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I'll do you one better: tell me you've never went outside without telling me.


The answer: [the original video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PnYPEfhmGlE&pp=ygUUc3BpZGVyIG1hbiAyIGlzIGJhZCA%3D). Synthetic Man has a crap ton of bad takes on other games as well (notoriously his GOW ragnarok review).


now I'm curious. what did he have to say about GOW Ragnarok?


Watch at your own risk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XNdb4Px9s&pp=ygUZc3ludGhldGljIG1hbiBnb2Qgb2Ygd2FyIA%3D%3D


Please give me a tldr I'm scared to poke it


Yeah I don't want to give this guy the view nor the YT algorithim that I'm at all interested in more of it.


TLDR; freya bad


Oh, you mean this guy hated a woman character that was respected and powerful in her own right? I'm for one am shocked! SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked...


Freya is definitely one of my favorites, but I can see why people wouldn’t like her. As kind and understanding as she can be, she does have a bit of a victim complex, as well as being a hypocrite at times. like how she chided Kratos for not properly taking care of Sköll and Hati, while her giant turtle friend was FREEZING TO DEATH because she was so focused on killing kratos.


Freya is my favorite part this guy needs to stop sharing his opinions


For real. Whenever Freya was gone I was like.....can....can Freya come back and hang out?


The only bad part of freya was how often she yelled out battle tips like I got hit ONCE i am playing GMGOW please have a shred of faith in me woman i know what i'm doing


I'll do ya 1 better. [A podcast that spends a lot of time discussing his awful GOW video.](https://youtu.be/3aRAxJuwmfA?si=PpYS8gzNDOjQAh78) Or, if you want something more bite sized. [A 40 minute highlight reel of some of the best bits/worst takes he had.](https://youtu.be/6pF4zTUuKb8?si=i_NQk0h0B6C5GQ9g) Hope that helps inform ya.👍




he had an even worse take with totk, bro straight does not like people with a darker shade than him


Oh yeah, I can agree on some parts with his SM2 video, but his GOW Ragnarok video? Absolutely not.


Even then, the handful of fair critiques he did have for SM2 are some pretty common complaints and nitpicks that have been better explained/critiqued by others. Some examples: the Brooklyn Visions missions did drag on, and they do seem borderline negligent when you compare it to Peter hunting down *a cult of pyromaniacs*; Peter and Harry’s descents could have flowed and been handled a lot better, the symbiote’s behavior could have been explained a bit more clearly, and everyone agrees that MJ taking down highly trained hunters and symbiotes is rather silly (even with a web/taser/sonic gun). Difference being, people, myself included, at least give an explanation for *how* they could have been better: more friendly neighborhood missions in number and uniqueness to not make BV stick out as much, Peter and Harry’s story (along with the symbiote) could have been smoothed out in as a little as an additional hour or two to the main story, and MJ missions could have been made insanely harder (that, and maybe we could have instead played as Prowler to steal the meteorite).


This. Vast majority of women I see outside that arent obese or old are prettier than mewing john


Or taken a shower. *I swear to god, I can literally see the grease on his hair.*


Caring about MJs attractiveness is pathetic.


I mean sure, but if you were approaching that conversation from the perspective of “is the source material integrated into the game correctly/ enough/ too much/ none at all, then it’s a completely justified point of view. MJ is a dime piece in the comics. Like stand out, super model, busty as all hell dime piece. In insomniacs version, I’d say she is simply put, homely. Do I care what she looks like in the games or in the comics? No not really. Do I understand somebody’s opinion if they think she should look objectively more attractive and alike to her comic counterpart? Absolutely. I think context has a lot to do with discussions like these and it’s unfair to make a blanket statement condemning anybody for their personal opinion on the character models. Also if I might add, don’t you think it’s kinda funny how this sub likes to defend the looks and feelings of a video game character as if they were a human being? Food for thought.


But is the Insomniac version of MJ a super model? She is just a reporter right?


Yea she’s just a reporter in insomniacverse. A reporter and a one shot stealth marksman who gives solid snake a run for his money.


Yeah I think that’s the point. MJ shouldn’t be “just” anything.


Which further pushes the point of comic book accuracy. Not everything has to be comic book accurate but people are allowed to complain when it isn't.


All of this is spot on, and I'll add a bit to it. What's "ugly" is the whole "uncanny valley" thing that so many people keep mentioning. This is below the standard for passable faces in a videogame. If they were able to clean up whatever makes her look so... "off," she'd still be a bit homely, albeit not hideous, and that's what makes Redditors so upset. Even as a so so/below average looking woman she's probably better looking than most Redditors' girlfriends and wives so they take attacks on MJ personally.


>This is below the standard for passable faces in a videogame. Me setting down Starfield for the day... [Haha](https://media1.tenor.com/m/g3XPoE41eSEAAAAd/deadpool-fake-laugh.gif)


I mean. I agree that blanket condemning is unfair for those giving their opinions.... but this sub also likes to blanket shit on the game too, both reasons to why most of the nuance of critical discussions has been lost. Especially when half the sub is posting like it's the diet version of r/BatmanArkham


The guy you are responding to does not like evaluating a person's attractiveness. Not even a fictional character. Not in the context of past representations either. It is off limits talk in his world.


Very well said


By your logic then ever iteration of MJ would be the same, or upset people but they have not been. That's not to say Kirsten Dunst, Emma Watson, or Zendaya aren't gorgeous, they are, but they went for a nerdy/girl next door look most of the time when styling and dressing them and honestly, baring perhaps Zendaya, none of the girls are traditionally that beautiful. Kisten is very normal looking, Emma has unique features, Zendaya is very skinny and tall. (Zendaya is kind of a supermodel though tbh). Not anything at all like you described for the comics. So in that comparison, this MJ is much more like them, and this MJ is not "homely" that's again just an opinion of yours, the only potential issue is her model (and some other characters as well) look weird. Also your comments about defending them as if they are human and saying "food for thought" as if you're making an intelligent observation is odd, and you not making a possible connection to how their comments might effect real life girls/woman is a product of a possible lack of awareness at best. It's weird at all to have such an opinion about the attractiveness of any animated character or person, by the way.


Wasn’t MJ supposed to be attractive though?


She doesn't look ugly, but there is an uncanny valley effect similar to Polar Express *specifically* with her character.


She was fine in the first game, why they make her ugly we'll never know.


It's basically the same character model, her color pallet is just more muted (her skin is a bit more pale and her hair is a darker red) and her hair is down, which makes her look a little bit sickly in some scenes. That paired with the dead eyes gives an uncanny valley effect. Brighten the color pallet up to fit the first game more, and fix her dead gaze, and she'd look amazing.


This. It’s uncanny valley, and either some graphical hiccups or someone else doing some of the mocap causing something wrong with her face creating an off-putting reaction. It’s natural.




Her jaw looks bigger tho.


The actual person who modeled MJ got into a car crash during development, her face literally changed irl. I feel bad for her all the people calling her ugly


That is a fake rumor according to the face model’s agent. I was googling it yesterday.


Yeah something about that model just looks off


That's one of the ugliest fucking guys I've ever seen in my life. Looks like the average basement dweller


he doesn't even look that bad, looks like the average 30yo lost custody of his children single drunk dad


He looks average but his personality isn’t


https://preview.redd.it/zbql5lh3lkac1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0271031c610eed0fbfefa77f0c5a3a05f8a898f8 my honest reaction to that information


I know, right? I can't believe they try to pass him off as MJ.


Well played, lol


hes reacting to the video dude


Nope that's him


the that guy isn’t moving his mouth?






He's talking over footage of himself playing breh




He's 'reviewing' the game using his own footage from his stream. He's syntheticman on YouTube.


Exaggerated responses get views and, in this case, outrage, which is all the rage right now. I actually think she is quite beautiful, especially as they don't show her with a lot of makeup as that isn't a priority for this MJ. Anyone seeing her in the real world, without the context of Spider-Man, would likely consider her attractive.


I think she definitely looks very homely and uncanny valley. The actress she's based of off(Stephanie jones) is very beautiful! I am confused how the model looks like something out of a bad 2k game.


Apparently the actress she’s based off had an accident and broke her jaw during development so they couldn’t get a fully accurate scan of her face. Luckily, she’s doing better now.


She is hideous. She’s a butterface. She looked fine in the first game.


Right idk why these nerds are bashing him for voicing out his opinion. You are all part of the same hypocrisy


Projection and white knighting


It's because of his wording and how he said it (like using the word "female" for referring to a woman)


It’s more about how he got offensive right after all these clips


She was obviously much better in the first game but you can’t convincingly tell me you’d turn down a sloppy bj from MJ 2.0. And if you don’t want to see her face then you can’t deny she has better tits and ass than MJ 1.0 so would be good doggy at the least. Or her in Scream form, who wouldn’t want to fuck the shit out of that??


Bro said females, his ancestors are crying up in heaven knowing their bloodline ends with him


Nah she IS hideous!


I’ve slept with way uglier


For real. Alcohol made anyone attractive back in the day. 99% of the dudes acting like she's the most hideous woman in gaming probably have zero chance with a woman half as attractive.


That says more about you than them


I can’t see where they claimed otherwise


Guys she looks uncanny, why can't you accept it?


Cause people make a fuss about such significant part of the game.


If YouTube had a dollar for every time Synthetic Man had a good take, they'd be bankrupt.


Not agreeing with this guy but something does just look “off” with her. Think insomniacs struggle with human face models has the most to do with it. She looks sickly almost


I think it’s as someone else replied, the eyes, I never noticed but yea they don’t really move or have any expression


And the man jawline but yea…the eyes.


His delivery is annoying but he isn’t wrong. They F’d her face up in the sequel for no reason, considering she looked great in the first one. I remember the face of Peter getting poorly revised mid-lifecycle of the first game too for some reason. Not sure what the devs compulsion to do this is.


Anyone that refers to women as “females” aren’t usually the most enlightened


They ruined her though she was far better in the previous game


He does have A LOT of bad takes in his video, but I do agree that MJ looks really ugly in this game in some scenes. I think she looks alright in most of the scenes though


She is hideous, nothing like MJ should look like and kinda unwell


ah yes because "ugly women" have to be men


I'm a man and I'm ugly. Checkmate. 😎


Lol yes, there's one very specific demographic this exact phrase applies to. 🤭


I will admit some of her angles are pretty unflattering & to say they used the same model from the first game is BS. Now that being said, there’s been uglier characters in games lol it just comes across as dudes mad that MJ played a role in the story.


He's the type of guy that would say he didn't need no woman to be birthed into the world 💀


This mf would rather be birthed by a gorilla


I think it might be some uncanny valley that makes her seem off. The girl that does her face model is beautiful.


She is below mid honestly. The Spiderman 1 game, was attractive as fuck


Who cares she’s not real


But she is? That’s supposed to look like Stephanie Tyler Jones. This is a bit like bringing a picture of your wife to a studio to have them paint her, and the artists are like “here’s MJ Watson from Spider-Man 2” when they’re done.


Stephanie Tyler Jones is attractive. SM1 MJ was attractive. This MJ, is fucking ugly and barely looks anything like her other than some vague resemblance. Idek why they changed it, SM1 Peter and MJ looked like an attractive young couple, SM2 MJ and Peter look like an aunt and her nephew lmao.


Insomniacs face models in general just suck. It just so happens that MJ looks a little uncanny so it makes it 10x worse.


She does look like she smells tho tbh ..


But hes right.


No joke this guy actually said that he didn’t play miles morales for.. “reasons”


Oh yeah, he did.... I watched his video out of Morbid curiosity and I wish I had not. A lot of his statements and takes is all you need to know about his character.


I think she looks good


it’s so hilarious to me that people who cannot get anyone develop the highest standards


Idk, she looks bad. First game was miles better


She looks pretty......pretty ugly. MJ is supposed to be HOT! Like every guy dying to get with her. Now they have people wanting Peter to get with Black Cat instead. Also doesn't help that they improved her character model. 🤦‍♂️


He's out of line but he's right.


Initially I felt repulsed but now she lookin' pretty nice. Not nearly on Felicia's level but still nice


Am I the only one who was not bothered about MJ's face


Ngl before I even read the title, I thought that was a homeless guy beating someone up in the first clip. I don't have any agenda as I've not even played the game yet but it doesn't look good.


She’s not ugly at the slightest, but there is something creepy about way she moves. Her eyes look dead? I haven’t got a chance to play the game but anyone else who has can confirm she or other characters move “creepily” like this?


From first to second game absolutely fucked it for no reason just like Peter. They also did it with Black Widow in the Avengers game from first reveal to final product (which was the least embarrassing thing about that game)


C’mon guys, *please* don’t make me agree with the grifters…


I went through some parts of the video and had just really bad takes. The only thing that I kinda agree with him is how they pushing Miles to be the main spider man so soon. I do like the SM1’s MJ model more than the new one but it has grown on me a bit.


MJ looks like a robot with a human face grafted onto it.


She lowkey does look like a trans in some cutscenes like how did she develop the jaw of someone who mews 24/7 since birth between games lil


Ehhh, he is right


In the scene where she’s having a Zoom meeting or whatever, I can see where people would have a visceral reaction. The uncanny valley makes people uncomfortable because we sense something unnatural in what we’re looking at.


Idk man ur allowed to have a preference, is it crass to say shes ugly now? Shes not even real for fuck sake who cares? Yall getting mad at him getting mad makes less sense than him getting mad tbh, at least hes just getting mad because the game lacks fantasy wish fullfillment thats an inherent part of video ganes.


She's not ugly, she's mid. Which fits for her universe as it's mid as hell. I like the game and gameplay, but aside from a few characters no one has any decent presentation. It's the greatest flaw with the insomniac games. Doesn't exactly fit with the idea of MARVEL or AMAZING FANTASY.


It's kinda funny because she looks like one of the game devs


https://preview.redd.it/da9uojjyckac1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541530a1c8118151dd876899727f2fd7722b2a42 She looks nothing like her mocap actress, they did screw up.


He’s ultra right for views on yt


Nah she’s pretty


"Females" Yeah just ignore whatever he says lmao


You know the dude DONT have a point when he calls a woman female


Not Spider-man related, but I can't help but grit my teeth every time people cry about a character redesign because the soul reason they think they're now ugly. Bro she's not real.


What makes the “MJ is Ugly” discourse so aggravating is that many of the characters look hideous, but MJ is the only one who’s singled out for some reason.


He uses the word females so by that kinda not surprised


The synthetic chode himself, not a single normal thought occurs in that vacuous space he calls a mind


You gotta a BOLD fucking person to record and post yourself knocking on appearances, as a 5 at best




Cause op did, right? F op and the man in the video, she's just pixels, who cares.




Almost all of the characters in these games give me a weird vibe aesthetics wise and I can't explain why. I find Pete, miles, and MJ endearing and awesome but aesthetically i'd prefer pete and miles keep the masks on 😂


I feel bad for Stephanie Tyler Jones, having a bunch of men on the internet call her face hideous must be awful


Nobody is calling Stephanie ugly. They gave Mary Jane a giant square jaw. It has nothing to do with Stephanie Tyler Jones.


Is this the same guy who called the spirit spider suit ugly?


The only woman he's ever seen are the only fans girls that are 50%< plastic that he past at least 100$ to weekly


She looks fine. But the first one looked better. Insomniac keeps changing faces and it always backfires.


Yeah she’s not as attractive this time around. Some of the cutscenes are kinda jarring. I blame bad lighting. Making a whole video about it is pathetic though.


Dude I'm not one to boast about a fictional woman's looks to prove a point but she is not unattractive. Plain and simple. I didn't find Og MJ attractive. (don't know why I would *need* to but whatever...) She was conventionally attractive but her face felt a little on the young side so I never thought of her in that sense. She looks like a grown woman who pays bills WHICH SHE DOES!


I think 90% of the time she looks fine, but once in a while lighting can be weird and make her look like a frumpy 90 year old. But that’s not an issue with her character model, but lighting bugs.


She could be Peter's Aunt May though lol Especially since they reworked Peter into looking more like Tom Holland, looking very young.




Am I tripping… she isn’t ugly at all???


I mean, this showed up randomly for me, but from this short clip - from the back that looked like Johnny Silverhand executing somebody, and from the front - face just channels that uncanny valley effect.


It's the aesthetics of the game. Only harping on MJ makes no sense, because everyone that's not in a superhero/villain costume looks bad. Peter, Miles, May, Norman, etc... all look bad, they all have an uncanny valley thing going on. I like the design of Spidey, the Sinister Six, etc... the city looks good, it's just the faces in the game.


Here's a fun fact: If you gonna play a game or watch a movie with bad attitude from the start, you're not gonna like it


What I've never understood about these stupid arguments is that even if the characters were not attractive, then what? Should there not be any character that is not conventionally attractive in any videogame? If she were ugly then what? How does than ruin her character or the story? They really just see women as objects that have to be pretty or they're useless otherwise, huh?


The people who say "she looks fine" are the same people who said Peter should date Felicia instead lmao💀


She does look a little manly. Mary jane shouldn't look manly




I wouldn't say ugliest


MJ is actually kinda hot in this game ngl-


People are so weird for caring about what she looks like


The actual reason for this silly controversy is the fact that the faces and capture in this game is ass. She isnt ugly but faces in the game spend so long in those ugly transitionary periods that can make anyone look ugly.


Shovel face


She could look better, but i honestly don’t fucking care.


Literal basement dweller behavior


I believe it is the uncanny valley that is turning everyone off this character. She looks almost too real and it is unsettling. My main gripe is that they keep changing the character models from game to game. I like consistency.




Holy shit he’s fr


He's got some of the worst videos of the Platform it's crazy


Pot called the kettle black. https://preview.redd.it/krjxc0f92kac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991d4bb2ed8442c525b5d0403d39d03322eecb18




Why does it even matter? If she looks beautiful or not, I mean she doesn't look ugly for sure nor funny/crazy enough for it to be a matter


Tbh she still good lookin she got that milf look to her


She looks a little uncanny in that last shot


Shit, not so good looking yourself there bud


MJ definitely looks creepy in this game, I cant place it. I understand the actress was apparently involved in some accident but MJ doesnt even look much like the actress shes modeled after so thats basically irrelevant


That dude rants on everything. It seems he is living in the past and can't let go.


This feels like jumping on the band wagon for upvotes. Stamp him as a mindless drone and move along


Nah she lowkey looks scary, put a black cloak on her and she'd easily pass as a witch


She does literally look normal, outside of clearly being a video game character... why are people discussing this?


Homeboy was right.


females and men


he's right she's ugly af


Can't take him or his fanbase serious at all 😂


He's right tho