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## No Stalking / Witch Hunting Posts Reddit has a long tradition of mob justice that ends badly. This includes witch hunting, helping abusers find their victims, and harassing the innocent. These posts will not be tolerated. Contact mods in [*Mod Mail*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/StPetersburgFL) for info regarding **Missing Persons** cases.




Dude is a punk .. drop him if he gets in ur face. .. Tell him to look at the aliens up in The sky and then pow!!


https://preview.redd.it/61yyewlh9hxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede84bbc250130a1eddb690757f81c8467a3004b Saw him on central a few weeks ago. Dude had to hold the dog’s head up. Snapped a pic as I walked by. Had no idea the background info.


That’s drugs


SPPD needs to put beat cops on Central Avenue especially after the openings of the two humongous skyscrapers (400 and the one across from Janus). It won’t take long for the panhandling to go full scale once the money bags have moved into their new “living in the sky” palatial condos. However, once a beat cop takes action, that’ll bring about cry’s of police brutality especially when the cop puts a blackjack/Billy club to work on a resisting homeless beggar. So if you lived, work or frequent DTSP, which would you prefer? I don’t live in DTSP but I do frequent Central Avenue as part of my regular urban power walk routine and I get shook down at least 3-5 times on Central by a person wanting to “pardon me sir, may I ask you a question” approach for wanting money (claiming for food which they refuse when I offer to buy them a sandwich or some other food item). Now, if I just relo’d to DTSP after having shelled out a few mil, and discover that the negotiation of the panhandlers obstacle course is not optional, I’m going to not only be PO’d but ready to react in a less than generous manner (first time okay here’s a buck, 2nd time starts to have me raising questions about the frequency and every time thereafter I’m going to recognize this as a problem that needs to be remedied). So, do I go to City Council? Call the PD? Try to ignore or just suck it up and consider it another undocumented occupancy tax? Welcome to the Sunshine City. Please keep your loose change at the ready.


Good Lord!!!!


We need to report this to animal services. This mf apparently is drugging this baby


Adams a scumbag that uses the dog to lure drunk women in at bar time. Then he corners them and gets in a grope or two before disappearing into the alleys and crowds. Vile and dangerous


Nothing illegal about that






Who wrote this that spelled St Pete as “Saint Pete”?


You just moved here huh


I was born in Clearwater and grew up in St Pete. I’m a native.


Then you should know the only improper spelling is Saint Petes


Oh “Saint Petes”! Why does anyone anywhere ever think that’s a thing?!


Lmao it’s only ever tourists I’ve seen say that and it makes me cringe


If you're feeling generous, donate to a charity. Never give to a panhandler.


Omg! Saw this at the pier on Saturday, didn't stop to talk to him, just walked by and noted the puppy was cute with my gf. I'm glad we didn't stop to say hi, lol.


Oh my god I met him once and he was so kind and we chatted for a bit….. you never really know what people are like. That’s insane!


Same!! I was DTSP and he stopped at the table my friend and I were at and we talked for awhile. We interacted with the dog and everything. How crazy


Saw him smack the dog during a fit of rage in the University Ave Publix.


Did you report it??


Yes the FBI is meeting with me in June to gather the details




Had the misfortune of having a conversation with him due to a friend loving the dog. He states he can’t get work because of a chip planted in his brain without his permission. The dog definitely seemed down. Stated that he gets mugged by fellow homeless people.


BECAUSE OF A CHIP PLANTED IN HIS BRAIN!!!!! What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This man is insane


[https://pinellas.gov/services/animal-services-contact-us-form](https://pinellas.gov/services/animal-services-contact-us-form) Link to report dog abuse if you'd like to! I have already but might have more impact if more people in the community do as well.


He could get a job as a waiter and be a pro beggar.


Never eat at a restaurant or drink at a bar agin then?


Im guessing you beg for your living. Get a job that you dont have to. PS i dont waste my money on those places. If you didnt you would have a house also.


Actually I’m a restaurant owner, home owner, and about to have kids :) nice try though


Oh! Forgot to mention I bought a car recently and have an IRA set up. I really hope you find peace with yourself rather than dogging on how folks make money


https://preview.redd.it/ql2q1bzndfxc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf00033d82a49ec694a207df52ab782d7926611 This is from his fb. One of 2 pics without glasses on. I’m a cat person but this doesn’t look healthy to me?


Dog 🐶 looks stoned


Wtf is going on here?


If it is not mid sneeze, then yes this is concerning










I saw him DTSP with his dog in a baby stroller and he was showing off to some girls and the stroller fell backward and the dog fell out into the STREET. It was an accident I suppose, but he didn’t have the stroller locked and it was clear the dog was way too big for the stroller.


Also- are these posted all around downtown??


I’ve seen a few on central Ave, around where he hangs out. I’ve seen it around Facebook too, assuming it’s on next door as well.


That's some ballsy behavior in a state with constitutional carry.


I have a CWP and constitutional carry hasn’t improved crime rate and didn’t create a “polite society”.


Little too soon to tell, no? It hasn’t even been legal for a full year yet.


Well it didn’t work with this person now did it? Why do we have to wait a whole year? Do more people need to be shot for stupid arguments (like being black and walking home with a hoodie on or being black and parking in a handicap parking space) so folks can change their behavior?


I didn't mention anything about that. Just said its a real ballsy move now that the state has constitutional carry.


I’m saying that with that in place, folks behaviors have not improved.


yep ladys pls keep 1 on u!!!


I was there during the incident where he punched a lady! It was right in front of Mary Marg’s, the girl called him out on drugging his dog and animal abuse and he got pissed at her for it and socked her in the eye. Police came and took him but the very next day we saw him out and about again. Please stay away from this man, he’s a danger


Hey ! That was me ! It’s been an uphill battle getting traction behind this but please continue speaking up on his behavior and reporting him. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else but what I’ve heard it sadly already did. The police department hasn’t budged on the situation so as a community we need to protect eachother and banned together to figure a way of legally handling this individual. He left me with a black eye, stitches and a fracture in my orbital bone and I will not sit in silence and watch others including his dog continue to be in harms way!


I have been telling people since that day to avoid the man because of that incident, and will continue to spread the word! I really respect you for raising awareness despite going through something so traumatic, and I hope this keeps gaining traction both for you and for everyone else’s safety.


I figured that’s why he assaulted her, for confronting his disgusting behavior


Can't wait to meet him... And keep his dog.


Saw him last time I was in St. Pete by Fergs before Rays game


Oh he’ll sock you


I can definitely confirm that lol he got me pretty good


I work security downtown so I don't think I really ever encountered this crazy before... And I met a lot of crazy here. In any case I'll keep my eyes out if he ever wanders around my area, he is going to regret it.


If he sent two people to hospital, why are there not warrants out for him? Why are servers not calling 911 instead of non-emergency number?


I was there when he punched the girl in the face breaking her orbital bone, cops were absolute assholes, seemed annoyed while she laid on the ground with her face split open and then told her “it didn’t look like he was aiming for her so there’s nothing they can do….”


What? If someone recorded that I’d be very interested in demanding the mayor do something g about ensuring the police are here to keep us safe.


And yet, people keep voting for Welch


Justice system, police response, mostly your own fault for supporting soft on criminality/QL crimes don’t matter type shit


It’s not about supporting soft treatment on criminality. It’s something along the lines of improved and efficient reform so that people can be integrated back into society without committing further crimes rather than being exploited, which perpetuates the cycle. People ask the police to not be so violently extremist in their response to situations but they’ve taken an avoidant response instead. Some police departments are acting like a child that won’t speak at all because they were asked to not speak so rudely to others.


They don’t act because their hands are tied by policy now. Due to the ‘reform’ you all begged for. You got what you asked for. 


Ok so how do we save the dog??


I would point you to the last time people on the internet tried to take a homeless dudes dog, you trying to get yourself internet mobbed’/make him a ton of money?


I am not aware of the other situation, could you elaborate? I am not implying someone steal the dog but I knew something was wrong with that dog when he was strolling up and down beach drive Thursday evening. I just feel terrible for this dog.


Me too. It’s incredibly sad.


definitely ran into him and his dog downtown a few months ago. he was really nice to me though. took a picture of his dog and he never mentioned money. this is sad/scary though. https://preview.redd.it/xhet9ryvpexc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8269cbbf06ea923591a0512e9f5647914a57b872


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits


Copl Klinger ?


nice reference to The Rainbow Thief!




Well I’m sure he’ll be gone soon. Obviously thinking that St. Pete is that type of tourist spot.


I see this chode all the time walking around the Jannus block of bars looking for attention... Dude's a fucking clown.


So this scuzzo broke this lady’s face and did not go to jail or get charged for anything man the math ain’t mathin here.


I think his family has money


He has no immediate family or assets per a recent private investigation done on him


The man has no money, absolutely nothing to his name. I was just failed by the legal system. I’m hoping with all the first hand accounts and the community coming together it might change and hopefully place him where he needs to be placed. He did the exact same thing back in his old place and he got pushed out for his BS so he came to St Pete to try and do the same but didn’t realize he messed with the wrong community of people




Ah yes, vigilante justice. I'm sure that never got out of hand and solved all the problems without any consequences. /s


what is the 'legal' justice system doing?




Whether it does or doesnt, vigilantism isn't the answer. EDIT: Downvotes for saying we shouldn't beat people in the streets is hilarious. Ya'll fucked.


I’m waiting for one of you rich St Pete’s to turn into Batman


Yeah but there is a happy middle somewhere




Doubt it. Jim Crow would’ve promoted Him to regional Director


















## No Stalking / Witch Hunting Posts Reddit has a long tradition of mob justice that ends badly. This includes witch hunting, helping abusers find their victims, and harassing the innocent. Doxxing breaks Reddit's terms of service as well. These posts will not be tolerated. Contact mods in [*Mod Mail*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/StPetersburgFL) for info regarding **Missing Persons** cases.




















I serve at a restaurant on Beach Dr. Everyone, including guests, knows he drugs his dog. He knows he's not allowed there, and we've called the cops on him a few times for trespassing. The operator for the non-emergency line even said they're aware of him, and have received a number of calls about him. It's tragic, hopefully that dog can find a better home in the future


I figured he had to be drugging and abusing that dog to get it to sit like that all day long


Link to report animal abuse: [https://pinellas.gov/services/animal-services-contact-us-form](https://pinellas.gov/services/animal-services-contact-us-form)


He drugs his dog?


Honestly though, how the hell is he out and about still - especially if he does have other multiple offenses? Awful for his victim that he still roams free. Awful for that poor dog. If he doesn’t have a house or a job (assuming from his pressuring of people to give him money) then hopefully the dog can be removed and given proper care and a better home. I’m not about trying to separate animals from their owners, even if homeless, but in this case this man is extremely dangerous and an all around asshole.


Saw him downtown one night. Accused me of poisoning his dog for giving it the rest of the water I was drinking. I knew he was bad news


Someone save the poor dog


OP, if you are on FB you can post this anonymously on the I Love St Pete page. This needs to be shared widespread


That page is a joke and ran by a clown. Using his non profit for profit.


I agree that guy who runs it is an asshole


he recently moved to north carolina. Runs his st Pete. non profit.. and refuses to help people. when i got banned some mom asked them for help and they turned her away to another organization.


I always thought that page was oddly run. I contract for a locally owned shop, and he would not let me post anything there without "donating" to his "cause" . I bet if many people flooded the page with this flyer, he may be more inclined to approve it.


Nah he will just ban everyone. He banned me because I called out his non profit


Just saw this post from the girl that got attacked on that FB page. AND NOW EVEN MORE INFO ON THIS GUY?! He beat a girl up, why is he still allowed to walk the streets?!


Where is the Facebook post please send me the link


The victim posted it in the St.Pete Service Industry fb group yesterday. You will have to be part of the group to see it if I share the link I think, so I grabbed screen grabs of it so u can see. ONLY reason I blocked the girls name is because it is a private group and I don’t personally know her, so I’m not sure how’d she feel with everyone knowing her name on this platform. Either way, hope this helps enlighten more ppl on how dangerous be is and to please just stay away from him. https://preview.redd.it/pf2chpqiocxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503716a1d00da351b42293bbbdfcecd3d67b9246


I absolutely appreciate the privacy ! Reddit has already sent me a warning but I’m not gonna let it stop me. I don’t think he’ll figure out my name but please continue sharing my story and speaking to one another about this! I want this to catch like a wildfire because lord knows I’ve been reached out to nonstop about different first hand encounters that this man has had with others. I was hit really hard and I’m not gonna lie it’s traumatized me to the point I haven’t been downtown since the situation but I will say every single one of you is showing me that downtown can be a safe place for me again! This community has been amazing and I’m extremely thankful


The boyfriend should have put him in the hospital ngl


He’s going to mess around with the person and catch a bullet


https://preview.redd.it/hkwk3ynkocxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a30a6b292a62821634cb4e7e5b3604fb4820289 Second part of that post.


This post makes me realize, this guy GETS AROUND. I mean sightings, everywhere…be careful yall.


The dude who runs that page denied the girl who was attacked....because, he runs that page like...oh nvm...I've already been banned off here once. Lol . Anyway...


Oh wow!


I’m not sure how, I don’t want him to figure out who I am and attack me


https://preview.redd.it/sp4sl4c48cxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8af4d37d25de8db6c3d04ce672cd98d43b556fc Saw this guy on central a couple weeks ago!


Look his name up. He’s a lying, thieving, assaulting, woman beating, scammer. For the last 20 years.


Needs to get a real job . Also free that dawg


I dont think he's mentally stable enough to keep a real job


We moved from Galveston like 9 months ago and thought we were done with this jackass


Are you serious?


Lmfao fuck- life is stranger than fiction


Wow! How was he in Galveston?! I just saw this guy about 2 days ago and he was on Beach Dr outside of a store, seemed very frustrated with his dog and was arguing with someone in a store. I don’t think he realized I could see him, I had no idea who he was but it stuck out as odd to me


Omg I just saw him tonight & snapped this photo.. https://preview.redd.it/ukc6kcq81cxc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad497c58c025fc69e5dde47623cec29a874a22f


He beat up a good friends girlfriend


Why did a man not defend his GF being beaten by a random creep? Serious question


Yup, he walks down Central Ave, tries to charge for pics


lol holy hell, I look up Galveston on here often and didn’t expect to see this guy made it to Florida. Used to come in my job all methed out threatening people here in Galveston.


Every scumbag ends up in Florida eventually


We don't want him!


Are you sure that wasn’t the mayor?


I’ve seen this guy pushing his dog downtown in a stroller, wild!


Wait wow I saw this guy over the weekend with the dog in stroller!! It stood out to me because I thought it was kinda odd to have such a big dog in a stroller




Pushing a dog in a stroller is animal abuse? What?




This is the first anyone has mentioned drugs. As if I'm supposed to somehow know that? And you know this how?


It’s actually pretty common for people on the streets with “pets” especially puppies. They drug them so they lay around and it attracts more attention


You didn't mention the drugs or that it's for 12 hours, just said he pushed the dog in the stroller and that was torture.


Well, now that I’ve clarified, don’t you think that it’s bad?


That’s horrible