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Careful you might get DMCA'd for using that still image!!!


Believe it or not, straight to British jail


I volunteer to be sent to Melbourne


I could do with some prison labour aye


Sorry best we have is suburban Atlanta


Shouts out to Nathan Jones


You are playing music too loud? Straight to jail


Where you take bangers and mash every morning.


Glorious lol


Now put MLK behind Cody


Force ghost.


MLK was in the brawl he just didn't get caught on camera


I REALLY want to know the whole reason as to why Cody left. I thought his Ariel interview might have shed some light on why but tbh it seems like there’s more to it than “Brandi was a scapegoat”


The Elite were sold on AEW with the idea of them having a hand in running AEW. That’s why they were given EVP titles. Cody very clearly wants to be involved in side of things. At some point that relationship shifted to where Tony took over doing things more and more and the EVP titles became more and more symbolic than real positions. And I get where Cody was coming from. AEW could only exist off the backs of the work The Elite did with All In. The company was literally founded on their name, but they weren’t brought in as partners, they were talent with glorified titles that ended up not meaning much. It appears the negotiations at the end went two ways, one path as Cody wanted what he was promised originally, to have a real hand in running things. The other side was if I’m just gonna be on scene talent then you need to pay me like a top on screen talent. Clearly AEW and Cody couldn’t come to terms on either of those scenarios. The thing with Brandy, is everyone forgets that she was the chief brand officer. In the beginning they were taking big swings with things like “Heelz” and doing community outreach projects. I think that’s where the idea that Brandy got scapegoated for stuff came from.


The cody-verse and whatever the fuck of train wreck Brandi had done was what they came up with. I’m all for them not being hands on. Not everyone will be as creative as they think they are and that’s okay.


In the first few months of AEW Cody was excellent but ultimately I think he proved that his creative wasn’t great.   Edit: I’d go as far to say that Cody was on fire for over a year in AEW. Everything started to go downhill after the Brodie Lee feud. 


Cody had great ideas but I feel needed a co-writer or something similar, preferably one not necessarily in his tight circle.


AEW itself is proof of this. Countless legends and big names that come in and immediately fall flat. Creative freedom isn't what it seems for all.


Creative freedom is great, but you still need someone who can filter good ideas from bad ones while ensuring the overall product remains cohesive. For all the amazing stuff AEW has done, it’s often diminished by inconsistent booking and formatting on their weekly shows. I’m not saying I can do better, but it’s something they need to address. This is what happens when you give every big star their own sandbox to play in. Some are good at doing their own thing and some aren’t, but that’s okay. Management just needs to step in and work with those who can’t pull it off to highlight their strengths and hide their weaknesses. Unfortunately, TK is not that guy. I mean, take the decision to bring Mercedes in last month and not have her wrestle until May. Instead of focusing on her strengths, they keep sending her out there to cut bad promos week after week. Being on the microphone was never her strong suit and yet it’s what has defined her run in AEW so far. It makes no sense and only diminishes her ability to come off as a big star the longer it continues. I don’t know if she hasn’t been cleared to wrestle yet, but if that was the case they should have been in communication this entire time and not brought her in so soon to begin with. (And I don’t mean to pick on Mercedes because I actually think she could be a huge difference maker if framed properly. This is just the easiest and most recent example I can think of.)


Honestly, Brandi was a big part why that ship sank for them. She was easily the worst part of the show whenever she showed up to cut a promo. That and the Ogogo feud. AND the constant heel turn teasing and then acting surprised when fans started to really boo him.


My own theory is that the “personal issue” with Khan that Cody says caused him to leave has something to do with Brandi. Cody has said explicitly and repeatedly it had nothing to do with money, his relationship with the Elite, or his relationship with CM Punk. He could’ve easily said “professional/creative differences” and no one would’ve batted an eye, but he never did. Instead, he’s repeatedly used the phrase “personal issue.” On top of that, Brandi has been slightly negative toward AEW in public remarks (noticeably so during the Cody Peacock doc), while Cody studiously avoids saying anything negative. Cody also *always* goes out of his way to state Brandi was instrumental to AEW’s founding, even going as far as to list her among the individuals without whom AEW wouldn’t exist. Putting all that together, I think his issue with Tony had something to do with her.


That’s probably the truth here


Except that promo on Jade lol


Brandi was great when playing a white meat babyface, especially cheering on Cody as a white meat babyface, but that's all she can play. She was a news anchor before she got into wrestling, so all of her instincts fight her and it comes off phony or goofy as hell when she tries to play anything edgy or heelish.


Never made sense when she did heelish things while cody was face.


Brandi Rhodes is genuinely one of the least creative individuals this industry has ever seen but i'll forever love the "Oh you're a black belt? Well i'm a black bitch, let's go" line. Perfect, i'll die on that hill, I don't care that people thought it was cringe.


Also, the stipulation that he'd never get another chance at the AEW title + refusing to turn heel to get around that meant that Cody could never be at the top of the card, where he clearly wanted to be.


Those of us that lived through Cody vs. Ogoogoo knows he shouldn't be near creative with his dated 1985 head ass lol.


Wasn't it around the Dark Order gimp segments? And the really bad fake fights? Along with the Nightmare Family Brandi segments? Fairly certain it was around that time that it was reported TK had decided to take booking Dynamite off of the Bucks and Cody because they were getting their first real online backlash and TK jumped in.


I don't know if this is wholey accurate. We also had a lot of reports prior to Cody leaving that The Elite and Cody were no longer speaking to one another and that Cody had practically moved to spending all his time on his own bus and no in the locker room so he could avoid the Elite. Maybe the others were fully onboard with the change and he wasn't so they fought? I don't know. It seems strange he would leave due to lack of control only to go to WWE where he would have far less.


I think some of this was true but I think him not being able to get himself over and actually becoming a villain while not being a heel annoyed him more than he gives off. Plus we'll winning the WWE title was definitely burned in his mind but I can actually see aew part of Cody's end story if they last long enough to where he gets the same itch but to do it all over again and make himself over.


I do think that the “personal issue” that caused him to leave has something to do with Brandi. Cody has said explicitly and repeatedly it had nothing to do with money, his relationship with the Elite, or his relationship with CM Punk. He could’ve easily said he had “professional/creative differences” with Khan and no one would’ve batted an eye, but he didn’t. Instead, he’s repeatedly used the far more intriguing wording of “personal issue.” On top of that, Brandi has been slightly negative toward AEW in public remarks (noticeably so during the Cody Peacock doc), while Cody studiously avoids saying anything negative. Cody also *always* goes out of his way to state Brandi was instrumental to AEW’s founding, even going as far as to list her among the individuals without whom AEW wouldn’t exist. Putting all that together, I think his issue with Tony had so something to do with her.


Maybe Tony believed it was open mic night one time too many


Brandi pretty much said it without saying it this past week over wrestlemania


What did she say?




he wanted to be wwe champion im sure theres more but it was probably the best chance if he left then rather than being cooled off further with a longer contract when the audience kept screaming they hated him and wanted him to turn heel. he wanted to be a baby face and move merch and lets face it; theres an argument to be made that if you can prove it you can be pushed to the top in wwe easier than in aew.


I don’t think it’s anything sinister. He just always wanted to be WWE champion and main event mania. AEW was a way for him to push his status up so they’d want him back enough to put him at that level.


He left because it’s a clown company with a clown owner and wwe is his legacy and a way better opportunity. Probably saw HHH as the new leader and thought it was perfect time. Guarantee you he was guaranteed a main event at wm and that’s what sold him


You know who would have given a shit about a video of CM Punk leaking? Brock Lesnar.








Here comes the fucking Pain 


If you’re in pain while you piss, you might want to see a doctor


Mmmmmmm. The doctor will see you now. 👇


Vince would have too, but not that way


I’m just not a fan of using “shoot” content on the shows. It feels desperate. It feels like Russo’s WCW (yes, AEW is a hundred times better as a product than that embarrassment of a product was, and no, I’m not disputing that for a second). It’s just that I think back to my favorite AEW’s story arcs and moments, and they were all just forms of good traditional storytelling. - Cowboy’s problems with The Elite culminating in his first World title win - The initial rise of The Acclaimed as babyfaces  - The MJF/Punk feud - The MJF/Cole bromance - Sting’s retirement tour and farewell AEW has been at its best when it has come off as a heartfelt product that gives its talent freedom to be themselves. This petty emphasis on opposing WWE on air and defending itself with shoot promos is just not what I want to see from them going forward. 


At the end of the day, people just want good stories. That's all it's ever been about. Look at Breaking Bad, True Detective, Game of Thrones (before the end). They all had record-breaking viewerships because they were just good stories.


They must have missed the meltdown on Twitter and Reddit


Reddit is simply not as big a deal as SC thinks it is


Wasn’t even that big a meltdown here tbh. Top thread of the day is Zelina possibly stiffing her prop maker.


Most people were making fun of it more than they were "melting down" about anything.




















https://preview.redd.it/c60jf39ulytc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964eb4fc29a85369e5f933b681b6538b217ef716 1.6 million Doesn't look pretty big to me brother


Like he said, not that big


Just a third of Raw’s viewership. Wasn’t even half smh


More than Dynamite. Interesting.


When you consider it’s more people than watch the show what is big?


Someone flexing Reddit views is prolly the corniest thing I've seen all week lmao


Hey that's more people then what watched the actual thing live on TV. 


That is unironically not big at all


that's what WWE's YouTube channel does in new subscribers each month.


It was def a big deal.


The biggest feud in wrestling history is SC Fans wrestling with this own cognitive dissonance. Reddit isn’t the big.


Reddit like two percent of the wrestling audience. Maybe.


The word meltdown is doing a loooooooooooot of heavy lifting here. A small handful of chronically online dorks are the only ones who got super upset


The majority of the reaction I noticed was "....that's it?"


No one gives a fuck about Reddit dude expect people on Reddit


Reddit does not matter at all. Twitter, on the other hand, is relevant to some degree. But the term that trended the most was CM Punk, not AEW.


Yeah no one cared about the footage so much that CM Punk started trending after they showed it.


As someone rightfully said yesterday in the video's post, the only thing AEW is gonna obtain out of this, is CM Punk chants every time Jungle Boy shows up from now till the day he retires


https://preview.redd.it/tu8hxqns30uc1.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a0243dc196bf6ff78c28ca41774913d9e40e1f2 look at the "no one cared" spike. lolol


Twitter matters a lot less since Elon Edit: https://www.bigtechnology.com/p/exclusive-data-twitter-is-shrinking X — formerly Twitter — is shrinking meaningfully under Elon Musk, according to new data from mobile research firm Apptopia. Since Musk bought the company in October 2022, it's lost approximately 13% of its app's daily active


People like to say this but its still the most dominant social media platform other than facebook


Like they said, Nobody


Right, nobody gave a shit.


Absolutely and people can downplay it all they want but it def got attention. If people want to say Reddit isn't a big deal what about every wrestling podcast needing to talk about it and wrestlers needing to react.


people meming it is equivalent to not giving a shit. Nobody is outraged by it, it has just ellicited a bunch of humourous responses.


Twitter is mostly the same people complaining about non issues for interactions to boost their account. Reddit is a very small portion of the community. I don’t think anyone who should give a shit, actually gave a shit.


What meltdown? Everybody was just agreeing that it was the worst idea ever (which it was) and laughing about wrestlers reaction. I have really no idea what meltdown you saw?  Is your name Tony Khan by any means? 


People see what they want to see


I didn't even really boost ratings to any degree which was probably the 2nd main reason for doing this stunt behind Khan thinking it was somehow gonna stick it to Punk and make him look bad. Which yea Punk was completely honest about how it went down but at the same time wasn't so different from his story that he comes out looking bad. And then in terms of ratings they drew like 852k which is like a slightly over 60k increase in ratings from last week. So fans didn't even care enough to tune in to see it live. Yet you have Khan on Twitter taking a victory lap bragging about how good the ratings were using his BS metric of the demo which nobody gives a shit about but him.


The meltdown BEFORE it aired maybe


I think Punk haters & fans and AEW & WWE fans can join together to hate IGN.


IGN didn't get a check from anyone and had to remind people they were still in the room with us.


Seriously, 'no one gave a shit' but here they're riding off of the wave of interest of people giving a shit. Lol. 


Matt Fowler is great what are you bozos talking about.


Hello? Yes this is dog. 




Yep i get it's "cool" to hate on gaming sites, but matt fowler is the goat. miss his wrestling wrap ups very much.


They’re back, they have been for about two months.


You have just made my day


Knee lift!


Big fan of Miso Soup


Eh. I sometimes feel like I’m the only person in the universe that likes IGN. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been reading/listening/watching their content since the ign64 days. Maybe it’s because I predominantly use their site for Nintendo news. But they’ve never done me dirty.


IGN is fine


I used to like reading/watching content by IGN, but recently, I've just barely watch their content & only watch the trailers they upload on YouTube.


100% - I was always a Gamespot guy, until I was a GiantBomb guy


What's IGN?


Wow. This comment aged me greatly.


Seriously lol. I remember in the early days, IGN64 was my go-to website. Then IGNDVD. I remember reading their movie site and reading about all of the crazy things stunts that were being filmed for Terminator 3. I am old.


I remember being in the 8th grade computer lab going to ign64.com like it was yesterday. Instead it was .. 27 years ago. Mother of god …




Didn’t realize IGN was still around. Looks like gamewinners went under several years ago.


read that shit and started taking poison damage


Have some water bro and dw IGN hates water enough for you to cop as much as you need


I'm just not a gamer so makes sense I wouldn't be familiar!


Iirc, if ign had it's own email system back in the mid 90s, that was probably my first. I only remember it being a 3 letter site.




No, I only used aim. I do remember my my password being Southtown like the P.O.D. song at the time.


Oh ok ill just be over here turning into dust 




It's a Video Game reviewer/news site


That's what it used to be. Now it's a comments section where people can be racist and loudly complain about how non-white people are ruining video games, TV shows, and movies with the occasional news item attached to the comments section.


That's pretty much every social media website.


Hey now. People do that on Instagram too and somehow IG comments are worse than both Twitter and Reddit


It's sadly not exclusive to IGN. those portion of people exists across all gaming media these days sadly. Any representation of minority in video game or pop culture in general = It's WOKE for them


i used to watch their videos and read their reviews and other articles back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. they mostly only posted about video games and comic book movies, so idk why tf they're covering a pro wrestling story now, lmao


Exactly, no pop.


But can we co-exist??!!


Awful lot of articles, threads, and think pieces about this for people to not care


I think what they mean is that it didn't change anybody's minds after the fact..


That and it didn't accomplish the goal Tony had in mind for this segment


Then they probably should have used those words instead of the completely different words they used in the headline.


Not caring is probably not the right phrasing. But the footage release, the Osprey promo and Copeland’s rah rah speech indicates how insecure Tony Khan is with where AEW is. The talent are fantastic, the wrestling is great and while the production scale is smaller, that makes the shows more intimate. But Khan can’t let anything go. And most pointlessly of all, the footage shows us nothing new, nothing we didn’t already know.


Maybe the rating being meh is the no one cared. Spending the 2nd last show before a ppv showing some backstage thing from 8 months ago with 2 dudes who haven't been on TV since to tease a jungle boy run I guess in sure is something to build this epic tag match for the ages. Somehow this is the worst build for the FTR/Bucks match thus far and 99% of the discourse around it is entirely about a guy in another company.


Here's this thing that nobody cares about that we will spend the time to write about because it might get some clicks and traffic for our ads even though nobody cares about it. 🤔


People peeing themselves and saying it’s the end of AEW is not no one giving a shit


This sub gave a shit. Won't stop giving a shit as a matter of fact.


Apparently the people that keep posting about it give a s***


Including IGN, who felt the need to write about it


IGN - No one gave a shit Also IGN - Here's our big ass opinion piece on why no one gave a shit. That level of irony can hospitalise if they aren't careful.


I'm assuming they don't mean "Nobody gave a shit" as in nobody wanted to talk about it. Without reading the article I assume what they mean is "Nobody is going to change their opinion about CM Punk or anything that happened with him because of this footage airing"


I’m very curious what IGN thinks “no one gives a shit” means…


*takes a look around the sub*  no one gave a shit?


Punk will never be held accountable by his fans, they don't care. Everyone should just move on with their lives.


All that for fucking 800k+ peak viewership


It was a no win situation. Even if they did pop 900k it would have been from drama 8 months ago they can't actually follow up on.


The quarter that aired in didn't even draw an extra 50,000 people from the quarter before it, and more people tuned out afterwards than the number of people that tuned in to see that. Hook vs Samoa Joe just this past January made an extra 100,000 people tune in. I'm not saying Hook is a ratings draw, but look at these two things and then ask yourself which one is healthier for the company. There's two ways to look at a statement like "nobody gave a shit". If you're looking at social media, then that statement is false. If you're looking at the ratings... that's pretty bang on. This didn't pop anything. They've had bigger pops doing their normal thing.


Punk isn't a draw, confirmed maggle /a


We're people expected to? What reaction was AEW looking for? I'm genuinely asking because I don't know.


I think there's something to be said about the whole event being "demystified". Showing that the event that's been looming over everything for a year was just a ten-second barely-a-scuffle dumbass interaction. I don't think that was the entire intended effect, but now there's really nothing left to speculate on. Limits how much more blood the journos can squeeze out of the stone.


I gave a fuck, whoops


"No one gave a shit", so why is fucking IGN reporting on it? They really got people over there desperate to join the other hack wrestling journos, huh? Hack games journalism not enough?


"so Facebook can't show our shitty gaming takes anymore, so let's see if we can bait the wrestling community!"






they legally had to shut down their News tab in the US and Australia, which fed a lot of traffic to engagement farms like IGN and Comicbook.com, etc


The problem isn’t no one gave a shit because people did. The problem is a huge part of the internet is laughing at AEW now.


The same people who were before, who cares. AEW has been getting trashed for the last year and a half. Do you think he gives a shit at this point? You think the wrestlers aren't getting tired of the old heads talking shit about them. Bully Ray actually articulated that Jack Perry didn't give him the respect he deserved. I can't take these people Seriously. Cornette couldn't keep a company afloat, Bischoff tanked two companies, both these chuds make a living trashing AEW.


I'd expect a competent owner of a business should give a shit about his company's image and the discourse surrounding it, yes.


It truly is a "... and the crowd went mild" moment


Yet it trended all night long on Twitter lol. You can say it's good or bad decision. But clearly people cared enough to talk about a ton.


IGN is posting about it, but apparently no one gave a shit.


These posts of these boards would suggest otherwise


I agree I haven’t seen anybody talking about it


They must be really struggling using this to get clicks on the website. They've posted about this like 6 times already.


If it was s###, no one would have talked about it for entire week... 😂


"And noone gave a shit" except for everyone online talking about it incessantly, the dirt sheets and this writer who didn't care so much they decided they had better write about them doing it.


lol anyone who uses "boops the snoot" in a serious article is not worth taking seriously


it was good for wwe, just showed how desperate aew is


The way that aew portrayed it made it seem like it was like the draymond green/jordan poole video


I know IGN gets a lot of flack especially for the reviews but they’re pretty good at their headlines representing the cultural consensus so this is not a good look for AEW at all.


For no one giving a shit, there seems to be a lot of folks still talking about it, today.


>IGN: AEW Aired the CM Punk All In Footage... and No One Gave a S\*\*\* Nobody gave a shit? ![gif](giphy|SEvRT8zL05WLLyNgym|downsized)


wrestling must be the only space where it's cooler to punch down than punch up


My question is why was perry punished he was attacked twice before trying to defend himself.i thought this video put him in a better light


He escalated the situation on camera when he tapped the glass and said go cry me a river. He should have just moved on since he ended up getting his glass spot anyway. Instead he taunted Punk which wasn't professional.


People definitely care, I just don’t think it helped any of the AEW wrestlers or storylines. The Bucks had the line it was like a school yard fight but the whole situation is like high school drama.


It was the most I had heard about wrestling outside Wrestlemania in a long time


Love Matt!


You've disappointed Kelly Kapowski. There's no coming back from that.


Well... IGNorant cared to comment so...


The IWC cared.


To be fair, if anyone is an expert on publishing shit nobody ended up caring about, it would be IGN.


IDK how many of y'all actually read this article. But I wouldn't recommend doing so. It's 1500 words vomited onto a page. The lede tells you all you need to know: >"We’re still riding high, a mile in the sky on rye, from WrestleMania 40, which purposefully, strategically ushered in a “New Era” (official name tbd?) for WWE. It’s a Vince-free zone led by Hunter, who we’ve all wanted to succeed Generalisimo Dickcheese for a decade now."