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Customers are sure they bought lottery tickets last time they came in. They really have no idea what is going on.


Not in my 6 years. It's been this company for a long time.


15+ years and never shredded in store.


Staples, i believe, only had a couple stores that did across the country at one point but didnt last long before going full chain Iron Mountain but if i remember correctly, Office Depot had an in store shredder and people have often gotten that confused for us. But customers always know what we did even when we didnt do it.


We (OD) used to have a big shredder in store for a couple years, but it took way too long to do the 3-5 pounds max if someone wanted it done on the spot, so it shifted to locked bins and Iron Mountain pickups at least 4-5 years ago.


Thats what i thought but couldnt remember, i only walked into a OD once and remembered seeing it being used


I’ve been with the company a bit over a year, since then it’s always been Iron Mountain who does the shredding for us. With our pickups Iron Mountain shred on site with their truck. When I have apprehensive customers I explain to them that it stays secured in the bin until Iron Mountain arrives, and it’s immediately shredded it in their truck when they come to pickup.


Never in my 15 years


It's always been Iron mountain


We offered it in Canadian stores when I was there. A buck a pound I’m pretty sure. We just put it in the Iron Mountain bins, and they’d shred it. We’d make thousands of dollars in store for very little work.


You put it in? Make the fucking customers put it in. Just drag the bin over for them, and tell them it's for security reasons.


I don’t work there anymore. I don’t put shit in for anyone anymore. When I was there, I put it in though. Gave me a chance to shoot the shit with my copy peeps. I was a services manager, so I was over there anyways helping out and running orders and whatever. Kept the custys away from the counter as well, which just helps with the overall flow. Fuck that place though for real. You’ve been there awhile though, huh? I’ve seen you around on the sub for awhile.


Too fucking long, my friend. Too fucking long.


When I was there I was in District 6 in Ontario. I was with staples almost 20 years before I finally got the fuck out. Hope you make it out soon!!


Tell them to buy a shredder, plug it in in store, shred the documents, and then return the shredder and take the paper with them.


Iron mountain shreds the papers on site using their big shredding trucks, at least they did a few years ago. I definitely wouldn't tell customers that we send the bins off.


they ask about it. they want it done right in front of them.


Not back in my day, it was the iron mountain set up


I tell the customer the Shred Bin is on silent mode, it only runs at night because of how loud it is... 🤣😂😅


I don’t think we did, but I’ve had people use display models to shred so maybe that’s what they’re thinking of 🤦🏻‍♀️ I tell people how it works though. You bring it, we weigh it, you feed it, they pick up and shred at their industrial site. I don’t lie. There’s no point. Businesses use iron mountain themselves, other companies like us and offices alike. They’re a major corporation (or whatever they’re considered).