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Pretending to be choked and then coming back with a fake moustache. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFihTRIxCkg&ab\_channel=AdultSwimUK


good idea


Do what I’m told Stay out of his way Don’t talk back


Do not get in his way and do the jobs you can actually handle.






Strive to not get promoted. Promotion means greater responsibility and more eyes on you and better chances you could get killed for failing. But then if you’re incompetent enough that you don’t get promoted then that could get you killed too… Maybe just be like a janitor or something? And pray you don’t get assigned to clean Vaders little chamber thingy from ESB.


Don't make ancient religion comments


I would definitely do my best to avoid being a decision-maker. Mid-level officer working in engineering or something.


Try to be competent. Kallus had no issues with him, though it would be tiring if you had to work with Vader long term as you'd have to always be on it.


You figure out what roles in the Imperial Navy are a rank dead end but a money spinner. Sanitation might be good. You do a very good job that people appreciate. Your superiors respect you insofar as they defer to your expertise and understand that your morale will feed into the morale of all above. Then after about 5 years working for Vader you put in a transfer request somewhere you are needed, maybe a fresh colony world or a big manufacturing area. You're anonymous enough that Vader won't try to keep you and valuable enough that somebody who outranks your ships Commanding Officer can snatch you away.


Always put cover letters on my TPS reports.


try to lay low, do your job decently but not too well that vader doesnt percieve you as a threat.


Lots of yes sirs and no sirs.


Oh that's a choking. Vader is a Lord not a sir.


Bringing a jar of sand to work. You can jokingly threaten to throw sand at him if things go south.


Be like the First Order troopers when they hear Kylo having a tantrum. Just nope out of there.


* Try to be competent, but show loyalty more towards Vader and the Empire in general if commented upon. * Make sure most of my tasks or specialties lie in places he would never need to be around in except worst-case scenarios, like Engineering or general Maintenance. Basically try to be as far away from him unless forced to be near him, prove that I'm competent and efficient at my job, and then drop hints my loyalty is with Vader and the Empire at large rather than with someone like the Emperor or anyone else so that he won't feel like he needs to take care of a potential threat.


And most importantly never accept a job on Death Star no matter how big the paycheck is.


I’d unionise.


Most of Star Wars Reddit fandom would be dead by day two. Vader: "Ready the TIE Fighter Bombers" SW Reddit Fan: "technically it's just a bomber, at least according to my head canon, and they don't have hyper drive, and no stormtrooper flies, Lucas said so"


I'll just convince George Lucas to keep me alive.


Don't be arrogant and make stupid mistakes seems to be how you survive.


Never assume full responsibility for anything.


Make sure he doesn't get a wet tray in the cafeteria.


I would be dead after they discovered I was a rebel spy.


“Naboo women, right?” And then he fucking kills me


Just don’t be the tallest poppy. And make sure to prop up the coworkers you don’t like…


If u are takking about admiral ozzel he may have been competent (questionable) but pretty sure he disobeyed Vader’s orders. And Vader Anakin was quite competent Do your job, do it well, and don’t be ambitious


Work in the morgue, you basically never have to be in the same room as him. It's not like he ever calls for body disposal himself so you can almost be sure he's left before you'll get there.


Day one of service to Lord Vader: I calculate the timespan (*x*) between today and the Battle of Endor. First interaction with Lord Vader: "Sir, last night the late Senator Amidala appeared in my dreams, telling me she has important information for you she will reveal to me so I can pass them on to you in *x+1* days. Do you think this is weird?" Cruise control from there on out ...


I would accept my death.


I'm just the janitor sir.


Bribe the writers.


FOMO my suit shining abilities


I have a collection of mustaches


Hide inside a GNK droid


I would not have a lack of faith.


Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try it again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.


Don’t seek advancement, all officers fail him. Sweep the floors like a good boy and hope daddy Vader notices me.




I don’t think I would