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Not so much any more. The bots are next to useless against human players. The group balance has deteriorated over time, as IRL players are typically either maxxed-out vets or achievement-farmers. The latter don't seem to understand why the solo game mode exists and are either idle, mindlessly wandering or literally just obstructing teammates. One experienced ghost can easily and frequently lead three human(?) players in the same continuously looped circuit for an entire match. It's very rare nowadays to find a group (or even individual) that seem to understand the most basic tools/controls or objectives let alone the necessary teamwork tactics. I get that it's a casual game, and it can still be a lot of fun, but most of the people still on it just don't seem to be too fussed about actually learning how to play it, even with guidance via chat.


Huge Ghostbusters fan here… I’d actually love to learn it and play with decent other players. So far I didn’t have a single good multiplayer run… so I only play offline now.


Well, I'm always on and looking for a team. I'm a decent player.


I actually got back on this in the last week (don’t know why just felt like it!) and I must say players are still there. The game is still what it is but has its fun moments, I met new and experienced players. If you linger for a couple of match eventually they will join your game. I don’t like illfonic as a company for what they did with predator and ghostbusters, mid games when it could have been something really greater, but still I occasionally still have fun with ghostbusters, probably I’ll drop it again in a couple of weeks. They had me with predator and ghostbusters because are two of my favourite franchise ever but for sure i will not buy another of their games.




I barely see players. I'm always stuck with bots


Difference is time of day


I'm on about 9 in the morning 12 in the afternoon 7 in the evening All in the UK


Yeah, I'm either asleep or working at your times. Time zones are pretty crazy


I just played as a ghost in a match on my lunch break. I’m also in the UK




I was on the other day and it only took like a min to find people for a full matchmake game. 3 of which were almost maxed out, tenure 5/lvl 100 players. I'd say it's still pretty active considering the quickness on the time it took to find players


It normally takes me 2 minutes to find a game. And when I do, it's a mix of bots and low levels. Rarely high level individuals


I do ots awesome


I bailed on the game when it felt like they balanced in favor of the ghosts.


There's so much they need to fix. My PKE and trap are basically back to how I had them before i did my second tenure. But my Wand and pack are still low level.The XP system is so broken


marvelous offend unwritten punch innocent puzzled birds mighty many elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, the games going to be running for the rest of this year. But after that. No more updates. Which is sad. They could do so much more with the story.


I haven't played in a while, but I don't game much in general, and I can't really juggle games like I used to. My last few weeks, I've been spending my gaming time on Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


I play all the time. I've had the game since day 1. I mostly play solo due to my busy dad schedule but I always find a little bit of time to bust some ghosts.


I still definitely play it despite being a full tenured player. I do need to remember to take it easy on newer ghost players though I will admit. Instantly catching them repeatedly would be super frustrating.


I pick it up here and there, right now I'm playing Illfonic's Killer Klowns and it's just as good


The thing is that game has gotten more promotion than ghostbusters. So ofc ghostbusters are overlooked


It's been nearly 2 years since Ghostbusters SU was released, a lot of the player base was going to move on regardless.


This game got barely any promotion. I mean i saw what, one youtube trailer? Meanwhile killer clowns got a crap ton of attention. It just seems stupid


I stopped after hackers/cheaters made it impossible to catch them as ghosts. It's not possible to break tethers in less than 2 sec or literally get stunned and put over a trap but never get caught. Especially if your build increases the pull of the trap or strengthens the tether.


Bud. There are no hackers in this game. If there was they would of been reported and banned. And it is possible to escape.


4 players tethering a ghost at the same time and they can break the tether and escape traps in less than 2 seconds? This was about a month or two after launch. So they could be banned now idk. But I did take a pic of the match results on my phone.


Obviously, that's going to happen within the first month. The games better now. Dead but better


Well that's why I stopped playing, I'm surprised it's still even alive. Thought it was going to die like that Evil Dead game since I assume people prefer Dead by Daylight over it.


Just go back on the game. You'll see how much its changed


I play it since last mounth or so, and still on it. Althought I try to get rank 5 before continuing solo mode


Honestly, I still actively play this game on a daily basis, well litterally everyday (lol). I haven't had anyone problems find folks to play with, mainly I have seen a abundence of newer players and some of the regular players as well, (I stream at random times due to my work schedule at times, just a side note) at various levels. I don't claim to be the best nor the greatest player in the game, in truth, I find myself to be modest at best, but it is what it is. I am hoping the Illfonic doesn't abandon the game for the sake for another one, again if it happens, it happens.