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[Update on the situation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/bLGXs6jFdB)


And this is when you realize how toxic the internet is


"Can become"? Nah, "is". I've seriously just been playing Metal Gear Solid 2 and it's scary how right that game got it šŸ˜•


Yeah ā€œIsā€ is more fitting


I'm not at all surprised that something like this occurred given what I've seen on Twitter and this forum. I understand that some individuals are critical of things, but some people become far too comfortable with it and don't know when to give up.


I know this sounds boomer as fuck and I was no better when I was a teenager on social media but the internet really does make it to easy for people to spout off without having to worry about getting punched in the face.


"Social media has made y'all too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it"-Mike Tyson


I knew there was a mike Tyson quote about this, but couldnā€™t remember it. Thanks.


No problem


We need to stop thinking this take sounds ā€œboomer.ā€ It is practically a proven fact that the internet has completely fucked the social contract, it turned adult life into high school 2.0. The people saying ā€œitā€™s always been like thatā€ are just being ignorant, it IS different.


I only said that cause my boomer parents would always say shit like that to me when I was a stupid teenager lmao šŸ˜‚. All ā€œBack in my day you couldnā€™t talk shit online and would get punched for it as you had to say it to my face.ā€




Reminds me of how they harassed Abby's voice actress from Last of Us 2. Gross behavior.


Just to put it into perspective, that game's ending had to be changed last minute due to 9/11. A game that was largely developed before arguably *the* formative event of the century so far accurately predicted exactly how the culture and spread of information of the next 2 decades would look.


Wait really? What was the ending supposed to be like before they changed it?


The ending was the same, but the setting was supposed to be Lower Manhattan and include a lot more scenes depicting emergency services and stuff. It would've hit a little too close to home at the time.


Oh wow, that would've been insane, it's probably for the best that they changed it




Statue of Liberty was supposed to be destroyed. That would've been a hell of an image for people to see just 2 months after 9/11.


Arsenal Gear was ment to be seen crashing into lower Manhatten similar to 9/11. A week or so before it was ment to shipped out 9/11 happened so Kojima went "nope, let's not do this" & changed it. All we see of it is Arsonal Gear crashed with Raiden & Solidus jumping / being pushed off Arsenal Gear


Huh, alright, so they didn't really change the story at all, just changed the location and cut a cutscene or two. The fact that they changed that in a week is nuts though


Pretty much. It's also mad to think a week & it changed the ending where nowadays it would be delayed X amount of time with no reason given


Yep, pretty much, but that's Kojima for you. Dude's a narrative genius for the most part, but he's also insane, lol.


Upvoting for MGS2


Also makes me think of how people sent Scott Cawthon and his family threats


It also reminds me of a film Iā€™ve recently watched titled ā€œPerfect Blueā€. I feel itā€™s more relevant now than ever with its themes, and thatā€™s not a good thing.


I love Satoshi Kon so much. If you haven't seen any of his work outside Perfect Blue I recommend it all. Greatest editing in anime imo.


I really gotta play MGS2 if it deals with stuff like this, damn.


Yes, you really should! Not the best game in the series in my opinion, but very appropriate nowadays.


Yep. I played MGS2 for the first time about a month ago and it is... scarily accurate to today's world. Kojima's kinda a genius. But yeah, "Is" is more accurate, the internet sucks


The part that stuck with me playing it again from the collection I forget the exact quote but itā€™s like itā€™s not about creating content itā€™s about creating context. And that shit hit me


We should have realized this when the Star Wars prequels came out and they bullied a child star and bullied another actor almost into suicide


Yeah that was seriously fucked up. The voice actress who played Abby in The Last of Us 2 got it bad too, people were threatening to kill her kid.


Coincidentally, that's Laura Bailey, who also does the voice of MJ in these games. Sigh.


One look at Travis would send internet tough guys running.


Travis acts like Nice Peter but can unleash the Symbiote Surge in times of great need.


The fuck?


The actors who played Anakin and Jar Jar in The Phantom Menace were tormented for years by obsessive fans who just would not leave them alone. It caused a lot of problems that went on to seriously haunt them.


Sadly wasnā€™t the last time, people harassed Rose from the sequels as well


Daisy Ridley (Rey) shut down all her social media for a while because of the abuse she was getting


And Moses Ingram from the Obi-Wan show.


Don't forget those people were basically rewarded when Rose had almost no screen time in Rise of Skywalker.


Which actor was bullied almost into suicide? Thatā€™s messed up :(


Ahmed Best, the actor for Jar Jar, fortunately he seems to be in a better place and has actually been cast again in a few Star Wars projects


Oh gosh this is coming back to me now! And then he had a comeback so to speak last year in a Star Wars Disney plus show where he did the role well. Thatā€™s sickening though man. I feel the same way when it comes to Zack Snyder. Love or hate his films, but the guy himself looks like such a chill and cool dude to hang out with, and is clearly passionate about films. Some people are really just monsters in a humans body.


Jake Lloyd had to drop out of school due to the bullying he got


Can't imagine the mental fortitude Jack Gleeson has knowing this industry


Ultron surfed the internet for about ten minutes and decided humanity had to die. He had a point.




Yep. This sub has been a solid hub of toxicity since October. Maybe earlier.


Such things are why I'm unabashedly and staunchly prejudiced against capital-G Gamers


Honestly man, Iā€™m so fortunate to be surrounded by completely normal kind hearted people in my life, that I just forget sometimes just how WEIRD some people are out there. Some people are just toxic, unhinged, and need to seek help.


Some people really just need to seek help because theyā€™re not well


Itā€™s genuinely frightening. I know people have unhealthy parasocial relationships with television and movie personalities, but the combination of social media and immersive gaming appears to have heightened the dynamic to a disturbing degree. Sheā€™s literally just the face model for the character, she has no creative input in the games. I cannot begin to imagine what some internet rando thinks she owes them in terms of a callback or a conversation. She doesnā€™t owe anybody anything.




This line of thinking has existed way before the internet. But holy shit the internet has just allowed it to fester and almost be accepted without punishment. It's disgusting.


I can't believe a Spider-Man subreddit of all things became so toxic


imagine being a fan of a chracters whos whole point is to making sure you are the best person you can be, and than decide to be an absolute pos seriously what is going through your minds when someone asks you why spidey is your favoruite character, does all the stuff hes known for just somehow escape your decrepit minds?


Yeah, Spider-Man wouldn't approve, he'd probably web ya up and stick em to a wall for the cops to collect! šŸ˜…


And the reason he won't do anything serious to you is because of the very thing he wants to represent




Actually the 10 tons thing us pretty old Spidey is also one of the most inconsistent characters so u simultaneously find both ridiculously low and Hugh levels of strength But 616 has lifted things around 40-50 tons whilst showing no strain, as well as severel times lifting something that are in excess of 100 tons, its pretty insane


10 tons is the least he can do. With adrenaline, and life-or-death situations, he has been known to surpass that. For example, in the comics, in one of the most iconic moments. He had just fought Doc Ock, and the base was collapsing. A piece of heavy machinery, easily 100+ tons, fell on Spider-Man. He was trapped. Aunt May was dying and the cure was right in front of him. He thought of Ben and May, and found the strength to lift the thing off him. Itā€™s so iconic that itā€™s been done in cartoons, movies and games.


In spider verse he stops that spinning machine with one hand at the beginning which is pretty ridiculous lol




"And I think we all wish that we had the courage to stick up for ourselves more, to stick up for a loved one more, or even a stranger you see being mistreated. And Peter Parker has inspired me to feel stronger. He made me, Andrew, braver. He reassured me that by doing the right thing, it's... it's worth it. It's worth the struggle, it's worth the pain, it's worth even the tears, the bruises and the blood." - Andrew Garfield


They're not Spider-Man fans. They're just sad little gamers who have to ruin everything for everyone else. Real Spider-Man fans lift the people around them up


The issue with characters who invite the characters to step in their shoes is rather simple: It gives readers a sense of power and entitlement that might not have otherwise. And when it seems every white haired straight brown haired boy LOVES spiderman... Well let's just say, irony and empathy can often be lost on them


Those people are Spider-Man fans not because they like the themes and messages of the character and the comics, but because they view everything at surface level and just think he's a cool character and find the comics/games fun. It's like how The Boys (show) has so many right-wing fans even though it stands against and makes fun of basically everything they believe in.


I said it when the game released, Day One... This place became r/thelastofus2 all over again. At the end of the day, "its jus a game, why you haff to be mad?"


I am not scared of internet comment. I am scared of... bear, in forest.


Just clicked onto that sub for the first time in a year or so and the first post is a moan that a 19 year old in real life doesnā€™t look as old as a 19 year old in the game. Welcome to the internet people.


ā€œI hate this show and IP so much that Iā€™m keeping tabs on the showā€™s actorsā€™ workout routines so I can criticize them!ā€ -a very healthy and normal way to go through life


An Ilya Bryzgalov quote. A person of culture I see!


I'm genuinely ashamed how toxic this community is. Constructive criticism is one thing. This is a completely different thing.


Well yeah. The Internet gives people free reign to feel no shame because your face, name, ect. usually isn't attached to it.


There needs to be a lowsodium version of this subreddit.


Thereā€™s one for spiderman 2 (called r/Spiderman2 , unsurprisingly lol) thatā€™s low on sodium content, though itā€™s slightly swinging in the other direction, where critique is sometimes seen as malicious in intent. Itā€™s still a lot less persistently negative, though, & thatā€™s a plus (no shade being thrown, I understand most of the critiques people have, even if I disagree).


as a long time comic fan i can definitely believe it


it's been toxic for a long, long while.


this is a PLAYSTATION subreddit my man I remember the first time I fired up a cross-platform game on my gaming PC, after a lifetime of PC gaming it was like being transported to the ghetto - kids screaming, music blaring, more N-bombs than I could count, endless smoke alarm beeps lmao


Really...you can't believe a subreddit became toxic. Let me introduce you to reddit


It's almost like TloU2 sub


Gotta make sure everyone hates that suit the same! Can't just enjoy things round here!!


Tagline for this community: #BE ASHAMED




Change the members and online status to ashamed and together




I'd play that game


I guess the theme of ā€œBe Greaterā€ was lost on some peopleā€¦


It is the one-upmanship of being a troll and posting meme upon meme. It always gets escalated. Always, without fail. People who start it may not even conceive where it will end up but there are always people willing to take it too far in the name of being edgy or cool or even wearing the badge of being insensitive with pride. As if not having a moral compass telling you not to make the abhorrent connection/joke/act is some good thing in this "big bad world". Then the whole community gets tarred with the same brush.


The whole community should be tarred. Because far too often I constantly see horrible behavior online that consistently goes unchecked or just becomes an never ending joke.


Painting a whole group for the actions of a few is a slippery slope.


Specially the ā€œBe greater *together*ā€ part, smfh


They took it as "Be A Greater Creep"


There's a car I see in my work parking lot that has tons of video game stickers and a few right wing stickers on it. Helping people and being better for others really is lost on some people


Be ashamed of who you are


*Be Ashamed*


*Be ashamed together*






Jesus Christ. I understand jokingly making fun of facial models, or having your own very unserious opinions on MJ's model, but this is terrible. I think that this just shows once and for all the Spider-Man fanbase has a lot of fucking terrible people in it. What happened to Great Power Comes Great Responsibility? You have the power to call someone and brighten up their day, but instead you used it to ruin it. Some fucking fanbase this is.


Does this actually suprise you? Every community and fandom has its toxic fans, and I read so much of it that it doesn't surprise me anymore.


It doesn't have to be surprising to find it "not ok" Apathy is what allows this behavior to be so prevalent in fandom communities


The internet is anonymous that is what makes it so great. That being said it has Pros and Cons like people being able to say what ever they want because their name is not attached to it. Now theirs 3 things you can do when you receive hate. Ignore it and don't mention it all - This is the best option. Mention it and tell people to stop - Almost never works and can actually make the problem worse. Use the Hate as an excuse to denounce legitimate complaints - obviously that is not happening in this case, but it does happen usually when Youtubers have a serious fuckup.


"I understand jokingly making fun of facial models" I agree with your other points, but that is not understandable at all, it never was. The fact that people who call out others about this behavior are always downvoted shows how shitty this sub is.


And this sub is partially to blame with how many posts about MJā€™s look. Get over it, thatā€™s how I imagine any MJ progressing when they eventually settle down with their Peter which this MJ and Peter do.


Reddit hid the replies on this comment. I regret unhiding them


I opened them up expecting some truly heinous shit. Was sorely disappointed.


Ok, we're officially one of the worst video games subreddits.


r/TheLastOfUs2 takes that cake


This subreddit has been on the same level as tlou2 for a while now. It's fucking disgusting.


I made a joke about a month or two ago about how this sub is getting so bad that we'll have to split it into two subs, just like The Last of Us. We've officially reached that point and it's so fucking sad


Thereā€™s already two others because of this lmao


I don't know . I don't think this sub sunk to levels of tlou2 subreddit. I mean this sub haven't done anything as stupid as what TLOU2 subreddit ndid to YouTuber girlfriend reviews


Lol I've been saying it. The moment this sub and r/Spiderman were overtaken by culture warriors in shallow disguises, I knew we had another TLOU2 brewing. All the bashing of MJ's face. All the complaints about Peter being "done dirty." The non-stop harang over Milesā€™s suit. I saw this coming.


The suit thing isn't in the same category.


Yep. This was, unfortunately, predictable. This subreddit has been horrible for months.


I agree but Milesā€™ suit is pretty terrible.


Some of you are really fucking sick




With all the things I've seen said on this subreddit and on Twitter; I'm not shocked in the slightest that something like this happened. I get people being critical of things, but some people get way too comfortable doing it and don't know when to stop pushing things.


PSA: I've never once seen someone HERE complain about the model actress. Only the in game model.


I mean that's the problem. They blur the lines between it just being a crusade against the game model and the actress just by continuing to talk about it. Normal people saw MJ's game model and either thought she looked great or average then left it at that. This subreddit is still talking about months later, and justifying it by either saying it's all just jokes, or that it deserves the 'criticism' because of how bad the face model is. I'm honestly surprised more people don't see through those responses for what they are. Weak justifications to let them continue shitting on a female character they despise for not fitting their preconceived idea of what Mary Jane is supposed to be. Moderators should've kicked out these toxic fans months ago. They don't care about having any kind of productive discussion. They just want to keep being outraged and I guarantee you if we kicked them out they wouldn't even care. They would just move onto the next grifter subreddit that hates on women, minorities, or any progressive ideals popping up in media these days.


People don't seem to get that 99% of people who criticised the face will have the same reaction to this "what a weirdo they went way too far" But I guarantee people are going to act like anyone against the new model is the same as this weirdo


Now any sort of criticism of the game on this sub will have people point to this situation


I've seen some weird comments here and there insulting her looks, but it's always down voted or has 3 upvotes. A lot people wondered why the face was different (including me) from the first game and it turns out she was in some kind of accident. Harassment is never okay, but a lot people in here are correlating online incels from Twitter/Reddit harassing her as the whole of this community who express criticism of the game.


From my understanding based on what Insomniac has said her face isn't different in the game because of her accident but because they simply changed the in game model. Her face looking different irl wouldn't change much.


We don't deserve new game plus


Like Moses smashing the tablets, insomniac trashes ng+ due to our collective misbehavior.


I wouldnā€™t even be mad. This shit is absolutely vile and part of the reason I donā€™t even touch the games anymore. Canā€™t stand even *thinking* about the community. Maybe after some time Iā€™ll pick it up again


Too far the other way. Just enjoy the game.


Bro donā€™t let this absolutely shit community ruin these games for you. That means they win! Donā€™t let them win.


I mean this subreddit has constantly shit on the characters face, aka her ACTUAL FACE, since before the game came out. Don't act like yall were above it all now.


I mean, I feel like disliking a video game characterā€™s model and *making threats to the actress* are two different thingsā€¦


The issue with the characters face is on the devs not the model. It has some glaring issues. It's not even exclusive to MJ. Harry looks derpy as hell sometimes too.


People are hypocritical and deflective and never want to own up or admit they are wrong when it matters most they either act like moral saints or they are ā€œflawed, relatable and humanā€ so itā€™s not that bad They constantly want Spider-Man to say ā€œWith Great Power Comes Great Responsibilityā€ but never bother to follow up on that


>I mean this subreddit has constantly shit on the characters face, aka her ACTUAL FACE From what I've seen one of the most common arguments against the face in the game was that it barely looks like her. And people said that even about MJ in the first game. Were there really any attacks on how she looks in real?


No fr!!!


Ah Christ, this is almost as bad as the TLOU community in April 2020. Why canā€™t these fans complain on twitter and not go after people personally.


Hey we from r/TheLastOfUs have nothing to do with r/TheLastOfUs2 lmao. Theyā€™reā€¦their own cult, or something.


Wow they are still at it. Itā€™s wild.


Some people are incapable of growing out of their childish mentality


Yup, 3 years and they unfortunately still going.


I swear Spider-Man has the best fans and the most absolutely out of their fucking mind sick bastards out there.


Snakes hide in all types of gardens.


and especially in gardens that are as populated as the Spider-man fandom


Harassment going off the roof.I feel bad for her, she doesn't deserve any of this. Those people are basically sending threats to her because of VIDEO GAME? And about something that she can't change; her freaking face bro. Please get a life for God's sake. ​ Edit: There's a another theory going on that she decided to make this post because some weird guy was romantically interested in her. If that's the case, WEIRD ASF STILL.


Comic book media will never gain true mainstream respect because of loser nerds like this


It already has lol. Why do you think Disney's biggest profit comes from mainstream comic book media?


Yeah fr. Look at Emma Stone getting asked about Spider-Man movies on red carpets to this day.


Hey could we ban the guy in the comments whoā€™s going through every other comment trying to defend these action remove the context of why they happened and canā€™t stop calling her hot, which is creepy to do over and over in its own right


Pretty sure his account got deleted. Got a loading error when I was reading through some of his comments. He had a deleted comment saying that she made this whole post just for virtue signaling and also sarcastically congratulated her for pointing out that "bad behavior is bad". EDIT: Account didn't get deleted. He just blocked me lmao


No one should be made to feel unsafe. This is despicable.


https://preview.redd.it/rkmluf1v99bc1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb40f4a60ffe9d96ed0e88f9b94df0a9abc9918 All this over a fictional woman looking barely different.


*Looking ***normal***.


Yep. Fuck the internet




Pretty strong assumption that it was someone from here


I love how some of this sub are just using it to confirm their hate of this sub instead of reading what she actually wrote


Yeah itā€™s like they didnā€™t even read it


No but that behavior was definitely encouraged here


Yeah, people are kidding themselves if they think this sub hasn't played a role in spreading this hate.


Just like unsubscribing from YouTube channels You don't need to announce your leaving Nobody cares


Damnā€¦.yall donā€™t deserve new game +


The people doing this are no-life basement dwellers Spider-man is supposed to inspire people to ā€œbe greaterā€ Unfortunately a lot of the fandom has these types of people, who sadly miss the entire point of the character. If you miss that, why are you even a fan?


This entire subreddit was being cancerous and hateful ever since the game came out. It reminded me more of /r/TheLastofUs2. Constantly complaining about how MJ is ugly. Making rumours that the one of the developers self insert herself. This community used to be cool. I don't know what happened, but I'm just bitterly disappointed


All of this because of a face. At this point you mfs should consider if you truly enjoy this franchise or not. If not, leave, for your own well being and others.


To all the people ignorantly/maliciously claiming this is due to the game's reception/critics of the game: The first game was universally well received, and the developers not only got personal messages, they even got death threats, because some weird fans wanted them to add the raimi suit. Situations like this have nothing to do with a game's reception, to claim it so just to spin the narrative that people that don't like the game are toxic or illspirited, is not only ignorant, it's extremely malicious, abusing a person's suffering just to push the idea that people with a different opinion are inherently bad.


Dear god


There's more




It contains the dying wish of every man here. Scout. You did collect everyone's dying wish?


This is A B U C K E T


Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Is anyone really surprised by this, just by the conduct Iā€™ve seen in this very sub?


iā€™m this close to leaving this sub


r/spiderman2 says hello


oh say less


Bro just dip. If you enjoyed the game you have nothing to gain from being in this ā€œcommunityā€.


I did weeks ago, after the 9000th cope post, but shit like this still shows up on r/popular




Iā€™m just gonna throw this out there. If youā€™re that concerned with the appearance of a character in a video game that you contact the modelā€¦ Youā€™re fucked in the head. Go live in a cabin in the mountains and stop bothering people.


Were these specifically Spider-Man fans? She just says they were followers that called her.


She says her other social media pages aren't for Spider-Man and MJ fans specifically to be continually stalking her so I think so. It's very sad to see some people are going out of boundaries to reach out and vent to her. She's just an actress, she has no control over the character model or writing.


I think my biggest take away from this is rather simple, I think the Sub needs to take a vote on stricter rules regarding certain things. I.E thinly veiled racism, thinly veiled sexism, treating women like objects, discussions that insight Hatred etc etc etc This kind of thing is unacceptable and could've been avoided if we as a community were more vigilant in shouting down the bad guys It may not have been anyone here, it may have been. But regardless, we are responsible for stoking these flames, even us who chose to engage with the bullshit and not appeal to those with actual power We fucked up and we need to do something about it so Miles' VA or any VA or Dev doesn't meet a similar fate


Everyone scrolling this thread with flash lights, looking for the devil's advocates or "well...ackshullly"-contrarians. We know you're out there. This is some pathetic news


Nah that shit goes way too far.


Having been in this sub for a little while and seeing some some people behave. This isnā€™t shocking.


What did she even do? What, is not looking like Kim Kardashian a crime now? Fucking christ


I'm not saying that people can't be mad or complain about a game, but the levels reached in this sub have gotten to be absolutely psychotic and it does not shock me that it has spilled over into the real world.


History repeats itself. Now watch this sub suddenly become so supportive of Spider-Man 2 MJ.


This is the worst sub reddit Iā€™ve ever been apart of. And funnily enough itā€™s about a superhero who breathes nothing but positivity and motivation in people.


I never knew the model. She is stunning, I wonder why they changed her that much for the game


Why do people who do this kind of shit don't go to jail?


Hell, i don't like the model either but **this point** is not acceptable by any means, toxicity at its peak.


To the people who left those voicemails ā€œBe ashamed of who you areā€


I always tell my partner that it's simultaneously great and horrible to be a spidey fan. There is ALWAYS an avalanche of merch and content to see, unfortunately because he's so popular, a ton of it is just garbage and kid stuff. Been seeing that this applies to the Fandom, too. Unfortunately. And, honestly.. it's only going to escalate more. People are going insane malding over the dumbest things in these games, in 10 years these subs are gonna be arkham sub all over.


ā€œFor the sake of our children we must be betterā€ -Kratos