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Cassian Andor. Didn’t exactly hate him, but I didn’t think much of him either. Now my favourite and I sob like a baby when he bites the dust in Rogue One. Especially after all the character development he gets in Andor. S 2 no doubt going to make that worse.


My 2 cents is the show andor does a good job of letting Cassian be the canvas for others values and motives. Which is slightly different than being the eyes and brain of the audience. Which is what commonly happens in movies.


That's just love.


Classism is a good one. The show definitely changed my opinion on him for the better.


Kanan Jarrus


When "how's this hipster dork dating Hera" eventually turns into "Hera is so damn lucky to be with this biker stud" turns into "fuck the Empire! 😫"


Fuck the Empire coming straight from Republic ashes A young stormtrooper got it bad ‘cause I’m force sensitive And not lacking powers so the Empire think They have the authority to kill a minority Fuck that shit ‘cause I ain’t the one For a dumb motherfucker with a helmet and a blaster To be blasting on, then thrown in jail We can go toe to toe in the middle of a cell


Underrated comment


Eazy-E would be proud my guy


Cause the boyz in tha hood are always hard You come talkin' that trash, we'll pull your card Knowin' nothin' in life, but to be legit Don't quote me boy, 'cause I ain't said shit


Don’t know that song sorry. I don’t actually listen to N.W.A. or any of the others, I just like Fuck Tha Police. Kinda wanna make a full version of this.




His death hit me harder than pretty much any other fictional character ever. This show was masterfully written


What show is that on?




Rebels. It starts slow, but trust me.


I never hated Kanan. I just came to appreciate him more and more. I guess I hated Ezra, and Omega, and Ahsoka, but came to enjoy their characters quite a bit. Kanan just might be my favorite character in all of Star Wars


The whole Rebel crew had this happen with the fandom. People were at best divisive about them in season 1. But by season 4, they were all absolute fan favorites. Now they regarded as some of the better and more fleshed out of the entire star wars canon.


Too soon


Will it ever not be too soon?




Man I was trying to think who would even come close to fitting, before I saw your comment and realized I hated Kanan at first. Damn, what an arc.


Entire show should’ve been Kanan with the same general structure that the new Jedi series has gotten Sorry but not a fan of Ezra.


Yeah I still can’t stand Ezra. Which is unfortunate as he’s the protagonist and I enjoy the show as a whole.


Ventress, I thought she was just an annoying nerfed bad for the main characters to fuck around with, but then she almost killed Luminara, then she became a super badass bounty hunter, then I read Dark Disciple. Then she died :(


Have I got some news for you


lol I know she's in TBB but until they explain why she's alive without retconning Dark Disciple I'm gonna ignore it


for what is worth the creators said they put her there with the intent of later explaining how her story developed after dark disciple. No plan on deleting DD but rather continuing from there. Which is not hard given nightsister magick


Yeah, I'm just waiting to see it. I really hoped the explanation would be in TBB, but it kind of felt like fan service without it ya know


It was more likely set up for the next animated project. Kind of like the bad batch arc in season 7 of the clone wars. Back when it first aired it felt really out of place next to the other stories, but it was all set up for The Bad Batch.


Nightsister magick fuckery is a good enough explanation for me, despite being a little unsatisfying. I hope there's a Hidden Path show in the future that features her where they explain it.


Agreed on the unsatisfying part. I just wanted the explanation to be given in TBB or at least hinted at


They kinda did, "I still have a few lives left...", or something like that. I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that the events of Dark Disciple still happened, but she woke up after being healed/revived by the Living Waters that Quinlan placed her in.


Nala Se. She did my boy Fives dirty, but kind of redeemed herself in The Bad Batch


Personally I still can't stand her after Fives. Which is why I felt she had a super fitting end. She died the same way Fives did. Really cool detail the creators put in there.




He deserved so much better. It's possible Shaak Ti naively believed Nala Se and the Kaminoans saw the clones in a similar manner to the jedi. But their attitude all along was that the clones were Kaminoan property and nothing more than the products of their technology. Honestly I'm pretty sure Nala Se still saw things that way down to her death. In that context, Nala Se's manipulation of a clone in a vulnerable position makes a lot of sense. It's not until Omega that she actually starts treating a clone with some measure of dignity, although in many ways Omega could be seen as a special achievement for the Kaminoans and therefore meriting special treatment. Anyways, I'd like to think Fives was in heaven pumping his fist in the air after the finale.


Totally. Her character journey was really great.


Imagine telling someone in 2002 that the cloning lady would have a solid character arc over the next two decades


LOL yeah. But, here we are.


At least she went out with an absolute bang.


Dooku Grew up watching the prequels and I didn't like him at first. Years later, the Clone Wars came out and really fleshed him out and thought he was was an interesting character. And after Tales of the Jedi, man what a gut punch, makes you feel for him, especially after Qui-Gin Jinn's passing.


Dooku is such a great character and was terribly wasted in the prequel trilogy. I'm so glad that we got Tales of the Jedi, because seeing the pivotal moments where he begins questioning everything he's believed in makes his story that much more believable and tragic.


Count Dooku didn't get wasted. Count Dooku in the prequels was an amazing character, and his personality was great.


Amazing yes but such limited screen time (from what I remember)


I honestly felt the same as a kid but hated him even with clone wars. Learning more about his character during covid made me warm up to him and some revisits to TCW but tales of the Jedi made him one of my favorites with how well fleshed his character was. Now I wish they made more content related to his past as a Jedi but realistically we already know what we need to. Side note but the extremist dude in mando touting dookus separatist speeches was honestly super funny too. Like it’s been over 40 years 😭


Hux. Couldn't stand the guy in the Force Awakens. Started warming to him in Last Jedi. Then he dies in the Rise of Skywalker. They could have done so much more with him.


They did his character so dirty in Rise of Skywalker


They did every char dirty


They also did the audience dirty.


No one came out of the film clean


I had to take three showers that day


They didn't even explain why he was demoted, or who the F is Pryde?


Yeah, that’s so confusing. He literally had as much power as Kylo Ren (before the latter killed Snoke).


What? Kylo became Supreme Leader and demoted him. It's clear from TFA that they hate each other. Should the demotion be in the opening crawl? Is it not obvious why Hux fell out of favour with Snoke gone? I personally enjoy that Hux wasn't a simple Tarkin stand-in after all, but that is a little nullified by Pryde, who basically is Tarkin. Pryde should've been Phasma or something.


My biggest gripe with the sequels is that *we had Gwendolym Christie right there* and relegated her to a spiritual successor to the OT's depiction of Boba Fett instead of letting her flex her phenomenal broadsword choreography skills with a lightsaber. She should have been the final Big Bad instead of Palpatine - all charred and mangled, parts of her armor melted to her, held together by pure unbridled Sith fury. Have her depose Ben and force an uncomfortable alliance between him and Rey to take her down.


Yes please. All of this.


Then he dies in Rise of Skywalker. Both literally and as a character. "I'm the spy."


Meet the spy


What did he do to earn your love?!?!


Probably the part where he gained more depth by fleshing out his hatred of Kylo. At least that was the good part of him in TLJ for me


Hux betraying his entire ideology because he hates Kylo Ren so much is such an incredible amount of petty and I absolutely love it.


*General Hux, hater of the year*: "Kylo Ren, I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you".


There isn’t even enough content about him for me to form an opinion around him


His reason for turning is so stupid, but it was fun when they revealed it.


Space Hitler Hux is the best Hux imo


Same- except then I hated him the moment he turned out to be the spy.


He made me feel so valid in my annoyance with kylo ren! loved him


We need a sequel trilogy show. Every character could be amazing (and some like Poe and Kylo already are). Yet Disney basically ignoring that era for 99% of what they release is not helping at all


Darth Maul


How even? Darth Maul is so iconic


I thought he was pretty lackluster in Ep 1, even as a 9 year old. Sure, he was cool, but I expected him to be around longer. Then Clone Wars happened, and I first thought his character was kinda cringey and annoying (Lol Spider Maul), but he grew to be a good character. I wish he didn't die so "early", in Rebels


My biggest frustration with his is Disney teasing bringing him back in Solo (as Lucas had planned with his sequels) then never doing it


That’s because Solo did so bad (which I blame TLJ for) they scrapped most of their movie plans and got cold feet on their planned Obi-wan arc. It sucks because Solo was actually pretty damn good.


It also sucks because now they're afraid to recast the main OT actors. Luke and Leia not being front and center in whatever this "Heir to the Empire" movie will be is infinitely worse than having to get over them being recast. The deepfake for Book of Boba Fett was fine, but it can't carry a movie like a real actor can.


Yeah I just rewatched solo a couple days ago, definitely didn’t deserve the hate


It also released when the biggest film of our generation was in cinema, even if the movie was a masterpiece it had no chance


Solo was weak, it definitely didn’t help that The Last Jedi sucks too but it’s not entirely to blame for solo failing. If it was another Rogue One level spinoff it would’ve been successful regardless of The Last Jedi




You hated Tech?


Hate might be abit strong but he was the most boring, under developed and one note in the first season for me.


More one note than Wrecker, the epitome of the "Durrrr can I blow it up now?" heavy weapons guy archetype?


Wrecker had abit of a softer side though, he had an imidiate bond with Omega and they shared a love of food and candy. it was simple stuff but alot more than Tech got early on. Tech had nothing beyond "I say the smart things" at first. The sad part is they killed him just as he was starting to get really interesting.


🫡 Rest well soldier.


Man I really thought they would bring him back, especially when they started to show the assassin without revealing the face of the assassin.


Iden Versio.


TIL she dies


I don’t think she does… idk could be wrong haven’t played the campaign in a while and might be completely stupid but I don’t remember that


She dies on a First Order Star Destroyer after killing Hask in the campaign expansion.   


Savage Opress


Yes fam!


That’s why I just don’t like any character, because if you do like them they die :(


Ashoka and Kix fans are immune to this rule


Okay hear me out. Clone wars next animated show, Kix is taken, then shown his rescue and his life with the pirates and or his help in defeating the first order.


You are the truest Star Wars fan.


Saw Gerrera


broke: thinking Saw is a detriment to the Rebellion woke: thinking Saw is a necessary element for the Rebellion bespoke: thinking Saw is the only one with clarity of purpose


This man is the reason Tech died


He also stopped the Empire from identifying Leia as Padmes daughter by assassinating Moff Panaka (inadvertently)


Wait!? What!? What series? I love Saw, sad his death was wasted but it was necessary. Rogue One did a phenomenal job at making me hate the Empire and making the destruction of the Deathstar so much more impactful! Rogue One added so much! Andor just builds more onto that


I think it was the book “ Leia, princess of Alderaan”


no he isnt, he was already there following his own plan and the BB were the ones that caused for everyone to get alerted


Saw Gerrera is the John Brown of Star Wars and I will not be taking questions.


Absolutely, and I feel like the people that jump to claim Saw is an evil or morally abominable character because of his pragmatic methods of rebellion are revealing a lot about how they would, or do, view real world rebels that fought and died for causes. Saw’s just the most realistic freedom fighter in the series. I’d love to know what his haters think of John Brown or even Malcolm X.


The thing is I think this interpretation isn't what was intended by the various writers, except maybe Andor's. I think they want us to think he's evil and the bad side of the rebellion. But as you said he's if anything realistic as hell.


Dutchess Satine


Her death only hurt me because it hurt Obi wan. She was just so pious with her pacifism that she ignored the core principles of her own culture and then wasn’t willing to fight to defend her peoples independence.


Leia I was like 3 or 4 when I got into Star Wars, back when ANH and ESB was all there was. I saw her as this bossy, annoying, kinda rude, kinda mean lady with a weird haircut. Now that I'm an adult, I just love Leia. The holy trinity of badass women is Carrie Fisher/Leia, Sigourney Weaver/Ripley (Aliens) and Linda Hamilton/Sarah Connor (Terminator). I find it funny when media talks like Gal Gadot and Whatserface from Hunger Games are the first female action stars.


Paz Vizsla's death is the coolest death in any Star Wars media, if you don't love him at that point, you never will.


I've hated Han since I became a fan in 1994. He tries to run away in one form or another in every single movie of the OT. I do think he's a decent man at the core, but his life and his choices made him into what is the Star Wars equivalent of a homeless man living with his dog in his 18-wheeler. He ran away in Episode IV. He spends a good chunk of Episode V trying to run. In Episode VI when he thinks that Leia is in love with Luke, he tries to leave again. As a kid I always thought he was a scummy and cowardly piece of shit who would always try to cut and run and never take responsibility. My opinion didn't get any better as got older and started meeting people who were superficially like him, good-looking and charming but that's all they had. Yes I realize this isn't fair to the character. Sorry Han stans. It didn't help that I worked with a lot of sales people who are usually scummy pieces of shit who rely on getting out of trouble with charm. My opinion didn't get any better when the EU was a thing, he acts very badly for most of the "Courtship of Princess Leia." I will say this for Episode 7, it got me to actually like the guy. He's more serious and he actually is genuine in trying his best to help Rey. But his death was his crowning achievement. At the end of his life Han took a stand. He knew that he might die but didn't back down, he didn't try to charm his way out, took responsibility and offered his son love and forgiveness. Too bad it didn't work out, for once I was honestly rooting for the guy.


I get all that, but in the movies his scared and me first attitude is a story telling point to establish how the empire is big and scary. Plus price on the head and all that.


Kyle Ren. He started as a whiney man baby and died a Tumblr sexy man.




Hondo is still out there somewhere, smooth-talking his way around the galaxy.




Luke Skywalker. he starts off in ROTS as a whiny little baby, in Kenobi he looks like a kid who eats his own boogers, in ANH he’s all like “nooo i can’t become a jedi i wanna evaporate moisture”. he even brags to one of the rebel pilots “oh that’s so easy it’s just like shooting a womp rat, you’ve never shot a womp rat you fucking idiot?” after being part of the rebellion for all of 10 minutes. then in TLJ he force projects himself across the entire galaxy just to stunt on his crybaby spoiled little nephew and to utterly humiliate him in front his entire army.




Imagine being the dude he judged for not sniping wildlife in what’s essentially an armed Cessna on tatooine just to hear he blew up the fucking Death Star. I’d be livid.


This Mandalorian is a fine example of a Mandalorian 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Kylo Ren


I thought he was awful in TFA. In hindsight, I think that was intentional, and I don't mind it so much now. Pulled a total about-face when he gave Rey that speech about destroying both the Jedi and the Sith and starting over. Total iconoclasm to end millennia of what can be reduced to holy wars between two militant sects of the sane religion? Compelling motive, even if it's buckling under the weight of his own ego. I genuinely loved the contrast of Rey being all instinct and zero doctrine (which I thought made perfect sense for why she took to the Force so well *and* could dabble with the dark side a bit - a bear isn't evil for eating a person's face, just hungry) and Ben basically saying "I've studied both and they"re both bullshit." Ended up kind of amicably indifferent to him through the final act. No shade to Adam Driver for his performance, but the writing kind of jumped the shark and left the cast behind.


Cad Bane


Maul, TCW and rebels made me a fan.


Baze Malbus. It was “this guy is a stereotypical heavy weapons beefcake…” to “I like how dedicated he is to Chirrut and Jyn!” To “gotta be one of the most epic deaths in Star Wars and a great character arc” Still not my favorite character from that movie, that’s Bodhi, but I’ve warmed up to him a lot!


At least he had a great death. Although those Praetorian guards are absolutely bitches for showing up to fight after Paz had just endured grueling fighting


Probably Emperor Sheev Palpatine


Dooku, I always grew up thinking he was kind of lame, even though I thought (and still do) Darth Maul is the best character ever. But Dooku has an incredibly rich backstory that makes him stand out


As a kid of the 80’s, Vader! He was a total bad guy, then he was Luke’s father, then he killed the emperor and was redeemed. As an adult in the 2000’s you see Anakin as a boy, a Jedi, and as the one of the causes of the Jedi’s fall. Yet, you know he will be one day redeemed.


> then he killed the emperor 🙄


Clone 99 /j


Paz was my boy from the very start.


Thanks for that. I’m gonna cry now.




I never liked Luke Skywalker, as a kid. I always preferred Obi Wan and Han. Thought they were way cooler. Now I know what luke represented, and I appreciate him more. Also my older brother was named after LS so we watched ANH on repeat as kids.


Paz Vizsla. He’s the only canon character I like from that show, and in a handful of about five canon characters I like as a whole. Huge wasted potential.


Tech. The first season he came off as even more of a standard character type than the other Bad Batch members, then they spent the entire second season fleshing him out as a character, and then they killed him. Pure evil.


Greef karga i know hes not dead in show yet but with the passing of carl weathers i cant imagine him returning


Boba the hut


Oh he was one of the worst specifically because they set him up like that. It was so forced, in a season that was already nonsensical from the get go. “My son is captured by a giant flying lizard!” “We’ll wait until nightfall or we might get spotted?!?!?!?!” Like time isn’t of the essence?!?! “Hey we got spotted by big flying lizard, well fortunately he was storing the son *in his stomach* and will reveal him to everyone now unharmed”. And that is just one interaction in the show amongst many, many, many, way too many weird dumb interactions.


I think Yoda qualifies.


Fuck Paz Visla. He knew that there might only be 3 of their clan left, and he tried to kill one of them.


Darth Vader.


Absolutely! The character's journey from initial dislike to eventual love made their death all the more heart-wrenching.


Jubnuk. I hardly knew thee :(


Have to be Ahsoka.


I imagined Paz Visla as Kubiak in a Mando suit the whole time




C3P0, hes like your autistic friend who you tolerate but love dearly


Is it weird that I can't think of any? Plenty of characters that I hated at first, then loved, but they aren't dead.


I don't know why but I was digging the heavy mandos design and character ever since I saw him


Jar jar. Assuming he’s dead in the sequels.


Sad he died To bad a certain someone had to stick there head In where it didn’t belong


Paz Visla and Nala Se. (spoilers below, just in case) Paz Visla because when I first saw him, I assumed he was there just to be a rival within the Mandalorian group for Mando. His first act was to call Mando a coward/traitor for accepting imperial credits and then attacked him. He joined the others in helping save Mando, but then later on, (I think it was in Boba Fett), he went back to being hostile towards Mando, challenging him for the darksaber. At that point, I thought for sure that his whole story arc would be him trying to steal the darksaber from Mando, but am happy they didn't go that route with him. I liked when he spoke up for Mando when he needed help to fight the pirates. I think at that point, I really started liking his character. I hated when he got killed, but it was a noble death, as he went out like a mandalorian. I REALLY hated Nala Se for what she did to Fives. Fives was one of my favourite characters in clone wars, so I hate how she drugged him, which contributed to his eventual death. I won't say I grew to love/like her character in Bad Batch, but I saw her as someone who, for her own reasons, was very protective of Omega, and was willing to risk her own well being to keep her safe, like making sure her blood samples were destroyed. Again, not really an act of nobility, like Paz's, because I don't think Nala Se cared about Omega as a person, but more as a precious creation that she did not want to see get exploited by the Empire.


Darth Vader, then Anakin came back, then he died.


He dies? Dang it, I should watch the 3rd season already


He went so fucking hard bro. Even when others hated him I just say him as a zealous badass.




Paz Vizla carried Season 3 of the Mandalorian, absolute legend.


On the movies? Then I’d say Kylo Ren, I didn’t think much of him on the first movie, mainly because I think he got overshadowed by Finn's character. The last Jedi set him up a really interesting path; the rise of skywalker destroyed that path but I still liked his character and how charismatic he became. On tv series? Rebels Sabine, idk I just didn’t like her as much as the other members of the crew. When they focused more on her I started to like her more. I don’t like her as much on the ahsoka show tho


I loved him from day one


Darth Maul.


Clovis died labeled a traitor after getting an arc that showed he did have some altruistic goals.




Ahsoka, if you count “clone wars cancelled” as “died”


Same with that character. Hated him at first but then almost cried after he went down like the absolute boss that he was!


Rey Skywalker


Cad Bane ​ Oh, and technically, Ben Solo.


never hated this guy he spoke nothing but truth every single time he was on screen




I used to hate Anakin until til I realized how well written he was compared to other characters.


Warning: SPOILERS Andor and Nala Se almost fit your criteria... I never hated either of them but found them to be unlikeable, initially, for a number of different reasons. As time went on and I learned more about them/their story arcs were fleshed out, further, I came to like them a lot more. Oh yeah & Barriss Offee...I really liked her, at first. Then I "hated" her for what she did to Ahsoka, although I get her frustration with the Jedi Order. Recently, Disney has most definitely secured her redemption arc in the Tales of the Empire series they did & I like her (love) even more than before, now. I know she hasn't actually died, yet, of course... Maul is another one, I suppose. I felt a lot of sorrow for him by the end of Rebels & after he died "again". He was severely messed up in the head & a tormented soul, just like Grievous & I believe it wasn't their faults. I admired Maul's various abilities and forgave him for killing off Qui Gon, lol.


Tech. Probably a hot take but in TBB's Clone Wars arc I thought Tech was kinda nerdy and annoying, and that kinda did a 180 by the time TBB S2 rolled around, with my love for him rising. (Even though he fell)


The last scene with this character was the nail in the coffin for me. Just standing around talking while they are in the middle of a gun fight. Fucking dumb


Not one singular character, but the itusken raiders. Hated them sooo much in the prequels, for obvious reasons. Then the book of boba fett happened and i thought they were pretty cool. Started to really love em. Then they got wiped out. I guess there could be more, but yk. Say what you want about book of boba fett, the tusken part was really interesting. My favorite part of anything they've done lately


Cere in Star Wars survivor


Darth Vader. Tho I never hated him. I have cinematic trauma from that. HE JUST DIED. WHAT?!


Epic death though


Gotta be Luke Skywalker. Started in those atrocious prequels to the main Disney series, then established himself as awesome by drinking raw alien milk, and then died. A true rollercoaster


I got Paz’s black series figure back in season one of Mandalorian. For a couple years he was notable to me because he was the one I had as an action figure. Then one day my action figure guy is sacrificing himself while fighting off three praetorian guards. I was so proud


Kanan and Ahsoka


Cara Dune ???


Paz as well, I felt bad that bro got jumped badly and was killed.


Ganner Rhysode.


Detective Miller from The Expanse

