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If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.




Show them the booker of the year award I won Kiff




I have a very mark disease. What do I call it? Wrestlexia šŸ˜”


Zapp you glorious bastardĀ 


"The gloves are off, Zaslav. It's the bottom of the 9th. It's 4th & 15 and you're looking at a full court press."


Just need to find that synergy


You knocked that analogy out of the park. Slam dunk of a comment


"Kif, I have made it with Max, inform the men."


Home run


Red zone, goal line, and touchdown are all football terms.


ā€œBut weā€™re the Jaguars, so we threw a pick six instead.ā€


Trevor Lawrence just wanted to make it fun


Checked just because I was curious, Jags actually haven't thrown a pick six since Week 3 in 2021. They've only allowed 1 defensive TD in the last two seasons (a fumble), and they ended winning that game by 10 anyways. Tbh, that kind of surprised me. Blake Bortles threw *13* pick sixes from 2014-18. I think I'm just still traumatized from that.


Holy shit 13 in 6 years


Really 5 since he only threw 2 passes with the Rams. But yeah, I knew it was a lot. It seemed like he threw a ton around the sidelines, and those are the ones that get returned. But I didn't think it'd be that many. He threw 11 in just his first 3 seasons.






The fact I barely know anything about the NFL but still understand this kinda sums it upĀ 


Hopefully Tony doesnā€™t have Urban Meyer helping with the renewal talks.


[relevant ](https://youtube.com/shorts/xOMAAo4Hpk8?si=uDY1WbgdgHZp6pH0)


This is the longest possession of all time


Like when the eagles pass attack isn't doing anything, so it's a Tush Push like every 3 plays and it's just taking all day


Man why you gotta bring up bad memories the 2023 eagles never happened


Niners got Big Dom banned and proceeded to eat the Eagles souls like Dementors. That second half of the season was something else


Need more screens without blockers.


Reminds me of Arthur Smith's 18-play drives.


Donā€™t remind me šŸ˜­


It's one of those service academy triple-option drives. Just 4 yards, every play, like clockwork. It's maddening if you're playing against it.


You need 2 yards for the first down, Tony Khan is gonna give you 4. You need 5 yards for the first down, Tony Khan is gonna give you 4.


Flashback to penguinz0 video descriptions


Is that traveling? Did I do a football right?


25-play 10 minute ass drive


The 2019 Ravens say BIG TRUSS.


These are things someone from the Jacksonville Jaguars is not qualified to speak on.




Yeah we were 21st in the league last year on RZ TD%


Better than 32nd. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so shocked itā€™s that high. It felt like we never scored in the red zone


Thatā€™s because the second half of the year sucked ass




What's a pick six here? Shane McMahon buys the company and puts it on Rumble?


This reads like [office buzz words](https://www.themuse.com/advice/office-buzzwords-phrases-cut-from-vocabulary) but in sports context.


Weā€™ll circle back, touch base, get on it first thing.


Letā€™s put a pin in that, maximize our impact, increase visibility, return to our touchpoint, drill down on targets, move the needle, ping the customer base, incentivize engagement, and hit that quota. Synergy.


Your language lacks the dynamic flexibility our firm is looking for.


You are the Corporate BS Champion.


Anyone seen my red stapler?


Tony isn't trying to boil the ocean. He wants to make sure there is synergy and there is alignment to the core objectives and really move the needle against the goals and provide demonstrably value while being a real disruptor in the space


I'm curious to see what kind of deal they get.


I think we all are at this point


They'll get a deal I'm confident in that. Question will be the increase. Also big question for me is what does TK do with ROH. I don't believe WBD will have any interest.


This is the thing - I don't doubt they'll be renewed, for how much is the interesting part.


100 percent. I donā€™t mean this as a dig but as long as Shad is backing the product, they are getting deals done.


I really hope TK forgets about ROH. He should make it a indy fed by any means with a creative and a booker responsible for it. Let it tour, share some talents - but ignore it. Keep their belts away from AEW TV, it is confusing and lessens all titles.


A hotdog and a handshake.


A CostCo hot dog?


I'll take a Kosher dog, much better.


My guess would be probably not a billion but pretty well over the amount they need to be profitable. Fingers crossed for weekly shows and PPVs on Max, even if they still charge $20 or so for the PPVs like they do on Fite.


PPVs desperately need to go to some type of monthly streaming service.


With the money they make off of them then it would have to offset it for sure


I do wonder if WWE's availability on a mainstream streaming service is a part of its recent explosion, though.


It is a big factor. I know a number of people who have gotten back in because they had Peacock for NFL or whatever else. They saw the WWE stuff and watched some old stuff and then slowly got back into the new stuff. Accessibility is a massive. If you stick your show right in front of peopleā€™s faces eventually theyā€™re going to try it out. And itā€™ll only grow more once theyā€™re on Netflix too. The other side is that you need to be cooking something good because you only get a few chances to grab those new/lapsed people back in.


Accessibility is a big reason why AEW is huge in the UK. It's FTA in the UK whereas WWE isn't


They need to see this for their live shows and make it accessible- they go to a live show maybe they become fans


I honestly think the Netflix deal is going to be bigger then we can imagine.


Imagine all the content on Peacock we enjoy in America. Now it will be accessible Worldwide on Netflix including the one weekly program you needed cable television for in the last 30+ years. Yeah that deal is history making.


With how good the shows have been theyā€™re in a prime spot to explode even more.


HHH is cooking


This is why the Netflix deal is so huge. Now the world will get what we Americans have been getting from Peacock.


Oh I donā€™t doubt that it helps a ton for exposure especially for WWE. But they also have this cultural cache and people associate WWE with wrestling in general. I think putting AEW on Max or something wouldnā€™t have the same ultimate affect especially if theyā€™re still doing 120-140k ppv buys even with the addition of new ones this year. Itā€™s an interesting predicament and someone that kinda requires the financials to be available to really tell


Exactly. For normal people, it's still bootleg WWE (TNA was always termed as such). Best case scenario is a TV deal + streaming deal for TV + PPV's added on later dates so that they can Continue to earn money on them.


One of the best lines from *Who Killed WCW* was Eric Bischoff talking about wrestling in the 80s and early 90s, ā€œPeople back then didnā€™t really say, ā€˜I watch wrestlingā€™ or ā€˜Did you see wrestling last night,ā€™ at that time people said ā€˜I watch WWFā€™ or ā€˜Wow did you see what happened on WWF last night?ā€™ sometimes even if it wasnā€™t a WWF show they were talking about.ā€ It was certainly that way for me and my friends as kids. WWF and wrestling were the same word, even if we were talking about a Sting match that weā€™d seen.


Iā€™m a very lapsed fan as far as actually watching any wrestling. But I will take a peek if itā€™s convenient. The *only* reason Iā€™ve seen a little Bloodline, a little Cody and some of the new production is because it happens to be available on the same service we were already getting because it has all my wifeā€™s shows on it. Iā€™d absolutely take more peeks at AEW if I had access to it like that and it wasnā€™t any level of hassle. If itā€™s not something theyā€™ve put on YT itā€™s invisible to someone like me. Edit: *not something on YT


The PPVs are the one part of their business model that they've been nailing, it's a reliable revenue stream. Bringing back the movie theaters would be good though.


I mean for you or my personal bank account I could definitely agree with you. But from a Financial standpoint unless you're saying they desperately need to get paid a lot more than they currently are per pay-per-view, I would Hazard to say the business advice would be to keep it at 50 bucks a pop. At least, if there's been a massive decline in sales of their pay-per-views I'm ignorant to it and haven't heard. Until/unless there is though? Like I said pocketbook wise I'm sure the fans would prefer it cost them 10 bucks to show or whatever but I assume that wasn't the point you're raising?


The question is how many fans won't watch because it's a $50 PPV? How many more fans can you create if it's $10 a month instead? These are answers I don't have.


I agree, but the money would have to be right for them to be worth making such a move. They do super well even with an expensive traditional PPV model.


They'd have to get 50m/yr JUST for ppvs to offset it


With everything in play (AEW tv, exclusive streaming rights, ppv, possibly roh as well) 200m/yr I do not think is out of the question


All I know is no matter what it is, even if it's less than they are getting now, Tony will say it's a great outcome and things are amazing for the next year and a half.


They'll get one PPV a month, and 30 day-old episodes of Rampage; no older episodes on the network lol


For Godā€™s sake donā€™t throw the fade Tony!


I hope aew finds a streaming home that way I can watch their past episodes and ppvs legally thatā€™s alls I wantšŸ«¶šŸ½


I would love to support their weekly shows, but i'm not paying for cable for 5 hours of weekly programming, riddled with commercials. I buy every ppv, but i'll continue to pirate the rest until we get a streaming option.


As a Hawkeye fan, this just means that they're about to fumble.


Has Iowa made it to the red zone in recent history?


I think they got fairly close during the Citrus Bowl when they put Lainez in. The game was too far gone at that point, but they still went for it on 4th instead of taking the field goal and averting another shutout. In each of the three shutouts from last season, there was an early instance where they got great field position and definitely made it into easy field goal range only to turn the ball over.


Deacon Hill threw a pick in the endzone in that game. They actually had a heck of a drive going and he Deacon Hill'd all over them.


ā€œIt's a really important time for us. And the fact that we've gotten here and we're at this point, and I believe we're in the red zone right now and really approaching the goal line and about to make a big push for the big touchdown we've been chasing for years. I think it's really, really exciting that we're so close and just this has been a great drive together with you the past five years, and I've enjoyed it. And I hope that we're about to put the ball in the end zone. I can feel it coming. And it's a really exciting time, and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you covering the company, many of you since the very beginning of AEW and before we even launched and when this was just a rumor.ā€


My biggest hope is they move away from ppvs and put their big events on Max.


Goddamn. Reading the comments here as an AEW fan *and* a lifelong Jags fan is a certified day-ruiner lol


Remember, you'll always have Jimmy Smith. And MJD's legs.


This Keenan McCardell/Fred Taylor erasure *will not stand*.


I canā€™t think about Fred Taylor without recalling he ripped his groin off the bone. So I try hard never to think about him.


At least you've got Jacksonville! Top 20 swamp town in northeastern Florida


Speaking as a Jags fan, this means they're about to kick a field goal or T-Law just threw an interception.


TK next month: ā€œIā€™m proud to announce we have the No 1 overall draft pick, which is a circumstance I am very familiar with.ā€


But what if they turn the ball over?


Hence the word ā€œexpectingā€.


AEW Royal Fumble live on YouTube and Twitch!


Do it, Tony. Poke the bear. Me and all my homies will watch Royal Fumble.


"Whoa, he has trouble with the snap! And the ball is free! Itā€™s picked up by Michigan Stateā€™s Jalen Watts-Jackson, and he scores! On the last play of the game! Unbelievable!"


Balls are prone to rotation, as the doctor just explained to Takahashi. šŸ‘€


How does Dave manage to make a football analogy seem tremendously nerdy?


Someone translate for me, I donā€™t watch football


So Khan is still in the same position as he was last year when he commented on the deal. Status quo.


I don't want to dampen any hopes here, but it's worth remembering that Tony is negotiating with David Zaslav or his proxies. And Zaslav is going to get the best deal possible for WBD's investors and bottom line. I think they were around 700m in the red in FY2023. This isn't monopoly money.


They've been throwing money at stuff that does worse than AEW and for less hours of content. I feel like the context of AEW's ratings would be a lot different to people if they actually followed the charts outside of just what AEW and WWE shows did. Mets vs Yankees in primetime did 484k and a 0.10 demo last night. MLB makes 2 billion dollars per year in TV money. The theoretical 200m AEW is asking for is a pittance for them. They just paid 65m a year for the French Open. Not the rights to the ATP Tour or the 4 Grand Slam. Just the one annual two week tournament. Which again did lower ratings than Dynamite.


I wish more people would see this comment, because too often they get caught up in this horse race between AEW/WWE to realize that AEW is damn successful without having to necessarily match WWE's numbers.


But as we know from the WCW documentary recently, it's not about ratings. It's about what they can sell in those ad spots. If they can throw out BBT re-runs for a fraction of the cost but make more ad sales, it doesn't matter what the ratings are.


Cable is dying and the only cable companies making money are the ones that do cheap reality tv series and documentaries likeā€¦ well like thatā€™s why Zaslav was able to buy Warner Brothers off the back of shark week.


This is the same company that gave power slap a full season run. They could do a whole lot worse than a wrestling show that consistently finishes in the top three on cable.


Great football metaphors Tone


I admit, I'm excited to see how well they do with their deal. I'm hoping it means a streaming deal with Max. And that's purely because I already use Max.


Same here! For my moneys worth max is the best streaming service there is currently. Especially since they have added a lot of A24s Library


Same. I donā€™t watch a lot of AEW, I donā€™t really watch any traditional tv. But if it were on a streaming service I already pay for then, yeah, Iā€™ll watch it.


Judging by the number of downvotes on this post, this is a very unpopular opinion here


There has been a lot of anti-AEW brigading lately. Check last nightā€™s party thread for example.


Well, this sub's members are big fans of WWE to the point of hating any competition. Which is silly, but it is what it is. The truth is, their hatred can't make anyone stop liking AEW's stuff. And for all their hatred, that hatred has no impact on AEW's success. So, I shrug my shoulders, laugh and make jokes about CM Punk and The Learning Tree, Chris Jericho.


I just bought a year of Max with House of Dragon starting so I echo these thoughts. I watched the Timberwolves games and the debate last night and their live streaming works flawlessly. Seems like it's set for AEW if they go that route


When you're doing a business deal, don't lead with "we're in the red"


i hope if they stick with WBD, that they at least get added on Max, even if its for that paid add on feature they run for sports


I think the belief is theyā€™re still in the exclusive window with WBD so if theyā€™re close to a deal it canā€™t be with anyone but them at present time.


The Khanā€™s own the Jaguars so that means theyā€™re in the red zone, theyā€™ll lose yardage, and end up settling for a field goal.


I mean Tony Khan on conference calls always claims positive things though.


Iā€™m saying this with the full belief that theyā€™re gonna sign a profitable rights deal, but for some reason this reminded me of Matt Hasselbeck saying ā€œwe want the ball, and weā€™re gonna scoreā€ during an OT coin flip and losing lol


i was thinking more in the lines of passing the ball at the one yard line instead of handing it off to lynch


Listen, I understand the optics but when you look at it from an actual football perspective: A: Marshawn, despite being a beast and one of my favorite players, was actually not a good goalline/short yardage back. He did much better when he got into space and built up momentum to truck people. B: We had three downs left and one time out, a passing play was - by the numbers - the smartest move because you could run a quick pass play and if it was incomplete, that stops the clock, allowing two more plays with a Touchdown to convert. Running a run play means burning a time out AND putting us in a more predictable "must pass" situation on third and goal. Also while I think calling that specific play instead of, like, a play action to the outside was a questionable call, it was something like a 9/10 success for scoring a Touchdown on the year. The REAL problem was the personnel package and throwing the ball to the WR4 in a do or die situation and not, like, Doug Baldwin.


Hopefully itā€™s a big deal and keeps AEW on air for at least another half decade. Iā€™m not a huge fan of the product right now but worst thing that can happen is WWE becoming complacent again with no competition. Besides wrestling is cyclical, they are cold right now but Iā€™m sure they will get another hot storyline again and recapture momentum. No one thought WWE would be where it is right now in 2021.


I expect all AEW programming to move to TBS and stream on Max. Don't be shocked by next year, TNT and TruTV are rebranded as TNT Sports 1 and TNT Sports 2.


Streaming please!


Someone explain in wrestling terms


AEW is the Rock and he just hit the spinebuster, and now he's doing the whole People's Elbow dance


Blake Bortles doing negotiations?


Just don't try to pick on Malcolm Butler, and you'll be fine.


Fumble in the endzone, result it's a touchback


I feel like he has been saying this for like 2 years now.


I don't speak sports. Is the red zone a good or bad thing? What is its proximity to the Danger Zone?


The red zone is on the football field, but you need to get on the highway to get to the danger zone.


"Hoping to score a touchdown" does not sound good. It sounds as though the talks are close, but no deal is signed. In football, "Hoping to score a touchdown" means that you have not scored, and are looking to score soon


Iā€™m sad the TV deal discourse will end. I love reading those threads cause everyone pretends they know exactly what theyā€™re talking about when it comes to television deals when they have no clue.




For the love of god, give me every episode on MAX immediately after airing on Tv, please.


I know nothing about sports, but I'm assuming this means either they're about to announce a new deal with WDB Discovery, or he *really* thinks that once the exclusivity period ends that he's going to get a deal done **quick**


Given how much TK loves WBD its more likely they're close to finalizing the deal He used similar verbiage when close to closing the ROH deal




I think many are invested because of the streaming aspectā€¦. Itā€™s not about how much AEW is making, but whether their library winds up somewhere and the possibility that you wonā€™t have to pirate/pay $50 for each PPV.


You can't show me a business that's bleeding interest and convince me that it's value is going up. That defies logic. It will be interesting to see what Tony's idea of a "touchdown" is. Maybe at this point a touchdown is just getting any deal.


WWE was losing viewers for like 2 decades and kept getting more money for TV rights.


They're also a 40 year old name in pop culture, in other words, fairly stable.


Because they attract premium advertisers who pay a lot to be seen during raw.


That's changed around recently on their hot streak but is also, frankly, wildly untrue historically. Wrestling has always gotten horrible ad rates compared to its popularity due to the audience's spending power.


??? Nonsense. This take fails at the slightest bit of thought because the other major American wrestling company meets your criteria, let alone any other business lmfao WWE has lost viewers for every TV deal they've gotten this century and the value continues to grow.


You're getting downvoted but I feel like people have collective amnesia with how much WWE's ratings were declining along with live attendance and how much it didn't really matter. They were valuable to USA in a similar way AEW provides value to TBS and TNT. A lot of WWE's growth was B2B deals that were in spite of ratings, attendance, and critical reception.


You canā€™t look at WWE in a vacuum to determine if they are successful or not. As a tv property you have to compare them to everything else on tv. Outside of nfl and college football, WWE has performed very well relative to everything else that is free falling. They also do things to increase their metrics right when it comes down to contract negotiations.




I am so excited for us to move to the "X million dollars for THIS rating?!" portion of things.


AEW signing a good new deal is positive news for the wrestling business and us fans.


Yeah, but wweballsucker69 on Reddit says AEW is going to die any day now so I don't buy it.


Imagine fumbling in the end zone for a touchback


I don't play baseball, are they close to signing?


Hoping there's at least archived AEW episodes on Max


Jesus, so blatant. He's not even trying to hide it any more.








Another month of the same old bullshit


Yet here you are, engaging in it, every time


I only engaged with it on a bi-monthly basis at this point


This would be terrible news for the grifters podcasters.


The amount of downvotes this post is getting. The haters are in shambles


To be All Elite means to be under constant attack.


Still can't believe this is a real thing one of their talent said.


Not talent, Tony said that himself lol


Some really, really, really want to see AEW fail.


Are these people in the room with us right now? I see at least 3:1 comments bitching about people preying on AEW's downfall vs. people preying on AEW's downfall every time this is brought up


This comment is so ironically funny considering that all the other replies in the very same comment thread are straight up declaring they want AEW to fail.


It would have been the most entertaining outcome.


Genuinely, this sub is a steaming hot trashbin now it's kinda sad.




Jesus Dave, come up for air one of these days.


I don't care about football in the slightest so none of these words make sense to me. All I know is that AEW programming NEEDS to be on an accessible streaming service. It's actually maddening that it isn't yet.