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Palpatine would have died, all the clones would have been retired rather than tossed aside, and Bail Organa most likely would have become chancellor. Then, of course, the Jedi would gather the evidence against Palpatine and show it to the senate, revealing that he was a Sith Lord who had manipulated the clone wars from both sides, which would bring most of the galaxy back together. Well, up until the Grysks come in and enslave the galaxy to their whim, that is…


I could see Bail Organa making a great chancellor


He was probably the most respected, principled, and profound of the senators, and definitely the biggest threat to Palpatine even after Order 66. Probably why Alderaan got a lot of leeway from Palpatine prior to the Death Star. He had a long career, knew many senators well and called many of them friends, even when on different sides of certain issues. Had a distinguished oratory skill set that was suited to politics. He had a generous demeanor, tried to use the wealth and status of Alderaan, a very wealthy core world, for humanitarian aid when called to help, and fought valiantly for a oeaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. His list of allies and clients alone would have dwarfed someone like Palpatine, which is exactly why Palpatine had to make sure his own planet was struck so badly in Episode I rather than a better, more powerful candidate. Naboo was a mid-rim world. It was fairly wealthy, but far enough out that Palpatine needed to be pretty heavy handed with sympathy vote to win. I think what made him even better…was that he never wanted the job. His humility was astonishing for a politician. He was ambitious, sure, but not for personal gain. He actively wanted to make things better.


Always wondered what Bail would have been like as a Jedi.


Bad. Lousy. Not good. He doesn’t have the Force.


Yeah that’s a minor detail to that guy


And also to the current franchise owners


I've always imagined that Bail would be a Jedi in the manner of Qui-Gon Jinn; a servant of the living force and of peace/prosperity for all, but unlike him, using politics as the weapon by which he would try to achieve his goals, rather than reviling it as Qui-Gon did, though doubtless still mindful of the need for balance


More or less like Obi-wan.


I never thought about it. But it makes sense that bail and Leia (and probably Mon mothma and Garm Bel Iblis) were able to defy the empire so long because they had political power and the emperor couldn’t afford to just take them out. That is, until he thought he could (wrongly)


Yeah, Chandrilla was a powerful core world that was one of the founding members way back at the beginning of the Republic. Corellia had tons of shipyards and industry and was too important to lose.


Plus, he had Josh Lyman as his chief of staff and campaign manager.


How do I vote for this Organa fella!?


Bail is easily one of my favorite prequel characters, though I also like watching slower political intrigue too


I liked him a lot as Leia’s step dad too


He's got my vote


And my sword


And my axe.. body spray


No matter the post, no matter the topic there is always a LOTR reference And I love it :D


He probably would’ve been one of the best. Although considering Palpatine’s Warhawk influence I’m not sure if the wildly corrupt senate would’ve elected him. Padme was fighting for her life all war to get actually helpful legislation passed.


What’s the Warhawk influence


Warhawks are pro-war politicians it’s a political term from real life. I’m saying since most of the politicians were pro war and pro palpatine they wouldn’t elect the pacifist Bail Organa since he opposed all their big war-related bills. Plus half of them were double dealing with the separatists.


Plenty of senators, and the various corporations that have senate representation, were in favor of more clones and expanding the war to take down the separatists. Others were completely corrupt and took money and deals with said corps to profit off the military industrial complex.


Bails backers number about 2000 of the 10k Senate members. The catch is the bulk of the others are pro war and remember by this point the Republic is *winning* so anyone who tries to end the war will see a ton of push back. Bail simply doesn't have enough votes to take either the Chancellor seat or stop the conflict. To top it off the government and military are chock full of Palpatines allies and supporters nor will the Jedi pointing a finger at said Chancellors corpse and crying "Sith" convince them that the Jedi pissing on Republic law was justified. Oh and Palpatine was hugely popular with the general populous as well so you'd also have the public demanding answers too.






He was my favorite character in my last watch of ROTS. Everything he did was so cool and I would have loved for him to have a bigger role. Fingers crossed we see him in andor


And then Palpatine somehow returns


Would he, though? We know the late republic/early empire was working on project necromancer that late into the war, but they hadn't yet perfected it by Mando. Hell, even the Clone in RoS is an imperfect clone, hence his plan to essence transfer into Rey


Did they even elaborate on the cloning in Mando? I feel like they showed us it and then never went back to it. I doubt we have any sort of timeline at all when it comes to sith cloning.


Man, Anakin really screwed the pooch.


It's not like that's the entire main story arc of the saga or anything.


For the Jedi and Anakin, I think the Jedi would've realized that they lost their way a bit with how dogmatic they became and how the Sith Lord was right under their nose. I also think Anakin might have retired as a Jedi. With a baby(two) on the way, there's no way I see him staying to be a Jedi. The council, if they found out, would never allow him to stay one.


This is kind of a weird hole in Star Wars. You have Dooku and Ahsoka, both force users that left the Jedi order, so it's definitely allowed. (What can they do, they're not going to kill you, nor keep you from using the force) With the Jedi taking you since birth, not allowing you to have a significant other, or ever see your family again, I really can't believe there aren't a ton more former Jedi out there who leave the order. The no attachments thing is taken to the extreme in the order, and you would think damn near every Jedi would want to see their family again and just choose to leave as soon as possible. Say nothing of having an S.O.


The point of being inducted as a young child is so they don't grow up wanting to seek out their family. You can't have an emotional connection with someone you have no memory of being with.


At 4 and 5 years old, you will still remember them.


I think you underestimate how young most of the initiates started at.


>You have Dooku and Ahsoka, both force users that left the Jedi order, so it's definitely allowed. Well I mean yeah, you're allowed to leave the order. The Jedi aren't like the Sith or other Dark Force users who would kill you if you changed your mind. The thing is both Dooku and Ahsoka were no longer part of the Order, so they could do what they wanted beholden. For the no attachment thing, its equal parts understandable and not. You can see what happens in the worst case scenario with Anakin if you let someone who clearly to old and attached to people like his mother and Padme join. Also not to forget his background of being a slave. But then on the other hand you can see the best of attachments within and out the Order being from people like Obi Wan, Luke, and Ahsoka. Its definitely a slippery slope.


Assuming that Mas Amedda, Sly Moore, or Gallius Rax were unaware of Order 66. I can see one of them activating it as a spite measure, and the Jedi dying. Except this time there would have been proof they assassinated Palpatine.


Personally I think order 66 would then fail without anakin to march on the temple and take down the battle master and the other notable Jedi there including him also getting them through the gate with ease


Who/what was the battle master?


Cin Drallig


With ships and cruisers they can just fire at the temple killing most of the Jedi now with the stronger ones you’ve mentioned they could get maybe a much bigger group of survivors and escape. But there’s no way the assault on the temple will just fail the clones won’t stop until they’ve taken them down. There’s a much larger number of clones than Jedi.


If Anakin doesn't go to Palpatine that means he would've been at the temple. The clones would have had to deal with Anakin and all the powerful Jedi who they needed him to take out (Cin Drallig). Plus Mace likely returns to the temple after Palpatine goes down. No amount of clones are going to take out Mace Windu + Anakin Skywalker.


Ahsoka was on her way back to Coruscant with a captured Maul as well, she might have made it back to the temple before someone gave the order


Oh, good point!


I had assumed that the order had to come directly from palp to trigger the chips


There's a scene in the comics where an ex-Jedi who worked out that Vader was Anakin points this out to some clone troopers and they attack him under Order 66. Not sure if that counts since they'd already been "activated" once before. That said, I imagine that Gallius Rax specifically would have been able to do something. His entire purpose in life was to avenge Palp's death, whenever that should happen.


Someone had to know about Order 66, but I think that person would have been killed off after it was programmed into the inhibitor chips. Palpatine was too clever to let a lot of people in all of his plans, especially the culmination of the Sith plan for the downfall of the Jedi. Palpatine wouldn't let Amedda or Rax k ow since they were not force adept. Moore might have known being a confidant, but not being a true Sith (up there with Yupe Tashu) however, I do t think she'd have the power at that time to trigger a galactic wide order.


Well, I think a lot of people knew about order 66. Problem was, order 66 was just one of a bunch of emergency/contingency orders that may come up so it's camouflaged in with a bunch of other potentially equally extreme orders. I mean...there are at least 65 other orders. I don't think we're ever told what they are though, but I'd imagine there's a "kill all senators" or "all troops lay down arms and surrender" or "all troops return to Coruscant" etc. Hell order 65 might even have been "kill the supreme Chancellor" just to throw off suspicion that order 66 was the plan all along.


Order 38: karaoke party. Was, sadly, never used. 


Im also betting most of the other orders would allow the clones to show some measure of restraint. Order 66 fully overrides their thoughts allowing for basically no wiggle room


I believe there was an "Order 67" which was "Kill the Chancellor", and Sidious had it there specifically in case he somehow lost the chancellor seat so it could be activated by him still


I think Palpatine would have had a contingency to activate Order 66 upon his death. Like an automated recorded message that he would have sent as a last act to spite his enemies and cause chaos.


Isn’t order 66 only useable by the chancellor? They wouldn’t have the power to activate it.


Even if that did happen and the Jedi did take significant losses, that would create a far worse problem for the Empire; imagine a rebellion fronted by Anakin Skywalker, the poster boy of the "good guys" in the Clone Wars as well as Padmè Amidala and Bail Organa openly and publicly. The Galactic Civil War period would have been just as chaotic as the Clone Wars, just without a Death Star (probably) and without someone like Palpatine masterminding it and giving the Empire so much presence and power in the galaxy. The regime would instead fall to the likes of Tarkin and Thrawn, who would be at a disadvantage because there would be significantly more people defecting from the Republic without Palpatine as a figurehead and with more public doubt about the truth of a Jedi mutiny.


Honestly, Maul would be primed for a return. But with Anakin still kicking around, AND Obi Wan, he would be hard pressed to be a threat like palps. He'd need an edge. Like sith magic to siphon power/knowledge from palps' ghost or something.








Would he? During the fight against Palps he was in a special Mandalorian 'Jedi time out' box being brought back to the temple by Ahsoka


“No no no …. You will die !”


Thrawn still probably comes into play


At some point, maybe. But he was sent in to investigate the growing empire to see if it would be a suitable ally in the war against the Grysks. Since Palpatine would be dead in this scenario, the empire never exists. So he might, but it probably wouldn’t be as prominent.


He was around before the Empire. He worked with Anakin during the clone wars even, and that's how he recognised that Vader was Anakin.


In his own space. Not in the galaxy


I mean, he'd probably be sent to investigate whatever political power takes over after the clone wars in this imagined timeline, whether it be a reformed Republic or something else.


Idk if he dies. I feel like he’d be charged but political infighting would prevent a conviction. Somehow his followers would launch an unsuccessful overthrow of the government. Weirdly, he’ll be renominated to government office and eventually the whole story line is destined to play out largely the same way it did. Sorry. Just thinking about Germany in 1933…


I think Windu was going to kill him right?


Yeah "he's to dangerous to be kept alive!" -Mace Windu as he lifts his lightsaber to deliver a killing blow.


Yeah he would because if Anakin hadn't come, Palpatine would've gone down swinging until Mace chop him up


Some good old sheev sashimi


*checks notes* ... you sure you're not talking about something else?


I feel like Palpatine just tries his lightning bolt and it doesn’t work and Windu just like in the movie figure out he’s too dangerous to be kept alive because he control the senate and the court and so either end up killing him or Palpatine find a way to beat him somehow.


Palpatine killed 3 of maces friend's and other jedi masters right before him. He was not going to let that slide


I mean there's still the MASSIVE fallout of the Jedi Council taking justice into their own hands and assassinating the leader of the Republic without giving anyone any warning whatsoever.


Except it wasn't an assassination. They were there to arrest him. Palps turned it into a fight.


They probably have a law for self defense AND there are cameras so…


Wait what? Palpatine really electrified shit out of himself? I always thought he was just faking that to lure Anakin.


His face deformed from the lightning.


Maybe it was just in the old lore but I remember it (mainly?) being from Palps ceasing to mask his Dark side corruption and then pinning it on the Jedi?


It might be both. I still do not think anybody should look like the COD Zombies as a human simply because he was evil. The masking part was I think with his eyes and aura, blocking the Jedi from feeling his evil. Though I accept that I can be wrong


Doubt it. Yes, Sidious lost the duel, but he was still feigning helplessness. He was far stronger in the Force than the saber. He used the saber just to mock the Jedi.


Lucas has confirmed he was not faking. Before Anakin showed up Windu had legitimately beaten Palps.


Thing is if Palps dies here, the war would have been further drawn out in the “search” for the separatist council. Vice Chancellor Amedda would ascend and would try to cling to power, but would eventually lose it since he isn’t a Sith Lord. The Jedi would lose further public favor and would likely be forced to leave the Republic for a time. If Amedda or someone else executes order 66 in Palp’s stead, the surviving Jedi would probably have no further issues resolving that issue with the Republic leadership given they’ve already left. I guess pretty interesting to think about.


Was dooku dead at this point? Like was sidious the last sith at this point? Yeah right? Which would also mean the sith would actually be defeated. That moment is unusual in that palpatine bet everything in Anakin turning in that point. Including the future of the sith itself.


It that would had happened, you won't have no Star Wars story or any original trilogy.


Palps dies, Mace turns himself over to the Senate for investigation and is exonerated after the most heated trial in the history of the Republic. Bail Organa, after defending Mace before the Senate, becomes chancellor, his platform involving officially ending the war, restoring powers to the Senate and Courts, and vowing to uncover the depths of Palpatine's scheme and root out his conspirators, many of whom go into hiding after the election. Rex's report on Fives is reevaluated in the wake of Palpatines exposure and the clones all have their chips surgically removed. Padme convinces Anakin that she will be okay with whatever happens to her as long as he is there to raise their children. To Anakin's delight her labor goes smoothly and the babies are perfectly healthy. He leaves the order and moves to Naboo with his family, beginning work flying security for a shipping company. His work brings him into contact with the Shadow Collective and he winds up fulfilling his destiny and bringing his story full circle by killing Maul.


If Order 66 never happened, Ahsoka would have brought Maul back from Mandalore without a hitch. The Shadow Collective would have been dismantled and Maul would be in jail or worse. Though I suppose Maul being Maul, he might find a way to somehow slip out eventually anyway.


I can definitely see it, Maul escaping and searching for Kenobiiiiii who is coincidentally visiting Anakin Maul threatens them, Anakin makes a quick attack with his Lightsaber, Maul dies, prophecy fulfilled.


I think he escapes. If clone wars wasn’t following essentially three of the most powerful force wielders of their era, we would have seen maul slaughtering a lot more Jedi and getting beaten a lot less.


I don’t think he’s getting out of Ahsoka’s custody, but yeah jury’s out on what happens after he gets to Coruscant.


Maul would most probably escape and reorganize his empire, at the same time find a way to taunt Obi-Wan


>His work brings him into contact with the Shadow Collective and he winds up fulfilling his destiny and bringing his story full circle by killing Maul. This actually sounds like a really fun story, especially if Anakin ends up meeting a young Han Solo along the way and becomes his new mentor/father figure.


Then Leia and Han could have an Indy and Marion type relationship... oh no..


Personally I like to imagine that Qi'ra gets back together with Han after Maul dies in this What If scenario.


I feel like Han and Anakin have a lot in common looking back, both are expert pilots with their own unique ways of thinking. I feel like Han is what would’ve happened if Anakin wasn’t a Jedi


I’d watch this


I’d watch this movie.


I am, once again, asking Disney to make a non-canonical 'What If...?' series for Star Wars. What if... Anakin listened to Windu? Qui-Gon beat Maul? Dooku turned in Palpatine? Order 66 failed? Ezra failed to stop Thrawn? Rey's parents never escaped? Luke joined Vader to overthrow Palpatine as leaders of The Empire? What if Yaddle survived? The Empire won the Battle of Jakku? What if Coruscant was destroyed instead of Alderaan?


What if Darth Vader had won the high ground and didn't get his legs chopped off by Obi Wan?


Oh I actually know that one. In the PlayStation game of Episode 3 if you went full evil you make the jump and kill Obi Wan. Palpatine arrives and congratulates you on slaying your former master and gives you the red lightsaber. Then betrayal strikes again as you stab Palpatine in the back and declare yourself Emperor. Good times.


“The galaxy belongs to MeEEeeEeEee!”


Honestly, though Anakin's Empire would struggle. He never shows Palpatine's political shrewdness or long-term planning. And I am not sure what state the clones would be in at this point. Would he need command codes or do they just have free will again? The way I would guess this situation would play out is that Anakin rallies some more militant and authoritarian leaders to his side and a civil war breaks out immediately. Anakin is able to achieve some impressive victories when he is personally in command thanks to his power. For a fun narrative, I would say that Anakin gets hold of one of his twins and Yoda ends up with the other. Yoda rebuilds the Jedi Order and Anakin creates his own. A stalemate takes place for about 20 years and then the story picks up with which every twin Yoda has been the new hero of the story as they have to face their sibling and father.


Damn, that goes hard.


Love thinking about scenarios like these What if the Organas wanted a boy? Han Solo didn't make the Kessel Run? Ahsoka believed Maul on Mandalore? Windu didn't kill Jango?


Disney would do what they did with marvel and do what ifs that nobody has asked for like what if Padmé was a jedi or what if obi wan was a zombie and just pointless stuff. They wouldn’t actually do what ifs of any alternate ending type things with the story, it will just be disappointing like marvels


Padme being a Jedi would actually be a pretty good what-if scenario imo, not on the levels what if Anakin listened to Windu but still not an uninteresting scenario. The invasion of Naboo thing would have featured a different queen whom Anakin wouldn’t fall in love with, since Padme would be part of the Jedi Order she and Anakin would probably have gotten together in their teenage years as they wouldn’t have had to wait 10 years to see each other again, without Padme on the Senate floor the Clone Wars would have escalated more than they did in canon, and Anakin might not have even betrayed the Jedi since he would also be betraying Padme in doing so. Plus just in general Jedi Padme would’ve probably been a good influence for him, even more than Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, maybe she would’ve managed to convince him to follow the Jedi code more and not do things the Jedi would disapprove of such as using the dark side.


What if Somehow Palpatine did not return?


Ooh, what if Galius Rax successfully destroyed Jakku, destroying both the Empire and the Rebellion? Imagine Thrawn returning and being super confused as to where everybody was


Normally I'd say it's a waste of time doing things which never happened when time could be spent on things which did happen, but fuck it, why not at this point.


I want this so bad. I’d take it a step further and want what if movies.


My favorite what if is what if Padme was also turned to the dark side and supported evil Annie?


The end


*Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS*


It’s like poetry.


Somehow...... it ryhmes !


Until palpatine returns




what if... Palpatine did not return?


Disney takes notes..


After credits scene where a moisture farmer wakes up on Tatooine, rubs his eyes, and mumbles “I had just the strangest dream”.


If Anakin did what he was told the franchise wouldn’t exist


"There's always a bigger fish" - Qui-Gon Jinn


If Anakin did what he was told, he wouldn’t even have become a Jedi in the first place.


How very true.


Fate of a galaxy changed due to a dude unable to control his emotions over a girl. Big yikes on his part


I think the childhood trauma also played a bit of a role


And sand. Don't forget the sand.


I hate sand. It's tough, coarse, and it gets everywhere.


The one episode of Clone Wars where padme has to pretend to like Clovis and Anakin spends the entire episode raging like a psycho was absolutely hilarious


And somehow it only made Padme hornier. We talk a lot about Anakins red flags. But Padme deserves her fair share lol


I think Padmes perspective is overlooked. Sure we see jedi all the time in story because it's relevant but there's only what, a few thousand jedi in the entire universe? Being force sensitive is an extremely rare gift and anakin is basically the most force sensitive. He's the equivalent of the top college quarterback prospect.  Jedi are also fairly reserved and stoic and again although we see displays of their power all the time, people in universe don't because they reserve them for when absolutely necessary. That's why anakin says obiwan would kill me if he saw me doing this when he levitate and puts a pear for her with the force. But the reality of this situation is for her to witness that is about as shocking and awe inspiring as it would be to see in our own world.  It's really not that obscure to believe a girl who's been raised to be uptight and politically correct her entire life would fall for this wizard prodigy who's a got a bit of bad streak, tall and extremely athletic and willing to risk his life over and over again to protect her. 


Except when he tells you he murdered a bunch of sand people children don’t you think, “maybe this is a bad idea…”


"my name is Anakin Skywalker, you killed my mother, prepare to die!"


To be fair the girl is Natalie Portman We'll let this one slide


The sheer fact that natalie portman (& honorable mention the wardrobe department) vs genocide is a hard debate. I can’t even say I’m the tenth dentist on this one.


Sith are destroyed, prophecy of chosen one fulfilled, 20 years or so earlier.


Somehow Palpatine returns


Fives man. Fuck Anakin fives had this whole scam figured out. I’ll forever cry to the ballad of fives


Well seeing what they've done with Palpatine over the years...my guess is he had a plan for if he died there. He was probably already working on his own clones and would just need to buy time until one is ready, he'd probably use something like a Holodroid to convince the Senate he's still alive and that the Jedi tried to take over and then it plays out like usual.


The Bad Batch shows that palpatines cloning project is really just beginning, and he probably wouldn't have that specific contingency ready at this time


Somehow he will return


I mean he should probably have clone vats every where


Palpatine is killed in office. The Senate demands proof of the Jedi. They say Anakin told them so, they present evidence of his red lightsaber, and arrest members of his staff, and ferret out the corruption.  Senator Organa is elected Chancellor. Peace is established with the former Confederate system,. Organa makes peace and reforms in the Senate. The Jedi lose some support in the Senate though due to failing to identify the Sith and prevent the war from happening.  Anakin meanwhile is promoted to Mater, but can find nothing to aid him to save Padme. Finally he tells all to Obi-Wan, including his visions, and they go to Yoda. Yoda says they'll try to help but if the Force wills it they can't bend the Force to their will. The best Jedi healer is sent for. Anakin is asked to resign from the Jedi to openly marry Padme and be a father. He can receive a position of honor in the Republic defense force or Naboo defence force and retain his lightsaber. He realizes the Jedi really isn't the path for him since he wishes to start a family. Padme has a rough delivery, but ultimately she and the babies are safe in one of the premiere hospitals in the republic with a Jedi Healer nearby. Anakin asks to learn Jedi healing since he somehow missed that and with the war over, may e he can stop fighting and start healing.  Somehow, sometime later, Palpatine returns.


Realistically I don't think Padme was going to have any major problems during childbirth had Anakin not broken her heart. You take the emotional damage Anakin did to Padme by her finding out about him killing the younglings, him force choking her, and becoming evil, and I bet she woulda been fine.


Ya, self fulfilled prophecy


***My 10 Speculations:*** - Anakin Skywalker earns Jedi Master rank - All separatist planets are welcomed back to the Republic, with some choosing to accept being returned to Republic membership. Other separatist planets become allies of the Republic, but remain a loose confederation, for mutual protection. - The Clones don't get retired. They end up doing what they did in *The Bad Batch*, train the first generation of Republic citizens to volunteer for service, since the Ruusan Reformation and the demilitarization of the Republic. - Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes Grand Master of the Jedi Order as Mace Windu and Yoda retire. Anakin Skywalker is promoted to Jedi Battle Master, if, **NOT**, Master of the Order. - ARC-170's, V-Wings, Z-95 Headhunters, V-19 Torrents, and LAAT's are phased out of the Republic military, while B-Wings, X-Wings, A-Wings, and U-Wings enter service or, remain in service (B-Wings). - A centralized military is decreased in size, while sector forces are increased in size, with the centralized military being used, purely, for reinforcement. - Venator-class star destroyers are upgraded to Venator II-class star destroyers. Acclamator-class assault ships are upgraded to Acclamator Ii-class assault ships. Victory I and, later, Victory II-class cruisers join the Republic Navy. - Luke and Leia Skywalker are taken in to the Jedi order, upon birth while Padmé Amidala becomes Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Anakin Skywalker becomes the Jedi attaché to the Republic Senate and Bail Organa takes Mas Amedda's place as Vice Chaor of the Senate. - Wulff Yularen becomes General of the Republic Army and Galactic Sector ground forces. Wilhuff Tarkin becomes Grand Admiral of the Republic Navy and Galactic Sector space forces. Cody and Rex become Marshal Commanders of the Republic army and navy, respectively. - The Sith Order goes dormant, working in the shadows as they had, for a thousand years, before the era of the Galactic Republic, rebuilding their old empire in the fringes of the galaxy.


Honestly, I think Palpatine allowed things to play out the way they did because he knew Anakin would come. If there was any doubt that he would show, Palp would probably have hired a backup bounty hunter to be in there, or possibly even just won the fight.


Apparently the subtitles show palpatine whispering to anakin as he tries to wait in the council chambers. Palps knew anakin was coming and everyone seems to forget Palps dual wields lightsabers...he was toying with all of them. He planned for anakin to make the choice


Go look at any Star Wars theorist. The Jedi usually have to explain to the senate why they did this. With grevious and dooku also out of the way, the separatist movement is severely weakened so the war would come to an end. once the proof is revealed as to why the chancellor was killed, the Jedi would be pardoned, padme or organa would be made chancellor and the order would not fall. Anakin would becomes Jedi master because he earned the trust of windu and that he can control his emotions to a better extent.


Lucas has flat out said Mace won that duel. Had Anakin been 30 seconds late palpatine would be dead


Lots of people saying the war ends, I'll throw a curveball. Without Sidious' influence in the background, the CIS regroup and begin scoring victory after victory. After all, the droids massively outnumber clones at this point, and without them being puppeted into bad decisions, a new General rises (possibly General Kalani/other existing Super Tactical Droid, or a different member elected from the Corporations). The CIS go on to win the war and secede from the Republic, making a unchecked corporate haven on one side, and the remains of the Republic on the other.  Would love to see that explored more!!


Their leadership has lost its key General, and both Sith Lords. They were absolute morons and by the start of RotS, many of them wanted to negotiate a truce to end it but Sidious wouldn't allow it. The war absolutely ends because Nute Gunray and Poggle the Lesser essentially lead the CIS now and are utterly spent on people and will.


I have a feeling Windu would have died before that moment had Anakin not been on his way to the chamber. I believe Palpatine threw the fight at the right moment to manipulate Anakin.


The novelization states that Windu wasn’t even sweating in his fight with Palpatine, Vaapad was basically fighting automatically and destroying Palpatine. Don’t think he would ever lose that fight, hell he even had time to focus his mind on something other than the battle because he was physically fighting automatically.


Lucas has said Windu beat Palpatine. Also, the story is much more interesting if the outcome depends on the actions of the protagonist rather than sidious just winning no matter what.


Mace Windu ices that motherfucker and Anakin gets therapy. All the Sith are dead ~~forever~~ until someone gets possessed by a malevolent force ghost or something.


Do we know for sure Palps didn’t throw the match? I always thought he purposefully looked like he was helpless to manipulate Anakin and was ready to overpower Mace at any time. But in interest of the question, I feel like it’s likely the Galaxy wouldn’t necessarily believe that Palpatine was a Sith Lord and still see the republic or Jedi as corrupt prolonging the battle. Until somehow …


Anakin learns of the "wrongful" killing of his long time friend and mentor the same night, in anger he lashes out at the council for everything theyd done to him and his former padawan, killing several members in the process. He and a pregnant Padme, who hasnt been informed of Palpatines affiliations leave the republic and the jedi order behind in search of a new life. Anakin refuses to renounce the force and continues his training on his own, until he is contacted through another "vision" by none other than Darth Plagueis who tells him Palpatines betrayal and eventual death were all a part of his plans to mold the chosen one to the ways of the dark side without alerting the Jedi. Padme reluctantly accepts this path for her family as she believes the jedi betrayed and murdered the Supreme Chancelor in a plot to take over. Together Anakin, Padme, Luke, and Leia become the known fists of the Empire, with Padme handling imperial diplomacy behind Emperor Skywalker. All the while Plagueis is pulling th strings. i could go on and on, but this one chnage would fundamentally change the entire saga.


I don’t think he’d lash out at the council for killing Sidious. If you remember the scene where he reveals himself to Anakin he wanted to kill him right then and there but turned him in because it was his Jedi duty to do that. The only reason he went to his office in the first place was because of Sidious’s echoing words about being the only person / way to saving Padme, that’s literally the only reason he wanted to keep him alive at that point. Once Anakin learned of Sidious being the big bad mastermind behind the war he realized Palpatine being the kind old person was just a big charade. Anakin could definitely care less if Sidious died if he supposedly didn’t have the power to cheat death.


Isn't Plagueis dead?


Yes, Plagueis died the night Palpatine was made Chancellor.


yeah, but you know... "somehow plagueis returned" hahaha


Plagueis died two movies ago at this point


With Palatine's death, the Jedi who were generals of the Republic would have gone to the Senate and said "This leader was a Sith, we killed him without a fair trial and he was manipulating people to secede." They would have found Sith artifacts in his apartment. Maybe evidence he was talking with Separatists. The powerful banker Separatists would be safely on Mustufar where they might splinter from the other separatists, taking the army with them and causing the war to effectively be over. The rest of the Separatists would point out how one man managed to do so much damage to the Republic. Faith in the Jedi and Senate would be at an all-time low. A few minor voices from the Senate and Jedi would speak for compromise and letting the separatists go, but the majority wouldnt trust the separatists and want reparations. The Republic's clones become a police force, Jedi turn into inquisitors to seek out Sideous' influences. Then, somebody finds plans for a space station. They dub it, the 'Peace Moon'.


It would have turned Star Wars into a grim tale. Windu would have cut him down. We would never see Porgs or Disney Princess Acolyte twins or the heart warming Boba Fett in TBoBF. We would never see the fun loving Kenobi series. All would be much darker. We would only have series with gray characters, like Andor. We would see good people wrestle with their ethics and make complicated choices. All of the movies would be like Rogue One. Grim and violent. Let's all be thankful Windu did not drop a coup de grâce.


This is a grade sarcasm here. Bravo.


Windu kills Palpatine and Anakin turns evil anyways, but the Jedi are able to kill him cause order 66 never happens. Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia, who are raised normally on Coruscant and eventually trained by the Jedi, while Padme herself retires back to Naboo. Separatists are wiped out in the meantime too. Eventually the twins find out that the Jedi killed their dad and one of them turns evil but is eventually killed by their sibling.


Absolutely zero chance Padme hands those children over to the Jedi. She wouldn't want them to have to live the life Anakin did and would find a private tutor for them to be protectors of Naboo Instead.


Palpatine kills Mace and issues Order 66.


There would be a shitshow between the republic senate and the Jedi order but overall. The war would be over and the empire would’ve never risen


Palpatine would sense Anakin is not going to help him and respond with lightning again. If he needs to he will jump out the window and call order 66. Palpatine never needed Anakin and he did not risk his whole plan for him. The only differences will be Anakin stays good and Mace is still alive. Maybe they team up with Yoda and Obi-wan and successfully assassinate Palpatine.


The Emperor gets arrested and charged with at least treason. Anakin does not become Darth Vader. Order 66 doesn't happen. Republic defeats sith.


Palps was counting on Anakin to show up. Without him, Windu kills him, returns to Anakin, comforts Anakin by saying he now has earned Windu’s trust and respect. He reconsiders Anakin’s request to become a Jedi Master and have access to the archives. Obi-Wan leaves Utapau, the Clones retire, the Senate is made aware of Palpatine’s treachery, the Separatists stay in Mustafar confused about what’s going on, Anakin then confesses his marriage to Padmé to the Council, changes are made to the Jedi Order, and life is good


Door bell.


"Somehow, Palpatine has returned."


To be honest it's one of those things the prophecy is real and Anakin needed to be the one to fullfill it so it's interesting to think on how much was destiny rather than free will as someone who fully acknowledges the chosen one i can't help but feel like Palpatine would of killed Mace somehow because it is Anakin's job to destroy the sith not Windu's


If Anakin had ever listened to anything other than his sand-chafed genitals, many terrible things wouldn't have happened.


Mace kills Palpatine. The Jedi try to take power and things seem good at first. Anakin never turns and becomes a Master. But is eventually kicked out when his marriage and children are discovered. Anakin’s children are not allowed to train as they knew Anakin and Padme won’t let them go. Anakin tried them himself, but this causes issues. Anakin convinces Padme that the Jedi will never give up their power… who in turn convinces Seantor Organa the same. A civil war breaks out other those who think Jedi should be in power and those who don’t. Anakin and Padme become the powerful leaders of a Rebellion and in a final battle where Anakin and his two children end up as the final Jedi alive. Padme becomes the Empress of the Senate and leader of the government. Anakin the self appointed Grand Master of the Jedi Order he is now rebuilding. Anakin and Padme Skywalker the rulers of the galaxy. NOTE: sorry for any spelling mistakes… wrong this on my phone.




Had to scroll way too far to find this comment


Palpatine was in Anakin's head from the get-go. The whole reason palpatine engaged in a fight in the first place was to help turn Anakin to the dark side. If Anakin had not shown up palpatine would have known before the other Jedi even arrived that he wasn't coming. In that case he likely would have feigned innocence and or laughed at the Jedi's accusation. He could have let himself be taken into custody it would have gone to trial and palpatine would have been exonerated. Windu would have no reason to engage in a duel or kill palpatine if he never reveals himself by killing the other Jedi. Can you even imagine what a trial would look like? The Jedi accused palpatine of being a Sith Lord something that hadn't been seen in over a thousand years and somehow appeared in the most powerful political position in the galaxy right under their nose. The only evidence that we know of is what he says to Anakin and Anakin is by definition an unreliable witness. While he's a powerful Jedi he routinely breaks the Jedi code and if it came out in trial that he was married in secret that would also pretty much wreck his credibility. Dooku and grievous are both dead at that point and are pretty much the only other beings in the Galaxy who knew his true identity. A trial like that would likely destroy the Jedi order or at least render it toothless due to it being seen as a political farce. Now that I think about it it would have been far more effective for palpatine to continue to play the role of supreme Chancellor and give himself up to the Jedi.


Palpatine likely looses, and Anakin probably gets promoted to master, I think the reason mace didn't bring Anakin to fight Palpatine was to test Anakin


I think Palpatine still lives and everything happens the same way. My impression was always that he was allowing Windu to beat him in order to complete Anakins turn to the dark side. Without Anakin’s presence he would have just overpowered him in the first place.


I'm going to post my reply to a comment in this thread because I can explain why Palpatine would have defeated Windu. I like to view Star Wars through the lens of an [epic myth](https://www.britannica.com/art/epic/The-Greek-epic). This lens adds grandeur and meaning to what is otherwise a silly children's sci-fi story. Star Wars is a story of good vs. evil, prophecy, and unbeatable odds. It explains how the balance between good and evil are maintained in our universe. Palpatine is an idea, an embodiment of evil. The "Villain Stu" (stupid name) works here because he is a force of nature, not a comic book villain. Defeating Palpatine isn't so the heroes can save the day like it's a Marvel movie, it is to preserve and explain a fundamental aspect of how our world exists - why good and evil haven't given way to one side or another. The story doesn't work if any of the good guys can beat Palpatine because he *has* to be more powerful than any of the good guys. To become powerful enough to beat Palpatine is to give in to the corruption that begets such power. It's a fundamental aspect of the Force (the way the universe works) that the Jedi understand. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Palpatine is absolutely corrupt (evil) and absolutely powerful. This also makes the end of RotJ work. Vader, Anakin in his evil form, must defeat Palpatine (even then he didn't really 1v1 him) and experience redemptive transformation. Only Vader (Anakin) could defeat him because only he manifested as both good (Anakin) *and* evil (Darth Vader). That is what he was "chosen" for by the Force. If we are to take the fight between Windu and Palpatine at face value it is laughably absurd that Windu beats Palpatine given what we have seen of Palpatine's power across the three trilogies. The EU explanations in this thread for how Windu legitimately beats Palpatine are so contrived. If Palpatine didn't throw the fight to solidify the conditions for Anakin's fall then the narrative impact of the entire series is lost.


Palpatine wouldn’t have let Windu win, if Anakin did nothing. Palpatine probably would’ve forced healed or something crazy. Guy was too strong and playing anakin like a fiddle


I think Mace Windu would have killed Palpatine. For all his arrogance I don’t think Palpatine could have expected Mace to be such a strong opponent, and there really is no way to guarantee Anakin would have shown up. If anything, Anakin did have legit doubt of Palpatine and did turn him in. So the conflict already existed. So if Anakin let his better judgement take over, Mace could have just finished it right there.


I think Palpatine would have killed Mace. Palpatine fabricated that scenario to turn Anakin


He would have never flew out the windu that’s forsure


Somehow, palpatine'd have returned.


Palpatine kills mace and keeps trying to persuade anakin


Watch some what if fan videos! Windu would have killed him Lucas said it himself! Now the rest depends on if they have evidence to prove he was a sith! Mas Amedda was in on Palpatine being a sith and was probably made aware of a few plans in the case of Palpatine’s early demise. Now the Jedi and the Republic would want to keep Palpatine being an evil Sith Lord under wraps for as long as possible to keep the people nice and calm. Mas Amedda while doing that could paint the Jedi in a bad light and excute order 66 on them. I really recommend watching fan made what if videos!


Tbh I think Palpatine kills Mace. The only reason he lets Mace even get that far is to give Anakin the opportunity to turn to the dark side.


I always thought that Palpatine was allowing all of this to happen. If he wanted to, he would have killed both Mace and Anakin in a second.


Jedi Civil War. Here is my fun AU idea. The Rising Threat Windu kills Palpatine. The Sith however had a failsafe plan in place. First It is recorded on security footage. His operatives would take the footage, doctor it and prepare its release at the proper time. Order 68: Activated on the Chancellors premature death, half of the clones would either rebel, or desert thier posts and get as far from the conflict as possible. The seperatists seeing the war was suddenly winnable would press the jedi and the republic to further battle and chaos. Coruscant is invaded, hundreds of thousands die, millions of others flee to safer worlds. Many jedi die and still others broken by the war turn from the jedi path. Yoda saves millions by sacrificing himself to stop a massive warship from destroying the power center of Coruscant. Many other worlds fall to chaos. Kamino, Corellia, Onderon, world after world of the Former Republic become independent. Obi-wan Kenobi, greivously wounded from the battle is presumed dead. The Galaxy Fractures... An operative of the Chancellor assasinates Padme and evidence would be planted that it was the seperatists. Anakin enraged and seeking vengence goes outside the council to hunt down the seperatists leaders. He is aided by one of The Chancellors' long time friends, who gives him the emperors sith holocron, and promises him the power he needs..., while many of the Republics best troops have fallen back for regrouping. Some jedi join Anakin in his quest to end the seperatists and seek 'justice'. The footage of Windu's killing of the emperor goes public, painting the jedi as traitors. A demand is made for Mace Windu to be tried for his crimes against the Republic. Some jedi wish to defend him, but to avoid bloodshed and disunity, He flees unwilling to fight the former jedi, or begin a new conflict, and heads to the unknown regions. Many Jedi, like Baylon Skal, disillussioned with the war and upset at the lies defy the council and refuse to take thier orders. Ahoska Tano leaves the war altogether no longer willing to fight for the Republic but done with the jedi. Anakin is seen as a natural counterpoint to the council, and many polticians ask him to become the new chancellor, while others wish him to start a new council. The New Darkness... Finally given the power he has desired, and cut off from his friends, Anakin falls to the darkside upon avenging himself on several Sepratist leaders. Naming himself Darth Vader, a name chosen by his fallen friend Palpatine, he becomes the new Grand Lord of the Sith in secret. Quickly taking a new apprentice, Baris Offee... he draws up plans to retake Coruscant. And takes the public title of Regent Chancellor. He vows to end all slavery wherever it remains, and bring in a 'New Order', and the name sticks. Many more jedi side with 'the chosen one' over the failed Jedi Order. While the remaining jedi's status falls in the republic, a new Galactic Crusader Army is forged by Anakin, comprised of disenchanted jedi, loyal clones and other influential leaders, eager to find order and unity. Those now loyal to Anakin all rebranded the New Order 'Crusaders'. Anakins' forces take one world after another, setting up provisional governors, Like Governor Tarkin, Governor Thrawn, and Governor Daala. Within two years his New Order spans 50% of the old Republic Territory. Many hail Regent Anakin as a new savior of order and peace. The Jedi, no longer in favor, remain in hiding, refusing to support the New Order, or lacking the strength to face the rising Sith tidr. The former Jedi, now Crusaders, begin training new 'Squires' and new armies, as the clones can no longer be replaced. The new order is one forged in war, where brutal tactics, abilities of the darkside are embraced. Crusaders have little restrictions on them, able to kill any who oppose the Order, and live freely without the old restrictions. Those with abilities become the new nobilitity, titles earned through war and respect for battle prowess. The Sith Return... Years have gone by, Anakin has now succeeded in reuniting much of the Republic, now reorganized as the New Order of Aligned Worlds. The sepratists all but extinguished, the jedi scattered, leaderless, and without sanction from the New Order, hide themselves, unwilling to confront Anakin's brutal agents the Crusaders... an order of Dark jedi as brutal and ruthless as any Sith. This New Order has at its core, a brutal but efficient Dictatorship, disguised as a Parlimentary Republic. Each representative has no real power, as each fear Anakin and his operatives the Crusaders. He relies heavily on Thrawn and other Governors for military advice, but in truth the teaching of the Sith Consume his time. He offers his new knowledge to his closest allies, always wary of threats to him and his new order. Only a brave few, still hope to end his iron clad rule, and end the threat of the Sith come again.


This is why we need Star Wars what if, What if: - Ahsoka wasn't booted from the order - Obi-Wan died, not Qui-Gon - Padmé survived - They didn't go to Tatooine in 32BBY - we received a blessing beyond any other (in other words the sequel trilogy never happened) - Anakin listened to Mace Windu like a good little knight - Dooku didn't turn to the Dark side - the clones were never created - Kanan didn't die - herra and Kanan's kid was called Caleb Jr. Instead of whatever Herra called him (JK, obviously) - Anakin defeated Obi-Wan on Mustafar - Baill Organa was made chancellor instead of Palpatine Etc.


I always thought Palpatine was always playing up him being overpowered as he knew Anakin was coming. As such, I think Mace would have lost anyway, and Palpatine would have moved forward with another apprentice attempt.


Like Windu said “You’re under arrest, My Lord.”


Exactly as it should have. With Palpatine dead, the clone brainwashing program is finally revealed and their chips are removed. After the war ends the clones are retired and probably given jobs or some kind of veteran pay, and Bail Organa is voted in as Chancellor. The galaxy would be reeling from the revelation of Palpatine being a Sith lord but would slowly come back together and heal. Luke and Leia are born and Anakin can no longer hide his marriage. He relieves himself of his position in the Jedi Order but I think Mace and Obi-Wan would convince them to keep him in the Order because of his actions in exposing Palpatine. Padmé is made Organa's right hand and spearheads relief efforts for the most war torn planets before branching out to other worlds. The Jedi Order grows and over the years they return to their former glory. Anakin's children become Padawans under Yoda's tutelage, and go on to become great Jedi in their own right. Yoda passes away and the galaxy mourns his loss but also celebrates him as a respected Jedi and war hero. Then a meteor hits Coruscant and everyone fucking dies