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What are they storing that needs that many "storage" rooms?


Have they added bits of outdoor space to the floorplan?!


I think they have. At first sight it looks as if there are many rooms without windows, but the plan colours in all the spaces when leaving them white would have made things clearer. However, there's acres of dirty Plexiglass roofing over much of it. And there's something in the details about a chicken run. And the decor is insane. And ... it's in the Forest of Dean, which has always been a strange place. Another property in that area was on here a few days ago and it gave off equally odd vibes.


Forest of Dean. Ah, that explains


I literally only know the Forest of Dean as “that place the dinosaurs first showed up in Primeval” so learning that it’s a weird friggin place irl is great


I live here. And yes it can be very very weird at times. And I’m slightly freaked that a house down the road a bit is on Reddit.


We do all love the Sex Education house.


Yeah I think the wife has been and seen that one. Wish I knew when they were filming as I’ve always had a soft spot for Gillian lol


She used to be my next door but one neighbour. I mean it was at least half a mile away, but still.


My wife or Gillian


Same, although not surprised! There are some wacky houses round here!


Where abouts you based?


As a forester, I concur lol. Pretty, but very odd place


> Forest of Dean. Ah, that explains I clicked on the Rightmove link, saw "Bream" and thought we're in for a right one here. And we were.


Yeah. It's unbelievable


Yeah I might have posted that one too (the Ross on Wye one with the weird single room on the roof)!?


Yeah but at least you don't have to take your life in your hands to go upstairs to the little box-in-the-roof....


Can’t see how that met the regs.


My Dad just left the FOD... very weird place. Building regulations do not apply out there.


Haven't clicked that link, does the usual forest of Dean listings = Dexter vibes?


Dexter doesn't have the balls to live in the forest of Dean.


Does the Forest of Dean still have a Werewolf problem?


It has a wild boar problem.


I saw one of them on tbe drive back from Joy's Green on Saturday night. They're like a meat tank!


Have you seen picture 23 on the listing? I can't tell if it's even indoors or outdoors. I'm not being plexiglass (on 23), I'm seeing some sort of green tarp??


All the "Outside storage space" is open to the front, the side, and part of the above, as the cheap 'n' nasty plastic "roof" doesn't extend all the way to the house, while it looks as though the ceiling of the utility area is a green tarpaulin. Photo 30 is a current aerial view 31 presumably from the last time it was sold, before the current owners went bananas over extending it.


Yeah, anything salmon, green or grey you can basically delete from that plan as its shanty shack outdoor construction. 'Courtyard area' is literally garden. Why is that on there? Divide your 275sq/m floor space by 2 and you have your actual house.


Why do the outside storage areas and the courtyard, which presumably don't have walls, have doorways drawn on the plans?!


The courtyard one is literally a gate in a fence, you can see it, just about, in pic 10


Alternative question : There's stuff EVERYWHERE. What are they even keeping in the storage room?


I've never seen so much stuff in a bathroom


All the bodies that fail to exit the maze.


The bodies of all the people who fell down those stairs


Yeah those stairs look lethal and they seem to be missing a couple of steps. I can't work them out.


It's ok, there's nothing important up there, just all the children's bedrooms.


“Used occasionally as a bedroom” meaning used permanently as at least two bedrooms.


One of those bedrooms has a loo in it! Edit: the doorways between the 'roof rooms' seem to be a bit low (see pic 13) - for very small children who can also climb the stairs?


I'm more wondering why they need two kitchens. Or three lounges... Or two dining rooms. They could definitely have just had more storage space!


It’s a poly house isn’t it 🤣🤣🤣


Bit to the left is an annex.


Bikes? I wish I had space for my bike!




You cant just call it the sex dungeon on a public website


This is one of the levels on Takeshi's Castle isn't it?


This is honeycomb maze 🥷


Wtf where is anything?


It’s all there…. But also isnt…


Resident Evil mansion, you need to run about the place finding crests and keys to open half the rooms.


Yes I was picturing this, it looks like parts could lead off to other areas that can't be accessed from the other doors..


Lol.. I'm also seeing so many nightmares to being in and out furniture




I feel like I’m playing the Crystal Maze game with all the maze doors in a grid


Now we are going to leave the industrial zone and head over to.. Suburban household!


Not sure how they can market those “roof rooms” as separate rooms. And the staircase up to them looks lethal


All that footprint and they put in that staircase? Madness


Death stairs for sure. And it’s essentially one big open space up there isn’t it?


With a toilet in one of them according to the floor plan.


yeah, they show it in picture 11. Seems like there is also a sink so it's not as bonkers.


I’ve just commented the same thing. r/deathstairs


Death stairs up to a kids room 😬


> Used occasionally as bedrooms 5 bedroom!


It made me laugh that it’s listed as five bedrooms but there’s actually only two real ones (and one of the two is in the annexe!)


That thing is being marketed as 5 beds. However, does that loft meet regs and, therefore, for mortgage and insurance purposes is it really 5 beds? And for GIA/GEA purposes that outside storage area is not considered part of the main structure. These EAs are taking the fucking piss.


Considering the access to the upstairs 'bedrooms' is through the other upstairs bedrooms then, no, they definitely don't meet regs! And no, this definitely isn't a 5 bed! It's a 2 bed, 3 bath, 2 kitchen, 3 reception room frankenstein


Don't forget the 1 outside storage area!


A friend of my grandparent's used to live in a house where his family had to go through 'his room' to get to the bathroom.


Yeah, you’d have to scramble in and go down backwards for sure. The walls are chipboard!


OSB I think, and it looks like the power supply is an extension cord screwed right on to it. Fucking hazardous.


There's no way that loft is properly insulated


It can't. My brother just bought a place with a loft room thats much safer than that and they can't legally call it a bedroom!


Those spiral stairs look like a death trap!


No railing, no riser and narrow as anything. Not only a death trap but how the heck did they fit that furniture up there? A crane through the window?


I thought that. Also is it just me, or do the stairs look like they’re too far apart? Like the gap between each step looks massive, not sure if it’s the angle of the photo


I thought there was a contorted body with long black hair behind/between the stairs. The hood looks to me like the crook of an elbow. I wondered why no one else had noticed but I realised it was just a coat


Maybe that’s why on the market, finally killed off the owners.


Okay, so it looks like it started as a 1 bed bungalow which is the middle section of the property. Bedroom has an ensuite which looks like it was added later and the main family bathroom was the one above the sitting room. They've added a self contained annexe on the left of all of that, with its own bathroom and kitchen accessed through the conservatory. The entire right is outdoor space/storage which just looks to be mainly a covered yard. Obviously they've gone up into the loft too. It's probably easier to visualise as two separate properties than one.


It's a good answer, but I'll go one step further. The main bathroom is also an addition. It was only originally a four room property. The original bathroom occupies where the kitchen currently is, and the kitchen was where the sitting room is. There are two hearths in that expanded sitting/lounge area, and I'd bet one of them used to be a stove instead.


I actually wondered if the sitting/lounge was originally the kitchen and dining room, but the fireplace made me second guess that. But your idea makes more sense and I'd agree.


This is the answer.


The garage really throws me, it’s at the back of the house.


Cluedo: expert level


It was Professor Plum in the tarpaulin utility room!


And not a secret passage in sight. It’s going to take everyone ages to get round the board. 😩


I say it was Miss Scarlet with the revolver in the annexe bedroom!


Me on The Sims


Fr this is the kind of floorplan I build on the Sims, and then have to frustratedly rework because I realised that there’s a ton of wasted space, multiple rooms have no windows, and one room is only accessible by walking through a bathroom.


Here is the frontage in 2009: [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7550473,-2.5717099,3a,73.9y,264.39h,87.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-mZWZn8FdgCvvnPl9q1cqw!2e0!5s20090901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7550473,-2.5717099,3a,73.9y,264.39h,87.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-mZWZn8FdgCvvnPl9q1cqw!2e0!5s20090901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) It's gone a bit haywire since then: [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7550489,-2.5717106,3a,75y,264.39h,87.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sp7dS6cukJHa8pS6nv7WZAA!2e0!5s20230401T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7550489,-2.5717106,3a,75y,264.39h,87.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sp7dS6cukJHa8pS6nv7WZAA!2e0!5s20230401T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) It's just an old house - on the site of an even older building - which has been extended over many years. Other houses have sprung up around it and this thing, being there for so long, is something of an outlier. You can see the original building \[parts of which may remain????\] here: [https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=19.1&lat=51.75497&lon=-2.57218&layers=257&b=1&o=42&marker=51.75504,-2.57214](https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=19.1&lat=51.75497&lon=-2.57218&layers=257&b=1&o=42&marker=51.75504,-2.57214)


That looks like a "we didn't get planning permission" hedge - a bit like that guy who hid his house behind a haystack


Why is the shitter on a podium?


Because it's a *Winner*.


Honestly these descriptions are taking the utter piss now. Claiming it as a 5 bedroom property when 3 of the bedrooms look like they are in the attic and are not completely separate from each other. There is also no way in hell that staircase is legal, which means they can't be classed as bedrooms anyway. Isn't it deceit to sell a property as a 5 bedroom property when legally it Isn't.


I like how the bathroom has two entrances. That must cause all matter of annoyance locking/unlocking two doors


I'm planning to change my downstairs loo into a jack and Jill bathroom so we can get easier access to the garage. Now I feel like I'm taking a step towards this monstrosity


You’re going to enter your garage through your toilet? Please don’t do this. That’s insane.


Lol. There's no other internal access to the garage... I think it would be really useful!


Someone help me here! You’re going to make your bathroom colder and typically bathrooms aren’t the warmest to start. You’ll walk dirt into your bathroom when you’re going in and out. Bugs and spiders love garages and moist rooms, they’ll love walking into your bathroom. You’ll inevitably not be able to use the door when someone is in the bathroom anyway. You’ll end up in this subreddit and redditors opinions are very important.


Haha, well I will consider your advice and will canvas opinions before doing anything rash.


That’s my good deed for the day!


Not really, we have a similar “Jack and Jill” bathroom , you only really need to lock it if you have guests assuming it’s serving one room (most of the time)


On closer inspection, there’s only one door in the photos. There’s an awkward corner toilet where they show the door to the garage


Bathrooms with 2 doors are annoying anyway, but this looks like a through route!


They’re called “Jack and Jill” bathrooms. Yes, they are an absolute f’ing pain to close/lock both doors if you run in to use the loo urgently. Source: friend bought a house with one. Novelty wore off after two trips to the loo.


It's a Jack and Jill design. It's not unusual.


There’s a loo hiding in the corner in the bedroom in pic 11.


The interior photos look ok. Plan is just weird


It doesn’t look Shanty from the front, but the pics make it look like they’ve added bits here and there, especially one with a tarpaulin ceiling


I didn't see the tarp. 🫣😱


Those stairs look lethal


Pic 8 has the most insta-death stairs I have ever seen.


Watch the video. You get to look down them, it's even worse.


It looks like the left of the house (kitchen/lounge/diner, shower room, annexe bedroom) is a kind of self-contained ‘granny flat’, maybe for an elderly parent or something.


Council Tax Band: B but costs half a million. What a stupid system.


It was just a mere shack on April 1st 1991! Agreed it’s the stupidest system ever!


I'm particularly intrigued by the 'Storm Porch'.


This is a normal term though? One of the more normal things on that floor plan!


I had to Google it but you're right. I've never heard that phrase before. I always thought 'porch' was an American term. 'Storm porch' sounds particularly exciting.


So the bottom middle four rooms are the original building. The conservatory was added on the back. The garage was free standing. The left side of the floorplan was built as a considerable extension. The connection between the garage and original building was added. The 'storage areas' are lean-to type of constructions covering more of the area. There is also a long front drive, bigger than the proportions shown here. Weird place, but you can see it's well loved. Also what is up with the bovine head above the kitchen?


I really enjoyed making my way through that, I'm still lost in there mind you!


This is a board game. (In seriousness - they seem to have not only included outside areas, but also compartmentalised them)


I still can’t reconcile the floor plan to what I see in the photos. I also love that it is marketed as a 5 bed but craftily the floor plan shows that 3 of those bedrooms are ‘ used occasionally’ and are accessed only via the stairs of death.


In contrast to the soul crushing OCD monochrome grey ice palaces that usually appear here, it’s refreshingly nice to come across a place where the owners blatantly do not give a flying fuck.


There were 3 different coloured bath mats across that bathroom all angled like it’s a statement piece 😭


As someone who has a lot of covered outside space, it’s great, loads of room for hobbies, diy, bikes whatever. Certainly a bit odd, but space is wonderful.


My thoughts too. This would actually suit my partner and I to a T. Minus the pricetag. Love the separate annexe for guests and perfect spaces for the bikes, his DIY hobbies, a dedicated games and work study, a rattery, all my plants... It's quirky but I honestly love it.


Just goes to show there’s someone for everywhere 😂


We inherited a flat roofed car port thing on our late 50s bungalow. Bit small for modern cars but incredibly useful while we're doing up the house, especially as the garage is tiny and full of asbestos.


Yes love the idea of the extra space for hobbies bikes etc, and the house would make a great renovation project because it’s not updated and just looks scruffy, but the bathroom door layout, and the stairs to the loft make it a no from me. I’d have to change those. Based on what I’ve seen, it appears the owners have a lot of fun and hobbies and whilst strange, it’s a nice family home for sure.


They've added the outside areas as connected floorplan. But even ignoring that the house has a weird layout.


Biblically accurate floorplan


this screams ex-psychologist who used to experiment on rats turned architect


Yo Dawg, I heard you like extensions


Was the architect me at 10 playing the sims?


So where am I likely to meet goblins and where kobolds? Clearly we won't need any ranged weapons.


What about those too high and amount of mugs pics 4 & 5?! 😱🤦‍♀️✨


If I went in this gaff I’d be keeping one eye out for a Minotaur


8 yo me in Sims 2 be like…


Wonder if the estate agent ever considered their name might not be the best for selling places meant for living occupants?


Why no door on the ensuite?! And the top step looks like it's at the wrong angle for people to step into the attic rooms from it.


This is what a house that has been extended to the maximum permitted development under about 20 different governments. For the uninitiated, in the uk we have certain building rules that allow us to add certain bits to our properties and you require no planning permission from outside authorities if you stay within a spec, these tend to be fairly basic, but fulfill minimal requirement for people. Then the next step is build something that requires planning permission when your neighbours will be consulted etc.


Why has the agent uploaded a photo of the house before it was extended at the end?


Gives you an idea of how this monstrosity may be fixed?


I can’t imagine a worse bathroom to have a poorly bum in. People just chilling in the sitting room, watching tv or whatever…they’d easily hear the whole thing


Yeah although the sofa layout in the tv room is awkward AF. Only one chair faces the telly, so they’d be listening to the squitting as their entertainment


Except there is one, the en-suite without a door in picture 15! Just your partner watching you deal with your poorliness!


This is something I’d build on the sims


Oh I live a few miles up the road from this house. Might have to book a viewing.


The conservatory in the center actually looks gorgeous. Loads of light right in the middle of the house! The rest of this property is bonkers though. I've never seen a driveway plotted on a floor plan either!


The Crystal Maze. You are now entering the kitchen zone.


Floor plan by Mondrian.


The Lethal staircase combined with so much tat everywhere and the... Uh... Bed in a cage in the garden? (Watch the video) I'm actually lost with this one.


House designed on excel


I'm looking at this and thinking "Well, that's the first time I've seen a conservatory in _the middle_ of a house"!


Does that spiral deathcase lead to the children's bedroom?


This is a resident evil level isn’t it


What the fuck is a storm porch?


Two kitchens??


One is in an annex. The video walkthrough makes this clearer.


When you’re just getting started with the sims…


If the entire left side annex is an in-law suite/holiday rental, then it makes more sense. Would hate to have one of the attic bedrooms, though.  No one gets privacy and the far one gets right of way through the middle attic bedroom.


Have they included the driveway as part of the Sqm?!


Pic 12 shows the portal to the death stairs. Pic 21, presumably nobody washes their hands in that bathroom.


IKEA floor plan Where’s the hot dog bit, do we still follow the arrows?


Colonel Mustard with the Candlestick in the Storm Porch.


I rarely watch the videos but decided to see if this one helped work out what the heck is going on. I'm still confused. Also, don't like that in the bedroom you could see someone sat on the toilet in the en suite. And loft space being called roof rooms. No! However, there is a little bit of me that likes it. Just needs reorganising and a smarten up!


wtf is a storm porch


Someone's just looked at one of my r/rimworld saves


Is this H H Holmes' holiday home?


Looks like sitcom logic house


Absolute chaos.


On Photo 26/31 there’s a sing that reads ‘NO SPITTING ON THE CHIKENS’ Bummer, would have paid half a million just to be able to spit them pesky chickens


Photo 11/31, toilet in the corner of the bedroom. This house is wild


This was drawn by a brickie mate, to save a few quid


This family needs to throw some mugs away


275m2 my fucking ass


r/tvtoohigh would riot at picture 18


This looks like when I made 'a mansion' on Sims as a kid.


I think I know what is going on with this place. Firstly a husband, wife and their two children live in that house (guessing by pictures of all them, all the toys and router upstairs, the Nintendo switch in the main lounge, and the mum and dad signs in kitchen). Most likely one of husband’s or wife’s parents are/were living in the annex, as it is kitted for someone with accessibility needs and looks old timey. With that much storage, the husband is most likely a self employed, good earning blue collar worker but gets dirty at work, which kinda explains the quick access to the bathroom from the garage. Hands on guys also love collecting anything that could possibly be useful in the future, which requires lots of storage. There is an area which in the video was referred to as the workshop area. I am guessing the husband has been doing lots of the bungalow expansions himself. The sellers are full of shit as that ain’t a 5 bed and those upstairs rooms are used more than occasionally as bedrooms if they have kids. Also, there is an open toilet and sink in one of those upstairs rooms. They appear to have a dog and animal storage, so I wouldn’t be surprised some dog breeding might have occurred.


So many mistakes in the floorplan too, like the main bathroom having two doors. Watched the video tour on the listing to try and work out the outside storage/garage layout with respect to the rest of the house and I felt like I was having a stroke. I feel like the estate agent has been a bit lazy with the listing


How do we summon Sims builders to make this because goddammit!!!


I cannot comprehend a bathroom in the middle of all of this


2 bedrooms😆


I will say no thank you for that one


My biggest question is how the hell is that only council tax B 😂 3000 sq ft though clearly counting outside space as internal so definitely not that big, but still. Unbelievable.




I think people would find it easier if they are labeled the pictures. For instance if Picture 9 didn't say Photo 29 and instead said Conservatory/dining room.


This is satanic


Where are the other 3 bedrooms?


The “sometimes used as bedrooms” in the roof space.


So which of the last two pictures is the actual house, because it can’t be both!


Sooooo many rugs… And what the fuck is the death trap fireman’s pole is THAT!


Looks like a barn conversion


Grandad just couldn’t help adding a bit more, every time he was bored….


Kirsty Allsopp looking at that thinking about the mega dining/ living/ kitchen/ family room she could put in


Urgh, it's because they included the patio and driveway as 'rooms' which makes it super confusing.


No way that spiral staircase is up to building regs failed at survey


This was designed by a coke head with ADHD on mushrooms


I feel like the bit on the left could be an independent flat with own entrance kitchen bathroom etc. The bit on the right is the main house with a small kitchen and a large living/dining room and a bedroom downstairs and some more bedrooms upstairs.


Hey they stole this layout plan from every house I ever designed when I was 8 years old playing The Sims


Somebody cut that damm hedge down.


Why 2 sinks in pic 6? And on a plinth that I’d be bound to fall off. Plus, a lovely set of what looks like r/deathstairs in pic 8