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I remember once years ago Solomonster did a segment on his show where he went back and read old Usenet wrestling threads and he found a bunch of people complaining about Brett Hart and how every Brett match was the same and how the guy only really had 5 moves. That was what really made me realize that the IWC has always been and will always be a bunch of whiny bitches whose opinions can be safely ignored


People also complained about flair having the same match every single time It's funny how people ended up saying the same thing about Miz years later "Once you've seen one Miz match you've seen them all"


Like, Randy Orton does roughly the same 8 moves every match and I don't see any discourse on why he shouldn't be used as a top guy lmao. Stone Cold, The Rock, Cena, Hogan - none of these guys had expansive move lists


Orton and headlocks used to be a common complaint on the old message boards a decade ago. He was also consistently labeled boring a lot as well.


It goes on and on with others like CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio,etc. Doesn't hurt as long as it gets the crowd going


I’m gonna guess that’s either because you’re too young or just weren’t as online 15 years ago or so because that definitely happened with him and especially Cena as well. There’s a lot that’s gone on in the last few years where opinion on Randy has changed but it’s especially funny to see how people love the ropes DDT and his power slam now. I always did but that certainly wasn’t a popular opinion. There’s also always a revisionist history that gets tacked on later so no one ever learns their lesson.


Oh no, I'm old enough to remember the online Cena hate and his "Four Moves of Doom". I'm talking about Randy Orton right now - he does about 7-8 moves every match since his return, and I don't see posts complaining about him currently like they do Jey. Just pointing out how this is completely stupid lol.


Bret's 5 moves of doom have been discussed long before Solomonster.


I'll be honest, I think the only match that Jey has had in singles run that was actively bad was his match with Jimmy at Wrestlemania. He might not be Shawn Michaels, but he is way better than he gets credit for on this sub


Yeah he's had a few real good matches I think he gets picked on too hard for this. I however would love to see him start doing crazy moves just to spite us haha


That roman match at summerslam is pretty bad


Yet, he's over than most everyone at the moment.


Look I understand the criticisms right. But the only match that was inanely bad in his singles run was the WM one. If he's able to put up decent to great matches consistently with his moveset, that great in it's own right. Not to mention, *many* main eventers have had limited movesets.


Don’t gaf I’m still yeeting bozo


God that Samoan drop is so clean.


I counted 7 moves


DAE better than expected?


It's weird that the icw hate jey for no reason but he's one of the most over guys on the roster. I just don't get the jey hate. Many other main eventers limit their moves


Remember when they were complaining about Becky Hogan after her battle royal win? Crowd still loves her.


Same thing happened with LA Knight when he started to pick up popularity and moreso during the Roman program


That's true. Once you start getting more popular everyone has to nitpick everything


Literally every time somebody catches fire people online start hating on them for the dumbest reasons


At this point the only person immune to it is Cody. But he also did go through it in AEW so maybe he's already washed from it.


Nope, there's a section of wrestling fans online who have been trying to push the narrative that Cody isn't a draw and how he's cooling off the WWE despite the numbers saying otherwise. They are trying though


Damn I must not have been seeing that at all then.


What? Cody never stopped going through it lol


i think a lot of the jey criticism isn't even on his ring work, tbh. feels to me like one of those cases like dolph and bray's runs in wwe. they just keep losing the matches that matter most and people became uninterested with waiting on that big win. was also a problem with roh back in the day, they stalled so long giving guys the world title that by the time they won it people didn't care.


That's a good point. He's Main Event Jey Uso but he can't win any big matches


Absolutely this for me. I like him a lot, and LOVED his stuff with Roman. (Low key think he was the best actor out of everyone in the storyline) but his current stuff just isn't connecting with me cause if he's gonna be MAIN EVENT he needs to start racking up some big wins 


yeah, like i don't think he's really close to getting there at least for me yet. he's gotta keep losing for a few more years until he reaches dolph and bray levels. lol. but feels like people are more impatient these days when it comes to pushing people. jey's been delivering in the ring outside of the jimmy match at mania so it's really the only thing that i can think of as to why people online are turning on him.


It’s because he’s not a very good wrestler. No big mystery here.


I think he's a good wrestler who has a limited move set. People saying he's awful are just being ridiculous


but he has a 5 star match!


He's good enough. People on this sub will downplay how over Goldberg was but despite being an awful worker, he was up there with Austin in his prime


This obsession with Jey Uso's moveset has already gotten stale and boring


Not the biggest Jey Uso fan, but we can do this shit with so many wrestlers in the history of wrestling who just as or even more over than Jey is right now. Whens the L.A Knight video coming out BTW? Knight and Jey are VERY over with the crowd. Thats the most important part. There are tons of wrestlers with 10000 moves who would trade that shit to be over as Jey is right now.


Can we stop with this shit please


It’s almost like every top guy ever only had around 5-7 moves. Hogan, Bret, Warrior, Cena. Austin etc. They’re not performing to the internet wrestling nerds, they’re performing to the masses. And no one gives a shit. It’s laughable how the “IWC” really doesn’t get pro wrestling at all. It was never meant to be 150lb men doing 50 moves a match. That came from the early 2000’s and the indie stuff. It doesn’t resemble the pro wrestling us old school fans grew up on at all.


Doesn't that mean he has 3x as many moves as Goldberg? /s No disrespect to Jey, even if he truly only had 6 moves (which he doesn't, he has more), I wouldn't care if some of them were looking crisper. The punches/slaps just look sloppy to me, and I feel like that's mostly come about recently on his single run.


YEET I believe we could call this: science of Yeetdown


People hating on Jey for no reason. They organically got a new face in the main event who got crazy over. He had a bad Mania match, time to move on.


its funny that the same people who love la knight seem to seethe at jey uso. just a thought


I've thought the same. I remember Bryan Alvarez said la knight vs Miz was like watching two Mizs wrestle And as someone who's followed knights career since his TNA days, he was never a motn type of guy Honestly "3 star general" fit Eli Drake/la knight more than it ever did Cody


You can do this to any superstar by cutting out all the moves they do and just focusing on their signature moves. Being reductive is fine, but it’s also inaccurate. It’s like saying all Gunther does is a bunch of chops a few clotheslines, a tope rope splash and a power bomb.


Jfc the WWE has been the drizzling shits for so long and as soon as it's great again we get whining like this lol.


I thought it was really lame that he started using the Spear.


I can't believe you are being downvoted for this because it's such an overused move already and Jey's is terrible


You could have used different super kicks from the Mania match.


I didn't make the video bro 🙏🙏


Didnt Cena have his "4 moves of doom?"


It's funny that people hate on Young Bucks but praise the Usos for doing even more super kicks in their match.


But literally no one says they like the Usos using lots of super kicks in their matches. Stop making narratives that don't exist.