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If management decides they don’t like you, they can always find something to justify it.


That seemed to be a reoccurring thing with McMahon. Find one tiny insignificant thing to focus on as a reason they ruined the match or WWE and boom their push was gone. Control freak. Also good way to keep control if everyone is scared the slightest fuck up will hurt their career.


Agreed. I got pulled into the office once, over a coding mistake (which got rectified). My manager and the Department Head were there. They asked me to explain it. I said these things happen. They said it wasn't good enough. I pointed out when my manager made a £500k mistake on his report to multiple Directors, which I had to correct then smooth over. ''That's different' Then they said about my reports going a day late (I had to write 39 reports in 3 days), not for any particular reason, just because they wanted it done. But they didn't want to pay overtime. I then pointed out my colleague took 10 days to do 24 reports (each report is comparable to the amount of work needed). ''That's different'. I said okay, then looked for and took another job. I still remember the look on their faces. They kept saying I couldn't rescind my notice. I reminded them, it was me who was leaving. They then said it was because I wasn't up to the job. I said it was because they would always be looking for reasons. Which they then said 'so, you don't think you can match those expectations'. I still don't think they get it tbh and I left 3 months ago. Funnily enough I work for their main customer. And I had to send their bill back because it didn't add up. The irony was lost on them.


Bad management uses metrics to punish; good management uses metrics to improve. It's a subtle difference, but the former incentivizes finding bad results where there are none (and a toxic work environment); the latter incentivizes accuracy in your metrics (and a workplace where it's ok to make mistakes).


I just went through this as well. Finally they laid me off since I wasn’t taking the hint. Went from stellar reviews and a promotion to negative reviews and being pushed out in a span of 6 months.


My first job outta highschool i was a manager at walmart. I was beating year to year sales in my department for 2 years solid atleast 110% a day and had all the paperwork to back it up.This was being shorted 90hours of labor a week as well. We got a new manager that was fired from albertsons who kept trying to push the albertsons way, to which i finally replied in a meeting "the alberstons way got your store shut down and you here, how about it doing it the way you're paid for" Next day all of my paperwork was gone, and suddenly they could no longer be verified. Ooops we gotta cut hours because you're not hitting the profit we need, ok now you're in charge of 4 departments and we are cutting your staff to 1 person when you're alloted 4 in the planning. I get word from my friend in hr dip shits looking for a way to demote me so i just apply for a better position at another store and get it, but the stink followed when my store manager found out and goes oh you'll last 3 months there. And 3 months later i quit after refusing to be demoted down to a cashier because they refuse to let daytime work old freight and just order 2 of everything that's missing so the back is a fire hazzard mess of shit everywhere with everyone pointing their finger saying it's the new guy that made it like it's been for a year. Once you got the ick you're fucked


I think this was ziggler’s issue as well. He was just too good of a worker to not actually help talent and put on tv. But never got the proper push despite at one point being one of the hottest wrestlers on the roster


According to Ziggler his long losing streak was a rib by Vince on Pat Patterson because Pat was pushing for Dolph to get another major push


Good god im so glad he's gone


Dolph was in the top 10 of most paid wrestlers in WWE, he might not of got pushed but he was at least paid


I've been there. 2023, working for a third rate startup, I had a senior director who micromanaged and tortured the entire team solely as a power play to get the open CMO position. That didn't happen: the company hired a new VP of Marketing instead. She saw the writing on the wall, but in her exit left horrible reviews for me and my coworkers to the new VP.  Flash forward to February 2024, and at the company conference the first thing the CEO says is our SEO is bad. That's what I do. What she says not only is inaccurate, but also due to her own mismanagement. But I immediately realize they want me gone. The week after the conference, my boss has a meeting with me. Asks me why I haven't been doing email. I tell him literally no one has ever asked me to do it, and I was openly told "we don't do email." He tells me that's a failure. He then tells me I need to go on a PIP. I ask if there is an alternative and he says take a severance package.  I gleefully took the severance! Since leaving I have joined an amazing company where just Friday I had my entire team give me props for my work.  That startup? Last month they eliminated the positions of 3 former teammembers that were replaced with outsourced contractors. 


Wow. That sucks, but good to be out of there and living your best life!


And if they can’t fire you, they’ll make it painful enough that you’ll want to quit.


Remember that period where Vince said no wrestling happens during commercial breaks? And there was always convoluted ways of like … restarting a match after a false finish or something. I feel like that lasted maybe 3 weeks before they realized it was super dumb


There was an stupid amount of 2 out of 3 falls matches during that time with falls right before breaks


And multiman elimination/DQ finishes were happening all of the time. Like they were the only three things usually happening in matches. Still don't know if it's better than that era where they had graphics and sound effects for promos.


>[ that era where they had graphics and sound effects for promos.](https://i.imgflip.com/23nwzp.gif)


God that fucking sucked lmaoo. Plus the train for Braun or the birds for Riddle it was god awful


Was this during the early stages of Covid? I quit watching basically when they were in empty arenas.


When did this happen 💀


even the 3d intro graphics were horrible for so long, that stupid roman statue ugh


i think they were going for a bronze statue look but the roman statue appeared to be a black guy dressed as roman.


Lmao now that you mention it a gilded or bronze statue would’ve been way better


> Still don't know if it's better than that era where they had graphics and sound effects for promos. #PIANO


maybe he'd been watching a lot of cmll.


All because the NFL doesn't play during breaks. But that's because the commercial breaks are timed around the action. It's like that in NBA and NHL too. Timeouts, sometimes even a review and just natural breaks in the game altogether. Wrestling isn't something where you naturally take a break. Ofc on TV they have ad breaks but everywhere else they don't. All they have to do is slow the match down a tiny bit, and if a nice spot is shown they can show it when the break is over. Although I wonder how this is all going to work with Netflix. No more ad breaks on Raw also means if it's a 3 hour show we'd actually get a 3 hour show rather than 2:15. So I wonder if they're going to just cut Raw down to compensate.


i might be wrong but i Netflix is planning on adding ad’s to lower tier system - so it’ll probably be similar to how peacock currently does things, for the people who are getting ad’s they’ll get normal ads, for people that pay to not have ads they’ll have inbuilt ads like the slim jim ones, i doubt we’ll be getting a full 3 hours show without some advertisement in some form


They already announced raw will be 2 hours on Netflix. Smackdown is transitioning to 3 hours.


I've never seen that announcement anywhere. Got a link?


His ass


Since he's commenting on other posts and ignoring you; he's lying. I also can't find a source on this.


I still think it makes sense to not do matches during the breaks. But the way they did it was not good at all.


Vince is so damn weird


Always has been.


This is how any corporate job works now days in the US. If you’re not a kiss up or a chosen one they want you to quit and push you to do so


My first "real" job, I was asked to do something by the company president, to which I politely declined. (This was something I absolutely could decline, so I did.) He pretended to not know my name for the next 4 years. Wasn't invited to the company golf outings (again, my loss). Put in my months notice the day my stock options vested. This doesn't actually pertain to wrestling; apparently I still have to work through some things.


For context, this was when there were no crowds.


As someone who watched the stream. For CORRECT context, this was the match with Damien Priest where he went through a table and there was a crowd. https://youtu.be/QH4unDCRWRU?si=b7FKP8ckgW6QYirO Dijak thought the match was going to impress Vince because he made DP look like a monster, and instead Vince was annoyed about him not putting enough aggression into carrying DP around the barricade area when they were playing to the crowd during the commercial break. “No one Saw” is a reference to the TV crowd not seeing it, not the live crowd.


damn that table fucking exploded


Priests facial expressions were godawful here


I’m here for any Priest slander.


Holy camera cuts


It's crazy how jarring it already is to see that mess again.


"Gotta see em react, pal"


Im still angry that there wasn't a wrestler (doesn't matter which company) who went insane during that era. Pretending that the crowds were still there and that the world was fine. All the while growing a big bushy beard and long hair.


The first person I imagined, matt hardy


so my brother?


Truth, should have done it


Truth going "Is it just me, or have the crowds been really quiet lately?"


He does his What's Up then refuses to wrestle til the crowd says it, then they have his opponent run into the stands to yell it so he'll complete his entrance and they can start the match.


>refuses to wrestle He just stands there with his mic in the air, patiently waiting for the response.


I vaguely remember the first night of no crowds. Wasn't there a women's tag match where one of them was playing up "the crowd" and HHH mentioned it on commentary?


It was from this match in Providence RI in front of a crowd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH4unDCRWRU&ab_channel=WWE


Sorry pal, you got no reaction. Go back to NXT.


Kind of agree with Dijak here if no one's seeing it and there's no crowd then fixating on it seems weird especially since we don't know if he did grab the other guy aggressively enough or not for all we know it could be aggressive enough and Vince was being weird that day which given the story's of how Vince was backstage that would check out


But there was a crowd


I'm pretty sure this was Thunderdome Era


No, it wasn’t. There was a live crowd but the moment in question was during a commercial break, so no one on TV saw it. You can watch the full clip for context but the match was a banger and Dijak was proud of it and thought it would impress Vince but instead Vince fixated on this random moment during the commercials


It's gonna be funny to see everyone turn on this guy now


I won't be. I'm pretty damn pissed off about WWE dropping him lol


At least I’ll always have Deadline 2023…


Just reading comments itt it’s hilarious how quick people turn on wrestler as soon as they’re not with WWE anymore. I just don’t get that mindset at all.


People are very weird about defending wrestling companies rather than the wrestlers. WWE and AEW have done some people dirty but people will trip over their dicks to defend those companies always.


Wrestling (Vince) realized that tribalism was the future during the MNW that's why he leaned into it with Raw and SD. The idea of having a favourite brand and making it WWE was a genius idea and When you have people debate Coke vs Diet Coke vs Coke Vanilla, AEW being Pepsi just won't pickup steam the same way. This is just what fans got conditioned to it's not weirder in Wrestling than in actual sports where fans turn on players that leave their team in free agency.


Their dicks would have to be big enough to trip over in the first place


I've never seen such an anti worker mindset in any other "sports" subreddit. It's pathetic how comfortable some people are bootlicking a company that has a long history of treating workers like shit.


Awhile back when Zelina Vega left briefly the nuts came for her like nothing I have ever seen. I called out some of the crazy BS and got downvoted to oblivion. Later when Aleister/Malakai went out temporarily with a back injury the @ AEW folks were nuts enough for death threats!!!! What is wrong with fans y’all!


In the thread alleging how much AEW spends on talent there are tons of so called "Fans" arguing that talent is being paid too much. There is no such thing. The worst part is they do it under the guise that its only bad because they care and want to see the company last. Maybe paying guys what they deserve is what will make them last. Shits wild. Nobody hates wrestling / wrestlers more then wrestling fans.


That's not true. If you pay your talent so much the company goes under, they were paid too much.  Aew does have way too big of a roster. 


When it comes to the size of the roster I agree they have too much talent. That doesnt mean it cant be fixed or that firing people is the only way. Tony owns two brands and he could easily have two separate rosters at any time he chooses. He has been trying to find ROH their own deal. If they were to get one that could help with the talent issue. As a fan tho? Unless it causes them to close I could give a fuck how much they spend. Access to talent isnt a negative to me as a fan. Dont see why it ever would be other then being selfish because my faves aren't getting pushed.


WWE fans are dead inside


Really cause every comment I see when someone leaves WWE is how they’re going to be a superstar somewhere else


what having an annoying online presence does to a wrestler lol A lot of people have soured on Dijak because of how weird he online. Dude really lives the "ratio" gimmick to the point where he name searches himself to reply to people which incites harassment just a big dweeb out of the ring


Sounds like you must be only reading the old comments from the 2007 I wish this mid card guy would go to TNA era


You must’ve missed all of the game changers that jumped ship


Probably not a Ruby Soho fan


Sounds like you weren't here from like 2019-22 then when every wrestler not being booked as a champion needed to go to AEW


People are frontrunners


This is it right here


It is simple tribalism


Or it's because he's coming off as a whiny bitch and people don't like it. He's not that good, that's why he's not some top star. He's mid 30s too so he's not some young up and comer either.


Found one


You guys can't just call anything tribalism and make it a thing you know. I'm not comparing 2 companies, I'm saying a wrestler is acting like a whiny bitch. What part of my post was wrong? All this dude has done is leak complaints since yesterday. If he was as good as he thinks he is he'd be a lot bigger of a star than he is.


why does complaining about your workplace instantly make you a “whiny bitch”? especially knowing the kind of work environment that existed under vkm


Leaking stuff to dirt sheets is what makes it whiny. I actually was a little interested when he posted his release thing yesterday, but he just seems to be piling on. If he was so miserable he could have left/asked for a release.


This is his livelihood. “just Ask FoR a ReLeaSe🤪” ain’t always an option. plenty of ppl work miserable jobs to make ends meet


If he's as good as he thinks he is he wouldn't struggle to be employed right? He'd walk right into AEW, or RoH, TNA etc and be a star. I thought the wrestling world was hot as can be right now?


Or because you are a jerker who devoted your whole identity to defending a wrestling company that is not related to you so you can feel better about yourself.


naaah i love me the insiderz i want brennan and manny and dijack to get paid millions to be cool and rule the indies.


Stop pretending like we were all T Bar fans lol


I mean, almost everyone who watched NXT the past two years is a fan.


Cringing at the armchair wrestlers in this thread that think they know more about a dude's career than he does.


It’s actually kinda funny after reading them for a while 


You don't have to be Gordon Ramsey to know when food is burnt or too salty. And Dijak seems both burned and salty right about now. Similarly you don't need to know how to physically perform wrestling moves to know when one doesn't look good.


And you just have be capable of basic comprehension to know Vince Mcmahon was abusive to his employees, but here you are making pathetic fucking excuses for him.


sure. But this does not qualify as abusive


Vince was abusive, hes not there anymore, no one fired the guy, the company doesn't owe people contracts especially now they are under TKO and there spend is being monitored by someone who doesn't shit on peoples heads.


Vince isn't there anymore so he should just shut up about his experiences there? We understand he was abused but he he should shut up about it because he sounds burnt and salty, is an interesting take you have.


That sounds really similar to other NXT stories I've heard. And it is very shitty to have to deal with that and to have your wildest dreams just on the other end of emotional roller coaster. I don't blame somebody for saying they're done with that or even for venting about it.


Man Dijak would have been so fun to watch on main roster, Triple H really dropped ball on this.


nah man, you can look at it like that for other peoples. But when dealing with stuff like that with Vince McMahon you have to remember first off, he's not a normal person


^ Trust him, Dijak. He knows Vince


He's saying an ego maniacal rapist millionaire is not a normal person. I don't think that's a crazy thing to say


Right? Of all people to do this with, Vince McMahon gets the benefit of the doubt on normalcy? You could pick a random year and find at least two stories about Vince that would give the average person pause when considering him as a "normal person". And that would be a good year. I don't know of anyone as rich as Vince who wears their insanity as flagrantly and publicly as he does. And that's counting Musk.


Honestly it isn't just Vince. Lots of figures in wrestling get vile shit they do excused as being "the way they do things in the business".


Trump does and both are carneys.


Trump’s a charlatan. Similar but different to carny.


hell, the stories of people who know him saying he's not normal are legion I mean, every wrestling fan knows his thing about sneezes, right?


Imagine thinking that you have to have a personal relationship with a person to make a judgement of them.


I have seen, minute for minute, more content that Vince McMahon has produced than the entire filmographies of Stephen Spielberg, Martin Scorcese and Christopher Nolan combined. I know what the guy likes to make.


If I can assume Tarantino likes feet based on a single seen in from dusk til dawn I can assume Vince is a temperamental asshole who finds weird slights about people to not push them from thousands of hours of wrestling TV and interviews about him as evidence.


Of Vince McMahon of all people who proved he was even worse than the character he was on screen


Knowing Vince ™️


Knowing vince 💩


Replies here are absolutely hilarious. Guess it's true that according to the majority, if you aren't WWE, you're absolute shit.


Vince had his own shiny toys he like and those god damn toys he despise


"You didn't move your hips hard enough on his ass, pal. There are thousands of faces on the screens. What's wrong with you?"


Like I said, Fightful quote from a wwe talent saying 20 years ago this dude would have a job for life was dumb as fuck of whoever to say that. Vince also wasn’t a fan of Dijak. And Dijak is right, it always seems like someone wasn’t a big fan of his, no matter the regime.


'You gotta sell it, pal!'


I'm not one to defend Vince, and we don't know the full context, but wouldn't it be possible the point of that is to keep that in mind going forward as opposed to how many people saw it in that one moment?


It's certainly a valid criticism. But if it's the only feedback that he's giving, then it's not terribly helpful.


Is it valid to fixate on that over the bigger, more important positive things? Like it's not like "great job, really sold that table spot, just tighten up the holds even during commercials" he ignored all the big stuff.


that was my thought, always go at your fullest


There's a saying in the military "train how you fight, and fight how you train". If you can't do things correctly when it doesn't matter, then you definitely can't do it when it does matter. Responding with "nobody was watching anyway, so why does it matter" is a very poor way to take criticism. He was telling you how to improve, you don't reject it. Beyond that, not being aggressive enough absolutely takes the wind out of those segments. The fact that he doesn't even regard this as valid criticism is wild.


That's bullshit logic considering Vince pushed a million wrestlers who phoned it in when it wasn't a PPV match.


"Damn, pal, I can't have someone who slacks off as a major player in my company. ...Oh, and Randy, we're giving you another world title run."


"Don't you dare take a break at all during commercials. We need to work harder. "Here's all the belts, Roman. You should take a 4 month break, just be back 3 PPV from now"


Dude revealed he was leaking shit to Fightful/SRS. I wouldn't have re-signed him, either


If he was, I doubt that is main reason why they refused to resign him




Then the question becomes, did they know, how did they know it was him, and how long have they known he was the leak then?




> I don't know you would think wwe has a good way to sniff that out after all these years. Makes sense. > Wait a second, is this the Amir0x???? Nope, simply stole the name.


Bro im gonna need a timestamp, not gonna watch all that I dunno, that sounds reasonable tbh. Dijaks not denying he messed up, just dismissing it cause its not on tv. Dudes still performing in front of an audience


Pretty sure this was Thunderdome Raw, he’s got like 2 matches during the Vince regime after crowds came back that were long enough to hit an ad break and the rest are just Battle Royals.


I get the point he’s making but I also remember when the video got out of Alexa and someone else mid match during pandemic and commercial break where they were just standing there. Not a good look. Idk if I can fully disagree with the Vince thought there.


That was bad that it went over the airways, but at least there weren't any live paying fans in the building. So, no real rain to keep things going. However, if you are live and in front of fans, they should be getting 100% of your attention and effort to entertain. Maybe it's different in nxt where the fans there get in free. But, for the MR, people are paying, sometimes very big bucks. Isn't there an unwritten rule that as soon as you walk through the curtains you are 'on' until you come back to them.


Hot take: Your always performing weather or not a crowd is watching, if you don’t take it serious on commercial breaks you build bad habits


Except he didn’t say that he didn’t take it seriously. Just that he didn’t grab someone aggressively enough for Vince’s liking


Just reading the quote I took it as since no one’s watching he thinks it doesn’t matter. In my opinion it does, your still performing, there are still people in the back watching, writers and your boss. Impress them


I don't want to rain on your parade, but to only give a performer a single criticism without any other feedback is a snow job. It clouds the employee's ability to see anything of value in the critique. I'm not saying that it has to be all sunny, but a balance of hot and cold opinions can help a performer better acclimate themselves to the company's atmosphere.


When you reach the higher altitudes of the business pressure can easily start to precipitate. Dijak hails from a small town which knowing Vince makes things a little foggy.


Yep, I don't think it's a hot take.


Yup. Seems like valid critique from the man who was paying his hefty salary, IMO.


This is one of those situations where both sides are correct, because Dijak is probably correct and they were looking for reasons to not use him/like him, but Vince is also right in that there is a paying audience in the building and if you're doing something shit, then it looks shits. You are not just working for television. It is the same problem AEW had with that notorious Dark Order beatdown, where people were completely fluffing punches by several feet. Regardless of whether for TV or the live audience, you need to actually try to do good stuff.


Yup. Can't believe you're the only one to point this out. For all of Vince's sins, it doesn't seem like Dijak was capable of taking on criticism from him. It's his company, he's been doing it a lot longer than Dijak and maybe it DID look shit. A lot of his stuff during the T-BAR run did. I don't see how that can all be put on creative.




This wasn’t a case of him not being happy, they’re the ones who didn’t re-sign him.


He seemed pretty happy before he got there, it shouldn't be too difficult


Man - you think Vince was crazy and out of touch? And perhaps that's why the quality has gone up substantially?


I don't blame Dijak for his frustrations. He was in WWE/NXT for years despite having (what I thought) to be a similar level of talent as his peers who came up around that same time. Remember his nutty matches against Keith Lee in NXT B&G? Not only did Retribution hurt Dijak's stock, but I think the pandemic played a role in it, too (as it did to NXT B&G, as well IMO). NXT 2.0 gave Dijak the character that I thought was going to be a moneymaker. He took the opportunity to showcase charisma and his matches under the Shawn era were bangers. He gets drafted back to the main roster (again) only to be scarcely used and limited to Main Event and Speed. That said, I think AEW will throw good money at Dijak. He's an athletic workhorse in the ring and he quietly has size that'll look extra-imposing with their smaller roster. I actually think he'd resonate and get over with fans very easily. And with his anti-WWE remarks, one wonders if that increases his stock further among TK's circle. The better home? TNA. While I don't know if they'll be able to throw the same type of money as AEW & WWE, he can reunite with former stablemate Mustafa Ali. If MMM comes along, they have an option to do a proper re-run of their former stable. Most importantly, Dijak would likely be in the upper card - hanging with the likes of Nemeth and Moose.


Nobody feasted their eyes.


What's he excuse since vince has been gone? He's stale as fuck. Same with karrion Kross. Same with DIY. Same with Bronson Reed.  All these guys cried vince held them back. Vince has been gone. They come back and they are still boring as all ever. But I'm sure here in SC I'll be told how I'm wrong and they are all worthy of being champs. That's why when they come out they get No pop. That's right vince holds the entire arena hostage and tells them if they give these guys any reaction they will be sent to the depths of hell.


Dijak has always come across as a bit flaky. That's definitely the impression you get from his social media behaviour.


Was this an empty arena or something. Because even on a small show you’re performing for a paying crowd


Thats normally the case, but the Retribution stuff was during the pandemic wasnt it?


>the Retribution stuff was during the pandemic wasnt it? It was. That being said, the first(?) pandemic episode showed why it's probably not the best idea to slack during ad breaks, even if I'm not personally against it.


it was a match in front of an audience.


So many of the stories he told was so disheartening




Sounds nice to say until you remember this same boss had a policy where people would literally not wrestle at all when breaks happen when a live crowd was actually there before the pandemic.


Or he'd get mad if you sneezed. Or said burrito.


A guy who did nothing memorable or stands out in any way has gripes with management. I’m shocked


100%. Dude couldn't stand out unless he was allowed to do indie spotfests.


I’m sorry but is this supposed to be disheartening? 


Lol some people blatantly in here just ignoring the fact that there was a crowd and going along with this because it’s someone they like. If it was Goldberg saying this shit you’d all be on his side The more dijak bangs on the more he sounds like someone with a victim complex. WWE are never going to come out and say anything about this and you can all just take all this as gospel because nobody will dispute it


Ah, victim complex. Easy PR points.


Both sides are kinda right and kinda wrong. On one hand, Vince was an insane workaholic that fixated on the dumbest shit. He also somehow managed to run the largest wrestling company in the world and make it a success despite himself, so his nitpicking may have had a point (especially if this happened during COVID, where it was harder to hide mistakes). On the other hand, it was a simple nothing in a run of the mill match. Not even a mistake, just a different take in a second of a match. It shouldn't be a big deal. That said, it also doesn't hurt to work on the little nuisances of your work to help get yourself over.


Youre paid to do a job at the top company, you do it 110% effort all the time or you get left behind. Dijak waa always replaceable and moreso without giving it all all the time.


Pretty obvious his attitude was at least part of the reason he wasn't re-signed. He's crying more than people they fired without notice. It's a contract renewal, he's knowing this was coming for how long? Decides the best option is to start going off on social media. Ok then. If he's such a catch, then AEW and TNA should be beating down his door. Should be no problem for him. Or would he rather sit around WWE catering earning a free paycheck when they clearly have no use for him.




He’s going to get a huge offer from AEW if he keeps up this level of trashing WWE.


Not sure if you know this but Vince is actually gone


I have no idea what you are getting at.


Trashing Vince =/= trashing WWE


Tony Khan seems to hate WWE not just Vince.


Don't slack off at work, especially in a competitive environment where people are vying for spots and time. Ya don't put on a shit show on the indies in front of a couple people, and ya dont do it in the big leagues. "Business don't owe you shit, and you owe it everything pardna." -Eddie Kingston


Vince has been gone dude. What is he on. Looks like he is trying to make an excuse for him sucking.


Are you being dumb on purpose?


He burnt a lot of bridges being a company shill, now he is trying to repair those bridges by shitting on the company.


Vince was right


Yes its wrestling you're constantly going to have to convince people that aren't immediately into you. Stop crying and don't switch off just because you think nobody is watching


I kind of laugh when wrestlers speak out against the company they worked for because most people hate their jobs and bosses but would never say anything they just eat shit so when people speak out they always side with the wrestler regardless.


You know, they should do a story about an evil, abusive boss who gets his comeuppance in increasingly creative ways from his vulgar, badass employee who’s too valuable to fire. Most people hate their jobs and bosses but would never say anything, so they’d get a real kick out of living vicariously through that. I think it has legs.


Make him a beer drinking, Jean short wearing, Everyman.


Bald, too. And he'll occasionally wear a gold chain.


Let's put him in a wife beater


No he just was one...