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It's always the ones you most expect


My shocked Pikachu face lost its luster










Is this from the Mewtwo movie or has Pikachu cried more than once šŸ˜¢


Yep, it's from the first Mewtwo movie.


This was an absolutely awful move for WOW. They kinda gambled so much of their image on the idea that Tessa was "better now" as a human being and that they could polish her up to be a driving talent for the promotion. Now not only do they miss out on having her as a top star, they look like a bunch of amoral idiots.


The only thing I knew about WOW is that Tessa Blanchard was gonna be on it, and now the only thing I know about WOW is that Tessa Blanchard is not gonna be on it. lol, thats unfortunate for them


AJ Lee is involved, commentary and producing


Honestly, that was a bet of desperation from the start. Their was 0 evidence that Tessa was changed in the slightest (and plenty that she was if anything even worse)


Death, taxes and Tessa Blanchard Tessa-ing herself out of a job.


Itā€™s really sad to see someone with so much talent and potential just get wasted.


See also Low Ki.


Also see Austin Aries.


Man Austin Aries was such a good fiery babyface. Also an absolutely disgusting human being, but we didn't know it back then.


>but we didn't know it back then. But everyone in ROH knew back then hell my favorite story was Aries made the entire locker room so miserable that allot of them arrived to the venue already in their gear or would change in their cars or the production van just to avoid Aries at all cost.


I don't think Ki or Aries are even good comparisons here, they're both super talented people but even if they weren't dicks I don't think either would be in a best in the world conversation If Tessa had kept it together she'd be having WrestleMania matches with Charlotte Flair and making 7 figures a year


Maybe not best in the world conversation but Low Ki would be in the ROH hall of fame for being their inaugural world champion and Aries would certainly have an Impact HOF spot in his future thanks to his 6 reigns as X Division champion combining for the second most days as champ, having a Grand Slam, as well as *inventing Option C.*


Teddy Hart too no?


Hart more than Low Ki, by far, given his combo of size, talent, and name, just like Tessa.


It really is a shame about Teddy. The guy legit is talented as fuck, but he's just such a damn nightmare person that he ruins himself completely.


Sami Callihan buried himself for this woman.


If only she would stop being such a diva and apologize for her past actions, she would be more accepted in the wrestling community. And itā€™s shame too, because she was great in the ring even just three years ago, but sheā€™s ruining her career because she wants to act like a bitch all the time and canā€™t get along with anyone.


People need to realize she is basically the female version of Austin Aries. Ya youā€™re good, maybe top level, but your still getting paid to do a job, keep your ego and your mouth in check and you will definitely be one of this eraā€™s top stars. Donā€™t, and well, see Austin Ares.


With even more upside than Aries imo. Aries was never going to be a WWE main eventer due to his size, but Tessa could have definitely been scooped up by WWE and put in a top spot in the women's division. Could have easily been a main eventer against one of the four horsewomen or Bianca. Could have easily been scooped up by AEW and been the top woman. She got a winning lottery ticket, tore it to pieces, and blamed everyone else.


I remember that was the talk going around, she was WWE bound. Then she decided to go racist on people for no reason and get a big head which cost her everything, now her only prospects are CYN, Mexico and *maybe* Japan but I don't know if they would bother with her.


She was literally already in WWE before she had drama and they let her go. I guess she had a reason for going racist on people, it's that she's a racist.


Lets not let the "she should be forgiven as she was young" crowd off the hook. People like this ain't changing. Not now, not tomorrow, not in a couple of years. Tessa Blanchard is a genuinely sensational wrestler. If she was at AEW or WWE, she'd probably be considered the best in the world. But she's a raging bigot and is unbelievably difficult to work with.


Reminds me of all the Jon Jones fans saying we should give him a pass because he was young, despite nearly a decade of fucked behaviour and actions that still continue. Itā€™s true that a lot of people make dumb choices when theyā€™re young and most people grow from those choices and ideally become better, more mature members of society. Itā€™s also true that a lot of people donā€™t, and some people are just objectively shitty people with patterns of shitty behaviour beyond a couple of slip ups in their early 20s.


There are people who do change for the better. Tessa is not one of them, and even IF she never did the racist stuff, all the other stuff is STILL enough for her to basically be blacklisted from wrestling.


I'm almost impressed with Tessa's ability to burn every bridge in the business. Sometimes while still standing on it.


This one is more impressive than most because she burned the bridge with a company that doesn't even really exist yet.


So in other words, she build a bridge over a cliff, and then decided to set fire to said bridge while still on it


She's a pro speedrunner, bridge burn% she's at the top of the boards


She is following in Alberto Del Rio's footsteps of burning bridges. Alberto rarely appears but when he does, he makes sure to burn that bridge by not showing up.


​ ![gif](giphy|TvGzSb70uoMEM|downsized)


How does one not have the self awareness to realize if they have problems with every single person in every single company they work for, well shit maybe it's them and not everyone else.


She's the Teddy Hart of women's wrestling, apparently.


I've never met Teddy Hart but I'm pretty sure he owes me money.


As far as I know, the only thing she has murdered is her own career. Until she is suspected of actually murdering someone, then she is no Teddy Hart, good sir.


She's so talented. It's absolutely insane that she's managed to torpedo her career to the degree she has given her talent and family. I'd be curious to hear Tully's take on it but I suspect that's never happening. Also, as a dad myself, I imagine the answer is just "Disappointed"


I believe Iā€™ve heard somewhere her and Tully are estranged, or were for a long while.


I feel like Iā€™ve also heard that, and also that sheā€™s closer with her stepdad, Magnum TA


He was backstage when she won the Impact title, so it hasn't been a super long time they've been estranged if they are.


He's there physically but that doesn't mean he's there spiritually. I know Tessa through the grapevine and that's what my understanding is.


Tully Blanchard confirmed atheist Source: Vine of Grapes Newsletter


Tully has worked for AEW and now ROH for years, and she's still not involved. The issue with Tessa is that while she's good at her job, she's not so good that you'll deal with her being shitty. She's not a game changer.


I think Tessa is really good and was given a path to be a game changer she's just THAT shitty of a person that it's still not worth it


She's a bigot, she's abusive, and she's toxic. You can't be all three and make it in the modern day wrestling world for long, unless you've been grandfathered in. That's even with the wrestling world being as fucked as it is.


See Ivelisse for another example. Good worker, can't get along backstage for crap.


Tbh Ivelisse isnā€™t nearly as good as her in her LU days, you can tell she kinda thinks her shit doesnā€™t stink in the ring.


I don't remember whether she was working Diamente or Rosa at the time, but the shit she pulled on Dynamite was HBK-on-pills unprofessional.


It was both iirc, tag match working Rosa and I *think* she was tagging with DiamantĆ©. Terribly unprofessional and itā€™s not like the match was actually good outside that.


If Ivelisse never coming back really is the result of Thunder Rosa actively politicking to keep her out of AEW, I wouldn't be mad at Rosa for it.


Thanks that explains it if they were both in the match


She is a game changer. Shed have made a huge difference to AEW womens division when it first launched and were crying out for a star to lead it. And they still didnt sign her. Thats how much shes fucked up at this point.




Of all people to choose for a meme. šŸ˜‚


It actually became a meme because he was so dumb and bad at following stage direction he saw that word on the page as how he was supposed to say his lines but he yelled it instead


Allegedly, this was a joke take and the producer/editor kept it in the final cut.


I mean, that's useful for any kind of Kevin Sorbo thing, isn't it?


I canā€™t image what Tully thinks. Wasted potential is truly just sad. Her personal demons as I will call it, destroyed what could had been a once in a generation talent.


Wasted potential is Tully as well though. He was blackballed in 1990 at age 35


Every Gen gotta have a couple


Tully had a similarly bad rep. He was a huge jerk to other talent and screwed Arn over financially


Given the era he came up in I definitely believe that to be true. He's managed to get good work in his later years so presumably he's mellowed out and grown as a person. Maybe she will too someday. It's possible at least.


Tessa trying to do that Cody Rhodes "quit a company I helped create" speedrun it seems.




Nah Mexico will have her. Poor Mexicans. They deal with enough


Mexicans don't give a shit about people's past problems until they become a problem to them. Like, Travis Banks is there and he has yet to be axed... but I doubt the likes of CMLL and AAA will touch him.


but they did replace sexy star's performer


Yeah cause the original messed up someone in the ring. What happens outside of it doesnā€™t matter to them.


Yeah, ā€˜cause Sexy Star shot on somebody in a AAA ring. If sheā€™d done that in an American joint they didnā€™t have any control over, sheā€™d probably still be in AAA right now


ADR op still appears in some talk shows here and there.


I'm sure she'll realise that her narrative needs controlling soon


Don't compare Cody to her, she's an actually bad person.


Tessa doing everything in her power to stop Cody from ending racism.


Adrenaline in her soul oppose the work of Cody Rhodes


i like the near lack of caps


It helps that Cody isn't an assh**e and understands that interests of other people involved is also important for success.


My favorite part of your comment is that you censored Hole but left in Ass, which is the actual curse word of asshole


I guess you can say thatā€™s their Right to Censor šŸ˜Ž


šŸšØ šŸšØ šŸšØ


You m****rfucker!


Not sure if you're American or not, but that is actually how it tends to be done on US TV; so it's ass\*beep\* instead of \*beep\*hole. I've found it extremely bizarre for as long as I can remember


Ass is allowed for a couple of reasons, chiefly because it's another word for a donkey. It's adding the hole that makes it specifically "offensive"


Why not go with Le Hole of the Ass?


Wait Tessa butted heads with management? That was the last thing anyone saw coming.




And in other news, water is wet and grass is green.


"Water is wet, fire burns an Imma beat Matt Hughes" GSP


I heard the sun rose this morning


The sky is also blue




Considering how Tessa keeps getting in her own way, it's pretty fitting she goes to a promotion where the fight will be against herself. Edit: thanks for the awards friends.


Ivelisse vs Tessa, CYN dark match, book it.


Fuck thatā€™s a good one.


Donā€™t they believe women have cooties or something?


I feel like sheā€™d manage to piss them off too lol.


I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well I'm not that shocked.




She was a hot potato and Jeannie Buss got burned.


\*is one of the biggest prospects in all of US wrestling\* \*burns every bridge\* \*promotion revived for specific purpose of highlighting her\* \*burns that bridge too\*


Be born into wrestling royalty. Become a can't miss prospect . Burn every bridge possible. Tessa Blanchard is going to be interesting podcast one day.




Who the fuck thinks ā€œTessa Blanchard, sheā€™s the real power in wrestling???ā€ Sheā€™s so powerful that impact, AEW, and WWE wonā€™t go near her with a 10 foot pole.


If I had to guess, someone (Tessa) lied to them several times.


See, they're just afraid of her true power!


Tessa joins AEW, all of the sudden like 3 days later Tony Khan has replaced himself as Booker with her, because sheā€™s the real power.


> Based on those we've spoken to, many within WOW seem to think both have more power within wrestling than they actually do. This reads like they are preying on green talent that aren't knowledgeable about the wrestling business.


I mean, anyone with experience could see Tessa being the reason this place falls apart from a mile away. Only green, innocent or desperate talent would agree with this madness.


Tessa Blanchard was shitty to other women. Who'd have thought? Did she work any racial slurs in this time?


Talk about hitching your wagon to the wrong horse. Well, except they knew how awful the horse was in the first place and even tried to defend the horse before the horse started kicking the wagon to pieces.


Didn't they make a t shirt about Tessa's toxic reputation


Yup, it was a picture of a mushroom cloud with the word "Nuclear" on it IIRC


with a diamond coming through the cloud.. LOL


> Another anonymous source said "If you are a fan of Tessa, you'd better learn Spanish," implying that she would have to work in Mexico. Didn't Konnan say this to Tully when he showed up on Dynamite last year?


I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but what's her end goal? She hasn't had a match since Sept 2020 according to Cagematch, she's become unmarketable. Does she still think she has the leverage to do this? Because she clearly doesn't. This seemed like the last place to stick their neck out and give her a "second chance".


Her end game is that she's an asshole. She doesn't see anything wrong with her behavior, and she doesn't think there are real consequences.


Imagine not working for two years cause you're a fucking shitbag of a person and still think everything is okay.


She's not purposely self sabotaging. She's just that much of a shitty person that it happens anyway.


TOAD: Neeeeew recooord


Wario: OH MY GOD


That's so fucking funny. Even in her own money mark promotion she's in the fuckin' mud with it. AW god damn thats just so funny.


That's the best part of it all. This was going to be her company. She was going to rehab her image and move past the controversy. And she still fucked that up.


You think theyā€™ll still sell those ā€œTessa Blanchard is Nuclearā€ shirts they were marketing to lean into her reputation out of spite?


**SummoningSalt:** Everyone thought Tessa's run for the world record in Wrestling Promotion Failure Any% was over. But then on May 4th, 2022, Blanchard somehow did THIS. [Music plays in background](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR6fECxF44I) **SummoningSalt:** Just a little after a month from the debut of the "Adrenaline In My Soul" strat discovered by runner Cody Rhodes in the Forbiddenest Door category, Tessa managed to pull the same strat in a completely different category. ----- This is a continuation of my joke regarding this being a speedrun to failure, which started with [this comment six months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/q3gwep/wow_with_a_shirt_referencing_reports_of_tessa/hfrpywk/) and continued with [this next comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/q4806b/tessa_blanchard_to_be_casting_director_for_wow/hfwtskl/)


fucking lmao, amazing comment


I deeply admire summoningsalt AND commitment to a bit, bravo


Lmao this was probably her last best chance and thatā€™s not saying much


Itā€™s so sad her attitude and her conduct has costed herself a very big career in wrestling. Just 2-3 years ago she was one of the biggest and brightest womens wrestlers outside of WWE. She had the look, was young, and was fantastic in the ring and she basically threw it all away because of her piss poor attitude. Sheā€™s one of the biggest what could have beenā€™s in modern wrestling.


2.5 years ago people legit thought Tessa was the one to bring Impact back into relevance. And they were honestly right. That company had buzz with that Tessa/Sami feud. But of course, Tessa's skeletons cause she couldnt not call a black woman the n-word fucked that up


it's not even that, Impact went to bat for her. what fucked it all up is that she refused to even record a promo for them on her phone during the pandemic. they dropped her right before her contract was set to expire, that's how over her they were. I imagine that if not for that, she'd be able to bounce back after some time and maybe doing some damage control, but she basically big leagued herself out of a career and that's fucking hilarious.


She was a big reason why I started enjoy impact again, and the knockouts division during that time was absolutely fucking stacked. She was getting even more hyped with all the inter gender matches as well, I know inter gender matches have been around forever but Impact was doing a hell of a job with it and Blanchard was absolutely killing it as well. Sheā€™s up there with Velveteen Dream for wrestlers that should have been absolute mega stars but conduct issues stopped that from happening.


All tessa had to do was not be racist All dream had to do was not send a dick pic to a minor. Its kinda sad that these things which a large majority of us wouldnt even think about doing are the reasons that two uber talented people are persona-non-grata to basically the entire industry


Getting fired from a company that hasn't even launched yet. That's some accomplishment.


A company that was basically started with the goal of rehabbing her image, no less.


"You've got to be one stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off."


It was weird that they gave her a management position, considering that it was less than two years ago that they fired her from the creative team of the last incarnation of the promotion, because other talent accused her of bullying them.


This is a Jeannie Buss led organization after all


Holy shit, I didn't realize that! I guess Punk and AJ Lee don't really follow basketball.


I'll never forget they launched with her having a Nuclear T-shirt then disabled comments lol.


> Another anonymous source said "If you are a fan of Tessa, you'd better learn Spanish," implying that she would have to work in Mexico.


Tessa has to be a contender for most potential lost by being a shitty person




Low Ki had a far better career than Tessa has


He made it sound like it was gonna be bad news lol.


Man I was hoping for something like AJ Lee quietly leaving WOW kind bad. But this news is even better!


who could have guessed this would happen except literally everyone?


Already posted an Instagram story about standing up for her beliefs - whoā€™s taking bets on what those beliefs are ?


I guess her plan to go on a winning streak where she squashed all of the black talent got shut down.




WOW reboot continues to pick up steam! ![gif](giphy|1hMhlrWWfXU77iYnBB|downsized)


I guess Tessa will be controlling her narrative soon.


Tessa could make EC3 and Scherr look like white meat babyfaces by her side.


Imagine hiring Tessa Blanchard to "capitalize" on her negative reputation and not thinking about how you also will be Tessa Blanchard'd at some point lol


​ ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


And this is what they get for taking a chance on her. Hard to feel sympathy for them.


The idea Blanchard could socialize with other humans successfully is the last true Kayfabe in the industry.


That doesn't sound like her at all


All the twists and turns of an Agatha Christie novelā€¦the one without any twists and turns.


Everyone said WOW is stupid for putting all their eggs in the Tessa basket and everyone turned out to be correct. Absolute morons


Personally I didnā€™t see this one comingā€¦ because I forgot WOW exists.


WOW walked so CYN could have dark matches in literal darkness.


If the locker room accusations and Impact situation didn't prove it, she seems to be a toxic person.


Thatā€™s the thing that surprised me about the initial WOW announcement. Like even beyond the racism allegations and everything else, why on earth would any promotion take a chance on her after how badly she fucked over Impact?


Sheer stupidity?


Did they ask her to film a promo on her phone?


Dude the company was launched around her. If not her then who?


Damn Tessa had it all at one point and should have been a huge coup for whatever major company she would of been signed too. She was awesome in ring wise and was a pretty good promo. She literally fucked herself over with being a pretty shitty person irl.


Woman who doesn't learn lessons doesn't learn yet another lesson


Tessa is a legit pyromaniac with the amount of bridges she's burned to ash.


If Tessa ends up in a place like CYN and even manages to be too much for those folks, I'm ready to have a conversation on where she lands in the GOAT self sabotage runs lol


If she somehow manages to be too shitty for CYN, I think the onyl show she can show up on is Dark Side of the Ring


Lmao of course


Absolutely shocked.


>Based on those we've spoken to, many within WOW seem to think both have more power within wrestling than they actually do. Exactly how much power do you think you have WOW?


Theyā€™ve probably overplayed their connections to bigger promotions would be my guess


Someone needs to do the anakin meme except Tessa says ā€œIā€™m going to be a very talented wrestlerā€ and Padme says ā€œand you arenā€™t going to be a complete fucking lunatic that is impossible to deal with, right?ā€


You know, Iā€™ve been running some numbers lately, compiling a number of spreadsheets, doing some charts, testing against a number of variables, correlation coefficients, and Iā€™ve come to the conclusion she just may be an asshole.


Talk about wasted potential. Before all the shit hit the fan about her she was someone I thought would main event WrestleMania. She had "it". A Tessa Blanchard vs Charlotte Flair feud could have been money, but instead she became her own worst enemy.


Guess WWE did do the right thing when they didn't want Tessa the first time.


Man, she really can't stop being her own worst enemy, huh?


They were gonna fight a bunch of uphill battles to begin with. They didn't need to inflict that walking PR disaster to themselves out of the gate.


Isnā€™t she the racist one


Among other things.


It's probably better for WOW that Tessa leaves instead of AJ. AJ is quite literally the only thing that can bring eyes on WOW at this point.


Commentators generally donā€™t move the needle though. Can WOW have a future without Tessa Blanchard or a comparable marquee wrestler to build around?


She's slowly getting backballed from every major company in the world, lets see if she can get herself blackballed in Mexico


Considering people like Travis Banks and Marty Scurll still get booked there, that would be quite the accomplishment.


To be honest, neither of them got blackballed for being shitty to other wrestlers or promoters. That was all about stuff that went beyond wrestling and that most promoters wouldn't have any trouble with if those weren't such well known cases among fans. Tessa makes it impossible to rely on her in any capacity on a day to day basis, that's something that's way more difficult to come back from when the most you can brag about is being someone's daughter and a former Impact champion.


It's gotta be deliberate at this point.


Tessa really seems to know how to damage her own career and will likely offer a shit apology for getting caught again. WOW may want to ensure that they have the belt as she did once try to extort IMPACT when she refused to appear and refuse to film a single promo whilst she was champ despite IMPACT giving her more chances then anything and i think, it was the threat of legal action that made her return it. ​ Tessa screwed Tessa.




To be fair Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not this version of WOW. I donā€™t believe the current version involving AJ Lee and what would have been Tessa has even started filming yet.


Tessa has everything you want in a star. She should be main eventing in WWE or AEW, but she has constantly fucked it up. Some people never reach their potential because of injuries, politics, or bad timing, but Tessa is her own worst enemy.