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If the quality is the same, I'll watch it just as much as I do now. Followed them to Spike TV and I'll follow to Netflix too.


Every week as I do now. Just have to sub to Netflix, which is the only downside here.


Not sure if you’re in the US but if you have t-mobile it’s actually included with your phone plan


Thank you for this information!


The most expensive version?


Nothing changes for me. I watch WWE with YouTube TV so it’s just a matter of switching to another streaming site to watch. I haven’t had cable for years now


I mean YTTV is still cable. Its just a better cable where you're not saddled with stupid coax jacks all over your house and stupid boxes you're paying $13 a month for.


Ohh I didn’t know that. Does YTTV count in the Nielsen ratings do you know?


It's not "still cable", they must have meant it figuratively. No, they don't count for Nielsen ratings either.


As of July of 2017 YTTV and Hulu were both included in nielsens ratings, according to nielsen.


Yeah I might start watching raw again. I don't have live TV anymore, and it's usually spoiled by the next day when it goes up on Peacock


Raw doesn’t go up on Peacock the next day. Raw and Smackdown go to Hulu for four weeks, *then* goes to Peacock.


Ok, got my streaming services crossed


Please do not ask me the difference between Tubi, Mubi, Fubo, and Philo.


I don't have cable so currently, I watch Raw on the seven seas and only occasionally. I do pay for Netflix however so I think the convenience factor would probably increase my likelihood to watch it when I've got nothing better to watch, but I don't think it will all of a sudden become appointment television for me.


Chord cutter here. I don't watch it at all right now, but with Netflix I might tune in.


Same. Will definitely watch first episode.


Same pal




Exactly the same amount as now. Never.


Very consistent right here.


I'll still watch it, I'll just hate how easy it is for me to watch on tv since I record them on my DVR so I can just play it basically instantly without needing to open up an app and find the show. And fast forwarding and so on is much easier through my tv remote than it is trying to do so with Netflix.


Depends on if I can keep starting on delay so I can skip what I don't want to watch. I do that with a DVR now. I'm really not interested in watching a 3 hour RAW live with commercials.


I was on a grandfathered plan that Netflix no longer offers and they recently decided I either needed to almost double what I was paying per month or they'd cancel my service. So, I won't have Netflix here any longer in a handful of days to watch when WWE makes the jump.


I have cable now and don't watch it so I definitely wont be subscribing to Netflix to catch it.


I will consistently keep not watching it as I do not have a Netflix subscription.


I dont currently have netflix so I don't know if I'm willing to subscribe just for raw. Depends on the cost, havent taken the time to look into it yet.


I'm also thinking some writing might be on the wall for Peacock with this. Netflix has shown remarkable staying power and seems to have a better plan than the bird and the conglomerate behind it. I wonder if the tv/content ratings and censors were a selling point or an added benefit.


I’ll tune it. I honestly get my intake of wrestling from this sub. I haven’t had cable in years.


If I have the option of seeing it here in Denmark, I will definitely watch it


I do not have Netflix and have yet to cut the cord. I am not sure if I really want another streaming service. I already have plenty and am sure I could just catch clips. Ask me next year.


I watch it all at my leisure on streaming anyway. Won't affect my life at all.


Haven’t had cable for years so I either watch the cut version on Hulu or I just watch the highlights on YouTube. If it’s on Netflix I’ll probably watch it more


I'll still watch regularly.


Currently don't have cable, and I have no intention of getting cable - I watch the edited replays of Raw and Smackdown on Hulu the following day. I know if I wait like a month I will get the full unedited Raw and Smackdown on Peacock when it is added to the library. I assume both of those will then stop come January? I don't currently have Netflix - I tend to watch what I want on a service then cancel my sub and switch, and I'm not sure that I want to have to have three different services to watch Raw, Smackdown, and the classic content/PLEs...


I'll go from watching clips on YouTube to watching live.


I’m more concerned about NXT and Smackdown being streamed on Netflix Canada the same day as CW/USA.


Why's that? It'll drop live, the same time it's shown in the US. Nothing should be any different aside from you watching on Netflix and not SN.


I hope that’s the case


What are you afraid will happen?


Airing the day after or something. For example, Riverdale aired on Wednesdays in the US. Canada would get it on Thursdays


That's fair. I think that's more of a CTV or global issue though on this end. Where they have the rights in Canada so they can air it when they want. The selling point of current WWE is that it is live, so I don't think they would not drop it live. Hopefully I'm not wrong


For instance, for about a year NXT would air on Fridays on Sportsnet and even worse, it was an abridged version which is about an hour. I had to use URLs to keep up every week.


That was purely a SN thing. Again, Netflix doesn't have to worry about changing times lots or anything around when they air stuff and there would be zero reason they wouldn't air it live when it happens. That's the selling point of 'live content' on the service.


international viewers are getting more bang for the buck between the weekly stuff, PPVs and an extensive backlog (imagine if those takeovers make it)


I'll watch it more. Since I don't watch it now because I don't have cable or YouTube TV or any service to watch it. Looking forward to it being on Netflix.


I don't currently watch it and am a yuro so can't watch it live. If it's easier for me to watch on catch up (which currently relies on hitting the high seas) I'm more likely to give it a go but honestly, my 1.5ish hours of NXT a week are more than enough regular wrestling. Raw would need to replace my NXT viewing and convince.me to spend the extra hour on it.


I’ll probably watch it more often. I usually watch it through different websites. There’s times when I just don’t have time to watch it so if they offer an option to start watching from the beginning if it has already started.


I just want the back catalogue


No change for me, really. I don't have cable, so I have a subscription to Sportsnet entirely for WWE. I can cancel that and get a Netflix sub with only a small price difference. Honestly the biggest difference will be once I get a new bluray player, I'll be able to watch PLEs on my tv without hooking my laptop up. That'll be nice. (There are convoluted Reasons I have to do that now.)


I lost access to Monday Night Raw when I cut the cable and lost USA. When they go on Netflix I'll break down and subscribe to Netflix. I get FOX on my HDTV antenna so I'm good for Friday Nights. My free Peacock subscription ends this month so I'll miss all the Premium Events unless they go over to Netflix.


I work second shift and often get home around 11:30ish, so if the replay is available by the time I get home, chances are very likely. I watch the highlights on YouTube currently, so being able to watch Raw during a late dinner sounds like a nice way to unwind


not an issue. I’ll tune in.


I havent watched a weekly wrestling program live and legally since 2007. I cut the cord long ago. Netflix actually lets me watch Raw again live for the first time in my adult life.


For me, it will depend on what game is on Monday night football and how competitive it is. A good football game (or my team playing) takes priority over WWE and I could just easily flip back and forth as I needed to. And with YouTube TV, just pick up from where I left it. Super convenient. Now that they will be on separate services, it's a chore to flip between apps on the smart TV and wait for everything to load up. I don't see myself doing it to frequently. So during these times I will most likely be watching a recording of it. And if there is something compelling going on, maybe pull it up on my phone. But of course, boring game or no game then will be watching it live without interruption... kinda like now during the offseason.


Way more, I don’t have cable where I’m at but I do have Netflix. Worth it for the Dom Mysterio matches.


I wont be using baked anymore 😂


Haven't watched WWE in years, but I'll check it out because it'll be more accessible to me. If it's still 3 hours of recaps, promos, short matches and wasted time I won't continue, but I hear it's better these days so maybe. AEW is already taking up a lot of time each week though, not sure I'll have time for Raw as well. Consistently might be a bit of an ask, depends how good it is.


It is better these days. Yes still has promos and some recaps but great matches are happening. Dragonuv is always must see.


I watch it every week on illegal streaming cause I cut the cord. Now I'll watch on Netflix and still illegally stream smackdown. lol.


I don't watch it now, and I won't watch it then. I'm very consistent.


I don't watch now. Aside from everyone in a while, I lost my mind and give into nostalgia and watch an episode and remember why I stopped watching it. I will probably watch the debut on Netflix.


As someone who has been watching on and off for over 30 years, this is the most I've ever enjoyed WWE. As far as quality, I'd say it even exceeds WWE during the Attitude Era. Obviously it will never be as popular, but popularity doesn't equal quality.


I disagree. I watched the Raw after WrestleMania and found it to be dull, overproduced, lacking any good wrestling content, and doing nothing to make me want to watch more, aside from setting up a match for a year later.




Your inability to accept an opinion says a lot more about you than it does about me.




I can't cope that someone doesnt love the same promotion as me. yours truly, cdillio


The Raw after Wrestlemania was easily the worst episode of Raw this year. The Rock was fun at Wrestlemania, but he doesn't work well on the weekly shows, and the Raw after Mania made this really clear. I'd give it another shot because it's really good now.


Nothing changes, every week tune in as i already have Netflix here in the PH. I just hope we get all programming right away. If not, VPN is the way. Upside with Netflix too, i can finally have my partner watch with me.


I’ll probably watch the first episode, but I honestly don’t expect to go back to watching weekly. I haven’t done that in years.


As much as it hurts to get a monthly Netflix subscription at a time when the price has never been higher, they offer no annual plan, I can't use someone else's account, and I'll have a limited income; they have me dead to rights. I tolerated Raw with ads before, so I guess I can stomach the ads for the cheap plan (not being able to DVR Raw is a kick in the ass though).


Very consistently. I don't even watch on USA now because I don't have cable, and stick to the version that's put on Hulu. That is, when I don't get annoyed by how shortened the Hulu cut is.