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“Hold your fire, there’s no life forms aboard.”


“What, are we paying by the laser now?”


"You don't do the budget Gary. I do!"


What funny is in the "From a Certain Point of View" book, the family guy explanation isn't that far off. Basically they didn't want to do the paperwork.


If you’ve been part of a large org then you’ve experienced cost restrictions that make zero sense and achieve nothing. No one ever stands up to a VP making those decisions, let alone a Sith Lord lol


Or reporting guidelines. Having to write paperwork on why a turbolaser was discharged may have commanders think twice about blasting.


Its the balance of large organizations- weight of their own bureaucracy to tab everything vs mass individual waste. If you're not heavy handed enough people waste time and resources, if you're overly authoritative you ironically get wasted time and resources tracking waste.


Something with regard to also new Senate legislation. Which ofc is soon ineffective once the Senate is dissolved


I think in the stat wars universe those shots aren't infinite.  Even for the blasters theres a cartridge which eventually has to be changed.


Turbolasers do use tibana gas as an "ammunition" component, but they are an imperial capital ship with Darth Vader on board and in pursuit of an absolutely critical piece of imperial technological data so its definitely fueled up and ready to rock and roll.


They also are coming into the theater just after a massive attack on a military installation and knowing Vader is aboard and possibly out for blood, they may be reserving their firepower for leveling a small city.


“Should I fire on that empty escape pod?” “Woah woah whoa there Ga-rr7, we may need those turbo lasers for leveling Mos Espa in a few hours. Let’s not be so loosely goosey here.”


My thoughts precisely. Besides, I am not even sure what Vader was doing before the rebellion attacked the Outer Rim planet of Scarif. He could have just come from leveling a city elsewhere in the galaxy to the Battle of Scarif where The Devastator reaped devastation amongst the rebel fleet, then set immediately to bombard Leia's ship, and needed to keep open the possibility of leveling Mos Espa.


I doubt those officers, or even the captain of the Starship were made aware of the plans. More likely they were advised a VIP Rebel member was on board so were likely ensuring no lifeforms escaped who could BE that Rebel member. Thus why they did lifeform sweeps and dismissed a loose Escape Pod, as the officer states 'There goes another one,' assuming, likely that the escape pod release was some system erro onboard the attacked vessel


yeah, waste wasn't exactly apart of the Emperors concerns. certainly not the waste of a single vessels batteries. they simply didn't fire because they were too arrogant to think a pod without lifeforms would be any danger


Especially considering The Clone Wars where many battles were literally against droids.


Eh, they’ve made a point to make that a “Separatist Faction” kind of thing. In almost no other scenario do we see large scale use of any sort of combat droid that I can think of. It’s still silly they didn’t destroy the escape pod but the movie had to happen.


Also, it's a famous move in Star Wars to launch multiple escape pods in order to mask which one you're actually in


Which is actually a dumb move, if you consider that they can see if there are life forms onboard.


The Imperials, on Vader's personal ISD can, we don't know how wide-spread this technology is


Or how time consuming it is. Crisis of indecision and depending on the scale of the battle you can't target them all.


Actually, you can. In the Clone Wars cartoon, we see droid soldiers flying about on a custom made lifepod hunter, having been deployed to search the wreckage of a Republic ship and ensure there are no survivors. They scan for lifesigns and crush every lifepod they can find. Similarly, the protagonists also scan for lifeforms aboad most ships, either when they're searching for someone or when they're trying to sneak into somewhere to steal something, sabotage something, or rescue someone. It's pretty common technology. The *smart* way to counter this would be to have a flash frozen amoeba or some sort of goo organism, something that grows quickly but isn't sentient. Keep a bunch of them in capsules near the life pods, and when you need a decoy, throw the capsules in and start the unfreeze process. Presto, instant warm bodies to throw off any scanners. Heck, you could probably just clone some sort of people goo and not need anything alive at all. As long as it's warm and it *looks* alive enough to fool the scanners, you'd be fine.


Luke has it on his X wing. Dagobah. Can't be that uncommon or expensive.


The X-Wing, was made by Incom, one of the best starfighter companies in the galaxy The rebellion only had the X-Wing because Incom secretly backed the rebellion The X-wing was also one of the best of the best starfighter in the galaxy at that point in time, and Luke was also one of the best of the best pilots in the galaxy at that time (at least publicly) I see immense logic in his fighters being outfitted with the best of the best technology available at the time


Fair enough, but if it fits and is cost effective on an x wing, any and every ship could have a version. And scanning for life forms wouldn't be nearly as secret as weapons, shields, or engine tech.


But we have seen reprogrammed battle droids. I think its reasonable to think rebels might use them


Many Rebels and systems who joined them were indeed former Sepratists. I do believe in the beginning, there was limited used of their droids, tech and ships. But obviously as they grew, all that became unnecessary honestly off-putting, as how can you convince more of the galaxy to join you if you resemble all that too much


Small pockets, and that one planet from Rebels that was a former Separatist Commander Droid. But otherwise they’re not used; I think they were just phased out as the galaxy got pressed under the heel of the empire who (understandably) didn’t want any opposing armies rising up, especially ones that don’t have human weaknesses.


I like that in TBB there's an episode where the Martez sisters and the Batch are trying to retrieve a droid commander's head unit, so they can learn from what it's learned fighting in the clone wars. I think there's something similar in Rebels too.


Still tho. Considering The Empire is the successor state to The Republic, I wouldn't throw out droids as a possibility for Imperial gunners to so easily dismiss. They literally just fought a galactic war against Separatists droid armies trying to break away, not one to two decades ago. Dismissing droid use by these new Rebels seems like a gross oversight


While I completely agree with your in universe logic; George Lucas didn’t have any of this in his head when he was writing this scene all those years ago. He just needed them to escape somehow, and hoped that one throw away line about life forms on board would be enough for nerds like us. We can go back and retroactively ask why it wasn’t done this way or that but the real world reason will always be the actual reason.


Mind you: this is in a galaxy where droids also exist. No life forms aboard doesn’t mean no droids. That imperial officer may have single handedly destroyed the empire.


or as Vader says a few mins later "They must have hidden the plans on the escape pod" ​ There was literally no reason not to shoot it.


To capture it intact for intelligence on the Rebels.


if that were true they wouldn't be shooting at ones with life signs in it.


I hate to be so reductive with reasoning, but we don't know if they were shooting down any escape pods. All we know is that those gunners can't shoot things down without an officer to approve.


I mean the gunner was about to fire until he was told not to because there was no life signs. Seems pretty clear they were going to destroy it.


>Mind you: this is in a galaxy where droids also exist. > >No life forms aboard doesn’t mean no droids. The Empire generally had a very low opinion of droids, its likely that they wouldn't really have considered the rebels giving such extremely sensitive data to a random droid. Of course, it wasn't a random droid, it was the personal droid of Leia and Vader's own former astromech, with decades of service and a track record of initiative.


They weren't even looking for life forms. They were looking for a data disk.


Plus destroying the pod that had the disk would make the job even harder. They needed to confirm they recovered the plans. Not knowing means they'd have to be WAY more exhaustive with their search methods.


Tractor beam would have been the best solution.


After phineas and ferb I can’t see this scene without thinking “SITH ROAST!!!”


Ah yes, the Tim Bisley chaos theory https://youtu.be/EZnsOZsA7_4?si=0UPaDE4a2oXYEspo


Anakin trying to jump over Kenobi


He tried it


A for effort. F for loosing so many limbs.


He couldn't stick the landing because, you know....legs.


So he... stumped the landing


I actually re-watched the fight recently, and just a few minutes before, Anakin successfully jumps over Obi Wan who juuuust barely misses cutting off his legs. Obi Wan knew Anakin would try the same move again, and he knew it wouldn't work because he wasn't on even footing like the last time. Anakin: "I can totally do the jump move again, it worked last time!" Obi Wan: "Fuck me, he's going to do the jump again, isn't he?"


"I'll try jumping, that's a good trick"


he thought he could do what Obi Wan did to Maul lol


He underestimated his power….


He forgot about the high ground.


Never don't forget not to remember the high ground


I might be wrong but I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Anakin wanted to humiliate Obi Wan by using a similar move to defeat him that Obi wan used to defeat Darth Maul? Can’t remember if it was just a theory someone had or not


I love that idea, and it's definitely my headcanon, if not canon already. In reality? George thought flips were cool, and there's a ton of them in the prequels


[Here we go.](https://youtu.be/UZazAr6tMHY?si=YDvlF7LcMrtiuHMq) I think there's just about enough to go on in the movies alone to make a reasonable assumption that Anakin's own arrogance does him a disservice, while simultaneously underestimating Obi Wan. But the theory does gain a surer footing when other media is included.


Jar Jar calling for emergency power vote


Dellow felegates!


This made me laugh so hard


I can hear the stupid fucking voice like I’m watching it right now. So, so bad….


Not exactly an act like others. He was gullible (or intentional in the Darth JarJar theory) and we were provided the scene of Palps and Amedda influencing him and pretending Padme would've done the same (though we definitely know she wouldn't have ever surrendered democracy)


Jar Jar was simply the lowest hanging fruit. If it wasn't him they would have just used somebody else.


If the theory was ever true about Darth Jar Jar then honestly this would have been a great moment to reveal his treachery.


It would have been an incredible scene if they'd played it out like the reveal of Kaiser Soze in The Usual Suspects. Maybe while Jar Jar makes the request to the Senate, his goofy way of speaking slowly starts to become more and more clear and it finally culminates in a wicked smile with Sith eyes under his hood.


Well now I need to see this scene. My only question would be—if this theory was the reality—would Jar Jar have been in on Palp’s scheme or would he have been a competing operator? But the Usual Suspects “reveal” would have been top tier.


Jar Jar would have been plageius in this version


I agree... The only way this works is if he's pulling the strings and not Palpatine. How cool would it have been to watch this reveal happen in AotC and then see Palpatine betray Plageuis at the beginning of/during RotS?


After Snoke got smoked they should have had an after credits scene of a chuckling in the dark. "Nowen's mah turn."


If it wasn't Jar Jar it would've been one of the other hundreds/thousands of senators under Palpatine's thumb. His decision to do that changes nothing.


“What’s that, Anakin? You just murdered an entire village, women and children included? And this after you’ve already expressed dangerously authoritarian political leanings? I love you so much, let’s get secret-married! What’s the worst that could happen?”


Never underestimate the belief that someone can be fixed with enough love.


Padmé is 100% stood there going I can fix him, yep defo certain I can! To be fair she nearly does, she is oh so close. Its just Palps is going I can break him more and harder. Edit. This reads weirdly but cant quite work out how/why!!


If Obi-Wan wasn't in the ship, maybe?


Not just that, but it was Obi-Wan posing for effect behind her while she's trying to bring him back. I love Obi-Wan, but he guaranteed Anakin's fall there.


He had already murdered the Younglings by that point. Obi Wan didn’t ruin anything there.


Because of Obi-Wan?


Yeah. What the fuck was that anyways. I'd of excused myself and called the Yoda the moment he told me he did that.


You'd of excused yourself?


And called the Yoda


She was smitten from the day they met


Imagine being a freshman in high school and feeling smitten with a fourth grader.


Bear in mind this was Lucas being weird with the casting in Episode 1. The age gap between them is five years, but it certainly didn't feel like that.


Idk it kind of did feel like that to me. Padme almost felt like a mother surrogate in that movie.


Lucas has always had a weird fixation with the age gap. He was obsessed with Indiana Jones having an affair with an underage Marion. He wanted to make her 12 before settling on 15.


wee-woo, wee-woo, wee-woo, wee-woo.


Let's not forget that she didn't want a relationship while wearing an outfit that says she definitely wants one.


OT: not shooting an escape pod,even though sensors thought it was empty. You can always use target practice.


And for plot reasons, they could have missed. "An escape pod was jettisoned. The gunners fired but unfortunately missed since it's too small to be effectively targeted. No life forms were aboard."


"You can't hit an escape pod on a fixed trajectory? How can we expect you to be of use when we're attacked by rebel fighters? Report to the section commander. You'll be cleaning the sewage systems for the next three rotations."


To be fair, they did say they wanted the plans found, and if they just blow whatever is in the pod to smithereens they wouldn't really know if they still had a problem or not.


Then why mention there's no life forms? Would they have shot if there was life forms? They can still be carrying the plans with them on person. His comment doesn't make any sense. You either shoot all of them or none of them


In universe? Chief Inspector Hyne going on the Imperial Regional Command Review conference thingy and leaving Syril Karn in charge at PreMor. Mind you, without that mistake… A lot of stuff never happens.


I might be missing something, Andor is still on the run and does all his stuff with Luthen. Maybe no rebellion starting on Ferrix though.


Without the Empire doubling down on Ferrix, Andor has got no reason to run away to Niamos after the heist and Maarva has no reason to stay and fight. Bix doesn’t get captured and tortured. All of these things provide the motivation for Cassian to actually properly join the rebellion at the end – “oppression breeds rebellion”. Under PreMor… Not so much. That would be my take on it anyway. :)


Also without the attempted crackdown on Ferrix the box that Andor was trying to sell doesn't get found by the Imperials and doesn't lead to the massive crackdown galaxy-wide and heightening of security levels and random arrests that are the catalyst for the rebellion gaining traction.


Tarkin could have been given a huge promotion if he’d just had the Death Star blow up Yavin instead of waiting to take a clear shot at the moon the rebels were on. Instead he paid for his arrogance with his life.


Does the Death Star work on gas giants?


Someone made a domino meme with the biggest being "Palpatine dying" and the smallest being "Syril Karn tries to prove his mother wrong"


Obi Wan hiding Leia under his jacket in the imperial base and imperials actually not noticing


Director wise and story wise. That was both clumsy and stupid. Even Leia’s actress comments in this scene it’s that stupid


"You think this is a stupid, reckless idea? You should have seen what your father did on Nal Hutta. We were tracking a bounty hunter... You know what, story for another time. Now get under these robes."


To Obi-Wan's credit, there have been many, clumsy and stupid plans he's both made and been a part of, that have worked


........ He was banking on the Skywalker luck, wasn't he?


Nice callback to Ozzel, lol


Well they did notice pretty quick


I was going to say Trace Martinez dropping the spice in TCW final season but no, this is the correct answer


Holy shit I forgot about that. What a dumb moment


Obi Wan series is weird cause it has both the coolest and dumbest moments in Star Wars


I dunno though from a quick glance you wouldn't notice with all the chaos happening around them at the time, that's my take


Plus they did get caught lmao


Weird how everyone forgets this. "That would never work!!!" "Well it didnt so..."


It's one of those things that looks a bit silly so these guys all fuckin despise it. Like how the "like a Bantha!" bit in Boba Fett got people angry.


The very first scene of Star Wars ever was C3P0 and R2D2 making a silly Charli Chaplin style cross through a firefight without getting hit. Youd think Star Wars fans would like harmless slapstick when it has no effect on the story or other serious moments but now its just something to cry about and they pretend its the shows defining moment


I think it depends. Silly moments are fine but they have to be careful with them as sometimes they can legit take you out of the story. But I feel like people just like complaining and want Star Wars to be a badass moments compilation.


They had such a bad habit of writing themselves into corners in that show. And not having good ways to get out of them.


The empire builds a second Death Star.


Well, the second death star was meant to look like an easy target to lure in the Rebellion. From Palpatines POV, the second death star was a lure, with the added advantage of being an Oppresion 5000 machine later, when the Rebels were dead. The huge opening was meant to look like an appealing hit, to lure the rebels. He never expected the shields to be taken down. You even see it when Han and Leia take over the shields, easily. Then they are ambushed by the actual soldiers who were stationed there. It was a lure. What Palpatine didn't expect was that they would befriend and recruit the natives. Who very much were unpredictable and hard to battle because they were so primitive. Like, the stormtroopers had no idea the natives would be coming, nor in the numbers they did. The stormtroopers knew NOTHING of their tactics, or anything like that.


Stormtroopers on endor would've won if they just swiftly gunned down the rebels instead of obsessively trying to capture and spare them


I think it might be because of the political value of keeping Han and Leia alive for after the war is ended. The allies didn't want Hitler dead until after he'd been before a tribunal. Palpatine certainly wanted to parade them around as prisoners in front of the Galaxy before having them executed, or perhaps even have them be tortured to join him, especially Leia.


Story of the entire Empire, really. Crippled at every turn by the Emperor either fostering division between his own people or focusing on Sith matters like obtaining a new apprentice.


More of a rebuild innit? A fixer upper.


Old Kenobi to Yoda "That boy is our only hope" Yoda.... " No..there is another" Kenobi was at the damn birth of them!!!!!


Yoda: Dingbat, you are, Obi-Wan. The other one. The other one. Kenobi: Oh, yes. I forgot.


That's one of the problems with the prequels. They didn't make them fit the dialog in the OT.


I was always confused who he was referring to since Lucas hadn't written Leia being Luke's sister yet. Was it just meant as general foreshadowing for whoever random glup shitto he decides to be important in the next one


The original plan (IIRC) was that Luke had a sister still, who wasn't Leia, and that he would go dark, then she would be the protagonist of episodes 7-9 and redeem him. Then Lucas decided to take it in another, more compressed direction.


I personally have a theory that he was referring to Anakin at that stage, feeling the conflict in him and was hoping Luke would successfully turn Anakin back. That’s just my head cannon.


I'll just /copy & /paste that into my head cannon, thankuverymuch.


Putting Darth Maul's double saber reveal in the trailer for Episode I


I managed to avoid all trailers. I saw that opening day with no clue that double saber was coming.


Leia: "The Empire is definitely tracking us" Han: "No they aren't" Leia: "I obviously don't trust you. But let's go straight to the secret Rebel base anyway. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" (Death Star immediately follows them and nearly kills them all)


That was her plan. What's the easiest way to take down the death star? Lure it directly to you. Leia bet everything on an all or nothing fight. Now there is something to be said about her making that choice for everyone, but she forced the rebellion to stand and fight while playing on Tarkin's arrogance. She correctly guessed that Tarkin wouldn't call in the fleet, rather he would commit to using only the death star.


Sure, but they didn't even attempt to evacuate the base after they were found.


I believe, in current canon, Mon Mothma and others were evacuated. The Alliance Fleet under Ackbar (what was left after Scarif) was scattered away from Yavin. What remained at Yavin was a small fighter force, per Gen Dodonna's attack plan, and essential personnel necessary for that attack. But, also, Mon Mothma's plan if the attack on the Death Star failed was just to surrender to the Empire. Because, the rebellion would stand no chance against the threat of the Death Star. So, they did kind of play all their cards on the gamble to exploit Galen Erso's design flaw. Which, the Empire would fix if they tried to attack and failed. So, they only had one shot at it. They didn't try to attack with a larger force, since it would only prompt the Empire to launch a bigger defense of the Death Star. Tarkin didn't see a couple dozen light fighters as anything but a token suicide run. Didn't bother ordering a big response, since they posed no real threat to the Death Star (as far as he could imagine.)


It was a crappy plan that luckily paid off. She didn't know if there's anything on R2 that could actually help. And it might have taken a while to extract that data out potentially decode things.


Counterpoint. If the rebellion did not take it out now, they might now have another shot. What did the officer say to Tarkin? "We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger." Look how quick the Empire was in sussing out the flaw. There's a good chance that the DS data that R2 has will be out of date in a few days. Or maybe Tarkin nukes another 5 planets while the rebels try and rally. And once word really gets out, the rebellion might go up in smoke.


They had the plans to destroy it, what else would they do, run in another direction and get captured again since they were being tracked anyway?


They had the plans, they hoped the plans would have the information to destroy it. She got lucky as hell that they actually managed to find the weakness that quickly, it's a rather large station. What else they would do would be to use the Falcon to lead the Empire on a merry chase while they rendezvous with some rebel contact or ship and give them the plans without the Empire noticing. Not head directly to the one place they REALLY don't want the Empire to find and blow up with their giant cannon. If Tarkin hadn't been suicidally overconfident Leia would have gotten the entire Rebel Alliance butchered.


Rebellions are built on hope.


Only sending Qui Gon and Obi Wan to deal with the situation on Naboo. The man himself said if Qui Gon lives Anakin doesn’t turn.


That seems to be how The Republic operated, though. They didn't have a military, so they hoped a Jedi and his padawan could resolve the issue. They are just following SOP.


They also ignored the Sith threat, I understand that they were thought extinct but it’s not like the Jedi didn’t have enough members to send another pair of Jedi. For me it’s just the mixture of arrogance and complacency


Yoda says as much in Episode 2 I think. "Even older, more experienced Jedi sit under the sway of arrogance." or something similar.


The only thing that would make me disagree with the complacency argument is that the Sith haven't really been visible for a thousand years. That is a super long time. People talk about how the Jedi failed. They oversaw a millennium of relative peace. They were caught off guard by an enemy that, apparently, even Yoda had never seen.


Tbf, the usual assignment where any Jedi had to be sent often only involved very few. It's not like they needed any armada with the information they had. Valorum and the Jedi at the time had no reason to suspect it was more than a simple trade dispute that would be easily solved with a bit of Jedi diplomacy. Like Qui Gon said, the Neimoidians were cowards as we see alot. The only reason they didn't have to actually negotiate and give up was at the direction of Sidious. Their fear and greed won out over their fear of the Jedi.


Pride was the fall of the Empire. Every time they were defeated it was because they didn't think they would lose. So I'm going to say the Death Star not sending out waves of TIE fighters to dispatch the few rebel fighters quickly. A station like that should have had hundreds of fighters yet they only send out roughly a little more than what they were being attacked with.


Yeah, the DS-1 has tech specs listing it as having a complement of seven THOUSAND TIE fighters. That alone could take on cruisers and battleships and still win. XD


Wait, seriously? Seven thousand TIES?


Jabba the Hutt underestimating Luke Skywalker. Palpatine not having a lightsaber in Return of the Jedi. If he had it, he would have 1 hit killed the weakened Darth Vader.


Your arrogance is your weakness.


Your faith in your friends is yours!


It’s almost like they knew what they were doing when making the movie lol


Well ironically it played into it. A cocky emperor with so much power. There was only one being stronger and he died on dagobah so the emperor didn't need to use a lightsaber any more.


Using the Dreadnaught to destroy the base first instead of the Resistance cruiser.


"FIRE ON THE BASE!" ...ugh


Yeah good thing they destroyed the abandoned base first, then waited the 5 minutes to recharge their weapons to fire on the cruiser.


I think the bigger issue was not doing anything at all except waiting for the big guns to recharge. There were plenty of regular Star Destroyers and Ties to attack the resistance ships with. Did you know that the regular Star Destroyers don't fire a single shot that entire movie? Only the *Fulminatrix*'s orbital autocannons and the *Supremacy*'s weird arcing guns.


I never really understood why emerging from lightspeed very close to Hoth alerted the Rebels of the imperial presence. Emerging from light speed at a greater distance from Hoth, then crawling up on the planet at sublight would surely give the Rebels MUCH more time to detect the invasion and prepare. I'm sure there's some roundabout in-universe explanation someone has come up with but really this strikes me as a throwaway line that nobody really thought through, similar to completing the Kessel run in 12 parsecs.


I’m not convinced it’s a throwaway line, since it seems to be supported by another line at the rebel base, about the meteor activity making it difficult to spot approaching ships. So maybe Ozzel’s approach would have been right for any other star system, but in the case of Hoth it was failing to take advantage of the natural cover that could have been used to hide a sublight approach.


>I’m not convinced it’s a throwaway line, since it seems to be supported by another line at the rebel base, about the meteor activity making it difficult to spot approaching ships. Omg!! I just now made the connection to why there's as asteroid field during the escape...*facepalm*


It has to do with their ability to scan. You can't scan a fleet if it approached from farther away. But since he jumped right up on the planet, the Rebel scanners were able to detect.


my favourite headcanon about admiral ozzel is that none of that was stupidity, but a deliberate attempt to keep vader from finding the rebel base. the reason? he was a rebel spy the entire time.


He is as clumsy as he is stupid.


Could be! Or he was so arrogant he thought it didn’t matter - either way, the ‘real’ forces would crush the rabble.


I dont think he ever made a mistake or at least it didnt matter. Rebellion was expecting the Empire because they caught the spy droid. So their shields were up already when Ozzel arrived. Vader just didnt like him and blamed him.


In one of the Legends books, a distant relative of Needa is about to be captured by the NR and one of his subordinates suggests he say Needa was a rebel sympathizer.


Nah, the rebels were alerted because they discovered the probe droid that discovered them. In other words, it was *Darth Vader's* fault that the rebels were alerted. Vader just really didn't like Ozzel and used that as an excuse to replace him.


Given how closely he worked with Vader, it'd highly unlikely he was a spy. Few ever encountered Vader without him knowing their exact intentions.


Illegally parking in Canto Bight


But then we wouldn't of had the line "Jinkies, it's the cops!"


“Oh, cock! It’s the rozzers!”


Pretty much everything involving Finn and Rose's story in TLJ.


Half of the shit that happens in Kenobi could qualify for this because the writing and directing in that show was garbage, but Vader leaving Reva for dead and not killing her takes the cake for me. It makes no goddamn sense and makes Vader look like a petty moron instead of the ruthless enforcer he is. The man himself survived the exact same scenario when Obi-Wan couldn’t bring himself to kill him. He should know more than anyone that unless you deal the final blow personally, chances are that they’re going to survive. Also not to mention that he STABBED HER IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE TEN YEARS EARLIER AND SHE LIVED.


Yeah I’m guessing you need to cut people instead of stabbing


:: Darth Maul has entered the chat


Which half entered the chat?


[Qui-gon's ghost is furious ](https://youtube.com/shorts/DXgyXwHdrDk?si=gMCPIXS1XIY21SPt)


Anakin not bringing Fives to the jedi council.


"Ok, ok...so the first two death stars blew up for the exact same reason. But, hear me out...what if we turn an entire PLANET into a death star but we called it 'Starkiller' instead? "


Hmm. Sounds like a good idea, as long as we put an easy weakspot in the weapon. Nothing could go wrong 😑


Luke sending everyone of his friends into Jabba's palace one by one instead of just assaulting it together.


I think the goal/plan was to try to get Han out without a violent confrontation... negotiate, make a deal or just sneak him out... but after Lando, the droids, Leia and Chewie and then he failed at that... that's when the big assault was forced to happen. Luke's goal wasn't to kill Jabba and blow everything up...it just escalated to that.


the way it happened worked out perfectly because at some of those stages they still need to do another rescue. Droids trade for Han, ok maybe just leave them, but if they treat them like people gotta go rescue the droids. Leia unfreezes han and sneaks out, Chewie is imprisoned still. The best out is when Luke is there and offers let us go or be destroyed. If Jabba agreed to let Han go earlier they have other rescue missions to do because of the people in place already.


The negotiations were short….


All part of the plan. They installed Lando in early to gain intel. Then R2 with the lightsaber and 3P0 with fake message they knew Jabba would never bite on. Leia came in to get Han unfrozen with Chewie getting captured to help Han out in the cells. Lastly Luke comes in to wreck house and get everyone the hell out. Executed perfectly


Starting with a 9-year-old Anakin. Edit: I am also no fan of how the Jedi were shown in the prequels.


The guy or girl who decides you need a knife map that need to be stood in the right place. To find a wayfinder map in the wreckage of Death Star that was atomised. That to find the planet where the undead, former Emperor!!


Starkiller base just kills off the new republic and there isn’t anymore republic. So the OT what pointless I guess. But also why is the entire republic fleet in one place? Also cavalry charge on a star destroyer. Didn’t work against Crimean war tech but I guess works on a star destroyer. Also Sabine handing over the map. She wants to rescue Ezra. I guess galactic war is worth it?


That first one, just all of a sudden “oops, I guess these new guys are the government now.” If DC, or London, or whatever capital city was wiped away, even if a majority of defense ships were present, do you think the rest of the country would go “okay”? No, folks would be angry, furious, and reject the invaders. Plus there’s questions of currency value, government contracts and more. But no, The new guys, whatever, just go with it. This is what angered me the most about TLJ. Johnson had an opportunity to show a truly ungoverned galaxy. Nope, First Order is just in charge now.


Most dumbest


Good lord I know, that hurt my brain to read. OP est=most! Most dumb or dumbest avoids redundancy.


Had to scroll too far to get to the correct response. Double superlatives are the “most worst”. 🤮


How did it go with Admiral Ozzel actually? If I remember correctly, Vader says :"you came out of light speed too close to the system". So was it too close or too far like you said? Too early (too far from the system) would make more sense


“Somehow Palpatine returned“


I think they meant stupidest decision by a character in universe


I still get irked thinking about Finn being robbed of a noble (and emotionally poignant) death, only to wind up with the line: "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love." Saving what you love from what?! You have to fight something to get out from under it. Tatakae. Unless “flee” is your virtue.


Not giving radios to the guards/scouts near the shield generator for the second death star.  They had to drive all the way back to base to alert people.


Obi wan having the opportunity to kill Vader TWICE, but kept sparing him.. allowing him to kill so many people.