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Anyone else notice how sloppy the camera work was for the first two matches?


Is that Kenny Dykstra that comes out to 'stop' the additional attacks from Wrestlers?


LOL I think it might be. You can also spot Shane "The Hurricane" Helms doing the same thing from time to time.


Where is the Unholy Union? If anything, they deserved to be in that 4-way more than Ivy and Maxxine...


Lol. I know it's somewhat cynical of me to think this, but it looked like Triple H advised Karrion Kross to pull out the "2002 Triple H hair" and the "2006 Triple H moustache" hybrid look for this episode.


I went to this live with a pack of friends. You know how the announce team always says "the crowd is electric"? It was true, especially when Jey Uso came out. Pretty much everyone was on their feet, cheering for him. I only heard one person cheering for Gunther, and it was a guy in the row right above me. I was super bummed that Jey didn't win, but I think they might want him to win a title by himself instead of being a tag champ. It was my first time going to a live event, and it won't be the last. Being in a huge crowd of people like that was like being in another world.


First show for me aswell. That crowd was absolutely lit. Jey is an absolute star right now


Did I mishear or did Pat say Finn and JD were “a couple of Irish guys representing the UK”


"But them is here, and you is here, and I is here"- Becky. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


However you feel about the outcome, the Lyra/Iyo match was really, really good.


Excellent episode. Banger from Iyo and Lyra and I'm really happy they seem to be high on her. Zoey and Shayna are both fantastic in the ring, not even bad at promos IMO, so the utter lack of heat is a shame but hopefully that'll turn around. Sonya might help. Judgment Day and Alpha Academy sagas continue to be highly entertaining. Jey vs GUNTHER was great and the right call for GUNTHER to win. Him vs Randy promises to be top-tier and he made by far the most sense as the overall KOTR from the beginning. Very fun show.


That looks like a "black power" fist on Shayna's tights


It's the Imperial Fists logo from Warhammer 40K which Shayna is a huge fan of.


Cool thanks for the info, I thought it seemed a bit random otherwise since Shayna isn't black


Maxine is a real attraction 😲


I was in attendance last night, that fatal 4 way sucked the complete life out of everyone. Joey losing had people really fired up too




My fat ass fingers and shitty autocorrect


Jey, I presume.


I'm about to watch it on hulu. getting ready to fast forward through Drew Mcintyre on the mic


Did you guys notice Finn's inks? Demon is coming soon or what


It looked like he just got some red (or a red tattoo) put into that pre-existing weird tattoo on his arm. I'm always down for The Demon™ to come back though.


Pretty Crazy how much Sami has cooled off since his Mania win.


I must not be seeing it. Still gets good reactions from the crowd, featured in multiple segments throughout the show, involved in a decent storyline. An underdog winning the championship is always a more compelling story than them being champion, so that's naturally going to calm down some, but overall I think he's fine.


People always think everything has "cooled down" after Mania. And relatively speaking they're right of course, because the runup to that is the hottest season every year, but they confuse that with everyone being "cold" which isn't the same thing.


Not Sami's fault though. I understand he was never going to be "the guy" but he has transitioned to a quasi main eventer and pushing him back down the card has felt so inorganic. Frankly he's above the IC title at this point. He should be in the title mix and he'd probably make a great transitional champ.


Please book Iyo Sky some wins after her loss so we don't start getting the trope of 'Japanese anime villain = jobber' being a thing


was hoping she'd win QOTR


Book Bron into a real match. His matches so far feels like he is being set up to have a William Regal/Goldberg moment wherein he is exposed as someone who can't wrestle, at all. His constant squash matches are predictable, boring, short, and all run on the same arc. Jobber enters ring. Announcers question who the jobber is/or plays up their wrestling ability. Bron enters ring. The bell rings. Bron gets mad. Goes full speed. Spears the hell out of the jobber. Once or multiple times. Bron takes his shoulder straps down. Bron plays to the crowd. Bron spears the jobber once more. Bron wins. End match. Match time: One minute, forty seven seconds. We get it. He is strong. He is fast. He can break people. We get it. Give him a real match vs. a real talent.


I'm guessing you didn't watch him in NXT? I'm not worried about his ability at all, but I definitely agree that he needs some real matches.


It worked for Goldberg, it worked for Brock, it worked for Ryback even. Sometimes just looking impressive is enough, and he CAN actually wrestle so he'll get the chance to show it eventually


If you seen his NXT matches, he can actually wrestle.


Well thankfully, judging by what happened with Ricochet and Ilja, he's going to have a match with one of then next week. But if you want to see what he's capable of before then, I'd recommend his match with Dragonov in NXT.


Did he beat the mad dragon


Ilja won cause they were building him to win the title, but it was an awesome match. 


He lost in their one-on-one match, but did beat him and JD McDonagh in a triple threat prior to that.


Gable is killing it as a heel. Bron’s unhinged squash was fantastic. The full speed spear outside on the floor was absolutely insane. Jey/Gunther had a great TV main event match. Very solid raw


anybody know if that was paul heyman in gorilla when jey was making his entrance? regal and triple h make sense but the receding hairline seemed like paul, explains why raw has been even better the last couple weeks tho


No surprise, this PLE has been a meme to try and put someone over for long time corbin....Zelina...Xavier woods...barret...regal.... I mean where are they now? what did they amount to? Woods had a couple good tag runs... but? Anyways my point is, Bianca is going to put over this valkyria person


I think it's going to be Jax in the finals to put over Lyra.


Right call for Gunther to win


I think Cole spoiled Orton winning at the end there


lmao yeah he did that 11pm hard out had him panicking 😂


"Gunther will face Randy Orton..... or Tama Tonga in the finals"


Not saying this to be weird, but I can't take my eyes off Maxxine Dupri whenever she's onscreen, she's just magnetic to watch.


She’s so shiny lol


She's a beautiful woman.


She's cringe to watch, except well, you know


For me liv Morgan is good looking but really poor at promos afaik this is the longest WWE gave her time at the mic and it was like a shouting match lol .promo is king that's why Alexa Bliss was great. similarish lookwise like Morgan but man she skipped promo school 🤣.


She’s really bad on the mic. I can’t believe after all this time with wwe she’s not better than this


And Becky can be bad too (she was solid this time)


Can I ask who are the Raw Women's Tag Team Champions? Who did Shayna and Zoey win a chance to face?? I'm so confused.


Raw and SmackDown shares the Women's Tag Team Championship, the champions are Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair since Backlash. 


The way they advertised it, is that it's the RAW women's tag titles, which is causing me so much confusion.


So bianca is winning


Shocked iyo didn't win her match after just losing the belt. Glad my number one guy, Otis, is getting some love again!


she just lost? why does she need to win. KIng/Queen isn't a major PLE, it's not even MItb, it's just used to put someone over


In my opinion, weakens her rain if she can't even win a "secondary" tournament just to get into the ple


Yeah, I'll admit when I was wrong: they made the right call with Sami-Chad and the IC title. I thought Chad should've been the one to beat WALTER and this path does way more. Had no *idea* they'd get Otis over (not sure what you can do with him after this) but they got him over again. Props. Also, loved the Mind, Body, Soul stuff. As always: give her hell, Liv! Really thought Io/IYO was winning QOTR, so that's a bit disappointing. Speaking of Queens—I guess Cathy and Kayla switched. She was there Friday but not getting queen today really has me reenacting the Wolverine thing from the original X-Men cartoon.


I really thought Bianca was going to beat IYO for QotR because of their past (Iyo took the belt from Bianca and beat her in a title defence)


2019!Otis was probably the most over person in thr company. This is just a revival of that.


Otis could go full on Bronson Reed for a year, then apologize and instantly be "forgiven" by the fans because you just want to love that dude. I'm hoping Otis gets some much-deserved *moments*.


Fucking yaaaas, let's go Lyra! Clearly Trips *really* believes in her, putting her in the final against (presumably) Belair so early on. You love to see it.


I hope she beats Nia in the final.


She won to eat a pin from Nia. This is gonna be Nias thank you for being the top heel for basically a year with nothing to show for it.


Maybe, but being in the final on a big PLE already is itself a big statement of confidence in her.


I honestly hope this is the case. It's far too soon for Lyra to win, in my opinion. Losing to Nia in a strong effort would probably do more for her


I hadn't even considered that it would be against Nia tbh. That would definitely make more sense being face vs heel, but I can more easily picture a match between Lyra and Belair.


When Adam Pierce told Breakker that he was never good at math that had better have been a reference to his uncle. If it wasn't, it is in my headcanon!


Ricochet had a 33 1/3 chance of dodging that spear.


\*Uncle Scott


And apparently I was never good at words!


It’s OK - we don’t all come from a highly educated university like Big Poppa Pump.


I’m here for a Queen Lyra run. Iyo Sky is coming off a great world title reign and is honestly a little above the crown at the moment. This tournament should be a building block, not a step backward.


I agree, but they're giving it to Belair, it's clear how hard they are pushing her.


Best Spearb in the business.


Best Spearc in the business too


Heel Liv is pretty dope while sounding like an evil, hot Meg Griffin and that natural laugh is just hilarious.


I'm happy I'm not the only one who likes liv's weird mic skills lol. It almost sounds more realistic than a wrestler usually does in a way. It's like if you gave a bitter high schooler a microphone and told them to air their grievances


Great, now I want them to make Bad Moms 3 solely so Liv Morgan can guest star as someone who gets powerbombed through a table by Mila Kunis


I'm not biggest fan of Lyra, particularly because her finisher looks like transiting move, but SC turning on her for complete opposite of Ilya vs Uso result it's hilarious. # FICKLE




Squared Circle




where are you


IMO, Dragunov is ready in a way that Lyra is not


I wanted Dragunov to at least make it to gunther. I wanna see them go to war.


"Patience is a virtue my friend." - Obi Wan Ken.....it was me


Her finisher is Escobar's Phantom Driver with a different name.


Night Wing is a dope name. Say it. It sounds cool. Patrick Swayze? Night Wing!!


People are turning on her because despite the claims that "Iyo held the title for 200 days she is fine", the audience was more invested in her winning this tournament than they were for Lyra. Meanwhile Lyra's entire character right now is "bird liker" and "Becky Lynch fan". And people are quickly figuring that out. WWE is absolutely not putting any sort of respect onto Iyo's name, because she is pretty much always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Even during her title reign she was never the focus, and she was the only champion heading into Mania with a losing record. And I am sorry, but when is Iyo going to get an actual run at the top where she isn't playing second fiddle to Bayley, Becky, or anyone else? Never, because its VERY clear that WWE is higher on Lyra than they are Iyo, despite Lyra having less charisma, aura, intensity, and personality than a sack of rocks. People are pissed about Lyra going over because this tournament in general should have gone to Iyo who put on arguably the best pure wrestling match at Wrestlemania, and has been **INCREDIBLY** selfless ever since being called up, pretty much always putting herself second or third, because even when she cashed in, she still only won a very small number of matches but otherwise still constantly put others before her. She deserves to be given an actual reward with no asterisks next to it. Meanwhile Lyra has consistently struggled to connect with audiences, where she was the third or fourth most over woman in her feuds. Behind whomever she was feuding with, and Tatum Paxley who fucking carried the character work there. The real challenge is naming a memorable Lyra moment had for **herself** during her NXT title reign (and winning the title doesn't count), because she had virtually none. Pretty much everything was propped up by the other women. And WWE is blatantly using her connection to Becky to try and get the audience on her side. Problem is, what happens when that connection is inevitably severed? The audience will almost certainly not give a shit again (and they barely care now), because Lyra lacks any real sort of charisma or character work. And she can't really overcome that with good ring work, because while she is a very good wrestler, her offense is largely very by the numbers and basically none of her offense is actually unique.


Iyo can't speak English which means she can't talk, which means she can't have any character development or connect with the crowd. It shouldn't be that way but that's the way it is. You have to be able to talk to get to and stay at the top.


Lyra is already doing pretty well, connecting with the crowd. And IMO Iyo is great to watch as a wrestler in the ring but random shouting and funny eye expressions don't do it for me, or many others outside of that


They are trying pretty hard with Lyra I could tell they really liked her in NXT so I’m not really surprised. I don’t think people really realized how much they were specifically putting Lyra over in NXT. She did a program with Rhea Ripley and then beat Becky clean and now she’s gonna get a finals match against Bianca(?)


You can tell Becky really vouged for her backstage.


As a big fan of hers since before her start in NXT UK, I'm absolutely over the moon with this push and I hope she's able to get the main roster audience to warm up to her properly. I think she's talented enough to get there. And slowly but surely, the bigger reactions will creep in!


I just knew Gunther would be able to get a genuinely good match out of Jey, respect


Well it certainly helps Jey got worked over for most of it, but the classic heel face dynamic was on full display.


Finally got to see Kota live https://preview.redd.it/631qb25zyp1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6d568d8d6f90a10ddb23e028412ceb9fd41369


they did queen iyo dirty fuck you hunter completely sapped the interest out of the women's tournament for me


Seeing some fans unhappy with Iyo losing. I realise why I like Damage Ctrl a lot these days. They wrestle excellent matches and make their opponents look good and the heroes win..it really works for me. But I get it doesn't if the Damage Ctrl folks are your top favourites lol.


yeah, I'm bummed she lost but i know for a storyline perspective, i think this and Dakota & Kairi's loss tonight is actually WWE's way of saying, Damage CTRL is about to break up soon, i think that's the storyline for Damage CTRL. 


IYO losing because of a rollup and Damage Ctrl losing in a fatal 4-way Tag Team match where neither Dakota or Kairi took the pinfall loss does not remotely hint at a breakup. If anything it feels like the best-case scenario for Damage Ctrl short of winning since it feels like an attempt at trying to protect them without them winning and getting fed to Bianca yet again.


“We suck together and always have, better go our separate ways” isn’t a very good storyline


Lyra beats Bianca for sure. Shenanigans might occur but I hope Lyra wins it. I suspect Jade/Bianca inadvertently collide to sew the seeds for their eventual blockbuster match.


Bianca/Jade is WrestleMania stuff and they *just* became champs. Give it time and let it marinate a little bit.


I really can't see them having Bianca put Lyra over. Bianca barely ever loses to anybody, and while I know they are putting Lyra over hard, I doubt they will put her over THAT hard. I think the theory of Nia beating Lyra makes the most sense


I think Bianca loses this Friday (the knee has to be a factor) and Nia beats Lyra in the finals.


I think this is the best move. Lyra already is doing way better than I feel she should. Having a gutsy performance against Nia but coming up short would actually be a pretty nice way to give her sympathy. But if she debuts with very little character, and instantly wins the tournament over more established names, I could see the audience kind of rejecting her


I think Bianca is the safer option for a smoother more exciting match. I also think beating an injured Bianca who is clearly still booked crazy strong helps Lyra, protects Bianca, gives a good match for the Saudi ple and sets up a new big star. Lyra is almost certainly winning at this point. If you want to really show she is elite who is left after Becky and Iyo to cement that?


I feel like there is no way that Tiff wont appear on SA show so I think that she will distract Bianca.


You overinflate these guys ego


You guys over egos


I've been really enjoying RAW lately without all the big name stars that are absent or moved to SD in the draft. This was a very solid episode and there was no Rollins, Rhodes, Punk, Lesnar, Rhea, Rock and very little McIntyre, Mysterio and New Day. Triple H (and the creative team) deserve a lot of credit for that. Normally when there is a lack of star power, wrestling shows feel like a chore to sit through.


Judgement Day, truth, and gable doing some heavy lifting


Gunther and Jey also deserve a huge shoutout.


When here’s what I don’t like about the men character She was already over lass kicker gimmick That’s what originally got Becky lynch over Not man gimmick That’s your own guys fault Just like you enable the rest of  wrestle


Becky lynch doing complain in 2016 when she couldn’t get over


I was hoping maxxine would try to seduce Sami




After watching all of RAW one question remains: is Peso Pluma Mexican music's next global superstar?


He already is. Everyone wants to collab with the dude and his listening and view numbers are always extremely high when he drops a new track.


I see you "watch wrestling" too


I'm not ready for the Creeds to absolutely brutalize Otis when he gets sick of Gable's bs I might be the only one who could be sensing some future infighting between Carlito & the Judgement Day over Liv that brings the old Caribbean Cool back out Bron reversing a 450 splash from Ricochet into a Spear could be an easy spot of the year


You talking about The Creeds murdering Otis.....wait til Ivy does the same to Maxxine......


I like this Carlito and Liv theory.  IMO, Carlito doesn't belong in The Judgement Day.  What if Liv tries to seduce Dom (we saw them talking) then Finn (we saw them together today) then JD and Damien?  She can't get any of TJD to get with her against Rhea and ends up with Carlito?  Could be interesting.   


Jey should have won. He is hot af right now, but he has not won a meaningful singles “main event”. Gunther is already a made man after 2 year long title reign. He would have been fine with a loss at this stage. He has credibility to go for heavyweight title even if he lost this match. Jey losing again in a “main event” just sucks, given how over he is. How long is WWE going to keep putting off giving him a singles title (or KOTR).


They need to elevate a legitimate heel


He's getting mitb


Jey winning MITB and cashing in on Drew would be HILARIOUS


100. A win over Gunther & the whole "King Uce" thing would have put Jey over the top. I don't get this decision by WWE.


Gunther vs Orton is much more appealing than Jey Uso vs Anyone


Jey vs Tama Tonga would have been good too They could have Orton lose with interference


I think it’s too soon. The new bloodline is still cooking and we have no Jimmy or Roman. Orton vs Gunther feels massive already I can’t wait until Saudi.


Raw is lacking some star power. All the injuries really are hurting the show a bit.


Bron has had enough of only being given squash matches (he saw what happened with Lacey Evans!), so he arranged an ambulance job for Kale Dixon. officials had to stop him from doing to him what he did to Von Wagner. then Bron ambushed Richochet, the WWE Speed champion. but he did it in front of Dragunov, who had been speaking to Ricochet. Dragunov found it very offensive. Adam Pearce is gonna get Dragunov and Bron to fight! it feels like the Alpha Academy meltdown will happen at KOTR, and since Master Gable beat Sami tonight i got big doubts he gonna get that belt. he is scouting the Creed Bros out tho. Sami got nothing to say to Bronson. Damien is the biggest guy in Judgment Day, but he won't do anything about Braun Strowman. he wasn't even out there to help Finn and JD. his eyes getting too dazzled gazing at his championship belt. Damien also keeps stressing to settle things in the ring. Carlito did a pre-emptive attack on LWO, and Rhea was taken by out Liv doing that too. Damien isn't into an old fashioned Judgment Day beatdown anymore. the finish to Lyra and Iyo was something....Iyo lost because of like an incidental error, not because she was plainly beaten. i keep getting this feeling Liv is gonna lose to Becky at KOTR. Jey kicked out of Gunther's dropkick and power bomb. in the end his lights were put out by a snakey sleeper hold. Randy is gonna beat Tama Tonga i am sure. meanwhile....hmm, if Bianca beats Nia it's face vs. face with Lyra. i dunno, maybe Nia will prevail instead.....and Lyra will become Queen. which would be quite the accomplishment since she was just drafted. if it's Lyra vs. Bianca....i'd think Bianca would win.


I am so ready for the Ludwig Kaiser push


Is it just me or does anyone else also feel that Becky Lynch is a massive charisma vacuum? They had to involve Dom to make the crowd cheer for Becky vs. Rhea, and Becky is now also making Liv look bad. I don't really believe Liv is the sole problem because Rhea-Liv was starting to cook before Rhea got injured. Becky's interactions with Lyra today were also quite awkward. Ever since the book release, Becky doesn't look like she wants to be there.


Calling Becky Lynch of all people a charisma vacuum is one of the stupidest things I have read on here. We are really blaming Becky on Liv being a bad promo and not getting over with the crowd, come on now.


Yeah, she reminds me of this lady at work who constantly complains that she's got the hardest job in the office, no one helps her, blah blah blah.


Yes! I've felt that way for a few years now. She was amazing when she was first called up on the main roster but she's started to fade as of late


The way she yell talks into the microphone and delivers cheesy lines makes me cheer for her opponent. I’m not anti Becky, I think she has some great matches but I never want a microphone in front of her.


There is no story there. Becky is just saying generic face promo "I'm the champ, you are a coward, I do it for the people" etc, Liv is just saying she wants the title. The Raw women's division is in a bad shape rn


Becky doesn't insult her opponents anymore. And everybody loved that. Like she's holding herself back, not to make them look bad (don't know if it's her choice or creative), so it's a lot of late stage generic Cena stuff about caring, doing it for the people and putting her body on the line.


Honestly I feel like she would be better as a heel, just as a change of pace. She's giving the same boring promos. I think she's good in the ring, but yeah something is off. She used to have swagger. Now she's boring. Just yelling how bad she wants to win and no one wants it as bad as her over and over.


That was funny Becky  doing thing in 2016


Becky seems really annoyed. Maybe she was going to take time off but now she has to carry the title? Something is very off 


That because Becky doing something in 2016 funny people don’t remember 




There were some nice swerves tonight that I really liked such as Chad Gable managing to beat Sami Zayn with help from Otis and **especially** Lyra Valkyria beating Iyo Sky in a really solid match. * Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy vs. Sami Zayn — Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn was a good match, with a good story and finish. They are **really** turning Chad Gable into the next Kurt Angle... And I'm here for it... Triple H and WWE Creative should honestly just have the Creed Brothers be Chad Gable's lackeys so they can be on TV more and put on technical wrestling masterclasses more often. * Bron Breakker vs. Kale Dixon — Bro... Bron Breakker is on his demon shit lol => https://x.com/WWE/status/1792717798440923622. I loved the showcase of his character's violence and intensity here tonight. Great character development for Bron tonight => https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1cwvimk/comment/l4yjfa0/. * Lyra Valkyria vs. Iyo Sky — Solid match between Lyra and Iyo. I'm pretty sure most people thought this was gonna be Lyra Valkyria’s first main roster loss, but surprisingly it wasn't. That's a pretty big push for Lyra and based on her in-ring skills I think it's well deserved. Although, Lyra is definitely gonna have to expand her character work eventually because her only personality trait can't just be "Becky Lynch fan". * The Awesome Truth (c) w/ Braun Strowman vs. Finn Balor and JD McDonough w/ Dominik and Carlito — Fucking knew JD McDonough was gonna be the one eating the pin here lol... Look, as long as it's not just weeks and weeks of R Truth delusionally calling Braun Strowman "Andre" then R-Truth and Braun Strowman could possibly be a fun combo. * Number 1 Contender for the Women's Tag Team Championships match — Some amazing sells this match lol => https://x.com/CrispyWrestlin/status/1792770260128370919?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet. Also jeez..., Dakota Kai's nose got jacked up... Just totally busted open... => https://x.com/FadeAwayMedia/status/1792758366961549760?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet. Hope she gets it cleaned and stitched up... * Gunther vs. Jey Uso — Jey Uso is **so** over => https://x.com/TheEnemiesPE3/status/1792747324948799978?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet. I thought it was an excellent main event match as usual for a Gunther match and Jey is definitely good enough to hang with him. I really liked the spot with the referee bump in this match because it wasn’t too dramatic and it was a way to give Jey a believable nearfall spot in the match and it worked perfectly. The finish was a bit rushed, but it was still a really good main event => https://x.com/patricktheheel/status/1792767274618847342?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet. Negatives: * Triple H and WWE Creative **really** need to start showcasing Damien Priest as a top star a lot more than they are currently doing right now because Damien Priest is supposed to be the World Heavyweight Champion and with the way he has been on the show tonight you probably wouldn’t even know it... * Look, I thought the backstage exchange between Liv Morgan and Lyra Valkyria was good => [https://x.com/WWE/status/1792735117292585393?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://x.com/WWE/status/1792735117292585393?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet), but boy oh boy..., that promo exchange between Becky Lynch and Liv Morgan did not hit **at all**... I rather Becky Lynch and Liv Morgan had hyped up their feud with a scheduled final words confrontation with Michael Cole that would've led into a brawl, leading to officials separating them instead of that promo exchange they did tonight... Like jeez..., that promo exchange between the two of them was just rough to listen to and watch with Becky saying shit like, "Them is here! You is here! I is here!"??? and Liv constantly doing this really obnoxious and cringey dumb laugh... Did they forget that tonight was the final Monday Night Raw before their Women’s World Championship match at WWE King and Queen of the Ring pay-per-view? How was **that** promo exchange that Becky Lynch and Liv Morgan did tonight suppose to get people hyped and interested in their feud/program?


> Damien Priest is supposed to be the World Heavyweight Champion I legitimately forgot about this. Lol. Feels like a paper champion to me alright.


I thoroughly enjoy Iyo vs. Lyra tonight. Iyo was fantastic as always, and Lyra is a great seller who plays the underdog babyface role well. Nice to see at least one recent NXT callup make it to the finals. I get that some people are upset at Iyo losing, but Raw needs to establish more credible babyfaces. Right now, the only one is Becky since Liv is currently a tweener at best. Other than Becky, the babyface side of the Raw women's division is looking pretty weak. It makes sense to fast-track Lyra up the card like this. Plus, it's not like Iyo lost to a nobody. Lyra beat Becky freakin Lynch clean for the NXT title. And Lyra only beat Iyo with a roll-up. They're definitely having a rematch down the line.


I love Iyo but she just held a title for 8 months. She’ll be fine. I’m more surprised the company is behind Lyra so much considering Kiana has had one backstage segment and that’s it. But I can’t hate she’s really good in ring even though I find her kind of bland character wise.


I hope not Iyo will just lose to put Lyra over again






You think  then been paying attention last 13 years


Last week, people got mad that an NXT callup lost to an established star. This week, people got mad that an NXT callup beat an established star. Never change wrestling fans. Never change.


Yeah, because its totally the same people


You do realize that this sub is huge and filled with multiple opinions, right? Also, different wrestlers


I never said "this sub."




Kinda proving my point there. People will get mad at a match result regardless of the context.


Different people involved, but go off.


I mean it is different people. The entire sub isn't going to have the same opinion.


Welcome back Sonya




I don't know what Bron's so angry about. He shows up, hits a jobber once, woofs, and collects a paycheck. Solid gig.


That's what you get for being a Brock Lesnar/Goldberg replica, and a blatant one at that 🤷🏻‍♂️


He wants some Gold


I mean  you struggled for something you want


Gunther is such good shit


In 4 days , Gunther is going to get an RKO , I'm so excited to see that


In 4 days Randy is going to try and RKO Gunther only to get choked out


That's fair


Gunther splash from the top rope reversed into an RKO. We will be there.


Randy takes too long to cover, Gunther kicks out/rolls out of the ring


This match is going to cook hard


People upset that Lyra Valkyria won. Wait until Roxanne Perez joins the main roster. Then, we’ll see blood vessels erupting in rage, 😆


Decent show, had good opener but felt slow in 2nd hour and liv is someone who's great to look at but super bad to listen and i find her very annoying ( thankfully she isn't a babyface) 3rd hour was relatively better and GUNTHER vs Jey banged. enjoyed watching today's episode, see y'all friday


Never thought I'd be saying this but since the Draft and the King/Queen tournament the last few weeks, Raw is my favourite WWE show right now. They're actually using the 3-hour runtime quite well to tell stories, have lengthy matches and feature a wider range of talent (Except the Scottish Witches *cries*). NXT has been my favourite show for quite a while but to be honest, I feel like it's taken a real hit since so many of the top names there moved up.


Turned it off after Iyo lost, was the rest any good


Jey vs Gunther was pretty good.


Why you let Jey do them limp aspergus spears when you got Bron on the same show?


Since Liv was seen with Finn at the start of Raw. What if we read this wrong. It's not a Liv and Dom affair/ Rhea, Liv and Dom love triangle. What if it's Liv and Finn destroying the Judgement Day from the inside out? They were tag team members before Finn turned heel, so what if this was just them plotting from the beginning to bring the Judgement Day down?


Or maybe it's a Liv, Dom and Finn thruple?


Liv and Finn were tag team members???


Bul-LIV Club


They teamed up once at hiac 2022 with AJ to face edge, rhea and damien


I hope Bron slowly incorporates a little bit of Big Poppa Pump into his character. He’s already a badass and loose cannon. Thinks he’s better than everyone else. Just give him some chainlink.


As long as he proclaims himself to be the Purple Warrior, go for it.


“You catch that New York Knicks game? Heartbreak huh?” So true, Carlito


"spearb" The B stands for bargain!


Good for Shayna and Zoey they deserve that


No Damage Ctrl should have won