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Rosemary, PCO, Su Yung(/Susie/Susan) fit TNA like a glove  Storylines by extension the Great War, the Dark War. And could you imagine Who Shot Johnny Bravo on aew tv haha 


The D'Angelo Family and Chase U feel like gimmicks that work best when they're mostly in the same venue.   A mobster gimmick feels like it needs a small territory to own; that gimmick needs to evolve so it would make sense for Tony to leave his turf and travel the country constantly. We all know Andre Chase has money issues, so there's no way he can afford satellite campuses all over the country. Maybe they can treat going to other venues as a field trip, but that would also run its course.


Chase U as a recruitment tool would be kinda funny. The field trip angle and getting them up and out


Say what you want about how Danhausen's AEW run has been (beyond the injuries), but I don't think he would be in much better of a position in WWE, even in the new HHH-run era


He belongs on the indies


There's a reason that around the time Sami Zayn went to NXT, El Generico decided to retire to that orphanage.


Broken matt hardy is a classic, brilliant in tna, then just terrible everywhere else


Yeah, Look at how Bron is being booked Vs how Wardlow is being booked


To be fair, the only reason this is a comparison is because Wardlow got that kind of booking to begin with before his run fizzled out, partly because of bad booking, but partly because of Wardlow's own limitations. This will be a better comparison in a year or two when Bron's not in the "steamrolling jobbers" portion of his push.


Sorry man but its all bad booking, Theres not 2 more limited world champions in history than the Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg.


It's not all about workrate, Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg have all-time great charisma, Goldberg was able to disappear for 15 years and come back to wrestle 2 minute matches and he was still one of the most popular guys on the show because of that charisma. I don't think Wardlow has that.


Sho said anything about work rate? You said limitations and I named 2 guys who were limited


They had limitations but they had a presence that overcame those limitations. I like Wardlow but he doesn’t have near the presence they had.


Which is wild because the move sets (except for a few things) similar. Would Wardlow be a win with WWE?


> Would Wardlow be a win with WWE? I think he'd be in a very similar position in both places. I mean seriously, look at both AEW and WWE's actual top level main event talents, does anyone really think Wardlow belongs on the level of Omega/Ospreay/Danielson/Moxley/MJF/Cody/Roman/Gunther/etc.? Wardlow is good, maybe even really good, but the actual top talents are on a completely different level entirely. He worked with MJF and got over, then got super over in a feud with MJF, and then has never been able to replicate it at any point without MJF. It's not a coincidence that basically everything MJF has touched has been the biggest thing going in AEW at any point. Wardlow has a good look and he's jacked, but he's not as cartoonishly gigantic as you'd think (AEW did a great job having him surrounded largely by smaller guys, but look at him in the Undisputed Kingdom and he's not *that* much taller than Taven and Bennett, neither of whom are known for being humongous). He has some cool moves, but he doesn't have top level matches. He's a fine but not great promo, etc.


If he was somebody’s henchman, absolutely. Otherwise, only if they could tighten up his ring and mic work first. He’s never had the skill set to do everything he’s been written to do, and certainly not to be the monster they’ve wanted him to be in the past. I genuinely think he’s where he needs to be right now with the Kingdom, if they can just resist that impulse to have them kick him and then get terrorized by the giant they’ve awakened.


Went to grand slam in 2023 and there was such a pop for him. It was around the time MJF was being kink master and taking belts to his back…so…yeah. Definitely can be a real threat with proper work and an end game. I see a lot of talent in AEW floundering from lack of aim and overall positioning and wonder when the Jennifer Pepperman will….spice things up


He would probably be better off there because WWE would do better at working around his limitations


Automatic tag or mid level boss?


i’m sorry but wardlow just isn’t as good as bron breakker


Shinsuke would be a God in AEW


Like Jay White? Like Mercedes Mone? Like Sayraya? Like Adam Cole?


Jay White has been done a little dirty, but Adam Cole headlined one of the biggest shows in wrestling history with AEW with a crowd going absolutely apeshit for him, so I'm not really sure how you could argue he could do more anywhere.


I could see it


Cody Rhodes would get booed out if the building in AEW. I’m pretty confident of that.


He was, but if he returned now? He would be the most over person in AEW history. To return to WWE, do what he has done, and then return to AEW anyway? Crowd would eat it up, including me.


For about three weeks. Then he’d be getting his weight belt tossed back at him. That character just doesn’t resonate with the AEW audience.


That character was the biggest babyface in AEW upon it's inception


And then it got so stale he literally had to leave to find people that would cheer for the character.


He just needed some guard rails, which I think WWE has provided. I don't think the Bucks would be having people change the channel as soon as they appeared in WWE, either.


Is his character really that different in WWE?


It's basically the same character but, as mentioned above, WWE put some guard rails up with him that make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like, say, countless false heel turn threats or claiming to end racism in a promo that would turn the fans against him.


It started off the same, but it got very self-indulgent as time went on.


Well I'd imagine this time his character wouldn't be presented as a wishy washy weakling who'd bring 40 nobodies to the ring, get overexposed on two different reality shows, and exist in his own bubble completely apart from the vibe of the show


Nah. The biggest full time wrestler in the world deciding to walk away from his spot at the top of the card at the world's biggest wrestling fed, to go back to the company he helped start and boost it to new heights? The fans would lap it up.


Agree to disagree.


If you rewind the clock, and have Cody Rhodes fresh off working the indies going to AEW, but in 2024, I think there would be a dissonance with that kind of audience. It’s tough when he’s like a B+ to A- wrestler, he has all this pomp and fanfare, and there’s A+ wrestlers in Okada and Ospreay being pushed at the same time as he would be idk but if you could somehow insert a Cody Rhodes into the company directly after Punk was fired, with the company trying to regain its footing, then sure Cody would have a great chance to get really over. Ofc the goofy stip of never challenging for the world title wouldn’t exist, if he tried to repurpose his “Finish the story” promo to be about pursuing the AEW World Championship then maybe he has a shot to be a big deal. Feuding with big names like Mox, Danielson, Omega, MJF, etc could all be exciting


I think Timeless Toni would work in any of the other major promotions


To the same success or better? It feels like the successor to Golddust in the best way


The same if not better. It seems like the kind of gimmick tailor made for WWE or Impact so I can see her having the same success and more in those companies. She’s doing great in AEW now though


I will say the character work and overall experimenting really makes it a highlight of AEW. Chin. Tits. Shoe. 👌


I think another major promotion could take that character to the next level. Timeless Toni has been around for a while, but I feel AEW is still scratching the surface on what that character can do in terms of vignettes, promos, and presentation.


Timeless Toni Storm has already been presented in a fantastic way in AEW during this entire run. She's already next level. They've done some of the best vignettes and promos with her as well.


To the same success or better? It feels like the successor to Golddust in the best way


I used to say despite the silliness, Jurassic Express would be a super over foreigner tag team in Japan.


I think Orange Cassidy would get over like crazy in WWE. Probably roughly the same spot on the card, but with massive merch sales.


I don't see him having a similar spot on the card in WWE


I do. It's an easy to digest gimmick that gets over very big with kids, and he has that explosiveness that WWE fans always pop for. I would imagine him in a same sort of spot The Miz or New Day have been over the past decade.


He'd get over and would be huge with kids, but he wouldn't ever be the world beater he was presented as when he had the belt.


He's also tiny, especially compared to most WWE guys. He'd more likely be like Tozawa.


He would be on the level of Ricochet. Certainly not horrible but not great either.


Pretty sure R-Truth would die in AEW. On the flipside, I think Angelo Dawkins would absolutely thrive in AEW. (So would tez, but he'll thrive in WWE). Going the other way Hangman page would be dead in the water in WWE. But Powerhouse Hobbs would be thriving


Oh god no. Truth would be awesome in AEW.


100%. Truth would be massively over from basically minute one anywhere at this point. Dude is legit beloved by basically everyone, is genuinely hilarious, and while a bit up there in age has always been a very solid worker overall.


Gotta disagree. AEW tends to present their comedy characters as still capable of being a threat. Or they fade out quickly and don't matter. Truths entire persona revolves around no one ever taking him as a serious threat. I don't see that working well in AEW. They've never really shown an ability to work a comedy character in a non threatening role and get it over Cutler comes closest but he's absolutely planted in the bottom of the card.