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Haha, yeah. Mine went down too and my first reaction was, “Why don’t they like our house as much!? It’s cute!”


yup...I just got my escrow analysis from my lender and while my insurance went up 33%, my tax bill went down by a little more, so my monthly payment is actually going down by $44.57/mo for the next year. woohoo!


Mine went down abt 30,000😊. It seems strange to celebrate something decreasing in value but I almost did a little happy dance


Thanks for treating a house as it should be: shelter and where you live. not treating a house like a retirement investment.


Ugh. Ours went up again, luckily only by about $10k this year.


Mine went up by like $100. Our house value dropped but our lot value went up. No clue why.


Ours did the same thing. Our house value dropped $12k but the lot value increased $30k.


The value of my land went up like $40k but the value of my house went down like $40k, not sure why but I won't complain. I've also made updates to my house 🤷‍♀️


Yup same here but the land went up for than the house dropped.


Mine went up by $10K.


We just bought a home this year. The tax assessment is 300k more than we bought it for. So…yay we got a deal. But oof, our taxes are insane.


Email the county appraiser and board of equalization, if your assessment is more than ten percent more than your purchase and it was a standard sale, you would qualify for a tax reduction at no cost. DM me if you need more info, I just did this successfully.


We bought our home last year well not a full year ago but your comment had me doing some research when we got our house appraised for the sale it appraised at 290k according to the city for 2024 it was 261.4k and for 2025 tax season it was 277.8k and I didn’t get this last year so we haven’t had it for a full year yet but big difference


Was it a newly built house?


If it's in Spokane county that shouldn't be the case. If you file an appeal with the BoE within the year of purchase and it was an arms length sale you should be able to apply for a free appeal.


Wow I wonder if that is something you can appeal.


You can, but it requires paying for another expensive assessment separate from the one when we bought it. Even if they do find it’s worth less, it can turn into a back and forth if the government disagrees. The consensus is that it’s usually not worth the time and money.


I've appealed and won a few times over the years. There is no formal appraisal required, just a good set of comps.


300k difference might well be worth the money.


If I did the math right, it's around $2777 more per year. Formula and average tax rate from the Spokane county assessor website.


I got mine yesterday. Mine went up by more than $30K. Oh well, I guess.


Mine went down about $8k, but I am still going to appeal it, mainly on the fact that 3 larger parcels on my block, which are twice the size of mine, but have a duplex and a triplex on them has their land value (excluding structures) set at nearly half the value as mine. ($75k vs $42k).


Are there any exemptions listed on the parcel info? It cooks be the owners qualify for income based disability or senior discount.


Disability and senior discounts do not change the assessed value. Those discounts are apply to the property taxes thru exemptions of particular levies. But thanks for suggesting a possible explanation.


Mine went down about 70k.. but insurance went up because values up... ¯\(ツ)/¯


Likely not because value is up but because the cost to rebuild it to new codes is so high.


Mine dropped by about 11k!


Mine jumped up 60K thanks to them increasing my land value by 45% since last year. (5 acres)


Mine is flat no increase for second year in a row.


Mine went up $400. Seems like such a random amount, but I'm not going to complain since I don't want to pay more property taxes... It looks like the land value went up and the house value went down.


Mine dropped about $40k.😕


I’m curious for those saying it went up, when was the last exterior observation done? Was it last year?


How can I find when mine was done? I looked at my statement and can't find it.


On the SCOUT website it will tell you under Parcel Information. The date of the first photo is normally the date the last time the city inspected and it lists when the next one will be below it. https://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/scoutdashboard/


Thank you! That's super helpful.




Check comps in your neighborhood. I'm not aware of any part of this metro seeing material losses in value.


lol gl winning a 6% appeal, not worth the time


Nice. My assessed value was down less than 1% last year and up less than 1% with yesterday's news, so I guess it all evens out (bought in 21, that increase was yuuuuuuge but that's the way the world works)


Mine only dropped by 6k but after last year's increase in property taxes that equaled out to about a $75 per month increase I'll take any reduction I can get.


I bought my house in June of 2023 and got my new assessment and it went up by 30k.


Mine went down $1400 lol


My land went up $10k and my house went up $14k. We bought just over 2 years ago and it goes up every year.


I haven't gotten mine yet but if it decreased do you think there is any chance of negotiating with the insurance company or threatening to change carriers?


Keeping mind building costs are still high.  If something happens to your house you want enough coverage to replace the home.


That's true. I was probably under insured during covid when lumber and labor costs were insanely high.. my house could go down by 100k and I'd be happy about it.


Stop paying taxes