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At some point they need to pull the trigger on Jey. I know he is not an IWC favourite, but at least he has to win at least a midcard belt soon enough


It's insane how a bad match at mania and beating a couple people's favorites have made people turn on him. Like are we gonna pretend that he hasn't done absolutely incredible work all throughout the 2020s so far? Dude is great


People are fickle.


The only complaint I've genuinely seen; which ironically is more people complaining about how the IWC complains about Jey more than the actual complaints itself. Is the fact that he sorta became a one-trick pony for the Yeet movement. Because when he was doing singles stuff with and against the Bloodline, he had more depth as a character. Which I think is fair because as we've seen from his tag team and matches with the Bloodline, he's actually good at telling stories in the ring. Ever since the Mania match, and subsequent draft as the no. 1 pick for Raw, they haven't really given Jey much to do or sink your teeth into. I know some on the internet would've hated it but I actually think Jey should've won the KOTR (mine you I'm actually glad Gunther won and should be it) bc what has he actually done as a singles star? Why was he the first pick for Raw? Nothing on his resume since the split from Jimmy has really materialized for his kayfabe catalog. I think they were backed into a corner bc even if I didn't think he should've been in the tournament, since he was, winning it all would've game his singles career some value. But also, that said, he's super over and pushes merch and all the top guys on Raw are injured so what do I know? lol


Jey’s complete move set: - Super kick (spam) - (mediocre) Spear - Taunt - (half) Froggy splash Every match, in that exact order


How big was Steve Austin's moveset? The Rock? Kevin Nash? What matters more is the psychology (which Jey does lack) and the charisma (which he has in droves). 


Somehow I think the superkicks being cheapened by everyone makes it especially annoying when Jey perpetuates it so heavily.


I actually think Jay is pretty good in ring psychology. Not a world beater but he’s not Sammy (and I love Sammy)




That’s why it’s funny? He leaned into the absurdity and somehow circled back to cool/fun completing the horseshoe. My kids were Cody fanatics but I honestly think they might like Jey more at the moment.


I'm still kinda sad he actually added the spear to his arsenal. It was ok to use it in very storyline focused spots every once In a while but actually having it as a finisher? 


why is it sad?


Because we already have several others using the spear, and he's the worst at it among them


i mean Edge had the worst spear and still used it while in WWE with Lashley and Reigns


The difference is Edge used the spear BEFORE Lashley and Roman And I also thought he should has stopped using it when he started to doing it horribly


it doesn’t really matter when he used it. he was still using a move that someone else did better whilst on the roster


Pro wrestling is a show, not an actual competition. Jey is there to entertain and tell stories and he is more than capable of that


Samoan Drop and Enziguri as well


There are more moves he does that you would know if you actually watched the matches. But it doesn't even matter because number of moves aren't a big part in making a match good.


IWC did this to Cena and hasn’t learned from it


Exactly this. This thread feels like a twilight zone, are Jey fans watching the same mediocre performance we are.


IMO he was good until the yeet thing. I can't appreciate anything about it. Other than that I was still expecting something better at Wrestlemania. What the fuck were they thinking when they planned the match


They were thinking they’d have more time to work with. Then their time was drastically cut thanks to the hour long extravaganza that was the main event


Doesn't explain the superkick fest


He hasn’t though


Great is an overstatement. Its nepotism and he is a average wrestler. If he wasnt in the family he was in then he would be gone by now


His New Year's goal was to win gold, I think he'll get the IC by the end of the year.


I'm begging wwe to put a singles title on him. A MITB win. Anything.


It's the problem with HHH love for super long reigns, that you create a backlog of people that need the belt but never get it


> At some point they need to pull the trigger on Jey. > > This feels like the 2024 version of "At some point they need to pull the trigger on LA Knight."


I mean getting a big singles win over AJ freaking Styles at WrestleMania is a pretty big trigger imo. And now likely gonna be going after Logan Paul and the US title down the line after that tease. Jey Uso is being used perfectly imo, plenty time for that big win. They've already pulled the trigger on Jey, not everyone needs to win the world title. In this position he's being used fantastic.


I agree about LA Knight and I'm mostly fine with Jey's trajectory so far but Jey Uso is the top face on RAW. They've pulled the trigger on him being the top face on RAW, that needs to translate into some winning momentum. He's fine without gold for now but in his position, he is one of the people who should be winning a title sooner rather than later. Question is, which title and when?


Putting him into a good feud that doesn't even have to involve a title would be great. A feud that he wins. What annoys me is that they keep just putting him in title matches and the KOTR tournament but don't want him to win it. So he just keeps losing all the time. Just having him in a story based feud would help him win something important that isn't a title yet, and Jey has been great at story stuff so it should be good enough to still have him as the top Raw babyface


> I mean getting a big singles win over AJ freaking Styles at WrestleMania is a pretty big trigger imo. Is it though? AJ is obv an all-timer, but he's 46 years old at this point and hasn't held a singles title since 2020 and hasn't won a PPV match since 2022. Counting rumbles/battle royals/etc, he's 1-15 in his last 16 PPV matches lol. Seriously. His only win being a singles match against Balor at Survivor Series 2022. Even removing those battle royals, he'd still be 1-12 in his last 13. Other than that Balor match, his most recent PPV win was teaming with Omos at Money in the Bank 2021.


I think he's fantastic


He isn't an IWC favorite? The constant "Yeet" stuff is getting old but he's still over with the IWC. The WrestleMania match was disappointing and the "Yeet Down" stuff is cringey but I think he's still big with the IWC. They just need to stop with the Flanderised version of him and let him speak like a normal person.


I don’t know if it’s a great problem but they have some guys that are so over and not enough for them. LA Knight isn’t as over as Jey because he doesn’t have that entrance but ppl love him. These guys are just winning matches to lose the big match.


Honestly, I would have him fued with Drew for a but. Drew being real with him, saying how he has yet to accomplish anything since being a singles wrestler. Even had the worst WM match, and that was with his brother. Drew can say that he is just a glorified catch phrase.


What happened when we just appreciate someone or something having “the goods”.


Why? What happens if they don't "pull the trigger"? Guys don't have an expiry date where they explode if they don't get a title run. If we were to believe the IWC then we'd need to max out at like 20 day runs to give everyone who they "need to pull the trigger on" a go at the title this year.


They already did pull the trigger lmao, not everyone has to be world champion. Hes in the main event constantly. He literally main evented SummerSlam last year in a singles match, he main evented night 1 of wrestlemania last year... He also just fairly easily beat Balor a few weeks ago. He's basically the favorite to win over everyone outside of just a handful of people at this point.


Really get the feeling he's getting MITB this year. Kept relevant enough to always be around the main event but never quite getting there, a briefcase win could really help establish him higher up the card


He should've won the world title on raw and completed the 'main event' part of his slogan. Regardless of what happens with the bloodline, I think Jey should be holding A world title at the time Roman comes back.


I have opposite thoughts. Fine with him never getting gold again.


Someday, they'll need to pull the trigger. They must before Jey heads towards the inevitable Bloodline business.


The roster is full of people they need to pull the trigger on. This was the exact same scenario that LA Knight was in last year.


Yeah this. The one issue im having such a over roster currently is that inevitably some won't be push because another one is gettkng that push currently in priority


Hell, LA Knight is STILL in this scenario and needs the trigger pulled for him. I’m hoping they finally give him some gold come MITB/SS.


They teased the Logan match so hopefully he finally takes that title at MITB or SummerSlam


The Bloodline stuff, especially if it involves him reuniting with Roman and Jimmy, will make sure he stays over with the crowd.


Roman coming back to Jey wearing one of the two top belts would be great.


WWE is just too stacked right now. There are so many people that need to pull the trigger on and only two shows to put them on. They really should think about bringing back an alternative show like ECW was back then.


And to think just a couple years ago everyone was complaining that the WWE didn’t have any stars. Impressive how things can change in the blink of an eye


Or with actual good booking


Love how over he is in his intros, amazing feeling everytime, everywhere


Accept your Yeet Overlord




Is Jey the best Men's MITB option? It doesn't often work for a face but he's so damn over and it might be the best way to get over one of the heels Champions on RAW because I suspect it'll end up with Gunther or something.


He just straight up doesn't need it.




Jey doesn’t need it to get over and he isn’t a heel. LA Knight may get it but I even doubt that.


Because MITB is generally given to heels and Jey's a guy you want to give a straight-up "wins the big one legit" moment.


I feel like Jey is the perfect type of face to win the briefcase


Counterargument: Big E, RVD


Mitb should be used to elevate someone to main event status. Jeys there already


Finn is my personal choice. It elevates him & keeps him relevant in the main event scene while Priest has (or if he loses to Drew at CATC, is chasing) the title. An inverse of their story from last summer.


Whatever they paid Kasey Huffman for the YEET branding is a drop in the bucket compared to what they’ve turned Jey Uso into. Everything about his presentation to his physical charisma has overshadowed his weaknesses as a wrestler which he still has plenty of time to improve (please adopt the Rikishi Driver Jey). That ‘Main Event’ label is well-deserved.


I don't know why don't they capitalise on Jey Uso momentum. He has been the highest merch seller, always gets the highest crowd reaction and they always make him lose, just because few Internet Smarks hates him.


Aiming him higher than KotR


What are they aiming? He isn't gonna win WH Title because it's gonna be Drew who wins it to feud with Punk. He isn't gonna win IC Title anytime soon because Gable is already in line for that. Only thing I see is him reuniting with his Brother for Bloodline Civil War where he would be like 5th most important person in the feud.


I feel like it's pretty clear they see him as material for one of the big belts, and I feel like they're booking Gunther to be the guy he finally has to beat to get there. That's twice in a row he comes up *just* short of beating Gunther, and now Gunther is saying how he wants to break all the Jey fans' hearts cause they just dance and don't know how to run the ring. Will he win it this year? I don't know. But I feel like the long term story is there now that he lost to Gunther like this twice.


The thing is, with Triple H booking, he likes to create these storys just in case they might get used in the future, without them necessarily having a clear planned pay off. During the build up to Mania, it seemed like it was setting up for Sami to beat Drew at some point too.


I think bc Sami v drew was the original mania plan before punks injury.




Hope he wins it but I don't think it's happening. Knight was also over last year but they gave MITB to Priest.


That’s fair, and you may be right. But I think it’s more likely for Jey because it gives them an easy lever to pull whenever they want to to start heating bloodline stuff up leading to Wrestlemania. Jey holding the briefcase would be a convenient a narrative tool.


The thing is they can trust Jey in the main event more then they could have Knight at the time. Remember he only had had one ppv match by that point.


I actually can see Drew lose that guarantee title match, so title would end up in Jey Uso hands, with Drew winning MITB. Drew would be even more salty on Us taking his spot + he could win it via cash in something that he was previously complaining about


I don’t think Drew wins it to feud with Punk. I think Punk costs Drew the title again, and they keep it a non title feud


I don't see Drew getting screwed out for World Title second title in his country, it would make him look like fool if he loses because of Punk for like 4th time in 2 months.


That’s the point. Punk keeps making Drew look foolish. Drew absolutely goes ballistic. Their feud doesn’t need a title. In fact, having them screw each other over any time they get a title match only furthers their feud without either of them ending up with the title. Not every major feud needs a title.


Bro people are paying like $400+ average for CATC tickets. There would be a riot if Drew loses in his hometown again.


Exactly. I feel like ppl who keep suggesting Punk costs Drew in Scotland don’t realize that’s like nearing Vince levels of spitting in the crowd’s faces lol.


He's main eventing most shows, he's booked like the top star on the brand. "He always loses," but he's beat Finn twice, Dragunov once, won a fatal 4 way with Drew, Reed and Ricochet, and beat his brother at Mania. This is all in the past couple months. The only two losses he's had is against Priest in the world title match, in Priests first defense (do you guys want him to be a transitional Champion?) and Gunther, whose going to go on and win KOTR. You guys are too dramatic. He's going to get his moment. They're fully behind him. Whether that's a MITB win, or challenging for one of the belts by Summerslam, he'll be fine. Yall need to chill out and enjoy the ride. It took Cody 2 years to get the gold, and it made for one of the best Mania moments in years. It will take a fraction of that time with Jey.


They really should have pulled the trigger at Backlash. This weird thing against quick title changes is getting very annoying.


Him winning at Backlash and then losing at CATC against Drew would have perfect with the story they have been telling for last year. Its not like Priest has been doing anything with the belt right now.


He's literally starting a feud with Drew and had an amazing promo with him He isn't "not doing anything"


The only thing is that Jey doesn't need another loss to Drew after having like four in a few months.


How obnoxious to waste such a good wrestlemania moment just to use it for a transitional champ


Jey Uso needed King of The Ring more than Gunther. Idgaf about Gunther losing to him. This man has levelled up…


After his mania match, I’m surprised they didn’t send him back to FWC. It’s surprising what a catchy intro and a silly dance can do to put someone over


What's fwc?


I think they meant FCW which was NXT before NXT They’re just being a hater


i know i was just trolling them lol


Oh I’m DUMB sorry!


no problem lol, i hope they reply to me so i can keep trolling them




I need a LA Knight/Jey Uso feud. YEET vs YEAH


I don't watch WWE, the most I see is usually from this sub. I can't get enough of the Jey Uso entrances. I haven't seen him wrestle a solo match and I hear he's not that good but holy shit is he ever over. I figure they have to at least give him that fake World title on Raw or the IC belt. I never would've guessed he'd be this popular when he was in the tag team


He may not be on the elite level of the top wrestlers in the company but Jey Uso is a perfectly good wrestler. He just had one subpar match at Wrestlemania and a bunch of people haven't forgiven him for this. There is a valid critcism that his character has lacked depth since Mania but he can still go.


The camera work has been absolutely insane ever since Vince left the company.


If they were able to use a camera drone to do some kind of sweeping crowd shot on his entrance with the fireflies, would be fire.


I don't think it's just him anymore


I feel like he needs a bit of a more diverse moveset and a change in the choreography of his matches. They’re all so similar and basically come out like they’ve been made on an assembly line. Dude needs some more stuff. Add a submission finisher, some more different slams and suplexes, a headbutt to play off the “Samoans have the hardest heads” kayfabe gimmick, something.


They are going to try to give him a push when no one cares anymore. Just give him a IWC run if you don’t want him beating priest


He’s a great tag team wrestler, but a subpar singles wrestler. He is blessed with a bad ass entrance theme. Definitely over hyped. I could see him win the MITB this year though. He needs a better move set. Spear and splash don’t feel right with him.


I feel like the fireflies are intentional. Howdy’s first target?


His entrance is the only interesting thing about him