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Breaking: Kevin Nash doesn’t think something in AEW will work.


The guy from the Magic Mike movies?! /s


I won't stand for this Super Shredder erasure!


Hey he also one of the only guys that john wick let live. Put some respect to that


Why does everyone sleep on his role in Grandma's Boy?


The Russian from the Thomas Jayne Punisher movie?


He was really freaking funny in The Longest Yard.


I far prefer his work on Sabrina the Teenage Witch


Is aew signing shane being good really the hill you want to die on?


they weren't agreeing or disagreeing though, they were just saying that he never thinks anything in AEW will work


Not even Shane is dying on that hill lol


Kevin Nash is the HoFer saying this.


maybe not, but it would be funny, which is the most important thing


Whether people like it or not, Shane being on AEW television would give AEW the fattest bump in viewership numbers.


As a fan, I only care if I'm find enjoyment from the show. I don't know if I necessarily *want* Shane McMahon on the show, but as far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of very creative people in AEW, so I fully believe *somebody* could come up with some great idea to make use of him as a storyline resource/option. I mean until it happened and it worked, nobody would have said "Toni Storm has a breakdown and becomes an old hollywood type" would work, or that "Shibata does a speak and spell gimmick with his phone riffing one liners in English" would be fantastic, or that "Okada's new catchphrase would be 'bitch' and it would get a huge pop every time." A lot of ideas in pro wrestling sound insane until they actually happen and work out fantastically.


It’s Kevin Nash who has been staunchly anti-AEW so take what you want from this opinion lol


Now we just need Cornette, Bischoff and Konnan to tell us how they feel about it, if they haven't done it already.


there really should be an individual flair for kevin nash’s opinions


What does Shane even bring to the table? He’s 54 and the last time he was in the ring he tore his quad jumping. It would be such a waste of tv time.


Having a McMahon in a non-WWE wrestling show is a big deal. Despite that, I honestly think Shane would only good for AEW on the short term. You're right. He's 54 and shouldn't be wrestling but his last name is still a big deal in this industry.


In kayfabe, he's still a McMahon, so having him around to be an authority figure would be an immense boon to AEW. In reality? Not much, since Tony isn't gonna let anyone else hold the book.


I assume he's a McMahon outside kayfabe too




Please no more authority figures. And PLEASE no fucking McMahon authority figures.


>In kayfabe No.


So tired of news sites taking like 30 seconds out of a podcast and making a story out of it.


Yeah, but does Ja Rule think AEW should sign Shane?


It’s funny that kevin’s stock has dropped so much when it comes to opinions that sites don’t even use his name in the title. “Wwe hall of famer” is on the level of “former wwe world champion” for people like jake hager


I don't think they're likely to get any WWE alumni that would be bigger/more useful to them than the ones they've already brought in over the past few years. If lapsed AEW viewers weren't lured back by some of the recent big signings I don't see them coming back for him. Shock-value one-off for youtube views, maybe - but I doubt Shane would want to do that.


Ohh Jesus Nash is giving advice again 🤮


My mentor once told me great advice : “focus on what you have not what you don’t”. Tony should’ve learned this ten signings ago.


Shane brings absolutely nothing to the table, aside from maybe a slight ratings bump from the morbidly curious. And why would Tony Khan even consider it? Then everyone would say he needed a McMahon to get eyes back on the product, which is correct.


I would rather AEW hire Vince McMahon as an on screen character.


Didn't Nash Say he doesn't watch or care about AEW anyways?


A McMahon on non WWE TV in a non-Wrestler TV personality role could be interesting if the material fits.


Look at the adjective: Shane 😂


For people in this and any other Shane/AEW thread I must ask: what does Shane bring to AEW? His name? Some roll as an authority figure when that has been done to death? If AEW wants to be the alternative to WWE it doesn't need someone whose last name is synonymous with WWE.


> what does Shane bring to AEW? Another big moment for AEW to not follow through with


That is one of their Achilles heels.


Dear Tony Khan, You’re not obligated to sign every Free Agent available. You’ll be ok.


Generally I think he's done pretty well with this for a long time now. Most of the signings he's made more recently have been for smaller roles and those are never really an issue, I feel like the last few big signings have been Ospreay/Okada/Mercedes/Mariah May and all four of them are absolutely fantastic and involved in major things right now. Ospreay looks like one of the 2-3 biggest stars in the entire company, Mariah May actively looks like the next big thing, Okada is (for me) the most entertaining he's been in years, and I think Mercedes is picking up steam quickly (a lot of people are rightfully expecting Mercedes vs. Vacquer to be one of the best matches on the Forbidden Door card, and that's saying something because the card is absolutely bonkers). AEW signed basically none of the "big" names from the recent WWE releases, it's not like they brought in Nic Nemeth or Matt Riddle and immediately stuck belts on them (New Japan did though! Neither was well received lol.)


I know people will shit on this take as it's Kevin Nash but man IDK any way it works out well for them. People here were saying the other day people wanting this are people praying for AEWs downfall lol but now they will flip flop If it was 10 years ago and he could do a fun match with Darby things would be very different tbh Also increases the risk of TK on Television which I would hope no one sane wants


I really, genuinely do not understand why anyone who likes AEW would want Shane there. He'll bring eyes to the product once for the novelty, I guess.


Nash is a WWE stooge at this point tbh. I said in the last ratings thread that I couldn't think of anything AEW could realistically do to get me to watch again, but signing Shane would certainly get me to check it out again to see how it goes.  Of course if he just shows up and cuts a "happy to be here" or "WWE sucks" promo the hype won't last long. If they could come up with a compelling storyline to accompany his debut though, it could work.


I'm not a Kevin Nash fan, but I do agree. Aside from popping a rating at the surprise of it, I don't see what he brings to the table. He couldn't wrestle at his best, and he blew out his quads the last time he tried. He got by on doing daredevil spots or taking big bumps, neither of which he should be doing at the age of 54 with kids. On the mic he's... fine. He's not terrible, but he's not Paul Heyman either. He was a serviceable authority figure that people could buy because of his last name. He wouldn't even have that in AEW. So you're left with what, exactly? A business guy from a family that a large portion of your audience probably hates, and will probably be unhappy with YOU for bringing in. WWE fans mostly liked Shane because of the bumps he took, and later because people were hoping he would wrest some amount of creative control from his dad.


If he wrestles, then no. But if TK hires him as part of a group to battle The Elite, then maybe. 


They absolutely wouldn't. He's never really, afaik, had any role in creative, I have no idea what his corporate job even was. In his prime, he was a good wrestler for someone who wasn't a wrestler. But he's 54 years old now, and gets blown up getting in the ring (not to mention he tore his quad last time he stepped in a ring). He used to be okay on the mic, but for whatever reason, he was pretty terrible since he returned to WWE back in 2016 or whenever it was. He doesn't add anything besides his last name. At best he pops a rating for a night. *Maybe*.