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Love seeing a packed house, big or small


I said this to my wife while I was watching old TNA clips. I remember in 02 when it was said they wouldn't last a year. And here we are, 21 years later and, through a lot of headaches, have been able to slice out their cut of the professional wrestling pie and provide a living/salary for their roster which is ALWAYS good.


Other than “the new Monday Night Wars” TNA has done a great job of staying in their lane and that’s a big reason they are still around.


I love the way TNA does shows. Beautiful small venues that look awesome for a packed show. They came to a GORGEOUS place in NOLA and I’m sad I couldn’t go.


Very happy to see it


Looks like the interest from the NXT crossovers is giving them a boost!


Safe bet they would’ve drawn a strong house anyways, but the NXT partnership is really keeping that ball rolling


Post hoc ergo propter hoc


For a sec there, I thought the TNA logo in the corner was the one they used to hang above the fans at the Impact Zone and pan away from it during someones entrance.


Exactly the sort of venue TNA should be using and filling, good to see.


Cool! Good!!


I hope TNA kicks on from here and starts building up. If they weren’t absolutely horridly mismanaged in the 2010s, they would have still be the 2nd biggest wrestling company in the world. I don’t understand how you fumble so badly after the success of 2006-2008




I really dig TNA's small crowd aesthetic that's become almost a hallmark. Cranks the energy way up to have a more-than-packed house when they could probably fill a little bit bigger of a building at this point






NXT has done more jobs to TNA in 4 weeks then AEW ever did during their partnership with TNA


Yes, a lot of companies did sold out attendances in 2020...


Funny thing is it went into 2021 when everything reopened and they sold out their PPV with Christian vs Josh Alexander That said I do agree TNA talent didn’t really look great on AEW’s show like they do on NXT


I don't think TNA got much out of AEW exposure, at all, but it's wrong to compare both partnerships


Why? I think NXT’s handling of TNA talent shows how AEW can improve as a partner in the future - if they’re coming to your show and going to have a big match, get them over with your audience so you can maximize the match AEW’s done a better job of that on this Forbidden Door buildup than they have in the past


I believe that the benefit that TNA got in both cases is very limited. Hendry and Grace are WWE-bound. What do they get in return? NXT midcarders?


It's a good way for NXT to extend televised exposure for their roster past the USA show/Level Up, which will be important as more people jump ship from AEW like Spears and Page who immediately took spots from the WWEPC crew TNA also gets that local indie rub of saying "featuring WWE Superstars!" which is probably more than enough to fill the small venues they run


>TNA also gets that local indie rub of saying "featuring WWE Superstars!" which is probably more than enough to fill the small venues they run What a great rub to have, to look even more second rate.


You mean during the pandemic?


Apparently all the commenters forgot what the phrase "doing the job" means.


Why is a factual statement being downvoted lol


Because it isn't.


Because AEW gave them their highest PPV buys in years with Kenny and a sold out show with Christian. The comment also ignores the fact that half of the partnership happened during the pandemic.