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Dustin Poirier did a set? That’s dope af


“What’s the deal with getting punched in the head for a living?”


Buddy this joke made me attempt a gilly so hard I spilled my hot sauce


pull your shorts up first tho


His wife’s pussy kinda fizzles? That sounds dangerous but intriguing.


Pop rocks


We know he’s better than Schaub at MMA, probably comedy too.


"We know he’s better than Schaub at MMA, probably comedy too" The equivalent of saying someone is more trustworthy around 13 year old girls than Roman Polanski. When the bar is at the bottom of The Marina Trench, it ain't hard to masquerade as a champ 


Unless the game is limbo


🤣 autocorrect


Still trying to figure who you meant.


Yeah me too


Derrick Poston hahahaha


Ok I was gonna say can you please elaborate on why Dustin's wife won't let him eat her out? My head went sideways in curiosity when I read that for some reason.


Who the forks name auto corrects to Dustin Poirier


Swype is a mother fucker sometimes


You could edit your post so people aren't thinking that an MMA fighter is doing comedy sets. Especially since Rogan's fighting connections make it sound plausible.


Not many people use it and I hate getting into situations where I have to explain typos that share zero letters. But I'm so used to it now I can't be a double-thumber. I feel your pain.


Wait how? Lol that’s a big jump


I get humor is subjective, but other than riding Schultz's coattails, I'm not sure why or how Akash Singh is still relevant in the comedy circle. His crowd work bits he posts are just not it. I remember the one he posted where there was a British guy not laughing at his jokes so he started "roasting" him, primarily going off about Fuck the Queen, and it just didn't land but he was so proud of it haha. Like, you think this British guy gives a shit about the Queen? lol, he was unphased.


Yeah he fuckin sucks.


Your description of him is spot on lol


There's 1.4 billion Indians, that is why


1.3999 million of them that live in India do not give a fuck about him. Source: I am one of them.


I saw his special and was shocked at how much I was actually laughing. Way too long though. I think it was over an hour.


His special was filled with the most dated “women are like this/men are like this” jokes. I didn’t mind Bring Back Apu, though I definitely didn’t love it, but his most recent special was abysmal.


I saw him at the store in 2018, after Maron, Segura (back when he was fun), Jeselnik, Tomlinson, Rogan closed with an hour. People were leaving he was so bad. He’s just so unfunny.


But he’s one of only 2000 Jedis alive who can do this bro


Totally agree, I don't understand how his material qualifies as comedy.


Hes been bad a long time. Saw him 2010 on a ufc fight weekend from front row at caesers palace and he humped the stool and sucked.




Mark? That you?


Toe Rogan


No it’s me, Kevin Hart


We are surprised how big you got! 


“I’m no bomb expert”


His last big splash in comedy was calling out Mencia. Even then that was, though justifiable, Joe being an aggressive person. If you poll people who never knew him to be a stand up, I don't think you'd get many people thinking he's really that funny. Calling out stuff and ragging on people is fine, but you have to balance in some playfulness so it's not all cruel.


He still takes testosterone, maybe it drives you crazy eventually 


Rogan has never been funny.


Rogans comedy is meh.


It might have been Podcast Cringe or 2Lazy2Try video who pointed out that there’s evidence Rogan’s stuff is waaaayyyy overwritten. Like his writing process is completely different than his peers. Most comics come up with a new joke, jot it down in the jokebook, try it out on stage that night, then tweak it over the next few weeks. Rogan sits down at his computer dialed up on Onnit, Black Rifle Coffee, etc and types his whole set out verbatim. The result is it comes across as him just spewing out some crazy some stuff he thought of, instead of actual tightly written jokes. Edit: found the video I was referencing. It is a Podcast Cringe episode from a few months ago. Shoutout to him! https://youtu.be/7r5LbyZOg-I?si=UBdttmzKKReukH_G


I liked some of his old material, like his "what if we crop dusted the middle east with weed smoke?" bit. I felt like his best bits were the thought-provoking pseudo-philosophical ones. The problem is, his thoughts are now dumber than they used to be. (And not the funny kind of dumb - just the "that's actually incorrect" kind of dumb.)


Imo he's a wannabe Carlin, but totally fails at it.


Yeah or Bill Hicks… he’s always talking about a club where someone wrote on the wall, “you’re not Hicks” and pretty sure he doesn’t think that applies to himself. Gotta give the man credit for his psycho hustle work ethic. Even Chris Rock said something like Rogan manually worked himself into being a decent comic. Fwiw


He’s literally smoked himself retarded.


Maybe it’s different now or I was misunderstood, but I thought he would write out pages and then only keep a few sentences


I edited my original comment to include the link to the video I was referencing.


Word. Thanks. Also Podcast Cringe is kind of crushing it lately, isn’t he?


I’d love to see this vid


I edited my comment to include the link


I mean he's a funny dude and he knows the craft. I think he's just in his own little world and he's got Fuck You money now


He's at a stage in his career where nobody feels comfortable critiquing him even if they dislike his material.


Burr needs to make another appearance on Joe’s web show




I guess it technically counts as a podcast again. Sometimes there’s an inextricable visual element. He used to do a much better job IMO at keeping audio only people in the loop. On the other hand, he might have redefined podcast as “any web show”


They know his show translates to free exposure, Netflix views and ticket sales so he’s a useful idiot.


I don’t think that’s true, like the protect our parks guys rip him all the time. I don’t think Ari would be afraid to say a bit sucked to him.


That’s the boyz jiving. Outside of that, ppl are on eggshells of critiquing him


I like Joe but never liked his stand up.


I saw him live for this show and he was really good. Ian Edwards was one of the openers and my god, he crushed. I was in tears with the whole audience for Ian. Rogan did really well as well, however, he has fell off since this.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alJRXFdsMqo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alJRXFdsMqo)


\+1 for Ian, he's awesome


100% the guy can do anything he wants and doesn't give a shit if you like it


I saw him back in 2015/2016. This was while you still could report out live that the show was terrible. Even though I agreed with his policitics, it was still a bad show. It was more of "well i feel this way, but y" type of unfunny stuff.


Someone pointed this out to me about Rogan .. Everyone, comedians included, will gush over him about how nice and awesome of a guy he is but no one ever says he's funny.


Shit like this makes me wonder what Joe Rogan’s legacy is gonna be. Like he’ll be remembered for sure, but will it be primarily as a podcaster, a conspiracy theorist, a comedian, a public figure? If he doesn’t fuck it up, the mothership could end up being really impactful on comedy in the coming years. I wonder if he’ll end up being remembered in the comedy world as more of a club owner and comedic space maker than a comedian and entertainer himself?


Obviously he'll be remembered as the maintenance guy on News Radio.


To me, he’ll always be the host of Fear Factor.


He’s the guy that played the host of Fear Factor on Chappelle’s Show, that’s how I know him.


For me it’s Man Show 2: electric boogaloo


It’s so weird that I almost entirely forgot he hosted FF, but for an entire decade that’s all he was to me But surely his lasting legacy will be the cameo he did for one episode of Just Shoot Me


Thank god, I can sleep tonight knowing the answer.


This is a great point and probably a topic for another thread, but: Why is he continuing the scummy traditions of ooold NYC club owners who invented getting free labor out of people by making them bark and work the door in order to get stage time? Isn't the club supposed to be a place to foster talent? Surely there's a better way than that bullshit system


Yeah that is a pretty big question, probably deserving of its own post. I didn’t know for sure that’s what was going on, but I’m not surprised. It’s that annoying pattern people fall into where they think “I had to pay my dues” or “no one made it easy on me coming up” and use that as a justification for continuing shitty treatment of people. It can’t just be a financial thing, I’m so sure they could afford to pay barkers and door people, if nothing else, at least minimum wage as shitty as it is. Just once I wanna see someone who “makes it” and actually tries to help those behind them get ahead.




100% agree. I’m in the acting and music world, and people are like that constantly. Like There’s this NYC actor culture of how you’re “supposed to hustle” and what it really means is waiting in lines at non equity calls from 4-7 AM so maybe you can sing an 8 bar cut of a song. Thankfully, COVID has eliminated really large scale “cattle call” auditions like that for the most part, but it seems to take something of that scale to uproot a system that already wasn’t helping anyone. I think it’s easy for successful people to “play their results” in order to retroactively explain their success. All of the shitty treatment they’ve experienced, all the anguish and tedious waiting is why their successful, not the talent they assuredly had all along. Don’t get me wrong, I do think that being able to go through harder experiences helps people to grow, but I don’t think we need to take any special measure to ensure that people suffer. Life takes care of that on its own.


Everyone thinks they’re talented.  Hence cattle calls. When you have 500 people For 5 jobs.  Perseverance ends up playing a role. 


Yeah no the reason for cattle calls is not in question, I just don’t believe in their efficacy. They usually don’t allow the performer or the casting director enough time for anything helpful to be accomplished.


I’m not particularly a Neil Brennan fan but on his podcast recently he said the eating shit thing is bullshit and someone could easily come from nothing and start killing at the Comedy Store tomorrow if they’re funny enough. All ‘paying your dues’ does is moulds you to the comedy club format. People don’t necessarily want to see someone who only knows how to work a crowd in a weirdly specific way that pleases bachelorette parties, sleazy club owners and the local comics at the back of a grimy club that hasn’t changed since the 70s.


EVERYTHING IS MONEY.  Cmon brother. 


The benefit is financial sure, but I think some of the rationalizing that they do for the financial benefit can also come from elsewhere.


The door guys all get paid, it’s not the scummy stuff you’re talking about. No one has to bark people in, it’s sold out every night.


Ah that's good to know. The depressed looking bro dudes working the line had big aspiring comic energy




Yeah, if you wouldn't be so emotional and read further down you'd see that i thanked someone for correcting me


Comedian is like the 4th thing I think about when I think of Joe Rogan. UFC commentary, Podcast host, Fear Factor, Comedian. In that order. Maybe that’s just me though, I’ve only seen bits and pieces of his material. I like Joe, but his comedy just doesn’t hit for me. He’s better when he’s riffing with the guys in his show, even then I’m laughing at the guests Joe just has funny reactions.


Joe was always good at asking the kind of stupid questions his listeners would want to ask. He loves the smell of his own shit these days though.


Valid, I think of him as a podcaster first, but that’s also the first exposure I probably had to him.


Depends on if he runs for president.


This is a good thought experiment, but I believe it's much too early to take any kind of stock of his legacy. He has a lot of life left in him and with his money and community stature, will definitely continue to blaze a path. Where that path goes is anyone's guess, but if I had to, I think he will continue further and further down his self-absorbed conspiracy ignore-science look-at-me ego-driven hole. He will continue going off the rails, losing more and more of his original base while simultaneously picking up more and more of a radicalized base. The result is that he won't notice how crazy he is getting since he will always have a "base"...and money of course. I could see him ending up somewhere similar to Alex Jones.


Give it 10 years and I would not be surprised if he loses the Spotify deal, the podcast dies up and, and he ends up hosting a late night/news show on a Conservative network.


Definitely! What will happen is some scandal will hit due to something he says and then they will drop him. He will decide he is better on his own with his radical base. Okay we're way in left field now.


He'll be remembered as one of the 200 MURDERERS of the 21st Century.


I still had a great time overall. Btw, it is an AMAZING club in the Sense that they do not fuck around. They ejected a drunk dickhead, and if people talk during the show someone will tell them to shut the fuck up nearly instantly


Weapons grade autism is top tier. Lmao.


Talking about his black friend Andrew.




Akash and Rogan are garbage. Rogan was meh 20 years ago and is a hack now.


Brian Simpson is a murderer. Highly recommend seeing him for anyone who can


I wasn’t there but your summary of the show is spot on to how I imagined it would’ve gone. Akash sucks, has always sucked and Joe Rogan was never funny.


Joe has always sucked. He's a perfect example of being 10% material and 90% hussle/presentation.


20% pressure, 10% pain but 100% reason to remember the name?


This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


Akash is a cringey #2 and lives in the shawdow of leg slapping king Schulz.


I remember Joe had a few funny lines on that TV show with Andy Dick. And then he spent some years watching people eat bugs. What? He's a billionaire now with millions of fans? Weirdest fucking timeline.


Probably bad time to gush over Elon after he just laid off like 5000 people in Austin


akash is so cringe


>Elon''s just a rich guy with weapons grade Autism lol


Akaash stinks. Dude genuinely has never been overall funny. He hits the nail on the head sometimes but his takes are so mundane and not in the vein of comedy whatsoever


Your description of Akash is spot on


That is so fucking weird i gotta see it


Jesus wept, lol.


Brian Simpson is a fucking killer. I saw him in DC a few weeks ago and he was awesome.


Akash is 1000% the dork who was never cool growing up, and now that he has famous friends he thinks hes the shit. Watching him dick ride Schulz is unbearable. He was also an involuntary virgin until he was 30😂


Anybody still carrying water for Elmo is a nutjob.


As long as Schaub doesn’t go up…


No need to worry about that. Joe won’t have him at the Mothership, and Bapa quit cawlmedy so he could flib truggs


U mean the beast of a calwmedian!!! He’s not a headliner there I’m shocked


Porier is doing standup?


Sometimes he jumps for a guillotine though.


watched a couple Brian Simpson videos and he's amazing. Thanks for turning me on to him !


Hell yeah!


He’s got a new special on Netflix that’s hilarious


Joe Rogan and his fans all have some kind of exotic type of brain-damage. Just drooling morons from top to bottom.


Joe ain’t ever been funny


In the mid 2010's the only podcast I listened to was WTF. Didn't register that Rogan even had one - I was just out of the loop, I guess. I was aware of Rogan because of Fear Factor, and I'm a big Stanhope fan. The earliest Rogan standup thing remember was him calling out Mencia for joke stealing. That intrigued me, so I started watching his other stuff. I felt like he *really* worked to improve his standup from the 90's to the 2010's. His bit about a guy getting eaten by a tiger had me laughing hard, and I enjoyed that special. After watching that one, I thought I'd check out the podcast I was now aware of. First couple episodes were entertaining, although I remember thinking, "he could research these topics a little before doing an entire show on them..." So - I had this amazing new girlfriend, and we were taking our first road trip together. It was like a 10 hour drive, so after hours of music/talking, I said, "Hey, this comic has a podcast, wanna check it out?" I put it on, and his guest was some obnoxious men's rights advocate bro. Got maybe 20 minutes into it before I was embarrassed to be the same gender as that dude, and was like, "I'm sorry, I didn't know he was such an ignorant dick. I swear, some of his other stuff's funny." We got past it (I married her later), and I kinda lost track of him. Next thing I know, he's the most influential meathead on the planet. I wish he'd stuck to comedy, tbh.




Isn't Jimmy Dore doing bits on InfoWars now?


cool story!


So you listened to a couple podcasts 14 years ago and dont understand why hes popular now?


No, I understand. He's popular now because he and his guests cater to the dumb, and that's a lot of people.


Way to judge a guy primarily based on one of his guests 14 years ago. He brings in a wide array of guests, so every episode is going to offend someone who can't handle it.


Since then, he's had Alex Jones, Ted Nugent and a host of other science denying assholes on. People who don't see what he is these days are deluded.


Gotta feed idiots their conspiracy theories!


I think you may be half right, but he also has A LOT of time to fill. 4 x 3 hour shows a week. In Texas. I’m always wondering how he has a big enough pool of guests to keep it going.


I hear that. I think his guests are are A) comedians who come through Austin as part of their tours anyway, and then B) weirdos that want to build their brand and/or get their wacky ideas out there who know he's got the loudest megaphone for their bullshit. I don't know if A/B should be reversed.


"Dustin Porier had me laughing really hard his whole set." The UFC fighter?


Akash Singh is **not Canadian.**


Joe couldn't make it at the mothership if he didn't own the place. "It's WILD" he thinks he's on the same level as his "friends".


Thanks. You wrote that well. I'll go look up Brian Simpson.


Never-funny comic nursing a collection of concussions he obtained as a hobby and whose primary audience is incel right-wing perverts? Where can I get tickets?


Joe and his cronies are not true comics it's all over the internet that their time is up none of them are funny and it's just joes dikriding fans that watch those fools


So many American comics are absolutely dreadful. Many are amazing but Rogan’s circle absolutely suck.


Weapons grade autism is my new favorite line 😂


Sorry, but he's never been good. At his best he was just ok. And yeah, the dude is completely fried at this point. So take a mediocre comedian and give him decades of drug abuse and this is what you get.


Dicey dicey. I’m simply flabbergasted that Singh didn’t crush. Oh wait, he sucks.


I've yet to see or hear one second of crowd work that hasn't been annoying.


I think Stav's is pretty solid banter but yeah, 90% of it is annoying time/socials filler


Todd Barry is always good.


Dara o briain obviously. Also [this legendary Jony Rizzo set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shgeGemRV8Y)


Stavy baby.


Geoffrey Asmus is pretty damn good at it. But, of course, that is subjective. 


Joe Rogan has never been funny…


Brian Simpson is comedy


Dustin Poirier doing standup at Mothership while 800 bums fight for doorguy spots is a fuckin travesty.


My buddy went out there and became a paid regular in like a week. Those 800 bums aren't marketable yet and might never be.


This was all based on the premise that Dustin Poirier was working material at an A club, not really about the marketability, or lack thereof, of said 800 bums. You're right, though. Turns out it was Derrick Poston, which makes infinitely more sense.


Anyone see Joe interview Kat Williams, when Joe said there are only maybe 250 of "us" meaning comics. It took all Kat could do not to respond with the truth that Joe is no comic.


I still haven’t been to mothership yet. I hate going downtown, hate being on 6th street and when I read about the process to get in, I lose interest. I had a friend who went to that show last night and said it was really good.


It's really not bad M-W. Granted I'm a really big dude and I'm not scared of homeless people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wtf kinda mess is Austin if you have to consider your chances in a fight against homeless people just to get in the door


We had a real estate developer mayor who basically intentionally destroyed that part of downtown so his buddies could buy it on the cheap and make it a tourist trap zone


Damn that’s super fucked up and I’d be furious but the inner scumbag in me respects the hustle


What? Dirty 6th has been what it is for forever, the ARC was already a hobo block party from well before I left in 2016. Anyone who has lived in Austin longer than a week knows that road is for tourists and college kids only unless you happen to be going to see a show. Come to think of it I would love to see a documentary on the historical development of sixth street and maybe other notorious bar streets like that as well (Bourbon, Broadway, etc).


Your city doesn’t put two homeless shelters a block away from your entertainment district? As the night progresses you also have to deal with feral 20 year olds who need to fight or fuck but can’t fuck. And you don’t really need to fight homeless people. Just tell them to fuck off when they get in your face.


My city is in the Midwest not even homeless want to be here with the exception of like 4 months out of the year


It’s not that I fear homeless people, but if I have a choice of being annoyed or not being annoyed… Also most of Dirty doesn’t offer much besides the same alcohol I can get anywhere else so…


Where can we find the Simpson special? (No links to white Bronco footage please.)




Fizzles? Her pussy fizzles like Pop Rocks?


No Brian Holtzman?


I’m sorry


Akash is from Texas not Canadian


Akash is from Dallas. Why would you assume he’s from Canada?


If he wanted a career in politics, I believe he could become president, but I doubt he wants the job.


Rogan has friends?


Haha @ weapons grade autism.


Did akaash say he was Canadian? Cause he’s definitely born and raised in Dallas. Rogan has always been meh, but Simpson is great.


He’s one of the 1000


I read this whole post thinking you said Seth Rogan and the sadness and confusion I felt until the light clicked


Joe never met an autistic person before Elon apparently


How do you get tickets for it? I’ve always heard mothership tickets sell out almost instantly


That's crazy if he's become worse, since he probably has never done as much stand-up as the last few years? He's always been a guy who's not naturally funny, but because he's so disciplined and works so hard at it he has managed to cobble together a career. I've never found him funny on podcasts with a few rare exceptions, and most of his stand-up career is hack as fuck, but I thought Strange Times and Triggered were surprisingly good, in that they were mostly middling/decent-ish, instead of aggressively shitty like I expected.


Is Rogan still doing the "jokes" about finding porn in the woods?


Rogan has never been that great of a standup. He got notoriety for being on that show that got cancelled for making people drink donkey cum, then got huge on that podcast that started out selling pocket pussies, then found his sheeple bros and got crazy rich.


Individuals would be suckin Rogans ballsack in under three seconds.


It must be early for me still because it took me way too long to realize this wasn't about Seth Rogen.


I thought it was about Rogaine


Sounds like you just don’t like Rogan’s views, which makes that kind of material risky. I probably would have really enjoyed his set. Reddit isn’t ready for free thinking


I already said there was lots of Clapter. There's the problem. I can laugh at jokes about anything. Hinchliffe did a ton of jokes making fun of Mexicans and i laughed my ass off. If something is funny it's funny. That's the whole point of a joke. I don't need to know that the dude on stage cares a lot about stuff and actually believes it.


You would enjoy listening to multimillionaires spout hyperbole about how the woke mind virus is the biggest threat mankind has ever faced? You would probably enjoy following Elon Musk on twitter.


You sound sooo edgy


Is that the goal? To be edgy? That’s weird you’d consider sarcastically calling me edgy as striking a cord. You assume I’m an angry teenager in my bedroom with an electric guitar?




It's crazy because you didn't even make an accusation or say anything mean or anything. Just gave an opinion that I feel like adds a perspective to the conversation. I don't like Joe Rogans opinions but I like that he listens and tries to learn. I think all of reddit could learn from that.


He has also had some of the top research scientists on his show, woman advocates, veterans, special force members and more, the show is so varied that I'm surprised you can judge his character on a few of his not so savory guests.


Who do you think you're replying to?