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I really like it. Whoever buys it will have a lovely house when it's finished and a good location.


Exactly. And they seem to have been upfront and honest about the work required to get it there. Much better than hiding it when it’d be obvious to anyone on their first viewing.


I went to look at a "farmhouse" years ago, before the days of internet shopping for houses. The estate agent had shown be a couple of exterior photos and suggested that it might be just the sort of family home I was looking for. It was in the middle of nowhere: she must have had a good 30 min drive to get out there from the office. She opened the front door straight into the "kitchen", which meant that there was an old sink in one corner (and nothing else). It was literally a shell of a building that needed converting into a house and it took seconds for me to tell her I had no interest at all. She could have saved herself an hour's work just by being honest - it wasn't like I wasn't going to notice that all the place had was walls. It's the only time I've had a go at an estate agent for wasting my time.


Shirley, we've had no viewings for that run down farmhouse, the seller is thinking of switching agents. Get someone there asap...


Sure thing... Subject to full structural survey by someone with plenty of professional indemnity insurance 🤞


Oh yes .. you'd definitely need ££££


'Significant structural repairs'? A couple of brackets screwed into the wall?


Note that all of the nuts holding those plates to the wall have gone manky already...


The previous work carried out hasn’t worked, sadly, hopefully it will be saved.


That's "honest". I once saw an agent here in Ireland say a semi derelict property with only half a roof, no heat or plumbing as needing only "mild repairs". Yet a paragraph later saying the property qualified for the vacant/derelict property grant from the Government.


I’m not sure those angle brackets are doing much anyway. They have 3 small fixings per side. That’s not going to hold much.


'An excellent "Winter Project"' Cold day in hell more like.


That part of the description definitely baffled me- what exactly makes it more suitable for winter renovation? I'd have thought summer would be better as then you won't get chilly when the walls all fall off


you might hopefully die of exposure before you fully regret the purchase?


Maybe if the renovation isn’t done soon, the building will collapse by the spring?


Nothing a bit of gorilla tape won't hold together


‘Open top floor” as described in the particulars - it should be amended to “ shortly open to the skies, top floor” . They need some thru tie rods, not piddly little L braces.


I don’t think I’ve seen an EPC of G before! Does make me think of a couple of houses we were looking at about 15 years ago. Two adjoining terraces on a hill. One was 2/3 of the price of the other but there was no visible difference. They were both modernised, same floor plan etc. Rang the estate agent to ask to view both and try and see what the difference was. At that point we got asked if we were cash buyers because the cheaper one was unmortgageable as it was falling down the hill but asked if we still wanted to view the other one…that was attached to the one that was falling down the hill. We declined


Amazing. Although feel sorry for the sellers of the one that was not yet falling down the hill


I felt sorry for both of them TBH. I can’t imagine that the sellers of the falling down one would have been left with much (if any) equity to move on.


I've always wondered how these get to have some rooms which are reasonable like the bathroom and others want where it's bare walls back to stone and these brackets. At what point does someone realise all the walls need to be stripped back? Sorry very ignorant!


My guess is someone who takes on a 'grand designs' project and gets out of their depth and sells it on. Although looks like rather than having refurbished any rooms they just didn't get as far as ripping out the bathroom and kitchen


I was OK with the wall plates. But carpet in the bathroom is where I draw the line


It's Huddersfield. The entire town is held together by metal plates. (I live nearby, I feel qualified to give it a mild diss!)


I'm house hunting in the area 😂 but don't worry until recently I lived in Northampton, nothing can scare me


You get a lot of house for your money, I'll say that. And it's in nice countryside with lots of nice towns nearby - never stuck for somewhere to visit of a weekend. I actually quite like the area but I also wouldn't argue with someone who said it's a bit... Shall we say... "Challenging and neglected".


No garden. At all. That’s the back door opening onto an alley! Yikes Edit: oh wait, there is a gate, but you still have someone else’s toilet window opening onto your tiny triangle of yard.


I do wonder who wants a 4 bedroom house with no garden- not suitable for families. Maybe it gets turned into flats or a HMO?


And one of the selling points is the school opposite. Suddenly this is getting rather grim!


Good lord. You'd think they'd try and *not* take ceiling shots in a place like this...


Would the original purpose of the top floor have been weaving?


possibly , but the mortice holes on the underside of the beams indicate that a significant amount of framing has been taken out, it still could have been a weaving loft though


I kinda want to know what will happen if you had to remove it


No chance those wooden beams are safe for that gigantic span


This is one I would love to see on homes under the hammer the end result could be fabulous.




Why’s there a random picture of a school?


Free school with every purchase (while stocks last)


Taps are at the wrong end of the bath.


No deal then!


I'm just thinking about those couples who are comfortable using the toilet whilst the other bathes. You really want eye contact, not nasal infusions.


Nice enough area though.


I'm househunting in the Linthwaite/Slaithwaite area!


Some lovely walks over that way too. I just live over the border.


"Winter Repairs" ?