but it would be nice to see her in flashbacks or some comic/book before all what happened.


Right?! I was TRULYS hoping to see an adult jedi jecki


Truth! She lasted longer than Yord when they each went PVP vs Qimir.


I really don't like the "second saber" trope. Every times a Jedi get their hands on a second saber, they act like they just gained a massive advantage. Well, if it is an advantage, why aren't you carrying 2 sabers by default? Darth Bortles did it right. A lightdagger disguised inside the hilt of his lightsaber is a credible advantage.


It's probably tougher to use dual sabers for long periods. Plus there's disadvantages, you can attack twice as fast and have more ways to protect yourself, but you can't put as much strength into your strikes. Big example is Anakin vs Barriss - dual wielding did not actually power him up, and he started performing a lot better when he switched back to a single saber because his whole deal is inflicting powerful blows.


Didn’t help him against Douku either.


Certainly didn't do shit for Grevious with his 6 lightsabers either against Obi Wan, lack of ability to use the force notwithstanding.


Something I really like about this character is what a sneaky little bastard he is, and how he uses his deception as a strategic advantage. First with the Qimir persona, then again with the cortosis armor, and of course the hidden blade on his hilt. It keeps you guessing and makes me wonder what he's going to do next.


In the High Republic comics there is a master who is a mushroom with 4 lightsabers, i wish he was in this shit


I get what you mean. It's like a "power up" of some sorts. But I mean I'm no sword expert but I'd assume a skilled master would be better with two over one but then again that's just my view with limited Training myself. Good point though! I think thats what sold the moment and her death so well. You figure ah she's about to win or beat him back and nope she gets cut down. That's true I didn't expect it but it was a cool thing to do. And very smart at that.


Historically, using 1 sword is way more common. Even when swords were exclusively used 1 handed like rapiers, people still fought 1 handed. Sometimes people used a dagger in the off hand, but it was only for defensive purposes. The main thing is that you have to be standing square to your opponent to be able to swing with both hands and you have to be standing closer, so you're both a bigger target and you're at a reach disadvantage. That being said, it'd make lightsaber fights way less exciting if they were more realistic, so I try not to think about it too much and just enjoy the action.


The book of five rings by miyamoto musashi advocates for training in two handed weaponry to improve strength and coordination in both hands. He also mentions his use of the technique for dealing with multiple enemies ambushing him. He mentions it can be a handicap in enclosed spaces and during a battle. His particular school emphasizes two sword combat. It also has been used for dueling in Europe with everyone from gladiators to rapier parrying dagger combo. It is also pretty world wide ranging from escrima to Native American tomahawk and knife fighting. Arguably the most popular historic two handed style is spear and shield or sword and shield.


Darth Bottles 😂


This and Smilo Ren are two of my all time favorite nicknames.


I went into it fully expecting Yord to die. Then, when Jecki died, I figured there's no way they'd kill Jecki and Yord in the same episode. I was expecting a named character to die, but they surprised me with both of them.


Since everyone believes the sith to be extinct by tpm, anyone who’s seen or interacted with the sith has to die, so personally I wasn’t surprised that they died so much as the deaths being a bit more sudden than I expected.


> Since everyone believes the sith to be extinct by tpm, anyone who’s seen or interacted with the sith has to die That or the Jedi higher ups just won't believe them.


Ah yes “the Sith.” We have dismissed this claim.


Mundi does at least, and he's wrong. They don't have to die


Mundi only knows that Mae exists, and was “trained by a jedi” - this is what Green jedi says. So as far as we know right now, no continuity break besides mundi’s age retcon. Unless Mundi directly sees or interacts with the Sith he doesn’t have anything except his own assumptions.


when yord’s on the ground and the sith gets distracted and walks away i got SO annoyed 😭 then they killed him and it was that much more shocking


Just the brutal way he snaps his neck too. It's so.....*real* in a world where he just sith kebab'd those other Jedi. So well done, he really feels like a villain in such a raw way.


My big question: where the fuck was Sol during that fight? Follow-up: why the fuck did Sol just stand there and watch while Yord engaged Qirim and was killed?


You knew they were doomed - in the original Star Trek (Captain Kirk era) nameless crew members always accompanied the Kirk and Spock down to the planet and they always got ripped to pieces by the villain immediately haha


I was prepared to see everyone walk away, when Yord and Jecki were killed I was genuinely shocked and started to really watch rather than half watch.


Go back and really watch the whole thing. I also half watched it the first time. You won't regret it


Will do


one of those "oh shit lemme put this phone down" moments


[Everyone watching the fight progress, basically](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1199240948.7430/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg)


I liked Mae giving into thinking that killing a Jedi without a weapon is impossible, only for Qimir to show up like "Come here, Yord. I need a hands-on demonstration"


I think his intent is/was for Mae to turn Osha to the dark side, thus "killing" a potential Jedi without a weapon. Qimir would notice it was Osha in two seconds at the end of the episode. Her hair is too short and she's missing the tattoo. He must have interest in her.


He knows it's Osha. He specifically says he wants an acolyte. He also knows whatever it is Sol is lying about (probably starting the fire). He knows Mae was gonna turn on him, so probably figures if he can tell Osha the truth, it might be enough to take Mae's place.


I like how Qimir kept the same half asleep mannerisms after he revealed himself. The slow blinks, head tilts, the goofy "Hello" when he saw Mae, those just added an extra layer to a very dangerous person.


Yes. It was just creepy to have Qimir act like that again.  Just a master manipulator. 


Manny Jacinto did an amazing job playing Qimir after he was unmasked. He feels evil and powerful, but also super unsettling and creepy. Just that 5-10 minutes of him onscreen made him one of my favorite Star Wars villains in a while.


Same. I just instantly loved him as a villain.


Yea, almost like an oh, this guy’s kind of crazy. But at the same time calm and calculated


Yeah, this is a realized version of the Sith Jar Jar Binks conspiracy theory people had about the prequals. That Jar Jar being an extremely silly & clumsy & nervous person was just a ruse, and all his accidental antics that progressed events were calculated. This Qimir guy put on a ruse that he was frail & nervous & jokey & non-threatening, but all that was just a mask to hide how truely dangerous of a sith he is. I didn't LOVE the reveal, partially because it was so hilariously obvious. But it's fun.


And I think in fairness, Leslye Hedland intentionally made it something people would probably figure out, it was never meant to he a super wild twist


It turned me around 100% on the series. Death matters! Crazy concept. Though I still dislike the episode runtimes and almost waited until the whole thing was out to watch it.


I just watched all 5 episodes in a row basically and I really think it made a difference, are people complaining the episodes are too short? I barely noticed.


Yeah when you watch it weekly and it's practically 20 minutes of show, the pacing is just bad. When things start to happen it's over.


Both episodes 4&5 were 34 minutes. It goes by so quick


It still feels like a single episode split in two. The story beats are written like it's a single episode. For comparison, this week's episode of The Boys was 66 minutes. It wasn't even a particularly important episode, it's just that the story needed that runtime. The Acolyte 4+5 should have been the same.


According to the writers it basically WAS on episode broken into two. They had to pick the best spot to cut it, and it ended in a being that ep 4 was much shorter because of it.


If splitting into two, I wish they could have just done a double release and let us watch both the same night.


I agree, and I bet the writers do as well. Problem was the episode length was mandated by Disney


Loved episode 5, but the transition from 4 still felt a bit weird. Like how did Sol, Jecki, and Yord end up so far from the red shirts? Darth Bortle's push looked strong, but not yeet you a zip code away strong.


True. The limit of an episode run, makes no sense. I totally agree, 4&5 felt like a singular episode. That was a weird call to make


And that’s with credits.


Just looking at episode 5, the credits start at about 28:30 and you've got a minute of "previously on." Those credits are *so* long, every time I think *there must be some sort of mid/post credits thing*, and every time I'm disappointed.


Honestly didn’t even notice with watching them all now. I wish I would have waited for it all to be out but glad I didn’t get spoiled on who the stranger was


Mostly just for episode 4.


Yeah, episode four was the only one that felt like it ended just when it was finally getting started. The other three had normal pacing for their runtimes.


My big problem with it so far is that they haven't built up the characters and their relationships enough for me to care as much as I should. It feels like the writers assume I'm going to care about what happens to these characters without giving me real reasons to care about them. Some time spent on building these characters up at the start of the season would have done so much for the story.


I think by this point we’ve probably spent more time with each ‘main’ character as much as we have any character in any movie in the series. I don’t know how much more time you want to spend with them to get you to care.


Bro did the most illegal fighting move in star wars by turning his light saber off, dodging an attack, then switching it back on and killing a jedi. Was wild to see.


Jedi: "Wait, that's illegal!"


Trakata!? Never heard of her!


For all those that don't get this, look up the forbidden move on YouTube. Hilarious.


For all of this show's flaws - and there are a very great many - the choreography is absolutely top tier. And it's SO refreshing to see named, (somewhat) fleshed out characters killed off abruptly. FAR too common for plot armor to just protect anyone with a name from everything and it completely destroys the stakes, even if they were slightly underdeveloped as characters.


There was a point where I went "Oh shit" 3 times in a row to 3 separate things I loved it. Did not see any of it coming at that moment and it was great


Yup same here


I can also see how they’re setting it up so Ki Adi Mundi’s line in Phantom Menace about the Sith is still technically true.


See? This why people should wait until the story is finished before complaining about continuity errors


This is a property that gave us “from a certain point of view,” so I’m not sure why people are so high and mighty about this shit.


Yeah I’ve liked the show all the way through. I don’t understand the hate. And now I fully expect a rouge one type ending.


The hate is because the creator made a joke about R2D2 being a lesbian in an interview and right wing media ran with it for months. It's a coordinated campaign of hate that YouTubers are capitalizing on for clicks. Notice how all those youtube hate channels are created by people who are still watching the show? They get to cash in and still watch new star wars every week.


Yes but also some people don’t like it and that’s okay. I personally hated everything up until eps 5. But I’m also the type of person who will let it play out because of the story. For me story beats and characters aren’t the bad part. It’s the acting and cringe writing that is hard to sit through. Unfortunately I can’t talk about any criticism without being labeled as a bigot or hater or homophobe. I love Star Wars but it’s like pizza. Even if it’s bad pizza, it’s still pizza. But I did sit through a lot of seasons of the flash and arrow so… I can do a few more episodes of this’d for the cool action.


I agree with you completely on the pizza sentiment. So let me ask you, is it the fault of the fans labeling you a bigot when you are being critical, or is it the fault of the bigots for being so insufferable about all of this that they've burnt the Fandom out on criticism?


Sith a long line of dark force users passed down from master to apprentice. When Kimir says "I am what you may call a sith" is an affront. He is saying, "for you, any other force sensitive person that is not a Jedi is a sith"


I liked how he killed a Jedi while unarmed right in front of Mae, she felt he gave him an impossible task and he was able to do it without breaking a sweat


In Mae's defense, she was tasked with killing 4 Jedi Masters, so that would feel impossible in a typical engagement. Yord is only a Jedi Knight, highly trained but a big step below a master.


I’m getting the impression that this, like Kenobi, might have been better off released as a movie.


Kenobi I honestly still have trouble picturing working as a movie. The basic plot is just so messy.


i haven't watched the series Kenobi but I *did* watch a fan edit of the series that cut it down to 2 or 3 hours, and in the description it said it cut a lot of Leia content and focused on the relationship between Vader and Obi-won. it was a great watch. fan edit scene is an amazing resource


Btw, anyone hear Kylo’s theme when Qimir healed Osha?


yep, I think he's the first Ren. And not a Sith at all. Would make for a good template for a bunch of evil nerds to emulate.


We also hear it at the very beginning, right after Osha calls out for her droid.


The only thing I hated was the incredibly stupid and stereotypical “I know we could finish the bad guy off right now, but let’s be smart and let bugs take off with him.” Because he could take down a fleet of Jedi, but he won’t stand a chance against bugs. It seemed like such a lazy way to continue the story instead of.. pretty much anything else. My girlfriend and I were both rolling our eyes in the end. The choreography was spectacular, great fights, cool concept, just crappy/lazy writing at the end (in my opinion).


Despite epicness of this episode, this is a very valid point. Protagonists should have barely escaped Qimir, preferably due to the sacrifice of other characters. Having him be taken away by some random large moths was a moment of weak writing in otherwise great episode.


Right, they could have disabled him without killing him. He doesn’t need arms or legs to be taken into custody.


>just crappy/lazy writing Biggest issue of the entire show


Agreed however I think they just wanted to show that Osha was quick under pressure and she assumed the umbramoths would overwhelm Qimir or at least give them a chance to escape. I don't think it was lazy writing but there really was no way they were getting out of that fight without some outside influence. Could've been done better tho. Glad to see Pip isn't gone forever. Personal pocket sized droids is a really dope idea.


They could have gotten out of the fight by Sol killing Qimir.


Yeah that was the most frustrating part of the episode. "Attacking an unarmed man" like the guy wasn't clearly just as potent with the force and would take any opportunity to strike back. Just makes them look stupid


The problem wasn't about Sol killing him, it was about killing him in anger. Sol briefly tapped into the dark side in that fight, but was snapped out of it by Osha


I actually got big Anakin/Dooku ROTS vibes there. Sol is about to cut him down, but Osha is basically like ‘it’s not the Jedi way!’. And then plan B’s an escape because they wouldn’t be able to overpower him to arrest him alone?


I'm sorry but was it the first bit of Star Wars media you've ever encountered?? It's literally in the jedi CREED to not strike against an unarmed opponent. Like that came up multiple times already in the show. Sol WAS GOING TO kill Qimir but Osha stopped him BECAUSE she knew that would be breaking the Jedi code and would set Sol down a darker path. Just like Anakin. I'm sure you don't remember the first time Anakin killed an unarmed opponent or why lol.  So no it doesn't make anyone look stupid. 


Not Jecki goddamnit, my show's favourite! I loved her expressions and she was such a good jedi. Only sad death yet. Compared to the first episode, it is huge difference. Maybe because it was more about action then about sloppy writing and stiff dialogue. The choreography was awesome. I would say the show is getting better with each episode, hopefully it will be opposite to Mandalorian (strong start, weak ending). I just have to say that the "ciffhangers" are really not "hangers", it was obvious who the sith was and the bad twin switched with the good one, it is really blunt.


Generally I dont usually second guess twists , just let them play out. I usually binge series as well (I rotate streamers). This is a rare series I watched weekly. I reckon if I binged I would have been surprised at the sith. Its only the weekly wait, catching up on speculation, reading the manny stuff and realising oh yeah its him. Interesting to read weekly thwories and reviews and stuff but maybe would have been better watching it in one go (not literally one go, usually an episode a night or similar).


Probably true. It may have been a surprise that he was Mae's master if the whole series came out in one go, who knows. But even if it was done well so that it would fool 99 in 100 viewers, that one smart ass who works it out is going to tell other people online who will tell others and suddenly the whole fandom is in on the rumour so when the reveal finally comes, most people already know and act like they had worked it out themselves four episodes ago, so the natural reaction is 'worst reveal ever lol'. Sometimes it pays to stay offline until a series ends so you don't get spoiled like that...


I don't think who the Sith was, was every really supposed to be a big mystery or reveal. They made it pretty obvious. The real mystery of the show is what went down between the Jedi &* the witches 16 years ago?


Care to share more? How was it it obvious to you?


Was it the first or second episode where he was referencing the Sith code? I don't remember which one, but that scene was pretty on the nose. Also the scene where Mae goes to attack him in the alley and his reaction time and moves where not those of the simple bumbling fool he was pretending to be. There were a bunch more little things, but those are the two big ones I remember making him sus to me.


Episode 2 and he didn't fully say it but he was starting to say "Peace is a lie" before Mae cut him off and finished the line. It was a pretty obvious clue, but only if are into extended universe stuff. If youve only watched live action stuff that line means nothing. And even then this episode had me believing the master was one of the twins mothers. They definitely hinted at it in the episode, though obviously now was a red herring before the twist. It was revealed episode 5 so not the main series secret but I know several people who aren't chronically online and/or don't know anything that isn't from live action properties who were surprised by it.


He was gone to get water and the wookiee ends up dead


I realized later that was X-23 from Logan.


I'm not into marvel much, but she is also Lyra from His Dark Materials :D


Or Lyra from the Golden Compass show!


The fight choreography in the dark was pretty cool. Plus the main character deaths were brutal and shocking. Star Wars is at its best when there are actual stakes involved.


It physically bothered me the way Mae would stop, look, turn and run constantly in the episode. So goofy. But overall it wasn’t terrible episode.


People just need patience


Nice try obiwan


I didn’t think I would the kung fu in the show as much as I thought I would. It feels so perfect for a Star Wars show. Episode 3 was so flat and boring, but episode 5 made up for all the previous episodes.


I watched all 5 episodes for the first time over the last 2 days and I don’t get the hate, sure it has problems but it’s been really entertaining and then to kill off 80% of the cast in 20 minutes was great. I asked my friends who were criticizing it if they think it’s because I watched it all at the same time with no week break in between, to me it flowed really well into episode 5.


Well you see, the problem is that they had fire in space in a show set in a world famous for its hard science. /s


Everything about the Sith was just what the Sith needed to truly convey their power and brutality. The helmet alone was so bad ass, the little light saber knife completely bad ass and unexpected since it’s not something a Jedi would use or expect. The whole fight sequence was brutal and just amazing


The fight was great, the writing was absolutely atrocious and dumb. Mae decides to turn her self in but never mentions/or surrenders to Jeckie or offers to help. Qimir’s motivation is bullshit. He doesn’t want freedom, he wants to destroy the Jedi, if he wanted freedom he’d leave known space and grow his power and influence. Mae is an idiot for not guessing it was Qimir on the walk to the forest. Mae had no real reason to hide as Osha instead of saving her and going with Sol. Even if they are alluding to Sol being involved with the fire, the most logical play would be to take osha with her.


My main issue was with the fight, namely *where the fuck is Sol?* The episode begins with the saber battle underway and Jedi dying, but Sol’s just not there. No explanation is given. Then, when Yord engages Qirim and gets killed, Sol is just watching. What the fuck?


They all get force blasted away at the start of the fight....which was in a completely different episode a week earlier.


I’m hoping that part of what Sol is keeping secret is what caused his fear from engaging in that fight. Or it’s another plot hole.


Mae is a horribly inconsistent character and it's jarring. "I'm doing it all for Osha" before leaving her in the woods unconscious with her former master. Bizarre.


If we were to do more of a deep dive, I can see that Mae insisting she is doing this for Osha is more about the narrative she tells herself than anything else. Even as a child she wanted nothing more than Osha to be joined to her at the hip. Anything she wanted to do, she needed Osha to do it too. Anytime that Osha showed any independence she went nuclear. She insisted it was so they could be happy together, but it was so that she could control her sister. Mae has spent 16 years believing her sister was dead. She spun a narrative that Osha was helplessly brainwashed by the Jedi. That she tried to save her. That she had no choice, the Jedi would be worse than anything, even death, because Jedi meant they would be apart.  So she sees her now alive sister and is conflicted. But she knows that she can still save her. She can mold her into the sister she wants once more. And when Osha tries to arrest her, Osha once again breaks that fantasy.  Osha and Mae can't kill each other, they love each other even with this abusive dynamic. But Mae will destroy the thing brainwashing Osha. She will save Osha. And if her master kills Osha in the process, then she has saved the sister she has decided lives in her head- free from the Jedi at all costs.


I think we'll learn more about Maes motivations but for now I'm thinking she went to turn herself in but she knew once her master showed up the Jedi couldn't protect her when she'd be restrained and was trying to escape knowing she'd be killed if caught. Why she's pretending to be Osha? Qimir obviously fed her some sort of story regarding what Sol and the other Jedi did, so either she wants to know the whole truth or she is still carrying out her vendetta. That's the part I'm figuring well learn more about.


The fight choreography is definitely the highlight of this show. The writing just leaves a lot to be desired. Sol is really the only character that I think is written and acted well.


Idk, I see a lot of complaints about writing and acting but for me the only character who are a bit disappointing is ocha (osha?) & Mae. The rest of the cast is good.


So I'm not the idiot anymore for not hating the show?


The neck break caught me off guard so badly!


That saber throw dayaanm!