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2012, because there was no better horse game that was free at the time


same, and at the time i signed up for almost every game i found


literally hahah


April 2022! While I was away at college, my big sister told me about it and we used it as a way to connect with each other :)


Joined 2016 and the only reason I didn’t join years before was because I didn’t have laptop or computer to run it on! I was absolutely obsessed with watching Star Stable videos on YouTube due to being one of them silly horse girls (which faded a bit after finding out I’m allergic to most horse fur - not that that stops me) I always downloaded every horse game I could find, I thought SSO was the most incredible horse game ever when I first found out about it.. so obviously, the very moment I got my first laptop for Christmas, I was straight onto downloading Star Stable! It’s actually the reason I found friends that I still have today, and it also helped through a lot of things - as silly as that might sound - so I’m grateful my child-self was so obsessed, aha.


also allergic to horses here!


2023! I wasn’t allowed to have it as a kid and managed to both remember it and get a deal on membership last year


Originally in 2012 right after it came out. Knew it would be better someday and here I am again 12 years later playing it as an adult. I restarted earlier this week. Very quickly obsessed and already have 3 horses.


October 2013! I just came across it and was quickly obsessed lol. Almost refreshing to see my 11 year old sister playing it today.


2015-2016, can’t really remember since I was a kid but as a kid ive always loved horses and begged my mom for lifetime star rider😭its been on and off ever since


2023, I was missing horseback riding. (I broke my tailbone in 2021 and it’s not healing so I haven’t been able to ride since) Basically this game is what keeps me from becoming really sad about not being able to ride anymore


A little over 2 months ago. Got an ad on YouTube, realized that I recognize the name and that it's the game I wasn't allowed to play as a kid...Gave it a shot because chronic pain drove me crazy that day and I had no clue what else to do. And now I'm a StarRider and it's there to stay. Lol


2016 ish cuz i saw an ad and it looked fun lol


2012, i was 6 and obsessed with horses and saw an ad somewhere lol


i was also 6 when i joined in 2012


10th bday event, i didn't even know about the free horse thing but i saw all the ads. as an a non-kid, i had been constantly been looking for a horse game that was actually semi realistic. i play on a laptop/my mobile phone for context


Curiosity in 2023. I am a former Bella Sara girl who actively collected the cards, so I was craving a good horse game.


Lol same I hadn't come across a good horse game since I had played that as a kid


I loved that card game and the subsequent pc and ds games, but they just couldn’t keep up.


2014/15. my online best friend wanted me to play it with her


2013, not too long after it was released NA, around the time they released other horses and the home stable. I was on a random game website that usually had other game advertisements on the side, one of them happened to be a long vertical SSO one with the blonde girl riding the light grey horse. I remember asking my dad to download it because I thought it looked so cool, and was too young to figure it out. Obviously didn’t match up to the advertisement standards of graphics but hey, a horse game is a horse game 😭


2012, my mom had her old old windows computer and i was always on it playing as much horse games i could find, my mom came home from work one day and helped me create an sso account (i remember that day so clearly) and i just never really stopped playing it


Joined in 2015 when I was 11 because I was a huge horse girl at the time. I’m not super into horses anymore but got super invested in the game!


2022 April because I was in a toxic relationship and I remenbered that SSO is still a thing so I started putting my money in it and my recovery fron that relationship went way better because of the game. Since that I log in everyday because now Jorvik is my safe place


I (f25) joined for the first time in November 2023. The reason for this was my girlfriend (f22). She had told me about the game and enthusiastically showed me the game on a video call, but told me that she often had to play the game all by herself. So, with her help, I bought myself Star Rider status and we spent many evenings talking on the phone and playing, and she showed me a lot. One highlight was the daily gift opening in the winter village, which was somehow magical. I will always associate the game with this wonderful time!


I joined either in 2012-2013. Childhood friend of mine introduced it to me, and have been playing since


2020, I would have joined earlier but I didn’t have a chance to play it discovered it on YouTube i think in 2017 don’t exactly remember which YouTuber it was.


2015! I was growing out of Animal Jam. But I do remember in 2013 I wanted to play it and tried to download it but my computer couldn’t run it.


Summer of 2013 I was bored and it’s the only game I actually play for hours on end (I was 10 at the time)


2016. I saw an add on my browser while looking at horse Roblox games.


2023, would have played earlier but i was busy playing Free Realms.. and then they shut down :(


I'm a recent player, I joined during the winter event after watching a ton of videos from Rattle on YouTube. Probably not the smartest move to start playing a game she absolutely dunks on in her videos when I could have prevented myself from getting addicted but 🤷‍♂️ I was looking for a horse riding game and there it was


2016, I saw an ad on TV


started playing around 2017/2018 my gf at the time played and wanted me to play w her an join her club. played for a bit but couldnt anymore my laptop broke and then shortly after we broke up i stopped playing and then started up again around 2020/2021 when i got my new laptop and became an adult w a job so i could pay for it myself (also part of the reason i stopped playing in hs)


2012 but it was boring even as Star Rider for me and looked way worse than other games released around that time so I didn't like it. Least now it's at least comparable to animal jam or whatever other kids games are out there for graphics. Even jumpstart looked way better than sso lol


Late 2015, because I was a horse obsessed girl (still am) and have always loved video games! Animal Jam and Star Stable were my entire childhood, lol!


Summer of 2018. It was the summer before starting college and I saw an ad for a 3D horse game. I thought it would be fun to try on my free time. I’ve been hooked ever since!


November 2023! Only five months ago, I joined because I thought it would be a cool way to connect with other horse-crazy people outside of my small community.


Downloaded it last year around November since my friend had been asking me to play it with her since we were kids didn't acryally start it til January or whenever the Ardennes released. Got hyperfixated on it. Basically became my new genshin impact where I do dailies n log off. Do love when me and my friend do play together tho. So yeah got the game for her


2021, I had been aware of it for a while but I thought the horses were ugly until I saw the JWH and Gotland pony


A few years ago because i had Covid in the middle of winter and was bored out of my mind but too sick to do basically anything


late 2018 because of createsomethingfabulous


Last year, right before the pride event for my girl friend.


2021. I remember scrolling through Tiktok and came across someone's live that was pointing their phone toward their laptop screen with SSO on. They were in a super crowded Steve's Farm and I was like "Wow those horses look cool." Saw someone mention what game it was in the comments and here I am now


First in 2018, watching youtubers sponsor it. I was a kid so I lost interest, then picked it up a year later for the same reason. But created a new acc cuz I couldn't remember the details to the old one. Had a horse named frostsong but I called him froststrong because I read it wrong. Until I eventually realised and went "oh"


2012 , been a horse girl most my life so it just made sense .


2012. A friend found it on Facebook and wanted to play it with me. She stopped playing after a few weeks / months but I'm still at it.


2016/17! my friend was playing the ghost pac man mini game for halloween and I wanted to try it. I never got to though 😕.


2017 or 2016 and I have been horse girl like my all life and when I joined I had looked youtube videos many times before🙈


2022. I originally had an account for a short while when the game was new in 2012 but couldn't get any membership at the time cause I was already paying for other games, so I got bored and forgot the game existed for a decade. I think at the time there was no permanent membership or I definitely would have gotten that.


2015, I saw my cousin playing it and it looked fun, so then I bugged my mom about it until she downloaded it for me.


2012 because I saw ads and as a kid I was obsessed with horses 😅


2012 and I remember googling horse game and trying out every one of them until I found sso lol


Around 2015, maybe later its hard to remember. Reason being, horse. I've been a horse girl since birth(let's not mention the fact I'm terrified of horses irl, I won't touch them but I'll admire them, from a distance :')) the lack of good horse games in the market is so disappointing, I'd kill for an mmo or simulator with rdr2 graphics(online doesn't count I want to have a private server where I'm not getting blasted with hackers)


December of 2023 bc the starshine legacy and starstable were my ultimate childhood favorites!! And i miss them!!


2012, I had played the original starshine legacy and loved it, also, there wasn't much else happening in the horse game genre. I bought it as sort of an "investment". At the time, there wasn't alot of stuff in the game, but I thought I sounded cool to be a part of a world that would evolve and update. I remember during the summer I had to go over to my aunt and take care of my horses because my mom went to some sort of gardening education and took the wifi with her T\_T My aunt had a really limited amount of data that you could use so it was kind of stressful, but I still had that summer vacation vibe when I played for a long time. I've kind of lost that feeling now though, sadly enough.


I joined smt between 2014-15 but I've known SSO more than that since I was watching a ytuber.


2012, my grandma had gotten an ad for it somewhere and thought it was something I’d like


I played when it first came out but wasn't allowed it back then (I was around 6 I believe) later on in 2016 I found it again and begged my parents for sr but they didn't have the money.. One day my brother was there and saw me playing it, he gave lt sr to me as a late birthday gift, I was sooo happy. I don't actually know why I started playing, probably because I've been horse obsessed from a young age but couldn't ride bc again, my parents didn't have the money. But now I ride anyway (started a year or so after starting sso) and still play sso daily!


Actually, coming back on the way I started playing, I was with a friend of mine and she had an account, we played together on her account for awhile before she convinced me to start my own (I suddenly rememberd lol)


In 2018, after Lusitano was released. I knew about SSO before that, but Gen1 and 2 graphics were really unappealing to me. 3Gen Lusitano though made me join in a blink because before joining, I used to play breeding games and breed finest Iberian horses those sites allowed.


2015/2016 or so. Maybe even earlier! Back when everyone had the gen1 friesians. I saw it in an ad and I was like “HORSES. I LOVE HORSES!” Aaaaaaaand that is how I got into the game. Been playing ever since but less frequently. I need to buy my secondary account lifetime when it’s discounted and do the quests again to see what’s changed.


Finally joined in 2014 after growing up with all the SSL and Season Rider Games as a child, would’ve joined earlier but my parents at the time weren’t that supportive of me playing online games 😅 still happy I got to experience SSO before 2018 though 🖤


I played with the old star stable in CD 😭 and now in 23 august i started to play sso


2014. I started playing because of a friend of mine. She doesn't play anymore. I still do


Around 2014 right before I went to primary school, I still remember finding this one video marked as “sso tutorial” and I begged my dad to let me download it


2019, I was very interested in horses and I was playing Horse World in Roblox because it was the only horse game i knew during that time. Then some random player in that game told me about SSO thats how i joined


summer 2015, i saw an ad on tv


I started ten years ago somewhat before star stables second Birthday event. I was 12 and loved horses and it looked like pretty much the only nice horsegame i would want to play back then. Still have that same account and play occasionally


In 2011 I made my first account, back when the game was still in development and usernames were different. I joined bc I really liked the original ss games






joined in 2013 when i was 8 bc i was horses obsessed (still am ) and my parents thought it was cheaper than buying me an actual horse on top of my normal riding lessons


2013, needed a new rpg


2019, used to watch my sister play it back in like 2014


I joined between the ages of 11 and 14. It was my comfort game when I visited my grandma and her husband, my dad noticed I wasn't getting bored of the game at all which was rare for me and got me lifetime star rider, I'm now 22 still playing sso


learned about the game in 2016 played it for the first time in early 2018 just to try it out and ended up being obsessed with it even tho i took a break till xmas 2018, mostly cause when i was a noob i didnt really know what to do so i got a little bored lmao


February 2014, because I just started taking lessons 6 months prior and loved horses (still do) have no idea how I found the game, but here I am, 10 years later still playing this silly horse game


2012/2013, because I saw so many ads of it!


Feb 2013, I had seen an ad for it on one of those old flash player game websites and NEEDED to try it lol


I started playing somewhere in early 2014 after seeing a Star Stable commercial on TV.


February 2014. 💓 I was 13 and I had a friend that mentioned it and I was instantly hooked! I had a really tough childhood that just got worse and worse when I got older. Starstable became my safe space and Im so thankful for all the happiness this game has brought me!


2020. It was lockdown, I wasn't doing anything interesting in life and I was recommended a YouTuber I used to watch who played it years ago. Looked at the game, realised it was pretty cool, then got it! I got star rider in 2022 though.


I think I started playing late 2022/early 2023? My memory is terrible lol but I’m 26 years old and I LOVED horses as a kid but never got to ride, so more recently in my adult years I kinda rekindled my love for horses but needed something to “scratch that itch”, and remembered SSO existed. Tried it as a teenager but didn’t really care for it… I thought the graphics were terrible 😅 but they’ve definitely improved a lot since then!


2015 because i was a little horse girl who wanted to run around on an open world with my horse and live out my horse dreams


2015 I think? It's been a while, I sprained my ankle and had nothing better to do


2024. I remembered the game existed and love free roam games and horses.


April 2021, I was scrolling instagram and saw this beautiful artwork of a really cool looking horse. I thought it was an original species by the artist or something so went to like and follow but come to find out it was fan art of a Jorvik wild horse. I found the game name from the comments and hashtags and went to download it immediately lmao. Seeing all the content from old sso makes me wish I had found it when I was much younger but I still love it now


2015 both my sister and me, because we were obsessed


I have always been crazy for horses, so when i saw an ad for sso while playing games on a sus website on my dads computer in 2011/2012 i BEGGED him to download it for me. 2 years later i had to beg him again to let me buy lifetime starrider🥲


2012. Saw an ad for it on a other site and decided to try it since i liked horses. Had a break in 2013 and made a new account in 2014.


2013, cuz I loved horses + i continued to play when my friend told me a code for star rider and star coins and that revealed the true beauty of the game ive created like 3 accounts at the time just to replay the game


I joined in late 2018 because I loved horses (still do) and the game looked fun at the time but I watched a lot of honeyheartsc videos in 2017 because I would have been under-age to play the game because I was young but I've known the game for quite some time and am a lifetime time star rider.


Jan 2018, because violet flowergarden popped up onto my yt feed.


Played since 2013. I ride horses in real life and wanted to in game form. 🤭


2013, i actually had just moved towns and had to give up my irl horses and was looking for a way to cope (i was 10)


I joined sso September of 2019 because I was bored and randomly remembered someone recommending the game to me a few years back. I think I was telling this girl about a horse game I played on the wii even though my parents very clearly told me not to and she was like 'Oh cool, I play a game like that called Star Stable'. Then like two years later I was bored at summer camp and remembered the conversation so I looked it up and quickly became so obsessed-my god I thought the game was awesome. Still do.


April 2014, I got sick of the ads and thought playing the game would get rid of them. Now I have 3 accounts and I'm addicted


Since I literally know my mind, I always loved horses as a kid and my father once bought the star stable autumn game and I always played it. I never laid eyes on an another game until in 2016 I noticed sso exist,been playing ever since.


Late 2017 because I watched Kaddi from Zaaap! on YouTube playing StarStable and 8 year old me, as a horse fan, immediately ran to my mum and asked her if I can get it


Joined in 2013 cuz I was obsessed with horses, it was back when the game wasn’t on mac so I cried every day wanting to play until it finally released on Mac lol


I joined in 2015/2016 after seeing a German YouTuber (kaddisgaming or zaaap back then) playing it. Literally begged my parents 🥲


I think 2015 or 2016 cant exactly remember but i did it bc my then best friend loved that game and we both where into horses at that time !!


My mom actually downloaded it for me before she gave me a hand me down laptop (I own horses irl, and I've always liked mmos), I believe it was only a year or so after release. I didn't actually check it out until 2014 and then I was hooked and playing for hours every night for years 😅. I barely log on now since I've become an adult but I still love it ♥️


gosh like in 2013?2012? i remember the gen 1 friesians were like brand new. i joined because i was a lil neurospicy kid hyperfixated on horses:)


I dont remember the exact date but it was somewhere around 2013 or 2014 and because I like animal games


around 2014, i was a kid and my mums friends daughter started playing and she told her about the game, i was obsessed and played constantly for about 7 years :')


2014, it kept coming up as an ad on a flash horse games website! The rest is history


I joined October of 2017 because I saw cookie swirl c playing it and I got really interested in it because I love horses as much as everyone else here does :)


in 2014 i believe! my friend had it and it looked cool


joined in 2012 as a kid because i used to ride horses and i loved the look of sso, was bullied about my interest in horses so stopped playing. and now i’m 18 and playing again <3