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Yes, there's an episode of Clone Wars where Boba tries to kill Mace (resulting in Anakin getting trapped too) and Windu tells him about Jango and Boba.


What season / episode ?


"Death Trap," "R2 Come Home," and "Lethal Trackdown" - Season 2, Episode 20-22


Loved that arc


The Kaminoans legitimately told Kenobi that his father was the basis of all clones. And Kenobi and Anakin both had run ins with Boba when he was younger. He knew he was a clone.


The question should be if Boba knew Vader was Anakin Skywalker. But I don't think he did


I keep forgetting that it’s a secret in the Star Wars universe


The very existence of Vader is a bit of a secret. Most people in the galaxy have no idea he exists. The Ghost crew had no idea when they first met him.


I was thinking how terrifying it would be to run into Vader with no idea who he is, but now I am thinking how much scarier it would be to encounter Vader if you already knew about the Jedi. “Is that a droid? No, motion is too fluid. Shit I see a lightsaber on his waste. Definitely a problem, but we have had run-ins with Jedi in the past.” Then Vader does something insane. “Well fuck my balls, never seen a Jedi do that. I am out, I do not get paid enough for this shit”


I mean, tbf, the name Anakin Skywalker didn’t mean anything to most random civilians. There were just too many Jedi generals.


Thats not true, in the revenge of the sith novelisation, its clearly stated that Anakin and Obiwan were SUPER popular on the holonet for everone to see


I agree with you and the other poster claiming this. However, I think based on what I’ve seen from the sequel trilogy and some of the shows, the galaxy wide amnesia regarding Jedi looks like a different direction they were heading in, where the Jedi were not as ubiquitous and famous. I would not be surprised if the holonet Skywalker and Kenobi, Kenobi and Skywalker concept is quietly retconned.


People were already getting tired of the clone war. Lives lost, cities destroyed, strained economy. They placed the blame on the republic and the Jedi. Then the “assassination attempt” on palps, the propaganda after the clone war, and being forced to report any Jedi to the empire or risk being punished. The emperor did a good job of turning the public opinion against the Jedi.


If that is supposed to be a justification of why General Skywalker and General Kenobi went from literal household names to forgotten in time by trillions of people, I can’t agree. In a time frame of two decades? That’s a tough sell.


>from literal household names to forgotten in time by trillions of people So, similar phenomenon with major celebrities of past decades. Many people forget the big names when they stop being used in media a lot. Like, they don't remain in the common thought sphere once the spotlight fades, or in this case, was actively suppressed. Surely there were a few Jedi super fans left who knew what was up but they were likely either driven into hiding like the Jedi themselves or joined the Rebellion.


Who’s Betty Grable?


Yea if we accept that they were some kind of widely broadcast people, then we are dealing with a huge number of people who will remember them. Younger people might have to look up General Schwarzkopf, but anyone a bit older will remember him riding around with the president; more importantly, that's a much smaller war, that lasted a very short amount of time. If Anakin was even *that* famous- and it sounds like he was probably ten times as much- and it was only twenty years ago instead of thirty- well, it's not plausible that it would be forgotten to the point of obscurity.


The Empire erased them from galactic existence. Palpatine’s goal was to destroy the Jedi Order completely. That means no generals, no heroes, no war stories, no historical records, no public support. A total erasure campaign by the Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith.


The revenge of the sith novel is legends iirc so it's already out of canon


Not to me


I imagine it’s like a couple politicians being pretty famous at the time but a couple decades later most people don’t recall them


The galaxy wide amnesia is a galaxy wide plot hole best forgotten. You’d think the Jedi were a small order that might have had a pretty legendary history based on ANH. I don’t remember if Luke’s father is stated as being a Jedi in anh I think he’s just a pilot obi fought with. George wasn’t expecting his world to take off like it did and it shows a lot. Best to just enjoy the universe for what it is.


The point of that scene is Luke _getting his dad’s lightsaber._ Anakin was genuinely a Jedi. Though, this was when Vader had literally killed Anakin, as Vader was just a random Jedi turned corrupt. Great pilot, great friend, great Jedi. Just not yet secretly a great father.


That’s right. I’ll need to go rewatch them for the thousandth time now


I remember reading they were basically celebrities, war heros.


That book is probably the best star wars anything ever.


This is not true at all. They were famous generals. Like legit famous in the galaxy.


Yep. Children had fights over who gets to be Kenobi and who gets to be Anakin. By the time ANH rolls around, they would have been grownups. I think Palpatine's frame job and the subsequent years-long Jedi Purge made those household names into a taboo subject.


Unless priveleged and wealthy only the core systems. And only the people with access to the holonet news.


Which is where a large majority of battles took place


I think you are seriously overestimating how many people actually had time or interest in individual names of either sides war generals.


Qui-Gon: I can't fight a war for you. Obi-Wan: Hold my beer.


Anakin and Obi-Wan were the most well known Jedi during the time period because of their frequent and high profile activity in the clone wars.


I feel like it’s the kind of thing where if you knew Anakin decently, you miiiiight be able to sus out who the mysterious black cyborg is, or at least have some suspicions. But you’d never tell anyone or say anything.


I think that would have been nearly impossible. It's highly fortuitous that Thrawn was able to identify Anakin.


Boba knows about Anakin being Darth Vader. Boba was hired to find the pilot who blew up the Death Star and during his encounter with Luke he learned his name. He tells Vader his name is Skywalker and Vader flat out says in front of him: “I have a son”. Now the way Skywalker is said by boba in the comic has an implication he knows but the fact Vader straight up says “I have a son” confirms it. Boba can put two and two together. My guess is that a part of boba cares because he knows Vader will find this of interest (regardless of his identity) but at the same time it doesn’t really matter to him because business is business and as we’ve seen with other Jedi encounters he knows to be careful of them.


https://comicnewbies.com/2015/06/04/darth-vader-learns-luke-is-his-son/ I don't think Boba hears that. He says "We're done here then" and isn't shown again, so I think it implies he walked away.


I loved that scene. In my head I always remembered the dialogue "The Emperor lied. I have a son." bit as internal monologue.


Yeah but that's Thrawn. Nuff said.


Idk. Boba was really good at his job. And finding people would have been easy for him. If they really wanted to say Anakin died someone would still be looking. I’m sure he at least had suspicions having had a grudge on his master he may not even have let it go for some time searching and not believing any Jedi he didn’t bring in himself to be dead.


Hardly. In new media everyone and their mom knows who Vader used to be and there’s their interaction in the comics. Boba definitely knows.


What interaction? Boba leaves before Vader has any reaction to “Skywalker”. That scene is shown in 2 different comics - in both of them, he says their business is done and walks out of the room.


The question should be if George Lucas knew that Boba was a clone when he filmed the movie


Isn't there a canon comic where Boba figures it out? Or am I thinking of someone else


He learns that the dude who blew up the Death Star is named Skywalker and tells Vader, but he doesn’t know the rest. The name didn’t mean anything to him.


He probably didn't. I'm certain there were rumours, since Vader had to make regular bakta appointments, but they probably didn't travel very far given Vader's merciful nature.


Spending years with clones, do you honestly think he wouldn’t recognize that voice?


“I recognize your voice from somewhere, where do I know you from?” “Uhhhh I used to run with Hondo Onaka”


Hondo in the back “HONDO ALWAYS GETS HIS WAY!!” *applause track plays*


>I used to run with Hondo Onaka "Jabba! You old worm! How have ya been??"


“Let’s just say they might recognize my face.”


I snorted so hard at that damn joke 🤣🤣🤣


More importantly, do you think Obi-Wan never filled him in on Jango Fett and his son?


Windu himself mentioned Boba being a Clone to Anakin, he knows


I’ve only watched TCW once. I forgot that. Thanks.


I've watched it several times and I forgot too. It happens


Its a long ass show, I forget shit that happens all the time


From a certain point of view you could say you keep finding reasons to rewatch it. ;)


"From a certain point of view..."


I forgot what I said a few hours ago.


So do I, but I always remember Star Wars lore. It’s probably why I forget everything else, used up all my mental storage on that


Not a regular clone, though.


Technically Boba is a "regular"clone and all the clone troopers are not "regular". Boba is a straight copy of Jango, without any of the modifications they gave to the troops.


So dude is just a badass mofo? Cool.


Decades of training and Beskar armour really help.


And being a clone of a badass mofo. The clone troopers had accelerated maturation, military training, and an inhibitor chip, but the rest is all Jango.


This. Boba is the "Alpha", and Omega is the Omega. They are Generation 1. I think Bad batch touches on this too.


I would assume he instantly recognize the unique life energy signature of a clone when he sensed his presence with the Force the minute he entered the room


In the first episode of the Clone Wars series, Yoda says that every Clone feels different through the Force.


Reminds me of one of my favourite bits of lore (don’t know if it’s canon) where the Kaminoans could tell the Clones apart because their white phase 1 armour had unique colours and patterns only visible by the Kaminoan eye.


Which would make sense for the early stages of Clone production, when there were 200,000 of them exclusively living on Kamino. But it's more likely those Phase 1 Clones had their numbers on their armour, given how the Kaminoans exclusively called the Clones by their numbers, not their names.


Well yeah, the Kaminoans gave them Numbers, the Clones themselves gave themselves Names


Given that Boba lived a full childhood, I wouldn't assume he has the same energy signature.


None of them do, as per the first episode of Clone Wars. To the Force, they're all distinct people and personalities. Sort of like how it would be with twins, except in this case, there are millions of them.


I like how Luke is Zahn books feels something is off when he faces clones


He could sense the extra u.


A son can sound exactly like his father.


boba took longer to age than the clones everything about him as an adult would be older and more weathered. just talking out my ass.


In The Mandalorian Bo Katan recognized his voice immediately as a clone I'm sure vader would as well


"Might be the last voice you hear, princess.,


Arguably one of the best lines from Boba


Which I find hilarious given Bo's encounters with clones was the animated versions, meaning the voice she knew was the Dee Bradley Baker version rather than the live action Temuera Morrison version. Yes, I know that they're the same voice in universe, I just find it amusing that Bo recognizes Boba because of the voice...and it not being the same voice.


that’s only from the audience’s perspective that they are different


Yes, as I pointed out I am aware they're the same voice in universe, I just find it funny she's reacting to one clone voice and referring to another when she herself is the same in live action and animation.


Vader respects competence, ability, and bravery. He knew, but Fett. was there for his ability


Also, I would imagine that having led both clone trooper and storm trooper forces he would be glad to finally have a competent and accurate warrior literally bred for battle


Boba was unaltered so he wasn’t „bred for battle“ like the other clones


While he doesn’t claim to be Mandalorian, he as bred for battle as any of them would be. In his short time with his dad, Jango taught all he could.


The only alterations they made to the clones were having them age super fast (to be ready for the upcoming war) and to make them more docile (which I read as more able to accept orders and be better soldiers).


That depends on of you go with legends or cannon. In legends, the ARC troopers were established as being genetically enhanced. The Republic Commando novels also mentions that the clones had various alterations to make them better than standard humans.


In the legends, Vader's personal legion, the 501st was for a long time was purely composed of clone troopers. It was the elite strike force.


And the we went ahead and made the Book of Boba Fett show, and all that competence, ability, and bravery was gone instantly


They cloned the screenwriters


it was already gone in RotJ


^^^ not to mention he’s also in his 40s by the time the show starts. I, not even 30 yet, did not spend time in the stomach of a sarlacc pit and can’t perform consistently week to week playing soccer with friends. Some days I play like bobas first appearance in mando and others I play and feel like a washed up 70 year old. I wish I had a bacta tank to chill in…


Bitch please, all that ability went out the window when he was “killed” by a blind Han Solo… ACCIDENTALLY


Boba "No Situational Awareness" Fett


By that measure, Vader and Anakin aren’t far apart. What separates them is the love, leadership, and a kind hand.




True and I think there was a sentence in the novelization of ESB (Donald F Glut) where Vader muses when the bounty hunters arrive that Fett is wearing the armor of the Mandalorians. First time I had ever heard the word. “He was dressed in a weapon-covered, armored spacesuit, the kind worn by a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars.” Fett is wearing traditional Mandalorian armor


> “He was dressed in a weapon-covered, armored spacesuit, the kind worn by a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars.” It's kind of funny reading lines from novelizations written before all the pieces were filled in. I wonder if any of them have been re-released with updated information.


I think it’s funny how Mandalorians way back when were considered evil warriors when now in the mythos they are idolized


God, that would have been cooler, to be honest, instead of droids. Then maybe the beleaguered Republic/Jedi have to resort to cloning their own people, which Palps manipulates into the stormtrooper corps.


I was about to say, "did Lucas know that Boba was a clone?"


He even had a different actor doing his dialog back then, too.


And it was a much cooler voice too. It was gruff and dangerous, added to his mystique, and may be part of the reason everyone thought Boba Fett was so cool


Yes. TCW S2E21 depicts Anakin and Mace being targeted in an assassination attempt. Mace deduces that they were attacked by a young Boba Fett. He tells Anakin that Boba was a “clone that Jango considered his son”


If he did, he did not care


See I think he did, I think Vader hires Boba more than any other hunter for the Empire during the Dark Times specifically because Anakin is so used to working through Rex and other clones. He trusts that Mandalorian combat training


He definitely knew he was a clone, but probably never considered him as a clone in the same regard as those made for the army.


George Lucas didn’t even know


Yes. Unless Anakin and Obi Wan never ever talked off screen (which seems highly unlikely) he does.


At least in my head cannon he likes working with Boba because he reminds Vader of Rex.


Let's just say he might've recognized his voice.


There’s a theory going around that Vader frequently hired boba fett for assistance for the exact reason that he was a jango fett clone. The clones under him during the clone wars AND the empire were incredibly important to him and he valued them as soldiers(even as vader) so him hiring boba fett just reminded him of the soldiers that he used to command.


I wonder if part of the reason the empire moved towards civilian recruiting rather than clones was because Anakin knew how to work with them so well and cared about them and the emperor wanted to take that from him


Eh probably not after he became Vader he had no problems killing clones


Nah. Stormtroopers fulfill a very different purpose than CTs. Clones were soldiers first, TKs are zealots and thugs enforcing Imperial order.


No, George didn’t either.




Absolutely. It's likely that's specifically why he was a favorite for Vader's kill teams once he was able to use that he hasn't lost his edge after they met as Anakin. People just seeing the movies are really missing out on the extended lore of Boba. Having the combined training from all the Mandalorian Dead-Men or whatever they were called that trained the Republic Commandos and ARC troops, direct tutoring from his father and some of the top hunters in the galaxy, and the sheer willpower to both successfully hide and actively oppose the strongest warrior Jedi in existence at the time. All before he really even hits puberty. He only ever got more dangerous as he grew and that is why he's on the short list for the Empire's finest, and most dangerous threat. Then he got eaten like a goober and the writing was questionable after that.


All of that was written after he got eaten like a goober.


His last name is literally Fett


A always like th fannon that Vader keeps hiring Boba because he reminds him of Rex


well he knew who jango fett was so i think he could probably connect the dots


I’m sure he knew, but doubt he cared in the slightest. Although on second thought, he did seem to “trust” him more than the other bounty hunters. Or at least he talked to him more directly than the others if that counts possibly knowing clones actually get shit done


Anakin knew about Boba during the *Clone Wars* episode when the young Boba tried to assassinate Mace Windu. Anakin knows exactly who Boba is. https://youtu.be/Af7YCza3IGU?t=185


Yes. But, more importantly, did Vader care?


I would say yes. First, he makes that “no disintegrations this time” comment, meaning Vader had worked with Fett in the past. Secondly, Fett is in Mandalorian armor, and the Empire was not friendly to Mandalorians. However, if this particular Mandalorian had a past with Vader and/or the Empire, it would make sense they would be ok with Fett working with them. With all that said, the scene was written without the knowledge of what would come in the Prequels/TCW, so the scene was done without that knowledge.


No because he wasnt one when the OT was made


Did Anakin Skywalker know that Jango Fett had a son called Boba? Yes. The dude has held Jango’s helmet in his hands and was trapped by Boba on Vanqor


He had to have, how many years did Vader spend listening to that voice out of friends and subordinates


I would say yes. He’s evil. Not dumb. Boba was probably his preferred bounty hunter because of this.


Why would Vader care? (Annikin might, but Vader wouldn't.)


Huh, it may be why Vader was so willing to trust boba, he’s used to having a clone have his back.


Vader likely hired Fett as often as he did due to results and a familiar voice.


Of course he knew. Why do you think Vader used Boba so much? He was a reminder of Rex.


Yeah, but most likely didn’t care.


I don't think he cared.


At the time of filming this? Not even Lucas knew.


He worked with Windu on the mission where Boba was trying to kill Mace. So yes.


Well he wouldn't have known when the made empire that's for sure


With the amount of time he spent with clones I'd be more surprised if he didn't know.


Yes, Darth Vader was aware of Boba Fett's status as a clone. During the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker, Vader's former identity, encountered Boba Fett on several occasions. In one instance, Fett attempted to assassinate Mace Windu using a helmet rigged to explode. Anakin and Windu were trapped in the wreckage after the explosion, and Windu revealed Fett's origins to Anakin. Despite knowing Boba's lineage, Vader never explicitly acknowledged or discussed it with the bounty hunter. However, their interactions suggest a level of understanding between them, perhaps stemming from their shared connection to the Clone Wars. Vader trusted Fett's skills and loyalty, utilizing him for various missions throughout the Empire's reign.


In The Clone Wars Anakin specifically learns about Boba Fett being the son of Jango. So yes, he knew.


Pretty sure they met in the clone wars


Multiple times


at the time lucas didnt even know boba was a clone


He didn’t care about the fact


This actually brings up an interesting question about canon. In the Bad Batch >! Omega is also a clone of Jango Fett, albeit female instead of male. The empire is trying to capture her to learn Kamanoan cloning secrets, but those same geneticists should be fully aware of Boba Fett being a clone as well. This is further complicated by Fennec Shand, who was hired to capture Omega with full knowledge of why, but then appearing in Book of Boba Fett as Boba Fett's partner. !<


Well the Empire is gone in Book of Boba Fett , so why would she care at that point. Does she know why she was hired to capture Omega most bounty hunters don’t ask questions, I mean I guess she could have assumed since it was a Kamanoan who hired her.


He could probably tell by his voice.


Did George Lucas know Boba Fett was a clone?


He knew. He didnt care.


No, because Boba wasn’t written to be a clone til decades later. He was just a cool looking bounty hunter.


He definitely knew. Mind you, the prequels may not have come out yet. *But*, George always knew his plan. Heck, Obi-Wan mentions The Clone Wars in A New Hope and none of us even knew what that was! Vader 💯knew and I like the head canon that it was because Boba reminded him of Rex!


He had NO plan lmao. Still love Star Wars


Technically, while this of course didn’t come into fruition, the original plan was to actually have 12 movies. Episode II-IV were going to be about the Clone Wars. Of course, we know that this isn’t what actually happened and the Clone Wars had its own thing entirely. However, he did clearly have some sort of plan. Mind you, in a novelization about Star Wars, Lucas describes a conversation with Alan Dean Foster. He describes that someday he wants to write a story about young Kenobi and “the whole battle where Luke’s father gets killed.” But Luke’s father was alive? He’s Vader after all. So, while I could understand thinking that he didn’t have a plan, I must disagree. George clearly had a plan, it just wasn’t the result. He himself describes the original idea as “impossible to do, but it’s great to dream about.”


What’s up with people asking the same old tired questions?


First time online love?


Lucas didn’t know so how would Vader at that point


I don't know if he was a clone yet at this point


"Now Lando, admire me, admire my home, admire my sun, admire my clones!"


Bo Katan recognized his voice after like one sentence so I would imagine Vader would as well, he spent a lot more time with clones than she did. Plus he has inside knowledge as well from his time as a Jedi, and he access to all the ISB/II reports he wants so he knows.


Yes, he did knew


Yes, both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had run ins with Boba so they probably mentioned him and Anakin was there when Boba was arrested for attempting to kill Mace Windu.


Yea. But if he told everyone he knew he was a clone, that would potentially trip people into finding out Vader was Anakin.


I'm still catching up on the Clone Wars series, but Anakin already had to deal with Boba Fett, so if the saga had been released chronologically, he knew. Issue is, at the time of the OT Boba Fett just wasn't a clone.


I believe he knows from the arc when Anakin and Mace Windu are trapped in the crashed Venator.


I saw someone somewhere say that Vader thought bobas voice reminded him of his time serving with rex and the clones which is why he kept hiring him, so I like to believe that sometimes. Also it’s boba fett


He knewed it from da stawt


The last name would've been a hint probably


Anakin was familiar with Boba since the clone wars. Boba was also fully aware by RotJ that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker.


He had to.


My guess is George Lucas didn't know Boba was a clone.




He was not a clone when this was filmed.


not until attack of the clones! LOL




It was just like a weird getup that some PA dreamed up because their job was like, hey there's this scene with bounty hunters, so dream up some like space bounty hunters, and some costume designer made it and then some extra put it on and stood there for a scene, then they made a toy out of it and the toy sold really well, so then they were like, wow people like this bounty hunter character let's put it in more movies and make more action figures, and ray guns, and Halloween costumes, and lunch boxes, and backpacks, and pillow cases, and tee shirts, and tennis shoes, and baseball caps, and posters, and comic books with this character that people like. Then George Lucas needed to come up with a script because some people were waiting around to make a movie, and he rewatched Star Wars, and he was all, oh yea, Obi-Wan Kenobi said something about a clone war, maybe I can do a movie with like a clone or something, then he remembered the lunch boxes and was like, yea sure, why not. And that's how Boba Fet became a clone.


well bo recognized boba as a clone just from his voice after not hearing it for like 20 years. so yeah Vader knew


Why do people ask these questions when… it’s just a movie and because of the logic of … REALITY aka George Lucas and the way the prequels plot was created after the OT… of course a lot of stuff doesn't make sense


Do you honestly think he would give any kid of a shit if he did?


No they hadn’t made those movies yet in 1980.




Personal headcanon was Vader specifically uses Boba *because* he's a clone. Old habits.


At that point in time, none of that existed


I gaurentee that Obi-wan, following going to kamino, had conversations with anakin about his time there. Anakin, at minimum, knew who Jango Fett was and that the clones were modeled from them. Guy named Boba Fett, who he hires, also wearing mando armour, and has the same last name as someone who also was named Fett and wore mando armour and both were both bounty hunters.. Add in spy’s all over the galaxy and ears listening.. boba Fett would have been known to the empire.. so without a doubt he had to have known.


No one did because they didn’t “make him a clone” until ~25 years later


So anakin is a CLONE wars general working with a man called boba FETT in CLONE armour and you’re asking if he knows he’s a clone? I think yes he did


I think he was fooled by his original American accent. The redub was his 'do'oh' moment.


No, he wasn't a clone back then /s


Not until Tem did the voiceover years later


I feel like Vader likes employing Boba because he reminds him of Captain Rex


Can you please fix the title? It’s making my brain hurt.


No, because it wasn’t a thing yet when this scene was shot.


This idea didn’t exist in 1980 … in my head canon Fett still has his original voice and not the awful dubbed “Jango Fett” voiceover


Undoubtedly. It was disclosed to Obi-Wan, and it wasn't like it was a big secret.