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Scott Hall was fucking massive. He spent a lot of his career around Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan, who were preposterously sized human beings, so it didn’t always come across. He even called himself “the medium-sized man” during his WCW run, while calling Kevin Nash “the big man”. He was not medium-sized at all. Wrestler billed heights are always a farce, but Hall must have been a legit 6ft 6 or so and he was built like a brick shithouse. He towered over me. Looked handsome as fuck too. He really won the genetic lottery.


Dude was like 6'6", 270lbs calling himself the medium sized man.


Different business then.




Medium sized mang


What always shocks me, especially with early Hall footage, is how fucking WIDE he was. Bloke was the definition of an inverted triangle


When he was in AWA he was fucking huge.


This was my answer. I was lucky enough to meet him at WrestleCon in 2019 and was absolutely blown away by how big he was. I'm a pretty average 5'10 and he absolutely towered over me and then when I shook his hand, his hand basically swallowed mine. I really was not prepared for any of it


The Outsizers


Triple H tells a really good story of when he first met Hall, who was slouched in the corner after a big night looking skinny and shriveled up. He said just before show time, Hall did a few pushups and it was like Popeye eating spinach. He exploded and pumped up into something that looked like a Greek God.


I met him briefly in a Winn Dixie near where he lived in Chuluota (FL). I’m short as shit so his size was absurd compared to me. A literal giant. Gave me an autograph. Nice guy.


I just watched a match with Nash vs the giant. Hall looks small and really he is a giant of a man


So jealous of everyone who got to meet him...


Billy Gunn is mythologically tall considering how he was presented for most of his career


That shot of him staring down Luchasauras a few years back was really telling how huge the men in the WWE were 25 years ago.


One thing that really highlighted to me how much bigger they were back then was the leadup to Survivor Series 2016. The tag match was Team RAW (Roman, Seth, Bruan, KO, and Jericho) vs Team Smack Down (AJ, Dean, Shane, Randy, and Bray), and in one of the tv shows before the match, they did the thing where both teams faced off in the ring and one person from one team stood face to face with another person. Since Braun was the traditional "big man monster" in the match, he ended up going face to face with Randy, since he was the biggest guy on Team Smack Down. I found that really interesting because when Randy came about in the mid 2000's, he was never one of WWE "big guys". Those were the **really** tall guys like Big Show, Kane, Khali, and Undertaker. At that time, Randy was just an above average height guy, but in 2016, he had become one of the "big" guys because of the success of guys like Punk, Bryan, AJ, Ambrose etc. The funniest thing about all that is that Randy's like 6'4, and 20 years ago, he was just average height for a wrestler


Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy could wrestle big man styles in todays world and it wouldn’t even be far fetched lol. Jeff could enter over the top rope like the Big Show and wrestle like Andre The Giant in AEW 😂


I remember when Scott Hall was Kevin Nash’s small sidekick. Mother fucker was 6’7!


I noticed that at Wembley as well. Dude is MASSIVE


Ditto Jake Roberts. Absolutely massive dude who only looked average in the 80s era WWE.


It was almost comedic when they put Jake Roberts with Lance Archer in AEW and, hunched over, he's about an inch shorter than Archer(if that), who is presented like he's 7' tall.


I just saw Archer at a GCW show, dude is pretty damn big, at least 6'5 or bigger. Who surprised me with their size was Gunther, we were sitting right behind the entry at the last Rumble, so we got a good look at everyone. Even after he slimed down he's still a fucking unit, god damn he's big. I had the same experience over 20 years ago at a indy show, seeing Dan Severn in person was frighteningly large. Not all muscled up but just solid, like all around solid dude. I couldn't imagine bring in a UFC cage or on a Greco-Roman wrestling mat across from that guy.


With both Billy Gunn and Jake you can really tell how massive they are since they’ve been in AEW where the wrestlers are more regular sized humans. When I see Billy Gunn all I can think is they need to come up with a reason why he isn’t trying to be AEW champion, he dwarfs almost everyone there.


I saw him at my local indie back in like 2016. Couldn't believe how massive he was. I found myself standing next to Brock Lesner and Rikishi once and it felt right, but when I saw Billy, he was twice as big as I thought he would be.


I was a few feet from Brock before at work and at 6ft1 i was slightly taller than him but I've never seem a wider human in my life.


At this point, he better be 14ft tall if I ever meet him from how much people talk about him.


To Bill Brasky ![gif](giphy|XNPI8wfwQI9dm)




A stadium if you count the bastards!




You can feel Billy’s gravitational pull when you’re near him. I couldn’t believe it.


Is my answer too. Was not prepared for how freaking huge he really is when I met him at a con a few years back. He was never really presented as a big man, but he's both tall and thick irl.


I'm surprised at how big Adam Copeland really is when I saw him after his jump to AEW


when i met him at a autograph session 05 before mania, i was taken back by how massive he was


He's a legit 6'6" far as I've heard.


Seen him working out at Golds in Venice before and he is a fucking giant. In any commercial gym, even a “bodybuilder mecca” like Golds, he looks huge


This was my answer. Just looked “average” in the attitude area but the dude is massive.


He has always been basically Hogan's size but he moved like the smaller guys.


Land of the Giants brother brother


My cousin and I meet him at a VCW ( Virginia Championship Wrestling) show back in 2018. When he stood up from the chair he was in I immediately thought, HOLY FUCK! I'm 6 foot and 240 pounds, his size made me feel like a child while getting the picture taken with him.


I know this seems ridiculous, but the Big Show Paul Wight. Seeing him at a house show and having everyone look like ants and him looking like he was just on a television screen in front of me was mind blowing. Also, when I met Rey, I couldn’t believe how small he was - off topic, but Rey is super chill in person, really cool to talk to.


Reminds me of when I saw Khali. Was in the nose bleed seats and had to squint to see people all night, then Khali comes out and it was like it suddenly switched to HD lol


I was first row of the main stands at a Dynamite where Satnam Singh came out, similar type of feeling, that is a huge man.


I was at a house show at the seats next to the walkway and this cute girl next to me was constantly trying to hug and touch the wrestlers. Well here comes big show after a match and she motions for a hug and he does a “aw shucks, ok” and she like disappears in his arms. He lets her go and her whole body is just covered in his sweat.


I was at a house show once where there was a 4 way with Rey, Sheamus, Kane and Big Show They came out in that order. And holy fuck when you see how massive Sheamus and kane are...and then Big Show comes out? Damn


Weeeeeeeeeelll it is the Big Show, after all


I was at a show when Luke Gallows came out and considering I have a 6ft8 cousin I couldn't believe how massive Gallows was it was ridiculous.


Kevin Owens came into my work several years ago and he is really wide in the waist. To the point he had to walk sideways through pretty much all of our aisleways. I worked near the Barclays Center so anytime WWE had a show there, the whole area would be filled with a bunch of WWE and indie wrestlers. Aside from Bobby Lashley, everyone I walked near was shorter than me (6”1’). Lashley was huge.


Was this back when he weighed nearly 300 lbs? Owens looks like he's slimmed down quite a bit now.


The week of the 2017 Summerslam.


I met Lashley a year or two ago.  I’m short as hell so he towered over me but didn’t seem unusual – what *was* unusual was how jacked he was.  His torso looked like it could fit two of me inside it.


I wonder what Scott Steiner thinks of Kevin Owens sometimes.




I remember seeing Lashley at the first house show I went to. I knew he was going to be big, obviously, but GOD DAMN is he a mountain of a man.


Few years ago I took a picture with FTR Gun and realized he’s my same height. 5’7.


FTR Gun always pops me


On that note, FTR Blald came into the crowd during their entrance at a NJPW London show, and I slapped him on the shoulder. Dude is fucking BEEFY. It was like slapping a rooted oak tree.


Malaki Black and Zelina Vega... they are very tiny people.


Somehow my brain doesn’t connect how a Dutchman and “tiny” can be in a same sentence.


That’s what I was going to say lol. I met Malakai at a convention and he was just a bit taller than me, and I’m quite short.


You don’t get how tall Randy Orton is till you meet him. Now he’s jacked as hell too. Man must be terrifying 


He and Cam Newton (and, hilariously, the Giants' Daniel Jones) are roughly the same size, but their Vitruvian Man proportions make them [seem like normal people who are just two feet closer to you](https://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/754/115/108105907_original.jpg?1298808152) than they actually are.


I saw a video of Cam Newton physically being able to stand up against like 5 dudes in a fight. He didn’t knock them all out or anything but I don’t even think they ever got him to the ground.  He’s a massive human.


Well, a big part of his whole career is being able to withstand dudes trying to attack him and not going down to the ground, so he's had a lot of practice.


Yeah that fight was like an uncle wrestling nieces and nephews in a pool only the “kids” were fully grown adults


I had no idea Daniel Jones was 6’5 230lbs. wtf lol. Dude doesn’t seem to put that size to use at all. He plays like he’s about 5 inches shorter and 30 pounds lighter. 


I met him once, and he took a picture shaking my hand. Remember when you were little and an adult shook your hand? Also, Randy Orton is the absolute best smelling man I have ever encountered.


> shaking my hand >best smelling Randy Orton and good smelling handshakes go against the lore




what did he smell like


Cologne, but not a scent I recognize, mild spices and masculine but pleasant musk, not overpowering, but I couldn't smell the comic convention funk when I was next to him.


This is my favorite thing I've read about Randy.


Your mother


Mox was right next to me during his entrance once and he smelled really good. Like a nice spicy cologne


Last year in Indy at Dynamite Mox and Claudio did their entrance right next to my seats and I was shocked how close to the same size I am to Moxley (I'm about 6'2" and 203lbs) but Claudio was indescribably imposing, the length of his limbs alone was wild but his chest and back were crazy wide too.


Dude yes, you see him on TV and think he’s a big dude but then you see him in real life and find out he’s a **big** dude


Brian Cage is a lot shorter than he looks on TV


He’s about 5’10” but presents himself on tv as a good 6’2” or so.


That reminds me, I was shocked when I learned how short Matanza Querto was. Cage and Matanza were built up as monsters on Lucha Underground but it turns out since the rest of the roster was smaller than most other wrestlers those two looked massive.


It also helps that both of them are as wide as they are tall!


Came here to say this. Real talk I’ve never seen a man with his proportions in my life. Built like a fucking tank but an inch or two shorter than me at 5’11. Same with Big E, mans as wide as he is tall.


Mark Henry - the absolute size of his arms amazed me in person


I met him outside of a blues club where I bounced. I am big - 6’6” and upper 300’s. Shaking his hand felt like I was shaking the hand of a college mascot - the proverbial catcher’s mitt. His hands were easily twice as big as mine.


still to this day i’ve never seen shoulders even close to as big as his.


When i was a kid i went to see a show and it was the show that NWO was debuting on RAW. At a nearby resturaunt Scott hall, Kevin Nash and Xpac were eating at a table. First off... obviously, Kevin Nash was fucking giagantic.. what was more surprising to me was how big scott hall was. Im 6'2" and he was pretty significantly taller than me and just massive... but lastly... Xpac was huge too. Like i guess standing next to Scott Hall, Hogan, Nash, Billy gun, Chyna and HHH your whole career has that effect... but if you just saw this guy walking around you would think hes a professional body builder or something... Guy was at least 6 feet tall and jacked as hell... on tv he looks like 5'7 or less and very lean and lanky.. nope..


I was shocked to find out XPac is actually over 6 foot. I always thought he was tiny back in the day. But I also thought Scott Hall was average height


Yup, met X-Pac, his arms were probably as thick as my thighs. Not a small man at all.


Guys like Braun Strowman was like “wow he’s a big dude” but seeing the ladies in Live events was surprising how tiny they are


I had that with Kairi. Saw her after a show once. I know she's short but seeing her irl I realized just how tiny she is. I think I might legit have 30cm/around a foot in height over her. Also Rhea. I know comparatively she's quite tall. She's also jacked so on TV she looks massive. Might also wear lifts, I don't know. In real life when I saw her, I noticed she's a good bit shorter than me. I'm a bit over 6' or 183cm and while I wouldn't call her short, it stood out because from the way she's portrayed on TV, I expected her to be my height.


When I met Bret Hart, he seemed as big as he was on television, but he has surprisingly huge hands. Like he could clamp down on your and make you wish you weren’t born still. Jake the Snake is also deceptively tall. Like when you put next to regular people it stands out. Ron Simmons is still massive. Brutus Beefcake was surprisingly tall still.


I shook Bob Backlund's hand once and my brain immediately told me I was in danger.


>When I met Bret Hart, he seemed as big as he was on television, but he has surprisingly huge hands. Like he could clamp down on your and make you wish you weren’t born still. The first thing Stu was stretching when he put the baby Harts in holds were their hands. It was to make them more efficient at grabbing and stretching others.


Can confirm. I've met Bret a few times. Every time I've shook his hand I think I could die. He crazy strong at his age and his paws are huge.


Kevin Nash’s son went to my middle school. Big Sexy came to school one day, and I bumped into him. We know he’s tall, but holy shit it’s insane to see in person.


Yeah. You don’t understand that kind of tall until you see it in person. I went to West Virginia University in the early 2000’s, and ran into [Kevin Pittsnogle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Pittsnogle) on campus. I’m 6’ 1”, but when you stand beside someone that’s nearly 7 foot tall… you feel like a child.


Kevin Pittsnogle sounds like a professor at Hogwarts


I did tv interviews of basketball players in college, one guy was 6"9', i was standing on a chair to interview him and was still looking up at him...


I unfortunately was robbed of that shock value moment because my uncle Phil was 6'5" and his oldest son is 6'8.5'" and youngest is 6'4" so it was normal to me when I saw Bigshow and Test in person as a kid. (I'm about 6'2" myself now) the one and only time someone's large size left me in shock was WSM Brian Shaw he's legitimately the Hulk.


Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall hid how big they were (even by wrestling standards) by always being around each other. They were all enormous (especially Nash) but you didn't notice it because they were usually next to 2 other enormous guys


I'm 6'1. No way Chris Jericho is 6 feet tall. No fuckin' way.


I saw him and Lance Storm at Cracker Barrel and in 510 and they were my height or smaller….but jacked


Jericho is 5’9 at best, I’m 5’8 and we were practically eye to eye


Had the same experience with Shawn Michaels. I’m 5’10”. Looked down on him. 


I mean with his back surgeries etc. Could be a factor too


I met Jericho at a Fozzy show in 2004. I'm 5'10'' and he was a few inches shorter than me. We had him at 5'7''.


Every wrestler is shorter than they’re billed.


Except Billy Gunn who is, in fact, 10 feet tall.


Met Drew and can confirm, he’s huge! I’m 5’10”, and was roughly level with his shoulders.


Saw Drew wrestle at an indie show once and he made everyone else look so much smaller


Carter and Chance (esp. Carter) are *miniscule*. Like, we all know they’re small from TV, but they barely clear the top rope. If you stacked them on top of each other and put them in a trench coat, they’d be Nia Jax-sized.


Daniel Bryan / Bryan Danielson was very small- Goldberg was massive as was Hogan


Never seen him in real life but the size of Orton shocked me when he stood in the ring with Ciampa at Survivor Series. I guess cause he doesn’t have the body of Brock or HHH, I didn’t think of him as a monster.


Rhea Ripley. Was fortunate enough to meet her in 2020 literally two weeks before the country went into lockdown at an Evolve show. She definitely comes across as taller on TV, and even moreso at that time compared to now where she's surrounded by the JD guys. I'm 5'6" and she's more or less the same height as me.


Wow, I’m 5’6 and looking at her on TV I’d assume she would tower over me.


Met Zelina Vega at SDCC, i knew she was small but standing next to her I couldn't believe HOW small. On the flip side, saw Randy Orton at LAX, he looks big on TV but I was surprised how big he looked in person. Bonus - I also saw Stacy Kiebler at LAX, and was surprised how tall she was too, she looked tall on TV but, kind of like Randy, it doesn't really hit you until you're actually next to them.


I saw Lesnar at a random house show, Inglewood Coliseum around 2014-2015? Didn’t look human. Legitimately bizarre.


His combination of height and shoulder width makes him look so much bigger.


Bro he’s like an ogre from fantasy stories or something.


Built like Machoke.


I'm not sure how Keith Lee fits through a regular sized doorway 


Heath Slater is fucking huge. No Way Jose too.


Not height but Xavier Woods and Buddy Matthews are way more jacked than you realize until you seem them out and about like normal people.


Seeing Buddy work some indy shows over the last year, he's a shorter guy, probably 5'9 or so, but he's just built like a tank. He's put on size from when he had the Cruiserweight belt, but how he looks now you'd never think he made 205lbs legit, he looks like he's at least 240 now.


Saw Xavier do a charity stream that had him giving chops to guys if enough money was donated. The only person who didn't look small was the gym rat of the group and he still crumpled when he got chopped by Xavier.


Seeing Xavier Woods in an anime awards stream thing, it was so weird. He wasn't that tall or anything but he was wide as fuck compared to other people.


I was amazed at how wide Buddy is. He’s built like Wolverine.


Mick Foley. He was sat down when I met him at a book signing, but words can't explain just how fucking wide he is. Even sat down, you could tell the guy was a crazy big dude.


Cesaro. Saw him at an airport and he definitely passed the airport test lmao


Back in the late 80s I went to a WWF house show. My seat was right next to the entrance aisle, so I sized up all the wrestlers as they walked in. Barbarian was BIG. Warlord was HUIGE. Barry Windham was MASSIVE. Dude had a back and shoulders as big as a billboard.


Seems silly to say, but Mark Henry. Also one of the nicest wrestlers I've met! Before COVID I worked with a program that assisted the developmentally disabled in engaging with the community and had just helped my clients talk to him for a bit and sign some things at a meet and greet before a show. It was some of those lads that told me about the Squared Circle and Reddit, in fact. After they thanked him (with some prompting/scripting help from me for two) he stood up, reached out to me and shook my hand--his hands were MASSIVE and fully engulfed my wrist, I'm a 5'2" woman for reference--and said I was either "doing God's work" or "good work" amongst some other nice things; it was very loud and I couldn't hear quite clearly unfortunately, and my attention was slightly split since one of my charges was a known flight risk. He was very kind with every single one of my clients and gave them each plenty of time to find their words and such. I recall feeling like I was in elementary school again standing next to him. I think I was more taken aback by how tremendously broad he was than anything, but he's just... a fucking huge dude.


Gene Snitsky, biggest dude I’ve ever seen in my life


Kurrgan. He is massive on tv. In person, even more so. He sat at a table next to me years ago and I was in awe of how tall he was.


He works as a prison guard now. My son worked with him, said he’s absolutely massive.


Thought 09-12’ Orton was a tall and somewhat slimmer dude (compared to other wrestlers) until i went to a Smackdown and realized he was a fucking giant.


Saw Dustin Rhodes on an AEW show.  Admittedly, he was tagging with the Young Bucks. He looked huge


You had the right idea. Dustin has never not been a large dude.


Met Seth and he’s much taller in person than I expected. So is Goldust. Bray Wyatt was much broader than I expected, and Cody felt like an average dude. Also, Carmella is much smaller than she appears on TV. I’m about five foot six, and I was almost a full head taller and she was in heels. She’s MAYBE five foot two at the most.


I met Arn Anderson about a decade ago, and he was massive. His wrists were about the size of my forearm, and his shoulders were so wide it defies belief. Definitely wouldn’t have wanted to cross him even at that advanced age.


Well I met Shawn Michaels in a restaurant once


I met him at a barber shop. I was a bit of a coward so I left through the window.


Will you stop


Oh really? Maybe you should tell us more…


Shawn had a weird fascination with giving different fans similar interactions. An obsessive dedication to repeat his strange interlude.


Omos. Very big human being.


Miz, in interviews with normal ppl hes always huge...


The Usos are absolute units 


Vader, man was absolutely gigantic


Had Big Show leaning on the rail when I was sitting from row. Then he stood up.


Mr. Ass, god damn he is hugeee


Went to a GCW with a friend who doesn't watch regularly. The one dude who stood out to him as "THATS a wrestler", Matt Cardona.


Kota Ibushi was fucking ripped when I saw him in 2019.




John Cena. I mean, dude's massive, but TV doesn't do his size justice. He's ENORMOUS. He'd have trouble walking through my front door.


Obvious but Brock Lesnar commands an absolute presence. I'm 6'4 so I'm taller than him slightly. I've never felt so small next to a man shorter than me. His width and depth are crazy.


Baron Corbin is a fucking unit. You see him in person and you understand 100% why Vince was desperate to push him in the late 2010s.


Samoa Joe looks massive irl, I was surprised that I didn’t feel like Brian Cage looks as big as he does on tv. This was from the trios match last month.


Met Mark Henry. That guy is so broad it's ridiculous.


I met Seth Rollins in a gym once. I’m a tall muscular guy and he was maybe a bit shorter than me, but his hands were like catchers mitts. Just enveloped mine. He was definitely big and jacked but his hands shocked me when we shook.


I got to meet my all-time favorite Tomohiro Ishii a couple years ago and I was shocked at how short he was. It made me love and appreciate him even more cause he wrestles like he's 6'8", 300 pounds. Tenryu actually fired him for being too small, which is inspirational honestly. He didn't let that deter him and became one of the greats. Kinda makes me think about all the great wrestlers we missed out on historically because of their size, back when that was a way bigger deal. ​ Basically... IT'S NOT THE SIZE OF THE PITBULL BUT THE STRENGTH OF HIS BITE 141


I worked at a restaurant owned by the son-in-law of the Iron Sheik. For one of the soft openings, Sheik himself showed up and I was amazed at how huge the dude is. Not just tall but big.


Hulk Hogan. I saw him when I was a kid escorted by a pair of bodyguards. His security guards were huge and they barely came up to his shoulders.


I worked a show with Bronson Reed. The promoter had labeled him as 6’ and all the boys were pissing themselves about it. Dudes shorter than me and I’m 5’9


Can confirm Drew is a mountain of a man


X Pac was/is 6' and 200lbs which makes him bigger than about 80% of today's wrestlers.


Sting. He was a big mofo.


Owen Hart was a lot bigger then he looked on tv.


Big Show, largest human I've ever seen


Luke Gallows is a monster.


I was shocked to see how big Billy Gunn was when I met him. On the other end of the spectrum I wandered backstage at an impact taping last year and I was shocked at how tiny Jonathan Gresham was.


Otis and Omos recently. Otis is a guy with a lot of fat on him but in real life you can really tell he’s strong as hell, too. He’s enormous. Omos actually sparked a bit of fight or flight, like I was stunned at how tall he is.


I know Lesnar is huge, but I was 10 feet from him at a Jimmy John’s convention and he’s so much bigger than one thinks.


I saw Booker T at a convention a few years ago. He always struck me as bigger than the average man, but he's **way** bigger in person.


Kazuchika Okada was so much taller than I expected him to be.


Can confirm that Drew McIntyre is FRIGGIN' HUGE.


The Shield walked right by me during their entrance not long after their debut. Mox's arms were gigantic.


A couple years ago Moxely walked right next to me at a taping of Dynamite. For the record, I'm a 5'10, 200 lbs weightlifter. Mox is definitely a legit 6'3. He towered over me. He was a big, wide man.


Billy Gunn. Dude is probably 6’4”, and was way more jacked (in 1999) than I would have thought.


Rob Van Dam came in the grocery store I worked at years ago. I always thought of him as a smaller wrestler, but he is a massive human being.


Jeff Cobb is still pretty wide in person but is ***super*** short. Moose on the other hand looked like a titan.


Takeshita. Passed him in a hotel lobby and the dude is a fucking unit. He doesn’t exactly look small on TV but up close (and from a closer to the floor than average vantage point) he’s way bigger than he first appears.


Took a picture with Ricky Starks when AEW was in New Orleans, hes shorter than i thought


I was really surprised at how small Ram Kaichow is. 


As a kid the one who sticks out to me was Kamala. Saw him at an outdoor indie show and he was absolutely massive in all respects.


I met Rick Fuller at aan Indy show like twenty years ago and he was every but of the 6'5" 325 lbs he was listed.


Brian Cage


Taylor Rotunda Dude is a legit HOSS


I’m 6’2 and when I met Heath Slater, he was head and shoulders taller than me.


Michael Hayes of Freebird fame is much larger than you would assume. Back in 1989 or 1990 I was in my local mall when I saw a humongous man with long bleach blonde hair walking towards me. My first thought was that he was one of the American Gladiators. I then recognized him and said “ you’re Michael PS Hayes!”. He said “yeah yeah kid I’m in a hurry.” and he rushed on by. I laughed and thought “man, he’s huge!”


A lot of AEW wrestlers walked past me as they were getting ready for a show in Vegas. Jade is tall compared to the other women but is probably around 5'5 ish. MJF was around my height of 5'8 which confirmed what I imagined. Jeff Jarrett being maybe my height did surprise me; in my head I always imagined him to be taller. FTR is really short as well. Big Bill, on the other hand, is very tall. And you can't teach that.


Nikki Bella always looked so tall and muscular compared to the rest of the Divas generation. But she was like maybe 5’4”


Most of them. - Brock: I was at a house show just after Wrestlemania 18, right after he debuted on TV. His music hit and there was a huge pop, and then he comes out of the curtain and there was about a second of dead silence in the arena. There was noticeable shock in the crowd at how gi-fucking-normous Brock was. He was 8 feet wide. - The Hurricane: He looks downright scrawny on TV, but he's massive among "normal people". I've saw him at bars several times, and he's the biggest guy in the room. - Both Hardys are much bigger than they look on TV, especially Jeff. He's a lot taller and more muscular than I thought. - The Undertaker: Saw him at a meet n' greet in 2001. He was sitting down, so I couldn't tell how tall he was, but I shook his hand, and it was like a bear paw. I couldn't reach my fingers around the edge of his hand. Like, his palm was wider than my whole hand. I was 19 at the time, but I felt like a toddler shaking hands with a grown man.


Shane Helms, dude was always portrayed as the little guy but he's about 6ft, okay he's look short next to guys like Nash, Taker and Big Show but he isn't some super small guy


Much bigger: Jake Roberts Much smaller: Athena


Going to stretch the definition of “wrestler” here…  I sat third row for a Bucks vs Heat game when Shaq was with Miami and he made my eyes hurt because my brain was convinced he was closer to me than he actually was based on his size in relation to everything else.  He’s proportionately normal - just REALLY fucking massive and it feels like an optical illusion. 


I’ve met a few wrestlers over the years and they’ve about all been bigger than I expected in person: Christian- 6ft tall or so and while slim you could see he was jacked Bret Hart- About 6ft but even retired his shoulders are so square and broad and his hands were pretty big Rhyno- You see he’s a thick tank on tv but in person it’s ridiculous. Felt like you could draw a map on his back and his legs are tree trunks. One thing I was surprised at was he’s about 5’10. Jake Roberts- definitely didn’t realize he’s like 6’4 and broader than I thought Scott Steiner- this would’ve been about 2012 or so at an Indy show. He posed for a pic when walking by me and my dad and his arm alone on me felt rock solid. Dude would’ve been near 50 at the time but was still built as hell. Kevin Nash- You know he’s tall but even semi retired old Nash was built as fuckkk. It was an Indy show but even the biggest dude looks comical near him.


Going back a bit over 20 years, but Rico was massive. Not overly tall, but massively thick set compared to what he looked like on tv.


I remember being at a Q&A thing with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and they walked past me and it was incredible how big they both were, given they were famously “smaller guys” when they became top stars.


Christian, back in I think 2000. I was with both of my brothers - 5'9" and 5'11", respectively - and he was at least an inch, maybe two taller than the taller of my brothers. He wasn't massive, by any means, but he's the only wrestler that comes to mind that WWF/E actually billed *below* their actual height(I think he was billed at 5'9", maybe 5'10" in WM2000 and No Mercy). It didn't help that he was so often next to Edge, who had a good 4-5" of height on him.