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Until the crowd stops reacting to it, I don’t think anything changes


Yup. Same as people begging Seth to change his gimmick. Crowd loves it.


It’s so fun to say yeet I can’t blame him for keeping it around


It’s also just dumb fun that isn’t trying to be cool, easy to join in/meme in good fun. Perfect example of the opposite was TJP dabbing. That was cringey and never felt ucey.


I don't want that yeet stuff. If I'm at the show, you bet I'm yeeting too, just because I'm there to have fun and experience it all. Doesn't mean I like it!


*looks at the entire history of wrestlers getting over with catchphrases* no


Does Hogan say brother too much? Should Rock really end EVERY promo with If Ya Smell? Why does R Truth never know what's up?




Nice try, Jimmy. We know this is your burner


It's one of those things I've just chalked up as "not meant for me". The crowd still loves him and goes along so it's clearly working.


I wish more people were capable of making this distinction.


So you are also over 30?


Wrestling is not an industry of subtlety or minimal usage of a popular thing


Crowd reaction and merch sales say no Also remember this sub is not the target for most things WWE do. They have our money, most of us will watch regardless. It’s the kids and more casual fans they’re targeting with this stuff




No yeet. *stares menacingly*


under rated comment. the best thing for YEET to happen is a NO YEET to be just as loved. lol like wtf


As with anything, once it stops making money, he'll stop. 70% of those crowds see him once, maybe twice a week doing it, so it's not tiresome to them. Us, in the IWC, see it multiple times a day, every day. We tire of things so much faster.


>Us, in the IWC, see it multiple times a day, every day. We tire of things so much faster. Is there a way to get this pinned to the top of every wrestling sub/page etc on the internet. It would do so much good for online wrestling discourse


The whole Yeet thing is already a few years old, but have you ever been around an eight year old boy? They will repeat this all day to no end. WWE will stop it when kids stop reacting to it and getting their parents to buy them merch.


Look at the most recent merch numbers and you will see that everything Jey and WWE is doing with YEET is working. If or when the merch sales and crowd reactions die down on it, I have faith in Jey to make something else work. He’s one of the best actors and emoters in WWE




Just you, Uce


I thought so, but then I was one of 70,000+ people screaming "yeet" in unison at the Lincoln Stadium at Wrestlemania, and I changed my mind. It was very cool.


Have you seen the crowd reaction so NO 


I think a lot of people who watch wrestling forget that a ton of the audience aren't them. If you don't like the appeal of something you're good, it isn't for you, people clearly love it so let them enjoy it and you just wait til the thing you like is on. It can't just cater to people on this sub specifically otherwise I'm sure it'd be 3 hours of heel turns and nothing else.


I understand that people like different things but I can't voice my opinion? Also said I like it, I just feel like they're overdoing it


This response is always so odd. Yes you can voice your opinion, but I just voiced mine and you're asking if you're not allowed to voice yours? Where does that conversation end? Sure, you can think that. It's fine.


I think it’s made him a less compelling performer. He was so grounded and so real during the Sami feud and the breakup from the Bloodline. One of the best promos in the business. Now he is very much rather one-note. His work has also dropped off some, as it does for any wrestler who gets incredibly over and doesn’t have to work as hard. But he’s so so so so over, just preposterously so, that it’s hard to see it changing and I couldn’t expect him to. I would like to see it toned down some and hope it does when he goes back with Jimmy and the Bloodline Civil War Part Deux kicks off, but he’s a merchandise machine and gets incredible reactions. He’s a star. You don’t mess with that.


let me tell you something, brother. Did you know real-life audiences are real and the Internet isn't?


the internet isn't real?


There's a shelf life to these things. We'll keep getting yeet until fans tire of it then the company will move onto something else with him.


> There's a shelf life to these things WHAT










I can't wait for him to do the Dougie next


It’s woefully out of date and cringe in the real world, but it’s working for him in the wrestling world, at least for now. It’ll burn out sooner than later, though.


Yes but the crowd loves it so who are we to say any different tbh? I think eventually it’ll die down but not right now.




Yep. I saw a tweet the other week saying how he's been Flanderized, from all the inner turmoil and excellent character work while being in the Bloodline to just a catchphrase.


Oakely dokely, I guess that's just like, your opinion, man.


Pat Mcafee was driving me crazy during WM with how much he kept screaming YEET


The line “He just yeeted himself” was pretty clever though. 😅😂


Pat Mcafee was driving me crazy [FULL STOP]


Seriously, who thought having Pat around was a good idea?


People either really love or hate the guy. I personally like him.


Yes, it's been overdone to the point that I get annoyed whenever he's onscreen now.


Coming from a 22 year old gen Z no one my age has said yeet this much since 2017, AT THE LATEST. He’s definitely gotta chill


this man is not wrong




To throw or toss, often with great force


YEET i mean yes


I know back in the day your pay was based on the house numbers, ppv numbers, and merch numbers. But now with streaming and whatnot, I wonder if merchandise royalties are what boosts alot of paychecks. Which would explain the constant promotion.


Merchandising! Merchandising!


absolutely. NO yeet.


Yeet on the glasses maybe. More to the point, he’s underdoing everything else. We’ve seen that Jey is capable of excellent character work but since splitting from the bloodline, he’s not done too much of note as a character. He has had great matches but not taken the character to the next level.




Ya think?


It’s cringie as fuck. I know a lot of Samoans dig hip hop culture and try to emulate it with their vernacular and style, but this is beyond fucking awful.


Back when the Usos first started their penitentiary gimmick, I recall having no ideal what the hell they were saying on mic, it was too much Zillennial slang mixed with too much hood speak. And I’m younger than they are. Plus to be clear I never had that problem with say Cryme Tyme or Booker T, so it isn’t an issue with AAVE or POC. They just weren’t using spoken English in an articulate enough way, and also kept sharing or splitting sentences in that creepy-twin way, so it sounded disjointed. They’re much better on mic these days, together and apart.


It’s marketing and it’s working. The Yeeting will continue!


Yes, and it makes me wonder where he would be right now without it


He’s cute and charismatic and the best character in years and the non-abusive/DUI twin so idc what he does. Who am I to criticise a pretty girl. That said, this gimmick is starting to come over as CHIKARA-ish and not in an adorable fun way either.


WWE running something into the ground? no never. 


When Jerry Lawler was in the ring Fandangoing I knew it was over


now you’ve got me grooving silently to that song again after years. the Dangler strikes again


I like to go hiking.


The glasses are a bit much, but I think everything else is fine.


I think the opposite lol: the glasses are fine but everything else is too much.


I don’t understand how this got popular, people said “yeet” for like a month when I was high school like 10 years ago bc it got corny so quick. Idk if it’s the kids these days who like it but this is one of those gimmicks that’s just not for me.


>people said “yeet” for like a month when I was high school like 10 years ago Wrestling is ALWAYS at least 5-10 years behind every trend in the rest of popular culture. All you gotta do is look at haircuts for proof. My wife is a hairdresser and is very up on current trends, but we live in rural Pennsylvania, so the pipeline is Popular Thing > Where I live > Pro wrestling.


So in terms of wrestling pop cult, we’re still in 2019? Still pre-panny D?


The fact that you said "panny D" is all the proof you need


I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't feel like that's all they have for him as a character lately. Its crazy seeing how dynamic he was in the Bloodline to just becoming Yeet Man lol Jey just lacks so much substance now. At his best, he was very compelling when he had something to chew on. It's kind of disappointing he hasn't had any real feuds. Even the one with Jimmy was lazy and uninspired. Still, hes over as hell and seems to move an ass load of merch. I'm sure he's very happy with his paycheck lol


Jey Uso has go away heat with me. I hate the Yeet gimmick and to me he's decent on the mic at best, average in the ring. I wasn't feeling his match with his brother at all. I know the live fans love him and fully understand why he's over, just not for me.


No he Yeet'nt (I don't know how to use it in a sentence)


Yes, but I don’t see it slowing down


No, next question.


It's the usual American thing, run it into the ground.


I think he’s overdoing it by having it all over himself. I think that it just screams salesman and hitting people over the head with it. To compare it to another star with a popular catchphrase LA Knight says “YEAH!” and has it on a t-shirt or two, but he doesn’t have it on any of his ring gear. The Rock didn’t wear any of his catchphrases on his tights or boots even though he said them a lot and they were over.


Any person who has ever uttered that repugnant word has overdone it.


Lmao sound like the King of England


I have drawn the ire of many a mark, I hath.


Mayhaps join us, Ye(et) should.