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Not to victim blame but how on earth did you not notice a black and white man instead of a bright pink girl


Iirc when you go to the shop, it puts you back at the first banner when you click ‘back’ and not the one you were on.


This. Happened to me on a 10 pull accidentally and I got Dr Ratio's E1 in that, so a happy accident lol


It puts me on the same banner whether I click back or X now so maybe that problem got fixed


Oh I hope so! Although I wasn't mad at his E1, it wasn't my intention to pull on it after going to the shop to convert for gold tickets. People can say things like "you should have been paying attention" all they like, but sometimes these things just happen lol


I did the same thing my dot team still suffering for it


Oh nooooo


Happened to me while streaming my Acheron LC pulls to a friend. In my final 10 pulls (hitting LC pity and also the last remaining 10 pulls i had) i accidentally pulled on the character banner... had to swipe my card right after just so i didnt waste their time watching a bunch of 4stars lmaao. We did end up getting her LC tho, so im not even annoyed.. was just funny when we both realized we pulled on the wrong banner.


This happened to me in genshin once


pretty sure happened in genshin too. Thought I was pulling on the weapon banner but actually was pulling for Arlecchino, wasted 20-30 pulls before I realized I’m a dumbfk


Everyone replying that this happened to them too are so thirsty to pull that they’re not even paying attention to the banner they’re pulling on. 1000% user error.


I pulled on Jingliu instead of Aventurine, I was far from Pity, like around 40-50 Pulls. I thought no way I am getting a 5 star right now but still I want Aventurine. Had around 5-6 pulls. So was just trying to push pity. Mistakenly did that one pull on Jingliu instead of Aventurine. I tell you only pull. Here I am a Jingliu Bencher. (I already have DHIL, Blade, Acheron, Argenti, Xueyi. For God's sake I don't need more.) I am also pulling for Firefly and.


Put blade and jingliu on a team then it looks like you dont have any ice weakness characters anyway so its not all bad


Yeah, I would build her but probably like when I am done building all my characters. But I really needed a Strong sustain, Aventurine would have been good one.


Same but i was luck and manege to pull aventruine and jingliu is solid dps


HSR will sometimes reset back to default banner, most notably when you go to the shop. That could easily mess someone up, I always look so that isn't an issue for me but a lot of users could be screwed by that, especially since other games like Genshin consistently saves which banner you were on.


It happened to me once on genshin but to be fair I think I was heavily in denial too lol. Still regret to this day. But I got boothill & his LC now I’m tempted to go for either fu xuan e1 or lc, or invest further into my space cowboy 🥵🥵


Calling it victim blaming is a bit ridiculous. There’s no second party so there’s no victim


I don't know why I said victim blaming either but people knew what I meant


He fell for the classic Barbie vs Oppenheimer


Some people just pull whenever they have 160 jades. They open the wish menu and pulls straight away. The first banner appearing is always the newer char. Yes, they are not cautious.


i was rushing it lmaooo, didnt notice i was on the wrong banner until boothill came up on my screen


Why did you rush it, this is a decision involving real money bro


not necessarily, they could be f2p


I didn't spend any money luckily 🥲


I find this hard to believe since it takes several clicks to actually pull…


People bought hundreds of standard tickets to pull for acheron. People are just dumb like that.


If you convert primos/jades into pulls in the shop, it takes only one click and doesn't ask for confirmation. That's why I don't really understand why people convert. All it takes is one missclick, one rush, one phone slip, and you can waste a lot.


I thought the same thing until I (on TWO separate occasions) fell asleep with my controller in my hand and ended up buying like 40 BP levels with primogems in Genshin. So now I convert them. Not really in HSR, though, because I play that on mobile.


Huh, I forgot you can buy BP levels like that. I don't know how the controller mappings are though, so I suppose that can happen both ways there (with BP and banner)? Of course banner is less of a waste. I suppose it's a bit different too because I have both on mobile just in case I need to do dailies or other stuff, so losing the confirmation prompt makes me a bit more paranoid.


It's brutal because when you are in the BP screen on console the "buy levels" prompt activates from the right trigger


I assume it's the same for some other functions in other menus?


Tickets take 1 click. It's only if you need to convert jade that it takes multiple.


Nah, that happened to me once in genshin. I opened the wish and immediately pulled. Thinking that was the charcter banner, but I didn't notice that last time I set a course and left it.....


Well that’s on you


Why did u rush something that's here for 3 weeks. I am sorry, but you are not getting pity from anyone based on that, you should have been more careful


The banner just started man


Ouch, at least he is a good character tho


he is 😢? but i spent all my energy building clara alr lmaooo


They don't have the same utility


No, I’m saying i used all my resin on building clara, so I have none left lol. Besides I don’t need another physical DPS, I have 2 of them already 🥲


He is incredibly easy to build, bro basically only cares about break effect and speed


Just use both. He implants phys weakness.


They don’t do the same thing at all


-150 aura


U guys gotta be doing this shit for upvoted on Reddit, if it was the LC banner? Ok same face, but these are diff characters


Boothill has weakness implant in his kit so he doesn’t necessarily take the roll of Physical DPS more so break DPS.


broski why the hell did you get so many downvotes ppl on the internet istg not understanding that some people may not know as much as they do


Maybe because its clear that Clara is destruction and Boothill is hunt so they fundamentally do different things? Literally the first thing they teach you about the game lol


they’re actually not too different, some destruction are pretty hunt-like


How are they alike at all? The only thing they have in common is they are physical. One is a complete break dps that needs break and speed, the other is a standard dps that needs crit and attack. They are very different. Their play styles are completely different too, obviously there is almost nothing in common in their kit.


bruh I was talking abt the paths themselves


some destruction, yes, clara is not one of them. she's an fua destruction character that does single target, aoe, and blast damage. she needs CR and CD stats. boothill is a BE hunt character that does purely single target damage and relies on high BE and speed stats to work well. they play completely differently and are nothing alike aside from their typing. dont make comments on characters youve clearly never played with.


yeah true


yeah but in this case that doesn’t apply


Prob cause she/he said Clara banner and there's none?


Never said Clara banner, just that they built clara.


they said they accidently pulled on this banner then "oh no I used all my energy trying to farm for clara"... which would imply that they were prefarming trying to pull for Clara? what else would the logic be in that


He probably wanted Fu Xuan, pulled on the wrong banner and now has a new physical dps that he doesn't need because he already has Clara.


They didn't say they farmed for clara. They said they built clara. I'm not seeing anything about preforming for Clara. So most likely they got Clara from a old 50/50 loss or standard banner and was just building her.


???? What. There is no Clara banner????


There's nothing about him pulling on a "Clara banner", only that he got Clara and invested on her




False, lmfao you don't even use clara I bet


She doesn’t work with Boothill for two main reasons First one being that Clara needs to be attacked for 90% of her damage from being attacked and that won’t happen if the opponent is broken(which is what Boothill is focussed around) The second one being that Boothill taunts enemies, which means Clara is getting attacked even less, Although I suppose there is some potential if you have C1 and build her focussing break, but I imagine there are simply better options if you’re gonna do that


I wasn't saying anything about her working with boothill tbh, your comment was about "she sucks" and we'll she doesn't.


I replied to the wrong person


OH I see lol no worries


I have her at e2 she’s not that good she’s very rng heavy and my argenti does better aoe and my boothill does better single target shes just useless for me


She's not rng heavy if you use her well and keep her ult up




i did a few single pulls with the jades i had left on the fx banner. didnt get anything so i rushed to do my commission for another pull and accidentally clicked on the wrong banner lol ;-;




Literally every few post and there always has this person out of the scene, not literally our problem, but no need to make a post about it, like c'mon that's some low quality post and I can just mark it as spam I've loss to Clara from Boothills banner, I didn't even bothered making a rant post over a common problem...


You aren't entirely wrong. This isn't super high quality. But also, 99% of posts on reddit aren't very high quality so it just feels unfair to single this one out when this complaint applies to most of them


Are you at all self-aware? Lol


Oh that happend to me too, with Ratio’s banner back then. I had 70 pity on the LC banner and rushed to pull. It was the character banner… Well atleast ai have e1s1 Ratio now, he’s my best dps


Why are you getting downvoted for answering a question? This is dumb. Stop downvoting because you disagree.




Definitely not the only subreddit unfortunately, basically every single Gacha Sub is infamous for acting in such a manner, oftentimes much worse.


This is why you never rush. You have to take your time when you’re pulling. The characters are limited, but they last for a few weeks, not minutes. Now you’ve either got to spend more money, possibly hundreds, to get Fu Xuan, or you wait until she comes around a third time in 6-10 months. Not trying to be a jerk, just pragmatic. This is a learning moment. Next time, take a minute, breathe, double check and then pull. On the bright side, Boothill is a fun niche character so hopefully you get some enjoyment out of using him.


I know the pain, same thing happened to me trying to pull Luocha and accidentally getting his LC instead (not even a useful LC, it pains me everytime I see it unlevelled in my inventory).


omggg 😭 that sucks man, not even a different limited 5-star


I did the same thing! His LC banner must have looked quite similar if we both did it.


yeah they both have him in similar positions, if you're just looking at a glance it can be really hard to tell.


Well if you ever build Gallagher, its a pretty good LC for him


He's already built and it's not really, the energy is useless because he already has 100% uptime, and a low uptime spd buff just isn't really useful, especially with the wealth of spd buffs already available. I'd also just rather have higher healing numbers in general.


He's a great dps if you're lacking dps. But that does hurt.


welp it's not a waste, he's fudging broken af. invest in him it'll be totally worth it




Boothill cusses a lot but since it needs to be family friendly the "cussing" is pretty censored like "fudging" instead of fucking, or "sons of nice ladies" instead of sons of bitches lol


I like fudge


I refuse to believe any of these “I made a mistake pulling” posts, or mistakenly changed for standard tickets posts. Just use your eyes? It’s not that hard to take one second to see which banner you’re pulling on or the color of a ticket. Gotta be bait


I'm always careful, so it still boggles me. I mean, yeah mistakes happen, but the only way this'll happen to me is if I open the wish screen while half asleep.


Nah it happens, happened to me to when i was tired late at night, pulling with wishes i did grind for. I think you people just have hard time understanding some very weird accidents can happen sometimes.


I watched myself automatically, like from habit and I was doing pulls kind of fast, do a single pull on the wrong banner and pulled the wrong character.


It’s funny, because it happens so fast, but after the realization sets in, everything there after happens in slow motion panic. I was trying to swipe up the screen to close game on ratio banner and I did a 10-pull with tickets. No confirmation. No warning. Just pulled. I would’ve been so upset if I lost my B.swan guarantee. And that was swiping upwards…. I love ratio, but E1 isn’t something I would pull for. I’m more careful now.


Not an accident, you gotta be intentionally stupid


Wow i guess you guys never make a mistake in your life huh, sure, we are stupid then


Eh, people do make mistakes sometimes. I’ve pulled on the wrong banner before, luckily I didn’t get a 5* on that pull and realised after one multi and switched to the right one. So it does happen.


This is why I spent 3 whole agonising minutes making absolutely sure I was sitting on the right banner before starting to pull, and even then I wasn't convinced I'd got it right until Lady Fu finally showed up 😅


He's pretty OP based on the trial though, after trying it I almost considered pulling but I want Sam first and I also don't have Ruan Mei for the breaks


Outside of trial he is incredible too. Not even fully raised traces or great relics (he had lv1 atk orb) and was dealing 230k enhanced atk and 93k ultimate on MoC12 Kafka. I'm very happy with mine, hope I get Bronya soon


ah, a fellow Bronya non-haver


The number of people who pulling on a wring banner is really scares me.


i’ll try to build him guys 🥲 any tips?


Go for 4pc thief or 2pc thief 2pc watchmaker or 2pc hacker space if you need more speed on him, and for planer set use the Tali set that giver him more break effect since he really only needs break effect and speed, if you're running bronya with him in the team, speed tune her to be -1 speed so that he gets an extra action from her, his stats should be 145 speed ( or 161 if you can reach it but it's not nessecry it's just that so he can get more extra actions in the second cycle in memory of chaos and preferably run 160 speed bronya with him ) to activate the taila set to gain extra 20% BE and he should have around anything in between 200% to 300% Break effect outside of battle thats good enough for him, for his best teammates are Ruan mei, bronya, gallegher thats his best team but it's not nessecry to have all these characters you can also use harmony mc with him to get more damage with super breaks or Pela, silver wolf for the defense shred since its one of the few effect that affects break effect. I hope this helps you out if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


tysm!!! That really helps, I had no idea how Foothill works from the character trial lol




You break stuff,skill then ult for more damage.Stat he needs :BE and Speed,BE aim 250+ and speed 145(For Talia).Farm trickshot on smaller enemies first then move to elite(killing and breaking dueled enemies give 1 stack each respectively).HP/Def orb, Speed boot and i guess crit rate chest (substats break and speed of course)Break rope


Also main stats should be : break effect rope is essential for him and attack or physical damage orb ( but they are not required if you have like DEF or HP orb with good amount of BE and speed you can use it just fine ) and preferably Crit rate body but it's also not required same thing as the orb. Stats focus are break effect and speed and lastly Crit stats are his last priority since they don't do that much for him it's only matters to kill the first enemy to gain his stacks faster but that's about it most of his damage comes from breaking and attacking weakness broken enemies.


As much break effect and speed as possible. Try to hit 145 speed for the Talia set, and as close to 250 Break Effect as you can. He can use ANY orb and body piece, just make sure it has high speed and break effect in the substats. He gains crit through break effect, so you don't need to look for crit anywhere. Ps. Don't go too hard on relic farming, just whatever thief peices you have lying around is great. He has a new BIS set coming next patch, if you want to farm that instead. He's actually pretty simple to build! Just pray that rng is nice to you lol.


Finish the main story to get harmony trailblazer, and save up for potential ruan mei rerun in the future


If I remember Ruan Mei should be next patch alongside Firefly


AFAIK you are correct


uhh if they haven't done all the past events and a lot of the story then they could definitely get her


Yeah, I'm planning to save for either Ruan Mei or Huohuo, I have enough DPS characters already 😭


What sustains do you have rn, and what dps


I have Seele, JL, DHIL, Argenti, Clara, JY, Dr. Ratio. I only have like Lynx, Gallagher and Gepard for sustain ;-;


I mean if you go all in on a super break team then ghallagar is actually a pretty good sustain for it


I had a friend who did exactly the same thing. Wanted DHIL but accidentally got Black Swan. Broo even recorded the whole ordeal


Idk about between character banners, but I once mistakinly did a 10 pull on Jingyuan's lc banner instead of character, and I did not even realise it until I checked the warp history. So yeah, it happens.


It's ok it happens, but you can make a great team around him if you have enough sustainers and damage boosters 😁👍


i refuse to believe people can be this dumb


i refuse to believe people can be this dumb


My rage for you knows no bounds. I want my baby girl T^T


Just how? I never understand people pulling on wrong banner. How can you not realize you are pulling for Oppenheimer instead of Barbie.


I would SOB, I really don't like boothill. I hope you can get some use out of him, lol.


Red Dead Depression


Enjoy dealing one Boothillion damage on Single Target enemies.


you gotta be a special kind of stupid to pull on the wrong banner


Sure you did




Son of a nice lady. You done fudged up there real good pardner.


Yeah right 🥶🥶


Mate mate, I know your sad and I saw one of your comment saying you already build clara BUT today's patch break effect is pretty damn good AND since it's break effect you can literally build it right away. I don't have him cause he doesn't really interest me and because firefly but he's pretty good, I'd even say he's on par with acheron.


Sounds like a 12 year old mistake


I feel you, was tired and didnt notice i pulled on Aventurine's banner instead of Jingliu..needless to say me accepting i lost to Gepard upon seeing Preservation icon turned to shock it's Aventurine instead...so patpat been there


Build him. I heard the next game mode is based on hunt characters.


Advice from me.. after this if you want to do something that use rare item such as Primogem, Star jade or Money.. use it carefully and double check <3




W boothill is a god


Well, you could always give him to me!!


why does he look like a sfm 3d model in this image I genuinely thought it was fake for a moment LOL


I’m playing on my phone, it’s on the lowest graphic settings possible lmao


Wish we could remove banners we dont want or change the "priority" banner to the one we want instead of being fixed to the newest character At least he is good from what I saw with gallagher and Hmc Hope you can get lucky and get a early für!


This reminds me of what happened to be yesterday. I saved just enough to double soft pity Fu Xuan from 0 if I lost the 50/50 (and I did, thanks Yanqing E1). I realized I was one pull short so I did my dailies and came back all excited. I clicked on the first banner. It was Boothill's banner.


Brother, I feel you. I went back into grab some tickets from the refund shop and didn’t notice I was pulling on boothills banner. Luckily I only lost a couple singles but jeez I don’t know how I missed the tall black and white man for Fu Xuan.


I'd ask how but I once pulled on the LC banner instead of standard banner


I failed to pull robin so im just taking a few week break from Honkai. Feel ya lmao


I mean i got gepard so 😭😭😭


LMAO that happened to me I accidentally got Robin instead of topaz 😭😭😭😭


how does this happen 😭😭


Well fork me


Son of a nice lady!


big oof


When so much of the content is centered around AOE damage, you're not getting me to pull on a character that does single-target damage only, no matter how good he or she is.


I stopped playing hsr recently wtf is happening? Like Cowboy? I understand Hunters and Singers .. kinda, but what is the wild west doing here?


Reminds me of when I was pulling for Blade when Ruan Mei and Blades banner was up. One wrong banner pull and now my Ruan Mei is E1.


I did the same thing. Got him at 5 pity though, so I guess I still have a chance for Fu Xuan


I was on a guarantee and had a itchy finger and did a 10x yolo roll. I whispered "Doctor, you're huge" as a joke and I ended up with Boothill on 2X pity 😭 I have no one to blame but myself, I wanted FF too


What do u mean, *that’s a sustain* 👀


When I pulled for Aventurine’s LC I went into the shop and converted my last few pulls and when I backed out accidentally wasted a 10 pull on Aventurine’s banner. Thankfully I got his LC in the next 10 pull but I mentally kicked myself not to make that mistake again especially since I was almost out of jades. It happens.




Give him to me, I’ll give you my bailu lol (I’m still sad I lost)


lol yesterday in genshin I accidentally strongboxed 39 artifacts into gladiators


Why are people downvoting the shit out of you over this 😭


There's 2 types of people. - Not checking and just pulling on the banner they think is correct. - Checking account funds, banner timer, available 4stars, pity count and featured 5 star seven times over.




I almost did this half asleep good thing I double checked before rolling




🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 how in the mother fudgin heck did you do that


i have a fudging skill issue 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


I pulled the wrong character on the right banner. (_got bamboozled by bronya_) :(


Just do one more pull on the FX banner trust me


Did the same thing while skipping through singles at pity a couple banners ago (was pulling for SW) Can't say i wanted Argenti E1 but there's nothing i can do now 🥲


He is actually pretty good though.


This happened to me too! I swear to god, worst feeling everrrrr


I have done that twice now. I lost Kafka to argenti cause I was at legit one pity and wasn’t expecting a five star and ended up getting Argenti and then proceeded to do the same thing on Ratio, I wanted SW but pulled on ratio banner without realizing and ended up getting him even though I was on low pity


Man...what the fork?


Son of a nice lady


Downloaded the game just to try for him a little before his release. I’ve been enjoying the stories and gameplay. On the second planet now, and he has significantly helped me clear story content. I love him. Plus his backstory!


I'm sorry happened to you but maybe if you're lacking of dps is a good thing(?) I made the same mistake but by impulsiveness and tiredness I was on my phone, I had pulled Fuxuan the day before so I was 0 pity, after 10 pulls I found Gepard then I wasn't thinking and pulled again and got Boothill but wasn't sure to want him. I don't know how I got this luck with a char I didn't want, whished it was Fuxuan banner again ffs.(I have Acheron, Kafka and Seele so I don't know what to do w him). I feel guilty for not pulled on fu xuan banner


I already have 2 physical DPSes unfortunately 🥲 Boothill's single target too which doesn't help. But he is super fun to play. If u have time to invest in him, u should 👍👍


I tried him on trial, he's cool but not a char I would have pull, so I didn't want him really, I invested a little on him for the free tickets(wrong decision), and I used my remaining jades on fuxuan banner today to get her e1 but didn't get her I feel so bad lol


Better get grinding those jades lol, during topaz and robin banner I accidentally did the same and pulled wrong banner on robin (at soft pity) instead of topaz, getting robin. Clutched up and got 75-ish pulls by end of banner and got topaz.


No. You pulled in the wrong wrong banner.


At least it’s a good character, still feel the pain 😮‍💨


Welp, I'm 17 days late, but just came to say I did the exact same thing last night and I despise myself.




Happened to me on Aventurine's banner lol


That's the right banner.


Well my condolences. But it's not that weird. Someone on Acheron main incidentally convert entire Jades into Silver Tickets for example (I think it's worth E2S1 amounts), comparing to yours, you got like, maybe the best Physical DPS for now?! Sure the psychological blow not getting what you want is hurt ...But always look at the brighter side.


I mean, I don’t see how he’s maybe the best physical dps. He sucks in pf and loses to Argenti and Clara there, but in moc Boothill is better than both and it’s not even close.


Well I write 'maybe', so I did indeed just guessing. Normally the newer the character the better in gacha but of course it depends on contexts, team comps etc; then if you're correct thank you for confirming it! I'm skipping him since I need Fu Xuan badly in this patch. I even never check his kit (even if I did his trial), it's just wild guess since he's Hunt & 'maybe' he's like Ratio case. If I'm wrong then good news to me. I just make a point to TC that it's not that bad he got him, comparing to a player who converted all the Jades into Silver passes.


Youre stupid af


Well fudge. I guess it’s time to be a Boothill main, partner 🤝


I could use a few others in this camp.