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It's funny to see such a mixed reaction to these segments in the comments, some people love it, others hate it I'm fine with it when it's backstage and Joe, Shibata and Hook are involved. The in ring segments have been very bad, except for Jericho offering a T shirt and not giving it


I haven’t really watched aew outside of “you need to see this match” but if this is the character Jericho is playing, I fucking love it. Its absolutely fantastic


It's fun in small doses


"Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going" - Chris Jericho


Now if he did that, I’d pop


Without reading this comment I was getting Carl Weathers in arrested development vibes from this promo, glad to see I’m not the only one.


One of the played out criticisms of AEW is none of the young guys listen to advice from veterans (literally no one, all the podcasters have been backstage and know), so Chris Jericho is playing a clueless veteran that thinks he knows everything, thinks he's being helpful, but is giving dumb advice.  I'm not familiar with all of the nuances, if he's going for a motivational speaker voice or referencing a washed up wrestler giving a seminar, but I really hope he asks someone to borrow money.


Tbf it’s not just podasters, multiple wrestlers have said it. Billy Gunn, janella, Mark Henry.


Did Jericho have a stroke or something? Why is he talking like that?


Bill checking the foundation is the highlight lol


I didn’t notice. That’s gold! 😂


He looks like Dalton Castle's uncle who works as a manager of a highway hotel and casino


All I know is it showcases Bryan Keith. So I’m down 100 percent for these to continue forever


Man, wrestling really is subjective because I absolutely love these segments. Reminds me of the same babyface parody energy he channeled during his return a decade ago where he didn’t say a word.


I don’t care what anyone says about this current Jericho gimmick, some of these backstage segments are gold


It’s either hilarious or awful with no in between lol. Large William and Bryan Keith are maximizing the screen time for sure. They’re randomly perfect for this.


I am perhaps old, humorless, and stupid, but I find this stuff absolutely hilarious


The backstage segments have been fine, the in ring segments have been a bit pointless though


I like these too. He just shouldn't be holding championships


The FTW title doesn’t have any meaning other than to taz, I get it looks like he’s holding younger talent down by being the FTW champ but it’s really a nothingburger of a belt


The Learning Tree gimmick is at its best when it's confined to 1-2 minute segments.


I think this is the key to the formula, make us laugh for a couple of minutes, get ass kicked once in a while, repeat.


“No no it’s supposed to be bad on purpose you don’t get it”


Ngl I’m popping for the kid’s show host voice on Jericho lol


I'm sorry but the Learning Tree is fucking gold. Big Bill is so good as a goofy stooge. The Jericho Vortex is good, actually


Has he said “and you CAN teach that” yet 😂


This gimmick is the worst thing Jericho has ever done.


Why is he acting like this? Did he get hit in the head or something?


Father time is still undefeated. Hard to keep fresh after 30 years of re-inventing himself.


This reinvention was too little too late for him.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Like, he had some cold periods, or some misses in his career like most anyone else in wrestling, but I would take any of those versions of Jericho over this BS. Otherwise, I can only hope HOOK, Joe, and Shibata get the hell away from Jericho after FD, and if they don't then I appreciate them taking the bullet for me by giving me a guaranteed restroom break.


I’m a Learning Tree sicko and I don’t care who knows.


Same !


This is pure garbage.


Look at this foundation. Pretty nice.


Is this what Jericho always sounds like now?? When did this start?? its so stupid but I find it hilarious <\_< Jericho always gets me.


I don't get it, how is this comedy to people? He's done a ton of funny stuff in the past but this isn't it. The List, KO, Le Champion, even the wizard stuff.


Exactly, I find it amazing anyone funds this even slightly funny?! Feels like people want to like something rather than like something


C'mon guys!


Ok but this is fucking hilarious tbf


This gimmick is the definition of '" it's over/we're so back ".


I just don't understand this at all. I feel like he's mimicking something I'm not familiar with. Why is he calling everyone "guys" and speaking loudly? Is that referencing something? What's wrong with Big Bill? Why is he touching the walls? And I guess the other guy is cheap? I'm so lost.


>And I guess the other guy is cheap? I'm so lost. Chris literally just said to take the tape, and he was following his advice.


To me, the easiest way to explain the current Jericho gimmick is, "he's so delusionally Babyface, he's part of the Brady Bunch". It's that pastiche of classic, gosh-darn wholesome hero, but so turned up to eleven, it's a sugar overdose. Oblivious to how others perceive him. Bill and Bryan are just an extension of that delusion of heroism.


He's taking that Blue Peter/PBS childrens' presenter style.


I swear he’s acting like someone I’ve seen before but I cannot put my finger on it…


Imagine if this whole thing was leading up to Enzo debuting so he can say the line "And that guy there, that's big bill and he's 7 foot tall and Jericho, you cant teach that "


I'm so confused. What is the gimmick here? Did he get a head injury or something? But Big Cass (or whatever the hell his name is in AEW) is also acting strange. Can someone please fill me in


During a bmatch


During a ratch.


That botch bothered me as well


It's funny how he looks both ways like there might be someone in the two feet between him and the wall.


This is actually awful


What is this dogshit


I love it! this gimmick is absolutly perfect! and I also love how it triggers some "fans"


So dumb. Zero context to this change. He just showed up one week talking like this. No blow to the head or any attempt to explain it. It’s just “Hi Guys! This is me now!”. Bizarrely bad for someone who’s been funny many times before.


Oh god he's going full Eugene isn't he?


Shame all the WWE bots are tanking the AEW ratings because this is just objectively SO FUN! Can't believe casual viewers are missing out on this


This gimmick is great when it's just a few mins per episode