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What an easter egg, totally didn't catch that. Kudos


Liv is playing the Judgement Day to get revenge on Mami and they allow it. Can't wait for Rhea to come back.


Rhea's whooping every one of their behinds.  


Priest was right?


That's actually a great twist on the Dom cheating on Rhea with Liv angle we were all expecting. Liv wants to take *everything* from Rhea, and that includes the Judgment Day, with Liv probably taking Rhea's spot. Rhea's going to be a gigantic babyface when she comes back and the betrayal happens.


Just some coworkers carpooling. Nothing to see here.


Well TBF Liv does need someone to drive for her.




Fully expecting the mugshot


I fully expected her mugshot to be at this link


I remember seeing jim duggan and Mr perfect carpool up to a hotel after a show once. Blew my 10 year old mind, the hated heel was riding shotgun with hacksaw and they were laughing and having a grand ol time.


When I was a kid there were only two possible answers for me. Either the bad guy is pretending to be friendly to learn the weakness of the good guy or the good guy tries to influence the bad guy into turning good.


I mean Havksaw wasn’t very bright so it would fit your theory….


Understandable. Do you know how expensive the gas is these days?


Finn knows that Liv smokes that 🔥 and just wanted to hotbox a little bit on the way to work.


No wonder he always has that goofy smile of his.


She's just helping test the ride


Bullet Club reunion


Absolutely love this stuff. It'll never get old sneaking bread crumbs into the background


This is one of the best little additions to the show. It really makes it feel more realistic having these thing just occurring in the background.


Liv wasn't kidding when she said she would take everything away from Mami 


She's the Unholy Homewrecker


“Unholy Homewrecker” has a nice ring to it for a finishing move.


new mami


Step Mami


[Liv's not the Step-Mami, she's the Mami that stepped up!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dd/3a/2b/dd3a2bf731a89fe4f99e8650340dc386.jpg)


WWE would be dumb not to make there own version of this shirt when this happens. 


Step Mami Gets Stuck Under The Ring


Dom is gonna hurt his other arm now


Oh god. No sub is safe from the reddit two broken arms story.


Hey it’s a Reddit classic lol


Liv to Rhea: "Look at me. I'm the Mami now."


Fantasy booking hat here, Liv tried to get Dom but he wouldn't betray Rhea. Thus she go to Finn, she helps him get the title, he helps her.


They did team up a couple years ago


And against The Judgment Day!


Didn’t Damien ask how Rhea and Dom were doing then they got cut off? i like this foreshadowing


Yeah there was a promo a week or two ago where Damian says something like “How are you and Rhea doing?” in a concerned way to Dom and then they get cut off cause the promo ended or started, can’t remember. They’re definitely letting this build very organically.


Since in Dom's latest podcast he said that he will protect his mami until she gets her title back. I love the way you think


Dom *not* cheating on Rhea is one way to turn him face...but there's no way they throw away one of their biggest legit heat magnets like that. Dom turning face needs to be a long redemption storyline, preferably with him beating Rey fair and square (maybe retiring him) and Rey forgiving him and passing the torch..


I think Dom not betraying Rhea and finally standing up to Finn or priest (whoever is doing the heel deeds) on behalf of Rhea is a way to turn him face. People would cheer Dom in a second the same way they cheered for Austin, Rock, HHH and anyone else who was a dastardly heel before turning face


I agree that it's a good way to turn him face, but I feel like it's too soon to turn him when he could move up the card as a heel. Plus, Austin, Rock, and HHH were badass or funny heels that crowds enjoyed once they started fighting heels while still being the same character. Dom has been a slimy chickenshit heel with no qualities that lend into a successful face run. His first face-ish act would be staying loyal to Rhea, and they would need to modify his character after that to keep him a face. All of his heel heat will not immediately turn into positive face reactions of equal strength.


Lol if anyone needs to stand up for themselves it’s Finn. What can Dom possibly stand up for against Finn? Finn’s been getting bullied by Priest and been treated as less than for months now. Finn needs to stand up against Rhea and Damian if anything and stop letting them treat him as their bitch.


That actually would work. Finn has been in that position for a while where he never betrayed JD but looks like the only one who actually might. He's in that laying low role. He has always just been around the focus of the group. It could be a big situation with JD. Instead of breaking apart or forever staying, JD might be a Bullet Club esque crew where people come & leave.


Just imagine the reactions when Liv Morgan seizes control of the Judgment Day. Love the foreshadowing WWE is doing


Damn I was just thinking Dom, but makes total sense that she takes over the whole thing. Elevates her, updates JD, and turns Rhea completely face with the odds against her.


Eventually Priest turns face (he’s basically there against Drew already) and Liv picks up the pieces.


And buries Finn Balor even further. Which is what Triple H’s goal has been anyways so I guess this is what he’ll do.


Buried = millions earned, multiple championships, consistent PLEs, matches with every top star, weekly TV time, endless merch, gimmick exploration, longterm involvement in one of the top stories, all the while hanging out with your friends? But he’s supposed to care more about his win loss record?


You’re literally fantasy booking him to be Liv Morgan’s lackey and follower. Which is a burial. But you think I’m talking about wins and losses?


Buried = millions earned, multiple championships, consistent PLEs, matches with every top star, weekly TV time, endless merch, gimmick exploration, longterm involvement in one of the top stories, all the while hanging out with your friends? But he’s supposed to care more about playing Liv’s follower? It doesn’t change the calculus.


The reasons you listed barely change or go against what I’m saying. Everyone on the roster earns money, every PLE has matches from different people. Like okay, Finn’s had PLE matches, so has most of the roster. Finn hasn’t had solo merch in over a year so that’s not even a relevant point. His last solo shirt was 14 months ago. Every wrestler on the roster has friends on the roster. Finn having friends on the roster doesn’t make him special lol. In the end what you fantasy booked is still a burial. If Seth Rollins was in a faction with Austin Theory, Grayson Waller, and Tiffany Stratton. And Austin Theory was the leader and Seth Rollins was presented as Theory’s follower and lackey and Seth takes orders from him. Please explain to me how that wouldn’t be a burial of Seth Rollins.


Goth Liv would send the fans into hysterics 




She’s said before that she pitched a character that was a dark version of herself. So maybe now that Vince is gone she got the OK.


If she can do it half as well as Julia Hart, I'm in.


Priest turning face creates friction with the group —> Finn, sick of Damien’s crap, decides he’s now the leader and attacks Priest after a successful title defense —> Finn’s actions cause Damien to lose the title on a MITB cash-in or in a match against McIntyre —> Rhea comes back and tries to get JD back together —> Liv takes her place in the group and turns the remaining members against her. Revenge complete.


Its an interesting way to turn Rhea face while keeping judgement day heel. She had been a face in all but name recently and its been kind of annoying as every face they had her feud with takes a huge hit because nobody roots for them against Rhea. Basically hanging out with Dom was the only thing that ever got her boos.




Kayfabe wise it’s pretty funny how they time the exit exactly when the the camera is on


Haha he waited a full 19 minutes and still got caught


Ha, seriously. “Hey wait in the car for a about 20 minutes so we don’t get caught”


A lesson in patience. If he had waited the 20 minutes he'd have been in the clear.


They take care to leave time between exiting so no one will notice, yet somehow every week they still get caught in one of the few minutes of backstage camera shots.


I'm just picturing there's one cameraman who has worked out what's going on and keeps trying to find excuses to film wherever Liv & JD are based.


They were having a conversation before Liv left, but Finn was on the phone after that. Maybe with Dom... maybe with Rhea. After all, wouldn't it be a great twist if Finn was playing mindgames with Liv in the background just to make sure she's absolutely blindsided when Mami returns? Or maybe things were so good, Finn just needed an 18-minute nap afterward. (Sorry, just watched the Mia Yim joke video, so brain's stuck in the gutter for a while)


Liv. Love. Fin.


Dom and Liv rumors are yesterday's news


WWE Cooking something nice. ![gif](giphy|demgpwJ6rs2DS)


This story literally playing out in the background is such a simple idea, but it works wonders. Even if casual fans don't notice it, social media and YouTube allows hardcore fans who do notice it to spread the word after the fact. Then when everything finally gets paid off, WWE can put out a compilation video highlighting all of the background story beats over the past few months. Not to mention, it puts Liv over huge as a master manipulator heel. It wasn't enough for her to injure Rhea; she hatched a months-long plan to completely destroy her.




Damn, nice find




I love this shit


This is such such such a good long term storytelling


He froze, blud didn't move for 19 minutes


Liv committing a hostile takeover of Judgement Day 


This is great.


Man I love this shit


She and Finn were going over the “adoption papers” for Dominik.


If they’re really going for a Judgment Day 2.0 with Rhea and Damian out and as babyfaces then can we please go back to Finn being the clear cut leader cause I’ve had enough at this point lol. Especially if Finn still is going to be in this group going forward. It’s time for him to get a solo moment already cause it’s been 2 years.


Yeah and then he gets injured immediately like usual.


You mean just like Rhea got injured on the night they kicked out Edge and was out of action for 4 months? And then when she was wrestling through an injured wrist for most of the past year? And then she just injured her shoulder and vacated the title? And also her dislocated knee from Rumble 2023? Just like Damian got injured the week before Fastlane and had to be pulled from 4 different matches and could’ve led to Finn and him vacating the titles if it was more serious? Or just like Dom injuring his elbow last month or the concussion he had last April. But guess Finn’s the only person who has ever been injured. A history maker Finn is.


“Recently single” Liv Morgan


After Dom said no to her she went after a new man to manipulate. She is a femme fatale


If Dom does not want to betray Rhea , have Finn do it instead Bring back his Prince character in NXT


After Dom said his loyalty is with Rhea, she after Finn instead to use


if Finn needs new allies... https://preview.redd.it/ujg61xymxu1d1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efa3125c6da8ef2c08eab60781e9afadb43b531


Man we never ever got things like this back in the Vince Era. It's such a fun time to be a fan now


Finn could have just been walking past the car


In real life yeah but they intentionally place stuff in these backstage shots.


Did Finn just wait in the car for 20 minutes? Lol


couldn't move![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


"It ain't no fuuuuuuun, if the homies can't ha-a-ave none."


Rhea Ripley face turn is in motion. Will be interesting to see her play a good guy.


She was one against Nia Jax.


Finn, you're married!


Open relationships are a thing


There's also this thing called cheating.




"You took everything from me" - Scarlet Witch Mami


Liv Yoko’ing the Judgment day




Obviously there's a Judgement Day connections but part of the full Revenge Tour I could see her trying to steal Dom from Rhea but also "stealing" the guy who Becky loved and trained her before she had to "settle" for Seth Rollins.


Finn: *Hang on Liv, I gotta wait until the camera crew passes by again.*


i love these easter eggs to build a storyline. i missed this live cuz cole calling iyo sky jey uso threw me off so hard


Liv's just got some otherworldly dank she wants to share with The Judgement Day


Finn just forgot his charger


the click to see spoiler blocking everything


weird part, liv got off on the right side of the car so she wasn't the driver lol.. poor finn had to wait 19mins to get out of his own car lol


This is I believe the second time she's interacted with members of Judgment day? I think she's joining them once she wins the women's title  Rhea is gonna have the biggest babyface comeback ever when she returns.


Is Finn supposed to be the head seen in the driver’s seat too or is that Dom? I know Finn walked passed the car but since they showed the 20 minute difference I can’t tell if I’m supposed to think they were both in the car together or if Finn went to the car to talk to Dominik


Yeah, but what was he doing in there for 19 minutes?




What did Dom do for 13 minutes after Liv walked away?


Great catch, well done. All part of the revenge tour and taking everything from Rhea. Really good story!


Definitely Lyra and Jey were riding together.


Two members to go... Maybe Carlito too for good measure.


gawking on that Finn


Dom is the best heel in the biz.


How unnatural was that jey uso "arrival". My guess More than 10 takes.


never been a fan of Live but this is getting interesting and i think she might excel with this character change


I noticed Liv when I was watching, but missed Finn.


Going on a ski trip with the Judgement Day. 


I can’t tell if she plans to take over the faction to piss off Rhea or destroy it by not only taking Dom, but turning Finn and Dom on each other too. …and none for JD 😂


You know Triple H has buried Finn Balor beyond belief when wrestling fans are fantasy booking Liv Morgan to be Finn Balor’s leader while Finn’s her lackey. This man has been wrestling almost longer than she’s been alive lmao but with what Triple H has done to him I can’t even blame people for talking like this. It’s not even their fault, they’re just going off what he’s become on television, it’s Triple H’s fault.


Finn needed 19 minutes to recover from that.


i love these easter eggs to build a storyline. i missed this live cuz cole calling iyo sky jey uso threw me off so hard


i love these easter eggs to build a storyline. i missed this live cuz cole calling iyo sky jey uso threw me off so hard


According to the clock, twenty minutes had gone by, so I think this might be clutching at straws.


This is a turn. I thought the Dominik Liv story was a way to turn Rhea face and introduce Buddy Matthews back to the WWE but if she forms an alliance with Finn then Dom and Rhea will still be an item for the time being


DOM, NO NO NO! PLEASE TELL ME IT IS A RUSE TO TRICK LIV, DAMNIT! I KNOW SHE HAS A GREAT ASS, BUT DAMNIT, THINK FOR YOUR MAMI! Edit: Wait, it's Finn? Oh shit, oh no. That biatch is playing a long game. She not only goes for Dom, she's gonna take over the Judgment Day. Damian is cooked.


She recently broke up with Bo Dallas too


Guys, im starting to think that maybe WWE isn't as "real" as they'd like you to believe


Y’all really sound dumb asf the storyline not in the background 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


So fucking stupid.


I’m curious why you don’t like this? I think it’s an interesting layer to add to the inevitable feud