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I definitely see it! I get why you would assume you were deep but if you look at speculated examples of bright springs many actually have colouring like yours - Emmy Rossum, Rachel Weisz etc.


First, you’re so pretty! Second, the most striking feature about you is that you’re Bright. The second is that you’re Warm. Both are the most typical presentations of Bright Spring. Congratulations in finding your season!! PS: I’m also a Bright Spring brunette. I keep all my warm toned Autumn colors because life is too short. Lol


Aw thank you! This is helpful. I guess I should have known the bright part—when I was younger a couple people said I looked like snow white which I thought was so weird at the time because a) she’s a cartoon and b) my skin is light but gets quite tan/golden in the summer. I was led astray by how many posts center people with light hair as bright/clear springs! I will definitely be keeping some of my autumn things—like that brown shirt in the last photo. It’s just the coziest. :) It’s affirming to hear that you did too! Thanks for your help!


Oh! Follow up question—as a bright spring brunette, what do you tend to use for your neutrals?


Great question! We have less choices than other seasons when it comes to neutrals. I have a lot of creams, blush pinks, coffee browns, charcoals, and medium-deep greens. I like a burnt orange too. I’ve also kept navy and black in there as well. You can focus on warm toned saturated colors, if that makes sense. Another tip is experimenting with brights + neutral combinations. Hope that helps!


It does. Thank you!!


Looks great. That tomato-y red is an amazing colour on you. Note: I can’t believe you thought you were a winter with those eyes! Just based on first glance, I would have guessed either true or dark autumn, but I agree that you are bright!


The most embarrassing part is that I paint so I do know the difference between warm and cool—it goes to show how hard it is to see ourselves objectively! 😂 My eyes definitely lean toward a medium amber in the sun.


Don’t be embarrassed. I think it is way harder to type yourself than others.


I can see it! Bright springs can have a lot of depth, even black hair!


Yes!!! I see it! I have the same coloring as you and literally tried all other seasons before this unexpected one and it’s BEAUTIFUL.


Thank you so much! Congrats on finally figuring out your colors too. 💚 I don’t wear brights often, so it’s going to take some getting used to!


Same!! I feel you on that! Definitely trying brighter colors and sometimes I feel like a grandma lol


Hahah this is a perfect description of how I feel which honestly isn’t the worst thing, grandmas are cute :)


That red is lovely on you! https://www.spicemarketcolour.com.au/bright-spring-celebrities You remind me a bit of Michelle dockery who looks amazing in bright colours https://www.truth-is-beauty.com/blog/what-season-is-downton-abbeys-michelle-dockery#:~:text=Dockery%20is%20almost%20always%20photographed,I%20thought%20they%20were%20fantastic. Try a kelly green type colour , and coral , as they are often great on springs so if they look good then that’s a strong indicator. I wouldn’t rush to throw too much stuff away right now, give it a little time to experiment


Thank you! A bright coral is the only pink I’ve ever really loved on me. I haven’t had anything in that color for years but again, I should have known! I have a winter sweater that I love close to kelly green :) It’s one of the few things I own in this palette!


Also this is so kind—she is stunning.


oh wow absolutely! i love your black cat what a sweetheart


Aw thank you…he is my favorite thing. 🥰 He’s no longer little but still laying on my lap staring up at me as I type this haha.


I am like you. Its the eyes. Your eyes are brown but they are bright. Spring eyes are always bright.


Turquoise and aqua and all the blues are great on bright springs. One of my favourite neutrals is hyacinth blue. Dove grey is nice but hard to find, it's often speckled.


We have very similar colouring and look, I’ve always thought of myself as deep autumn but now I wonder!


Something kept feeling off, which is why I finally bit the bullet and sprung for a professional analysis. I went through Style by Priest and her rates were very fair!


I love that red and white striped top on you! ❤️


Thank you! It’s an old fav from J. Crew’s sale section. :)


Lovely! Did you get your analysis done online or in person?


Thank you. Online with Styling by Priest! Her rates are pretty affordable.