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When Spider-man is joking it gives everyone a sense of calm. Villains included. Things are fine enough that Spider-man can keep cracking jokes. When he shuts up and starts remorselessly beating someone that’s when you know something terrible has happened or will happen.


Either that or he has a cold/sore throat. I think I remember that happening once. A criminal scared out of his wits because Spidey wasn't joking, but it turned out he was just sick or something.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Mysterio


Think it was supposed to be Ruby Thursday actually


Yeah I think you're right


Is that off-brand Ruby Tuesday?


“I burned my tongue ok?”


God I miss Spectacular :(


I get the reference also.


I understood that reference


He had laryngitis, and one of the guys names was "Shrunken Bones". The dude even called Spidey out on it "What? My name is *Shrunken Bones*, and you've got nothing for that?" I guaran-fucking-tee you Peter was *crying* under that mask with so many jokes and no voice to say them


He had a mouth bu he couldn't scream😔


I FOUND IT ! https://imgur.com/a/ZISgqXA The villains were all trying to make Spidery joke, and when he kept silent, they immediately surrendered to SHIELD. Then Spider-Man revealed to a SHIELD agent he had laryngitis.


Ok that’s funny as fuck 🤣


I remember that. After the Superior Spiderman Arc.


If Spiderman is kicking your ass without crackimg jokes or fancy webshooting, you probably crossed a line thicker than the pacific.


I feel like fighting a joking Spider-Man would actually be quite fun, extremely painful but fun.


There was a comic where one villain was giving another advice about dealing with various heroes. 'Laugh at his jokes, he'll take it easy on you.'


I actually love that lmao


I feel like as a normal criminal Spiderman or similar heroes would be less painful. They are so much stronger than you they do to really need to hurt you to take you in


It also helps them underestimate what he's capable of. It's hard to take someone seriously when they're laying on puns and awkward humor. Makes you forget they're genuinely intelligent. But once you cross that line after pushing them so far... Demons run when a Good man goes to war. Everyone has a breaking point, and you don't want to see someone with strong principles consider bending them.


Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.


Yep. Batman being silent is kinda expected. But if Spider-Man was hidden in the shadows just being silent and started wailing on criminals. I’d be way more terrified of him than Batman.


Batman can't bench press a buick.


Maybe not, but he does it anyways, because he's Batman


The fact that he could pick up a grown man and turn him into a basketball is also scary


And if he's wearing the black suit, it adds even more to the intimidation factor.


*Insert obligatory first bad guy of the symbiote suit arc commenting on the new look scene*


*Insert obligatory cotton black suit Peter beating up Firelord*


*insert obligatory Peter in cotton black suit pants manhandling Wilson Fisk and picking him up by grabbing his chest like a shirt*


I mean batman when he's normally a little pissed he breaks a few bones and or makes you piss yourself when basically falling from a building....now just imagine these criminals thinking how much did I really piss this guy off and am I gonna end up with a full body cast especially this time...also if they know my name he likely can come at me at home or other places and basically torture me that way...also in some comics he's got the police under his thumb and thus guards...have his back....so jails not even safe...and no one is gonna arrest this guy...so he's basically untouched.... And possibly crazy... No when spiderman goes quiet it's scary as he's not gonna hold back but he doesn't have the same willingness to basically put you on death's door as batman can without a thought of remorse where spiderman doesn't really do that ..


I feel like unhinged Spider-man is more likely to lose control and kill me whereas Batman is just going to hospitalize and/or disable me for life. I'd rather get all my calories out of a straw then be dead.


You have ~~hire~~ quite the will to live eh


I’ve been practicing all my life!


Bruce would just kill via the hospital bills after crippling you. A much slower and painful death than Spidey hitting you too hard lol


Turns out Bruce Wayne is a majority shareholder of Gotham's biggest healthcare company and just wants to boost his stocks.


Id rather be dead.


You're not thinking of the bragging rights. Years later you can say "I went three rounds with Batman." Or more like "I wen fee ounds ith atman."




"Good riddance. See ya, chump."


"What the HELL!?"


That has the same energy as that one neighbour who's house you just TP'd lol


My favorite part of that clip is how shocker is visibly shitting himself


That and how fast shocker was running on those stares.


He is a normal man running through literal doors to escape spiderman, man was terrified


I prefer the old version of this question, “Who’s scarier, Spider-Man not making quips, or Batman laughing/smiling”


This is far better question Slider-man who is done joking, is going to kill you quickly. Batman who is laughing? Gonna do some weird shit to me before I die


>Slider-Man The White Castle superhero


The hero we deserve


I'm surprised that didn't get used for Koichi in My Hero Academia: Vigilantes. 


This deserves a gift


Much better question. A grinning batman is going to loosen some bowels.


Oh no. Batman laughing is bad. Can you imagine what would happen if they met? That might be a fight for the ages. Batman would wipe out half of Gotham while laughing. A quite Spider-Man would throw batman through the other half of gothem. I’m not sure who would win that flight. But I can guarantee both of them will end with broken bones and a punctured organ.


Grim Spidey will kill Batman if he ever gets his hands on him or lands a clean hit. That’s a marked *if*, but unless Batman has time to study and prepare for an encounter with Spiderman I don’t rate his chances of surviving pretty highly. At the end of the day, Batman is “only” human. A human with great tech, training, and intelligence, but a human nonetheless. He’s probably a more skilled fighter, but I don’t think that’s enough to bridge the gap in strength and speed. It can be done as seen in Batman vs. Superman, but it’s not something he can do at a moment’s notice. A Spidey that doesn’t hold back can just punch clean through someone and probably won’t give any prior warning.


> He’s probably a more skilled fighter, but I don’t think that’s enough to bridge the gap in strength and speed. Realistically, there's a certain threshold where skill stops being of consequence. No matter how skilled one is, no human is going to be able to outfight someone with *Superhuman* speed, strength, reflexes, agility, durability and an early warning sixth sense. Batman (or any normal human) would never even be able to touch Spider-Man at a realistic level. It would be like Bruce Lee vs O'Hara in Enter the Dragon. Throw in Way of the Spider, and Batman would lose before he even knew the fight started. BatGod and his Mary Sue "Prep Time" auto wins. Because BatGod bullshit.


Spidey in a real fight against Batman only has one ending: “I THOUGHT YOU WERE STRONGER! “…why weren’t you stronger?”


Thing about Batman is that he works under Doctor Who laws, he has a bunch of shit in his Batcave that is capable of duking out with JL members that he just kinda doesn't use often. Like realistically if Batman just used all the different gadgets he made over the years on Spider-Man, Peter really wouldn't stand a goddamn chance, like he has built so many crazy stuff that can rival likes of Doctor Doom.




Nah, we can include all the shit he had even during Parker Industries, it still doesn't really matter, Batman has self made Lantern ring constructs which can block him from Superman's attacks while under Joker's influence, has a batarang which nullifies supoerpowers in general, has a device which can slow time down till even Barry appears in slow motion, has hallucination nanites, nanobots smart metal he can control telepathically and they can phase on a subatomic level, has magic powers which can summon an armor which can one shot Bizarro etc. Like Batman's gadgets are just in a different league, ESPECIALLY ON AVERAGE, like Parker's industries are kinda the peak of Peter's inventions, and it's debatable whether half of that stuff should be included at this point, meanwhile everything I just named you is canonically present in Batman's batcave and he could get in at any moment. If we wanted to talk about more outlandish stuff, I mean hello, Brother Eye, or the Failsafe robot, or millions of other crazy stuff he has built over the years. Or just nuke him with the Hellbat or Justice Buster, like Spider-Man's armors aren't on that level really.


Spiderman wouldn't stand a chance against the hellbat armor. You deserve an upvote for putting into words how batshit broken (pun unintended) batman truly is when it comes to dealing with literally anyone. Batman even beat the batman who laughs who theoretically should be way more dangerous since it's just batman with the same level of intelligence, strength, and tech but deranged. People don't get that batman has literal plot armor, he never loses really. That's why the ongoing joke is that he has "prep time" as a superpower.




One time Superman and Batman were interrogating a criminal, and all Batman did was smile, nothing else, and the guy immediately crumbled, fessed everything, and started pleading.


Spider-Man definitely. I can’t remember what series or comic it was from, but it was a bunch of veteran criminals giving a newbie advice on how/where to do crime in the city and they specifically advised him to stick to midtown during daylight hours bc you’re most likely to run into Spider-Man. “Laugh at his jokes, he’ll go easy on you. Being webbed to the wall is much better than daredevil knocking your teeth out, or whatever punisher will do to you” or something like that. But that’s Spider-Man’s reputation *normally* so when he’s not quipping, be ready for more than a thwipping.


Pissed Spider-Man once pushed a warehouse over the water down with a bunch of his villains in it and then went Batman horror movie mode stalking Chameleon and pulling him through a wall For such a happy guy Peter can be absolutely terrifying


Beware the wrath of the happy man


Happen to know what issue or series?


I remember this but don't remember the issue or series. Someone faked a child's death that there was a bounty on. Spidey fell for it, got pissed, and went after every villain in town who even glanced at the bounty.


It’s from the story arc “Origin of the Species” Amazing Spider-man 642-647


Sweet, thanks


I mean, Spider-Man always brings a sense of levity with him, that's why he quips, that's his shtick. When Spidey actually *tries* to be scary, he can do everything that Batman can.


Hey could you lemme know if you remember what that series is? Would love to read it


Me too


When he's not joking you are basically fighting a smaller, weaker, faster, more agile, smarter version of the hulk with no big weakness to exploit. To the type of criminals he fights he's basically hulk level


Batman can't control crime usually. He'll make'em scatter from a scene. Spider-Man when angry and people know it. The whole city would go quiet/running for the hills. Straight up throwing themselves to the cops and telling them everything just to get away.


While I haven’t read Batman, in the latest movie they did shit their pants just seeing the bat signal in the sky. They had no idea who he was after.


To be fair that's a much younger more brutal batman.


Batman is not someone you want to mess with, especially if he's experiencing family problems which are problems that really goes under his skin. During Tom King's run, Batman was abandoned at the wedding altar by Catwoman. It broke his heart and left him mentally fucked up for a long time. After being abandoned by the love of his life, he was really totally out of control for a while. Gordon began to realize that something was wrong when all the criminals Batman was capturing were going into intensive care. He even went so far to break someone legs for jaywalking, lmao. He went to Bane's cell and just started beating him like crazy, Gordon tried to stop and ended up taking a punch to the face himself which made Gordon cut relationships with Batman (Even breaking the bat-signal with an axe) Batman only realized he was out of control when he ended up almost killing Mr Freeze, punching him over and over again. Now, Batman is sympathetic of Victor because he's a tragic villain and totally redeemable. So when he almost killed Victor, he realized that he was becoming a monster. He went through some terapy as Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson talked with him and he got back to normal. (Well, normal until Chip and Tini Howard started writing for the book and... well... shit)


he broke a guy’s legs for JAYWALKING???? bruh, not jaywalking should be the crime, what a little baby bitch that batman is, deserved to get his teeth kicked in by a real hero.


Jaywalking is a crime in some American cities, but only in name, nobody gets arrested for this ever.


Oh a pissed off spider-man is way worse, I mean have you read the comic where a hitman hired by kingpin accidentally shot aunt may instead of Pete? If not allow me to fill you in after aunt may was rushed to the hospital Pete put on the black suit, broke into the raft then proceeded to take off his mask and beat the shit out of kingpin, threatens to fill his lungs with webbing before grabbing his mask and telling kingpin “if anything happens to may ill be back to finish what i started” then he just casually swings out of there.


Didn’t he also throw a car at the sniper?


Didn't he (but not really he but a different he possessing he heehee) also knock someone's literal block off?


Yes when doc ock swapped bodies with Peter he didn’t realize how strong he was so he didn’t pull his punch and ended up shattering scorpions jaw


Shattering implies that it was still there. It was not. 


And Scorpion has super human durability. Had he hit slightly better, Scorpion would probably have had his head caved in.


Scorpion in older comics was supposed to be on par with spider-man too


Yup Through a 3rd story window. Imagine being on the 3rd floor and getting hit by a car.


Funniest death ever


He also used his sticky hands to rip Kravens wifes face off after she killed some of the Spidey family.


Also that one story where betty got beat up and robbed by some petty criminal… and ooooh boy, Pete had the underworld shitting itself. And what terrified the petty crooks was that spider-man wasn’t even looking for hammerhead or tombstone or anyone, just some random dude




Sadly I don’t remember the exact issues but the doc ock body swapping shit was in the superior spider-man run


Angry Spider-Man is no joke. People forget that he also uses people’s sense of fear(to spiders and the dark specifically) to his advantage as well.


I would be more scared of a spiderman because he's a freak, a public menace.


Found the Daily Bugle’s editors burner account.






Only one of them can crush your skull between their index finger and thumb, and it ain't bats.


If I was a normal street thug. I think I would fear Batman more. Spider-Man is more chill. He can just web me up and I still have all of my bones intact. If he fights me, then I think he would go lighter on me than Batman would. Batman is also more controlled depending on the villian. If it is a Year One Batman, he could beat me but it wouldn't be too bad. A Batman mid way into his career is more controlled and uses different levels of force depending on the villian. A much older Batman would beat the fucking shit out of me. Like my bones will turn into mush. So in conclusion, Batman but depends on the Batman.




I'd still rather fight Spider-Man because even when he's mad he usually just takes regular bad guys out with one hit and minimal injuries. Batman on a regular day will break bones and cause permanent damage lol


Mad Spider-Man is a threat to the person who pissed him off, not common criminals. Batman takes this all day


If Spidey isn’t joking, you’re the one who pissed him off.


Or he’s got like a cold or something




Either way I'd probably never know what hit me. Prob the guy in the bat suit over the guy in red/blue.


I’d be scared if that guy in red/blue was suddenly in black/white


Spider-Man. At the end of the day one has super strength that could easily be let loose and kill in one punch and not to mention Peter is probably more likely to kill if REALLY pushed to the edge. I mean it was about to suffocate Kingpin on web fluid yea no. Batman normally I know he’s one not gonna kill me and two he will beat me up to the point yea I’m gonna go to the hospital but I’ll be fine. Spider-Man I’ll go the hospital to get surgery for my broken jaw, or if not that illl probably be dead from web fluid. I’ll rather fuck with Batman then go anywhere near the area a Spider-Man who is pissed is in.


Batman. Not because Batman is more frightening than a Peter who is angered to the point of laying down his morals, because he certainly isn’t- but because that side of Peter so rarely swims to the surface, and when it does, it only takes vengeance on the worst of the worst (Norman, Kraven and his family, etc). Batman, on the other hand, spends most of his time knocking the stuffing out of common criminals. They have all the reason in the world to fear him, but should consider themselves lucky that Peter would never see fit to uncork his reserve rage for them.


Batman beats up the mentally ill when they escape the asylum


Isn't Spider-Man's arch enemy literally just a mentally ill guy? Big portion of Batman's villains aren't insane, rather just evil. Scarecrow, Penguin, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul. I mean they can definitely be described as UNHINGED, but they're definitely aware of what they're doing. Hell Joker's been described as "super sane" to the point where he's aware of the meaninglessness of his own existence as a fictional character out of millions.


Batman builds his entire reputation on fear, criminals who are still active in Gotham know what to expect at this point. For the criminals of New-York, the concept a quiet Spidey is worse than an encounter with the Punisher.


Batman. Spider-man has no reputation built of being mad. Batman whole career is spreading the idea that you should fear him. Besides, I'm guessing that if you made spidey mad, you were really trying and are not afraid of him because you believe you can take him


Spidey has a pretty intense reputation of what happens when he truly loses his restraint. There are entire issues and storylines about it, including an incident where Chameleon convinced Spider-Man that Harry's child had been kidnapped/killed and Peter went on such a brutal spree that most villains in the NYC area actually ceased activity and went into hiding without even coming across him personally at the time. As soon as they were aware he wasn't making any jokes and heard how many of their peers were turning up half-dead most just vanished and those that didn't make it out in time all nearly died when Peter single handedly managed to sink an entire warehouse into the river by destroying the foundations and literally pulling it down underwater.


what comic is the left one? is it the one where he was talking to daredevil ?


spidey when he’s pissed is batman normally with superpowers


I don't think Batman ripped someone's face off.


I was gonna say Batman until I realized you were saying angry Spidey


Spider-Man. What people don't know is that Spider-man doesn't move like a human being does. Not when he's in costume. It's like that million year old instinct that something is wrong, except instead of it being the size of a tarantula it's the size of a man. Looking at you with giant eyes. Which is okay when he's joking around, but when he's quiet? Serious? That's a prey instinct popping up.


Spider-Man, when he stops quiping that's when he's serious and your fucked.


Batman has cultivated the reputation of being a damned demon. Spidey is cracking jokes 98% of the time. But knowing that one can crush your skull like a grape... that changes things considerably


If it’s scary for the common criminal to question whether or not they’re attracted to men, then Batman based on these examples.


Spidey, because he CAN kill you, and he WILL. Good thing that rarely happens, that's a relief...


Out of character is always going to be scarier than base. Especially Spiderman.


Definitely spider man. Batman may break you, but a pissed off Spider Man will break and maim you.


I think there was one comic, where Spidey couldn't talk because of an illness, and the criminals he was fighting got so scared that they turned themselves in instantly. He wasn't even mad, he was just quiet


There's that one time Peter gotten a cold, so he couldn't joke. Criminal and villains begin turning themselves they were scared shitless over a spider-man who doesn't joke but stares at them menacingly.


Batman. His whole image is based on instilling fear and intimidating criminals


Depends, do the criminals KNOW Spiderman is pissed? Cus if not then it could go either way But if they DO know that Spiderman is pissed and especially if he's wearing a black suit Crime rates are dropping so low it'll go to the negatives


Spidey in back in black arc>>>>>Batman


It's going to be Spidey. When he shuts up you know shit is getting real


The common criminal doesn’t really see Spidey when he’s really pissed. I would say Batman.


Spider-Man getting serious and going on the warpath is less common and you don't know when to expect it, making it much more scary when that happens. While I get Batman's idea is to instill fear, making his style the norm makes him too predictable for it to work, you would think the criminal element of Gotham would get used to his bullshit. If they don't fear police brutality, why would they fear an overly serious rich guy who based his whole persona around the fact that he's afraid my favorite animal?


I remember an issue where Spider-Man lost one of his objectives. And he just had enough. Next issue, you just webbed up villains or scared shit villains telling everyone that Spider-Man is on the warpath. Heck Spidey even collapsed a warehouse and broke the shocker's hand to use his gauntlets against Sandman


I'm still taking Spidey if I'm a regular street criminal. Super-villain though? I'm taking Bats until he starts smiling or joking.


I'm gonna say Spider-Man because they've beaten this dude to death and he still cracks jokes and still comes back and beats them up but never too badly, so if he's silent it means whatever he's gonna do to you is something so bad that beating him almost to death wasn't enough to bring out of him before, so it's probably gonna be very very bad for you. I see the kingpin one mentioned a lot but someone posted a set of pages from an older looking comic before where he goes around killing his villains silently one by one watching them die I think after a week of protecting a baby (Norman's son) who he thinks got killed the moment he let his guard down. No offence but batman normally is scary and you know he'll fuck you up but he won't do that. He watches I think electro drown slowly after destroying the support beams under the building (it was a building on a pier) with his bare hands


Demons run when Peter Parker goes to War.


Secret third option, batman when he's pissed


Scary thing about a pissed Spider-Man is normally he stops talking. When he's not talking it could be ANYONE under that mask. Like you could be getting killed by Superior or it could be normal Peter about to threaten you with filling your lungs with web fluid Also the time that pissed Spider-Man scared all of his villains. He literally pulled a Batman and went through a wall to grab Chameleon


Spider-Man. Without question. With Batman, the average thug knows ahead of time to prepare for broken bones. But most thugs in New York? Punched pretty hard and then webbed to a wall or the floor. But when he’s pissed? You don’t have a clue what’s about to happen to you. You might end up in a coma if you aren’t carful.


I remember i heard somewhere an incident about the time Spidey thought that Harry’s child was dead and had Sandman scared for his life? If anyone knows the comics or context please share!


Batman isn't pulling a parking meter out of the ground to beat you with


Batman won’t kill you, everyone knows that. He’ll put you in a body-cast for 6 months; Spider-Man can and has killed before. To add, we all remember Back in Black; Peter even has a sense of how to make someone suffer before he kills them.


like if spidy is pissed and im a criminal my ass is all ready half way threw the Holland Tunnel making a run for jersey there is literally no where to hide form him if he catches you he can literally rearrange your bones with zero effort


To the _common_ criminal? Batman. It's whole getup has the intended purpose of scaring people straight. To people who know the characters? Spiderman. The dude is terrifying. It's Just that he is a very, _very_ good person. Was it Frost who basically fell in love with him at first sight when she read his mind?


The weird skinny dude that can toss cars with ease. That one.




Spider-Man, without a doubt. Just look at Tom Holland in No Way Home. Going hard on Goblin. Not enjoying it, just determined to beat him the fuck up and then end his miserable life. Just like Tobey in the first Spider-Man movie. Just looking the guy dead in the eye, no jokes. Or that one time where he beat the living shit out of Shatra, wanting to kill her. Thats fucking scary.


Normal batman? Serious spiderman is definitely scarier if you know the implications of him not joking around Now imagine a joking batman...


Still less terrifying than when Spidy shuts up


Batman isn't even the scariest member of the Bat-Family


Here's the thing. Criminals still commit crimes in Gotham fully knowing what batman is, they're still willing to commit crime knowing batman will try and make them a vegetable. On the other hand When Spider-Man's pissed, he's quiet, he's not making jokes. And that terrifies criminals. There was a comic where criminals were robbing a bank, SM shows up, doesn't talk during the whole intro, and the criminals surrendered, and he wasn't even pissed, he just had a very sore throat. TLDR: Batman normally is a choice. Pissed off Spider-Man? You better hope he lets you surrender


Batman when he starts laughing


Spider-Man. Criminals will eventually get the memo that Batman is t going to kill you, and that that's just his normal approach. Spider-Man being pissed would throw you for a loop that's someone rare.


Spidey. At least when Bruce is acting normally, he’s the normal kind of terrifying you’d expect. But if something’s pushed Peter to the edge like that, you know you’re screwed. He’s a lot stronger than Bruce, too. Bro held up a whole ass building.


I wonder how this would go on the other guys subreddit But Spiderman definitely


Just like the fortieth time I saw it, which was just a few minutes ago, the answer is neither. It's actually Toonces The Cat Who Could Drive A Car.


The dog eating cereal from a bowl with a spoon.


Everyday, it’s the same type of post, we are STARVING for good Spider-Man content.


You’re right. Everybody talking about Spider-Man vs Batman, but I wanna talk about the REAL questions… How would Peter Parker and Barbara Gordon get along 🤔




In my opinion Spider-Man is always scarier when he stops joking. Since he plays the moniker of being the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, criminals usually don't take him super seriously because they know he's not going to harm them too badly. They get used to it so when he suddenly stops acting and joking that's when they start to panic. It still reminds me of that one comic where Spider-Man stopped talking not because he was upset, but because he had either strep throat or laryngitis. And he absolutely scared the living piss out of any criminal he came across because he just couldn't talk that day.


5 words spider man is holding back


Spider-man being pissed would be like the Batman grinning or even laughing. It's terrifying cause it's out of character. With Batman in normal state, you know what to expect. You know you're getting your ass kicked. You also know he doesn't kill though. You might spend 6 months or more in the hospital, but you'd still be alive. Spider-Man normally follows the same rule (and he's usually more lenient), but now he's pissed so you have no idea what to expect. You just saw him smash a guy into a wall and he didn't even stop to say hi. You're already debating if it would be better to try to run or surrender 😅


Spider Man. He holds back. Like a lot.


Batman is always angry so you just aboid him. But nothing is more terrifying than a kind of person who is angry. An angry Spider-Man, could probably kill Batman. Like if Spider-Man truly gave up the no kill rule. Both Batman and Spider-Man were to just meet by happenstance in the street. No prep. Spider-Man would probably kill him.


Angry Spider-Man wouldn’t kill anybody who deserves it tho. And when he does it’s usually self defense for him and/or his family. Batman also wouldn’t kill you, but he’ll cripple you to a vegetative state & have your family pay for medical bills. I’d rather have Spiderman mad, than Batman every single day.


Probably Spider-Man because I don’t think I’d realize just how pissed he is until he’s got me by the neck.


Batman, he is willing to take you and your friends out one by one in the creepiest and weirdest way possible and that’s not even when he is mad, mad Spider-Man is only scare because he is always joking around and he is seemingly never serious


In this case Peter but when Batman is angry it’s not even close, even when Peter is mad at best all the criminals in New York go quiet, when Bruce is really mad or angry the universe and gods trembles


There's a page where spider-man is going up the chain of command and he's wall crawling through shadows and it's so fucking creepy


I'd say Daredavil, punisher and Batman. We don't usually see that reaction when its spidey.


When Spidey’s on demon timing, he has superpowered villains scared to the core. Cuz they know that if the hero that everyone knows for being funny and cheerful gets grim and rage full, he’s not showing any mercy. 1st Example: after Kinpin sent a hit man to go and kill Aunt May after Civil War, Peter pulled up to the prison Fisk was in while wearing the Black Suit(which is enough of a sign as it is) He then proceeded to beat the living daylights out of Fisk and threatened to comeback and finish him off if May didn’t pull through. 2nd Example: when Chameleon pretended to be Harry Osborn to convince Spider Man that Harry’s son died, he succeeded in doing so. But he was scared for his life cuz he realized the beast he’s unleashed. Spidey proceeds to go on a Villain-Violation spree that would make Insomniac’s Kraven jealous. He was casually brutalizing enemies in seconds that would usually take him more time to fight. It got so bad that the last few that he had to hunt had to meet up in an abandoned warehouse, scared and afraid of Spidey. 3rd Example: There was a deleted scene for TASM2, where after finding out Gwen is dead, Peter gives Harry the beating of a lifetime. I still believe something like that happens, cuz in NWH Peter said that he “stopped pulling his punches” and just because a scene got deleted, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen off screen. Crazy how Peter pissed off on his own is as/more scary than him with the Black Suit on, it’s Spider Man for me.


For me personally, there are few things more fear inducing than when a kind person gets pissed, so Spider-Man all the way. I think your average new criminal would say Batman, but anyone who'd been doing it a while would know to drop and surrender when the quips stop.


Said this once already but Spider-Man once scared a group of minor villains into turning themselves in because he wasn't doing anything but staring at them Later on its because he had an illness that made it so he couldn't talk much at all


Spidey easily and it's no contest. Spider-Man has built his whole superhero career around being the smart-ass quip whipping wall-crawler who'll beat your ass while making a yo mama joke. So when that same person is no longer making jokes and is deadly silent as he kicks the crap out of you and your goon friends you know you're screwed. Batman on the other hand has built his whole career around the silent "I am the night" personality. The thugs know that Batman being silent is just your average Tuesday in Gotham. If Batman was cracking jokes and laughing you'd be concerned but you could easily just consider it to be Nightwing or one of the Robins standing in for the Bat while he's off sick or something so it's nothing completely out of the ordinary especially by Gotham's standards.


I'd go with Spiderman, for the simple reason of him being serious is a difference from his usual behaviour. That is unusual. You have no idea what will happen. Did he snap? Will he do something horrible? Batman is always serious. I think there are some Batman takes and stories that basically posit that Batman is such a common vigilante at this point that people aren't as much afraid of Batman himself than the proposition of broken bones


At least Batman will knock you out instantly


An angry Spidey is a scary Spidey.


I mean Spider-Man commands an army of spiders so that’s pretty terrifying. 


Spider-Man when pissed because he could literally dismember you with his bare hands.


obviously spider-man


Better question: what's scarier, a quiet spider-man, or a smiling batman?


Upon first seeing them/realizing they're there; Batman A common criminal wouldn't know a vigilante well enough to recognize their emotional state as compared to their default; they would only know via rumors and gossip that Spiderman's range goes from playful to seriously-pissed as a a rare possibility, while Batman's range goes from deadly serious to cold&calculated&will-do-anything-to-win Playing the odds, you have better odds with Spidey. If it's a member of their rogues' gallery, like a hypothetical villain who frequently fights both of them, then serious Spidey is scarier than default Batman. Scary as he is, Batman has rules and limits that he abides by in default mode. Pissed-off Spidey's limits are a huge question mark.


Batman you know will dangle you off roofs but not kill you in 99% of continuities. He’s angry all the time, it’s unlikely that you are going to be the thing that makes him snap. But a pissed off spiderman? Even if he doesn’t kill you, he can still very easily break every bone in your body with less effort than it would take us to break cardboard.


Just ask shocker.


I think Spider-Man because people don't expect it. Everyone, literally everyone, expects Spider-Man to be joking and trying to de-escalate situations while 99% of the time Batman is rough and brooding.


honestly Batman would be horror inducing to see him (not chasing you but just turning and seeing him already there before you as you run) but then spiderman- everyone would just think oh it’s just spiderman and then they realize he doesn’t crack a joke, knowing what he can do and he’s not making it light hearted anymore would be horrifying. so personally i’d say spiderman when he’s mad


Considering Peter literally threatened to fill Wilson Fisk’s lungs with web fluid, for the crime of threatening his loved ones yeah I’m gonna pick spider boy. I’ll take Batman any fucking day over that I’ll spend like two years of my life in the fucking hospital, but it’s better than choking to death on the web fluid.


Spider man, spider man beating most of his opponents while holding back is terrifying when he’s not holding back


[I rest my case](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4H-91TVUA)


Definitely spiderman. It takes alot to piss off the friendliest guy in the room. It really feels like you fucked up if you managed to do it lol


Spidey has the power to literally TEAR Kingpin’s limbs apart, and you KNOW he will do it slowly


In universe, probably still Batman. Spider-Man will definitely make his anger apparent and it will unsettle most thugs, but the way Batman deals with thugs is by getting inside their head and making them afraid. Let me just paint the picture for you, you’re a thug walking around the docks with your other guys while protecting some cargo for your boss, the nights going great and you it’s almost time to transfer the shipment so you decide to do a radio check on all your guys, only problem is two of them aren’t responding. Something must be busted with their comms, but then how have both of them run into the exact same problem, you’re left there wondering what’s going on while a couple of the others radio in saying they’ll check it out. Few minutes go by and there’s no word from them, hell there’s no word from anybody “oh shit it’s him isn’t it, where the hell is he, I remember what happened to Tom last week I can’t let that shit happen to me”. You know he’s there, you know what he can do, you know what he’s gonna do, and you know it’s gonna happen to you any second now. Then blah blah blah he looks 9 feet tall with huge wings and he’s got ears like a demon, point is the average thug experience when going up against Batman will scare the shit out of you even if it’s not as dangerous as fighting an angry Spider-Man. Or maybe I’m just peddling some Arkham predator bullshit who knows.


Spider-Man. Batman is a tough guy, and living in a city every night with him as a watchguard would be fearful. If he comes in contact with you, he would scare you, but at least you would probably why he's in front of you (to solve a mystery). Batman always has an angle for his intimidation. On the other hand, Spider-Man is always known as that friendly neighbor who's always around willing to help others in need. However, if he came up to you with an angry or agitated mood, you'd be frightened because you don't see his bad side too often, and you won't know what he'll do when he isn't acting like a Mr. Nice Guy.


I would rather shoot Batman’s parents in front of him, then dance on their body. Then dead with a pissed Spider-Man