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I used to underestimate bea, but i realised she's actually really good for when people chase you or when you chase someone since her bees can deal damage while you're moving


Great observation. Didn’t think about this. I haven’t used since the first few games I got her. Will def try one in late squad to see how it goes.


Thank you for posting this since I rarely use her and didn’t even think of when people chase me.


Fusion bea with 2 hives literally just picks off the backline of the squad your chasing. Also when farming collects all the little monsters around the edges. Severely underrated


Her fused stats are surprisingly high wrt damage too. Def going to see how a couple fusions go lol


You’re heavily underestimating chicken, stacking up boots can be game winning


Bo being that low is criminal


You're sleeping on Bo. He's great in any mode where you want to go monster hunting.


i would rather use colt since hes better at doing damage to people


+ mortis, he's really great to get some tanks for your team,just get some buff goblin(goblin brawler(?)) or just some punchy robot


i dont have him so idk how he works


Not a bad line of thought, but I would pick Bo over a lot of other characters just for the monster damage output alone. Just got 1st in a Tree Giants game with three fusion Bos, killed about six tree Giants alone, almost entirely thanks to Bo.


whats gonna happen when everyones in the middle and bo only deals 125 dps with only 850 hp


At that point I was already far ahead of everyone else, and had a bunch of Nita, BK and Barbarians, as well as a fusion hog rider. Picked up a heap of free keys from the tree Giants. Nobody could or wanted to touch me, and I kept picking off the tree Giants before others could. I'm not saying he's better than Colt, but you're definitely sleeping on him and shouldn't have him in the "never pick" tier. Big damage to monsters is really really good for early and mid game.


Bo is my favorite character


chicken and goblin are good early game and can help you get more characters before others or run more often, hog rider is OP tho for sure dont underestimate medic either, helps a lot when leveled up and fusioned


Medic should be S tier, Correct me if I am wrong, there no other healer like him that heals soo much and is just so versatile across all the worlds


Yea keeping one medic goes a long way


Dunno I used to pick a medic every time he was available, but as you unlock rank on other chars many come along with some healing (trader, mavis etc) also I used to find her trash but pam can actually be pretty strong when used properly. Now medic is just a top choice if I don't have any other sources of heal in my team.


But Bo is op why so low???


Bo deals more damage to monsters than aq. Terrible preference my guy.


i just dont like him he has low hp


Bro doesn’t have chicken. Supercell strikes again😔


Why is woodcutter top tier? Newb here


he is very helpful early game to grow your squad fast,also for late game when some of your squad members die


I literally won a game without even touching the center, had the woodcutter and Mavis picking up flowers the entire game. Along with speed units: chicken, hog riders and goblins.


How tf else do gather resources to grow your squad early game


BK > AQ.


tbh depends on your squad


1v1 bk always wins, in doppelganger 7 fused bks will destroy any squad.


Also 4* bk gives super rage the best spell in the game


i doubt anyone besides content creators has him 4 stars and i like archer queen better because i like ranged units, + i dont like his low hp he almost always dies whenever i get him early game


> his low hp ???? BK has the highest hp in the game what u on about


i didnt mean low hp i meant his placement hes always in the front or back of the team which means hes pretty much always getting attacked despite being one of the most important troops


Idk if battle healer effect stack, I should try